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If you had the choice, would you start over from the beginning?


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So for the sake of it, I'm going to say yes. In fact, when Warframe comes to the switch, I plan on using a brand new amount. Why you may ask? Because although I've been with Warframe for a long time, I've seen any changes to the story and progression. Heck I remember the solar rails, and when archwings were a new thing. With all these changes, us long time players missed a lot of senarios where we have to work hard to get new things, and instead backtrack. For example I've had no reason to do most solar relays because I already had the loot and quests before they added the relays.


I want to go back, and feel the (story) progression I never got.

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8 hours ago, (XB1)Badfaildotexe said:

I find this thought fascinating to think about.

With everything you know about the game, all the small details and how to build your warframes. Would you go back to square one, with nothing bit your starter warframe and weapons and start your journey over from scratch? 

I personally, would see it as a challenge. To make the weapons and frames I thought were useless to strong weapons and bringing out their full potential without all of the primed stuff I tend to rely on. Give and take a few weapons and frames. 

But, would you do it? Would you go back to square one? 

I would if I could keep the things I have worked for, an unlock per level sort of deal, it would be amazing to go through the starchart again, completing the story again, but at the cost of restarting

My answer will be yes if a can keep what I have worked for, but no if I lose everything.

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After 5 years.... 


And to me it wouldn't really be a "new or different experience". It'd just be. "k, so I gotta do x, y, & z. And I know how to do it more efficiently". Also I don't see any reason to, because the content will be the same; farm, level, repeat. Only really thing that might be different is the speed you get things done at. 

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On Pc Mr25 I did this weekend as I need  a mule what I have noticed is that it's been fun playing as a starter frame again, unlocking the systems etc but other than the grind there are 0 challenges or change so, though I find myself playing on the mule lately I know investing time or effort into the account will not give much rewards. 

So yes it could be fun to start over if there was a drive or challenge. 

Would I be happy loosing all my loot etc hell no lol I've invested a stupid amount of time into this game xD. 

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Hell—to the—No!

It took me 3-years of “do-it-yourself” farming, spending my money on rare cosmetics that only come to us—once-in-a-blue-moon (‘cause there's no other way to get ‘em), and earning all of the trophies too, wasn't easy.

It's like work; a lotta work, like staying-up all night for a few years and working my tail off, type-work! And then there's the whole “Rank” system thing, where I won't be able to buy or wield any top-tier weapons or Primes, ‘till I've passed the required Mastery Rank Test—which gets in the way of me sellin’ some of my Prime sets to un-ranked players who get mad me ‘cause they can't wield the Galatine or Tigris Prime I wanna sell ‘em.

I would have to recreate a whole new Dojo again and farm for the Forma BPs and build ‘em all again—one-at-a-time, instead of building multiples-at-a-time (the Foundry doesn't allow you to do that for some odd reason), wait the 24hrs for per-Forma—just to get enough Forma to build my Dojo up and then find new players who don't contribute to any of the projects, to join it (not counting all the Forma I'd need for my weapons again), and spend my money again, to both—buy-and-Farm Orokin Catalyst and Reactors and also—Slots for Riven mods and Warframes and weapons and pets and other companions, and last-but-not-least—credit Farming the Index like it owes me money.

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Hell nah, When I first played this game, I was a noob, MR3, Got banned till 2035, for a unknown reason (bad plat I am pretty sure). I was going to give up, My clan kicked me out and everything I am glad I didn't because I LOVE this game, has to be my favorite game of all time. Now I am MR9 about to be 10 🙂 


EDIT: not sure what happened to my old account, I forget the username and password lol

Edited by Excaliburnn1
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I was kind of forced to do this, I wanted to move from PS4 to PC and since Sony are being such $&*^s about crossplay I was not able to move my account and keep any of my Progression, so I started again.  I've really enjoyed starting again, I first played Warframe shortly after it came out on the Playstation Platform and found it quite fun although pretty lacking in explanations or help of any kind, just sort of dumped you in there and left you to figure it out.  

Starting again on the PC has allowed me to experience the new storyline and quests as we go along, I've just finished the New Strange and am enjoying having a more coherent narrative available to me.  My only annoyance is that the first set of quests you do should be rewarding you with basic copies of the essential mods, I'm all the way to Jupiter and still haven't been able to farm a non-flawed Hornet Strike/Flow/Intensity/Continuity.  Pretty much the only change I would make to the intro quests at the moment is to make sure you get new players non-flawed copies of the essential mods before they leave earth.

So yeah, I all told I really enjoyed being able to start over and see the new narrative in it's more stitched together form.

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No. Failure is part of the experience of the game. I wouldn't undo all that learning just so I could have a "perfect run." Sometimes you build something or buy something, only to find that it doesn't meet your expectations; if you were a real space ninja, there would be no going back--only forward.

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13 hours ago, (XB1)Badfaildotexe said:

I find this thought fascinating to think about.

With everything you know about the game, all the small details and how to build your warframes. Would you go back to square one, with nothing bit your starter warframe and weapons and start your journey over from scratch? 

I personally, would see it as a challenge. To make the weapons and frames I thought were useless to strong weapons and bringing out their full potential without all of the primed stuff I tend to rely on. Give and take a few weapons and frames. 

But, would you do it? Would you go back to square one? 

Depends I suppose, on how they go about it. I wouldn't be opposed to starting over, provided every last bit of platinum I've purchased is added back to my platinum balance.

In a way it would be interesting as for someone like me, who started playing in October 2013, this game is an entirely different beast now compared to back then. At the same time, disregarding the matter of plat, you'd still lose things that you can't regain. Think of things like event badges/sigils, in my case, from the Gradivus Dilemma to give an example. So you'd be sacrificing such things for what could be a refreshing experience.

13 hours ago, (XB1)motionROTATION said:

The game is free. What’s stopping you from starting over? If you want to just make a new profile. 

Oh I can tell you, as I have actually tried. What's stopping ''you'' is the knowledge that you have an entirely decked out account, now, it does depend on someone's personality and game preferences somewhat. But for me, that robs me of any and all motivation to really give any new account my all.

Edited by Lanadra
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Althought i see where youre coming from, i dont think warframe is the type of game that provides some type of value added by restarting. Since it is mostly based on grinding as opposed to narratives or specific classes (e.g. witcher, diablo), restarting would feel like a downgrade to your overall experience. Im MR 17 and i enjoy focus farming more than MRfodding. So thats a no for me!

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14 hours ago, (XB1)Badfaildotexe said:

I find this thought fascinating to think about.

With everything you know about the game, all the small details and how to build your warframes. Would you go back to square one, with nothing bit your starter warframe and weapons and start your journey over from scratch? 

I personally, would see it as a challenge. To make the weapons and frames I thought were useless to strong weapons and bringing out their full potential without all of the primed stuff I tend to rely on. Give and take a few weapons and frames. 

But, would you do it? Would you go back to square one? 

I've read a few folks on here saying they've more or less done just that. Maybe not started new accounts, but gone back to using starter frames & un-modded gear, simply as a new challenge, because they've done everything else.

I think if I ever get to the stage where I've done everything the game has to offer, I'd probably do the same, just to try doing missions / quests a different way and see if I can get away with using under-powered gear.


But no...I would not start a new account, so that everything is locked until I play through it.


Edited by FlusteredFerret
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14 hours ago, (XB1)Badfaildotexe said:

I find this thought fascinating to think about.

With everything you know about the game, all the small details and how to build your warframes. Would you go back to square one, with nothing bit your starter warframe and weapons and start your journey over from scratch? 

I personally, would see it as a challenge. To make the weapons and frames I thought were useless to strong weapons and bringing out their full potential without all of the primed stuff I tend to rely on. Give and take a few weapons and frames. 

But, would you do it? Would you go back to square one? 

I started out with Warframe on PC and about 200 hours in started from cold on Xbox One (progress the second time was much faster) but I didn't believe I could have added a second account on PC (or Xbox), for example, to experience a re-start? I'd heard DE doesn't permit that, either because it's policy or due to technical limitations; have I heard wrong?

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Well the thing about this is that we do have the choice. We can just create a new account whenever we want. The problem is that Warframe a game where you simply grind your ass off until you get to a higher point. You wouldn't be faced with a "challenge" if you started over, it would just be a grind to get to a point where you can use your favorite weapons/frames again, and don't forget about the trading on the side to get plat for cosmetics.

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I might start a second account to experience the quests again in order, maybe for streaming or YouTube, but sacrificing my account after all that I've been through with it would be a tough ask.  Especially with how attached I am to my myriad pets.

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