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A region chat supension should not ban you from all the chats.


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So i was testing the kickbot i was just curious if it was going to ban me for Typing Nezha and tagging [kinetic siphon trap] just curiousity i could live without region chat for a week. Then i got supended (obviously) but from ALL the chats. I think even the squad chat is unavailable. I want to farm nidus and it's miserable to farm solo. I can't recruit. I can't ask a friend. I can't pm them. (Most of my friends are friends that i gained in-game.) I can't even trade. Neither communicate with my squad. Yeah i deserved the ban but this is a problem that should be fixed. Not being able to talk with your squad or trade is a big disability for a game like warframe.

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1 minute ago, peterc3 said:

If you want to use their platform to communicate, don't break the rules?

I said i deserved the ban. But think of the new players that don't know the rules of the chat. They just lose a big part of the game just for a simple meme And they don't even know what they did.

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9 minutes ago, Cryedra said:

So i was testing the kickbot i was just curious if it was going to ban me for Typing Nezha and tagging [kinetic siphon trap]

I'd suggest testing Google in the future, as it's not only well documented that this will cause a suspension but Googling it will have absolutely no repercussions. 

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1 minute ago, Cryedra said:

Guys i'm not b*tching about getting suspended. I'm saying that a region chat ban should not ban you from other chats since it severely affects the gameplay.

and this make the most sense....i understand the reason for having an auto ban...but NOT from all chats, only from the chat that the text was put on...and not for 7 days

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5 minutes ago, Cryedra said:

Guys i'm not b*tching about getting suspended. I'm saying that a region chat ban should not ban you from other chats since it severely affects the gameplay.

That's the point. If you can't act like an adult mature, intelligent individual in one chat, you shouldn't be allowed to use the others until you learn to conduct yourself better.

Edited by (PS4)abbacephas
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4 minutes ago, Cryedra said:

Guys i'm not b*tching about getting suspended. I'm saying that a region chat ban should not ban you from other chats since it severely affects the gameplay.

Well don't be an A. idiot, B. Edgy Boi and you wouldn't have this happen. suck it up princess.

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7 minutes ago, (PS4)abbacephas said:

That's the point. If you can't act like an adult mature, intelligent individual in one chat, you shouldn't be allowed to use the others until you learn to conduct yourself better.

You have a point. A punishment is a punishment. But not being able to talk with your squad is not just bad for you but your squad as well.

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This is the second post I've read about this in less than a week.  IIRC that post read very similarly to this one and that OP was banned for almost the same reasoning/action.  I hope this isn't some sort of developing trend.

OP...if you really want to change how this works why are you posting here instead of say...a feedback section of these forums?

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"b-but I was only testing it!"

Dude, the result of that experiment is well documented, and easily foreseeable anyway if you have a modicum of foresight.  "Testing" is for things that aren't already known to be a 100% certainty.

So acting like a child results in repercussions, who knew.  It's almost like it's intended to be a punishment or something. 

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24 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

It's far too late to be saying that.

You're probably right.  While it's debatable that two posts can make a trend it wouldn't surprise me to learn that this has happened a lot more than twice.  Good times.

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2 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

I can assure you that it's happened more than twice. A lot more than twice. It's been a constant thing for months now. 


Just now, (PS4)abbacephas said:

A whole lot more than twice...way way way way way more than twice.

I read posts on the forums often enough but not every day of the week and I usually don't take the time to take a look at more then two or three pages of posts.  Nice...

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play dumb games win dumb prizes that is all the amount of people doing this and making threads about this should probably point out this is not a good idea but i guess some people don't like to look at stuff until it punishes them 

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