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What is the reason you started playing Warframe?


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That song, plus my search for a shooter with great movement and parkour; something with some skill (this game not so much but hey, it's still alright), something to rival the best of the arena shooters and Soldier from TF2. Something to get my adrenaline pumping. Quake Champions isn't ready yet, and this game is free so I gave it a try... and... well, I'm just slowly regaining control of my life as we speak. 

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I actually came in from a totally different game, a MOBAish tank game (world of tanks). After years of playing i got ultimately fed up with the playerbase and the company's bullS#&$ practices. 

So i just stopped playing, but after like a month and a half i remembered this awesome dude i knew from a forum called Wotlabs which was the main reason i stuck with WoT so long, and he had made a thread about Warframe like one year prior to my falling out with WoT. 

It sort of came up in my memory for no apparent reason a year after i saw that topic. So i just downloaded and started playing, and that was the beginning of 2015. I've been playing avidly ever since, this game is amazing. 

Fun fact, i met more than a couple of guys from the Wotlabs forum here, and also managed to get back in touch with a very good friend of mine from there that i hadn't heard of in ages (IN A PUBLIC MATCH of all places, think about the chances of that happening xD). 

Edited by Autongnosis
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I downloaded it back years ago. Then I deleted it because my simple mind back then couldn't get it working.

I believe I came back before the PoE update, played a whole bunch, then put it back down again for a while.

And then I came back and am now playing pretty consistently with around 400 hours ingame.

It's a fun game.

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On ‎2018‎-‎08‎-‎16 at 10:01 AM, paulbert97 said:

I’m interested in hearing why all of you have chosen to play Warframe!

Story time!

Set the wayback machine to 2012. 

I'd been vaguely aware of the game for awhile. You can't not have been and had Steam. It kept showing up in ads and it looked...weird. And it kept showing up in my YouTube feed and it still looked weird. 

So. Around this time ME3 (that's Mass Effect 3) was out and I was heavily into the MP. The MP in the game was pretty amazing and I'd been all over it for more than a few months, but I was coming to the point of having everything and having done everything worth doing. I was beginning to feel the need for a new game. I wanted something like ME3MP, but more. 

Those weird looking things in Warframe are still around... and...lets take a look. Firstly, some YouTube research. What is it and what's out there? I watched a few (dozen) and I'm still not sure what it's about, but it's a third person looter/shooter and, man, there's some shooting. Nova and Trinity look interesting...I think. Not sure about this prime business, but there are large procedural environments, FAST movement, and lots of the shooting. Has possibilities. Yeah, it's still weird, but it's free and I'm looking for new, so what the hell. 

Six years later...here we are. 

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I ran out of decent stuff to play

I had burned out and given up on every other halfway decent free rpg on steam so I switched to defiance, which was good, but the community was garbage and the the lag was making the game unplayable even though the mods claimed no such lag existed despite numerous threads. So I switched to trove for a few months, got burned out and fed up with lack of stuff to do besides grind absurd amounts of rare resources to build a crafting table that allowed me to make items, which cost exponentially more than the table. I kept seeing ads for warframe and figured why not try it and see, worst case is I don't like it and keep searching

After spending all night downloading on the crappy sub 1Mb per second wifi, I started playing on Feb 17, 2015 at ~12:30 in the morning and have never looked back

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My boyfriend invited me to play it, he even started a brand new account to play along with me. He was such a master of this game, taught me so much. We even did the story quests together, all of them (not in the same squad but doing it at the same time talking to each other).

I have 1300 hours and much further into the game now and he's stuck at 300, doesn't play anymore. I miss the good old times with him ;w;

I feel so lonely in this game sometimes, specially when i remember all my good friends that used to play with me and got tired.

I think i'm gonna cry.

Edited by Learicorn
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At first I started playing warframe hating the art style, my first frame was Mag and it was a miserable experience, so I decide to buy one frame and checking the codex, I say Ember, I feel in love the moment I saw her, was an instant buy and after that everything was great, Ember was the main force that make me play this game, but after DE just screw her up with that god awful "Deluxe" skin and her recent massive nerf, they just render her useless now, Im just feel like my heart and love for this game is in half.

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I used to play a lot of MMORPGs but the cash shop syndrome in all of them drove me off. "Pay for Convenience" or straight up "Pay to Win" business models in games drive me nuts. 

My husband mentioned Warframe and said I should try it... I looked at it for all of 2 minutes and closed the steam page. Wasn't interested in it because Destiny left such a bad taste in my mouth and I was being biased without actual information on Warframe or DE. 

Several months later he mentions it again. Mind you, he doesn't even play the game so yeah it was pretty weird lol

I installed and felt super overwhelmed by everything + the crafting times and wasn't really a fan at the start. The cash shop threw me off because platinum is expensive as hell and you need to buy slots with plat in order to keep things you like while also having room to level and test out new things. Personally I still think that the slots system is distasteful but that's just my opinion. Anyway once I unlocked another frame aside from my starter, Mag, I really enjoyed the game. She was so lackluster back then and I honestly felt like I had made a mistake in choosing her. So yeah, that is my story.

Husband doesn't play with me tho :c

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I think I got a mail back when closed beta was announced it was going to happen. I saw the image of an excalibur with its skana and a lato, gave a quick look on some youtube videos and got inlove with what I saw. Also was “lucky” enough to play it since its start, wuth that horrible corpus tileset, that S#&$ty “mod” system, a star chart that made no sense, horrible ui and lagged as hell. But even so, it was such a good game from the beginning. Granted, i burnt out and left it for a while, but that still happens today. As soon as I consider i dont have anything left to do i just leave it and play it again when they introduce new content.


oh the game definitely improved over the years. 

Edited by Rayden_Tenno
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My brother started playing Warframe, and made me do so. I started Warframe when I was only 14 (well at that time the terms and conditions said "I am over 13 years of age..."), and it was my first shooter. Anyway, off to the backstory...

My parents discouraged me and my brother from playing violent games, but  they literally stopped telling me that when I was like, 12. Up unto then, the games I loved were mostly strategy (BTD, Fire Emblem, etc.); I never played a single action game (unless you consider pac-man action). Then when I was 12, my brother got Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate on his 3DS, and there we go, my first action game (though I only reached 3 star), but then I still focused more on other games. When I was 13, my brother got Dark Souls 3. Yes, the first action game I took seriously was Dark Souls! I finished the game without enough hp to survive a general grab from a lategame boss or 2 normal hits. Then came Warframe. My brother played it November last year, then stopped. He came back to it last april, and in june, he finally convinced me to play (he bugged me every night until 1am). I was not interested at first because the action games I liked weren't really shooters (I use melee in Monster Hunter and Dark Souls has lock-on), but now I don't regret my desicion. I even found out that I actually excel in run-and-gun!

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Friend was always playing it, I got curious. It was one of the few games that could run on my computer which was shocking since my computer at the time wouldn't even run things like Transistor which is an isometric 2D game.

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A friend of mine linked me a video of some gameplay saying "this looks cool" (said friend ended up never actually playing, feelsbad) and I decided to try it out.

Believe it or not I actually thought it was some kind of PvP game from the gameplay footage, with one side controlling weird alien people and the other controlling bulky space marines, which would be the grineer. Don't ask me how my brain made that thought work cuz I have no clue.

5 years later here we are except now my PC can run it at 60fps instead of 18.


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