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June 13Th: Community Hot Topics!


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Sorry for the delay with last week’s Hot Topics thread. Lots of new stuff started last week. We’ll get back to our regular scheduled programming at the end of this week. 


Loki Prime Access on PS4

PS4 Tenno,

You’ve been asking for more info on how the next Prime Access will work on PS4. The Platinum and Price will be work out to match the PC Prime Access. We’ll reveal the exact details in the weeks to come. 


Void Drops

Lets get down to the nitty gritty. The Prime Drop Locations have been a major point of contention after this week’s PC update. The drop locations list has been updated to show how the various parts rotate through the drop tables, and the forums are full of feedback and suggestions about ways to further improve on the hotfixes we’ve already made. PS4 Players, when you receive the next update you will receive the latest version of the drops (13.7.2)-  your T4 keys will arrive nice and polished. I will post the next changes when I have them. For now, it's still a work in progress. 


The Return of the Cicero Mods

Many of you have asked for event mods to reappear, and now, Vor is ready to deliver! Kill Vor in the Void for a chance to get some of the Cicero Mods you may have missed. The response to their return has been mostly positive. Other event mods/items could return as well in future updates. 


Disclaimer: We'll get back to more big issues at the end of this week. Not enough time to do them justice last week. I removed the extra announcements for now to focus on other issues. 

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The Void
Now that all of last week’s announcements are covered, lets get down to the nitty gritty. The Prime Drop Locations have been a major point of contention after this week’s PC update. The drop locations list has been updated to show how the various parts rotate through the drop tables, and the forums are full of feedback and suggestions about ways to further improve on the hotfixes we’ve already made. PS4 Players, when you receive the next update you will receive the latest version of the drops (13.7.2)-  your T4 keys will arrive nice and polished. 

Can we be honest? It's a point of contention after every single bloody update to the void. Something is always #*($%%@ up, something is always wrong, and everything is always more diluted. Do you guys have any real plans to fix it?


The Return of the Cicero Mods
Many of you have asked for event mods to reappear, and now, Vor is ready to deliver! Kill Vor in the Void for a chance to get some of the Cicero Mods you may have missed.

Finally! When can we expect Tethera? Can we expect it? And primed chamber? What about that? That's been gone for even longer.


edit: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/244916-you-know-de-we-seriously-need-to-talk/

gonna try and give this link some attention too.

Edited by KvotheTheArcane1
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Finally! When can we expect Tethera? Can we expect it? And primed chamber? What about that? That's been gone for even longer.


edit: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/244916-you-know-de-we-seriously-need-to-talk/

gonna try and give this link some attention too.




Having to wait 6+ months for the rerelease of a mod with very little feedback or much in the way of updates on plans for re release is kind of ridiculous.


It's even worse with prime chamber since early on we were told that it would probably be re released in future events and we've barely heard anything about it beyond some giveaways and that it was planned for this or that event (ex the

) but didn't make it in and that it's
.  Imo 11 months later qualifies as a while :| Edited by Aggh
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After the recent update, the call for a token system alongside the RNG we have now has been getting louder and stronger.  Multiple threads have cropped up in General Feedback with well thought out suggestions.


I want to know what y'all Devs think about this, and if such a system ever has a chance of being implemented, or if those who desire a token system of some manner are still cataloged as the "instant gratification" crowd.

Edited by Katakuna
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I have only posted maybe 2-3 times in the past year or so I have been a Warframe player, however I read the forums every day. I'd say you're definitely missing some hot topics. 


Just to name a few "still smoldering" concerns:

1 - Veteran's concerns over the state of the game and its future. 

2 - Void dillution

3 - Balance issues

4 - Artificial difficulty vs. engaging enemies. 

5 - Strict NAT/networking issues


All of these topics are on the front pages of the general feedback and geneeral discussion forums and have been for weeks. Further, some of your more visible veterans (Notionphil, Katakuna, Casardis, DiabolusUrsus, Xylia, Rajko, BETAOPTICS, COSYPIGEON, CBAROG, and others) have been discussing these issues and I'm sure they've brought these topics to your attention.I don't want to put words in anyones mouths, but it seems like there is uncertainty about the direction in which Warframe is headed.


I understand that these weekly hot topics are essentially press releases, but I think there needs to be a concerted effort to reengage with the community regarding these issues. 

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You guys should handle certain boss battles requiring certain load outs like you do the rank up test. If the player is melee only then a pop up that tells him a ranged weapon is required should appear so people dont go into stuff like Vay Hek with their sword of ultimate doom and unholy destruction and end up unhappy that it is useless for that fight.


Also you should definitely mention the links that have been posted in this thread, you somehow managed to miss a lot. Plus the void reward tables are still crap I hope you guys arent done working on it.


Sorry for spelling and stuff i have an hangerover

Edited by theclinton
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Thankyou Drew for compiling this :)


I want to say though, Most posts have been about the RNG and its failing to provide any level of satisfaction or diversity in the way we play the game. Repeating the same mission with all or most rewards being in 2 mission types. Its not the void dilution that people have a problem with its the overall system of obtaining loot and items. Its boring repetitive and grindy. Its not strictly limited to the void. The problem extends outside the void into the starchart with things like basic mods.


I cant think of a better way to say it at this time im very tired. But i feel the description of the hot topic has missed the point.

Edited by CarrotSalad
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Please for sake of other hard farming players, please return Forma Bp back to the T2 surv keys, i farm everyday Forma and dont want destroy the expririence of other players by joining to T4 Interception or T3 Def, T4 Def only for Forma Bps

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Seems the hot topic of Void drops was noted but yet again, glossed over with the usual we get each time it's mentioned - 'we're aware and we're reading your feedback as you keep posting it!'. Sure, but what are you doing with our feedback exactly? Must be a whole library now. The problem isn't entirely the Void, it's clearly the dodgy RNG.

Edited by Naith
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I’d really like to be given an update regarding the revisitation of Prime frames. Both Rhino and Loki were given a stat increase. Mag, Ember, and Frost have nothing going for them, and from what I’ve heard, Excalibur Prime’s extra shield regeneration is virtually unnoticeable. 


I’ve also been posing the following question ever since I acquired Ember Prime: What was the reasoning behind not giving her an extra polarity? 


To add insult to injury, Loki Prime comes along with not one, but two additional polarities. I’m quite aware that I can use Forma to mend the issue, but that isn’t the point I am making here. 


You’re also quite obviously dodging the issues surrounding the Void. Of course the forums are “full of feedback and suggestions”. They are always full of feedback and suggestions. What is your response to said feedback and suggestions? What steps do you have in mind? 


I apologize for being uncharacteristically forward here, but really, something needs to be said. 

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Total avoidance of mentioning U14....haven't heard any news for 1 month now...and if this week is not U14 then you guys will actually be "behind" your usual release schedule.

At least bother to tell us if there is any chance of it appearing this month or not. 

And if it's unrealistic just tell us "nope , not this month"...all we can do is be pleasantly surprised if you then manage to push it out this month. But the point stands...this update is gonna take longer than the others...and DE fails to elaborate and prefers to just let us hang here.

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Hot topics? We have some that stayed here for ages,D.E. :


- Void drop dilution solutions (& Grind in general) : just add other mission types to the void,other corrupted regular units (or even a token system so we can have a little feeling of progress instead of pure randomness) : I'm sure you thought about it : you still jhave at least five prime frames + prime weapons on the go. Where are you planning to store them?? Yup, we got the finger on the problem.


- drops in general : this has been said many times : putting ability mods into the market for credits & removing all duplicates from the drop tables will help a lot. Making some enemies like flameblades & furax-butchers (enemy variety also is a topic,but it can come later than this) not so rare will help too (mainly for stances). You could even add rare rewards at the end if the player did the little challenges or did the mission not being detected at all.


- T IV access not only for interception.


- better AI (more behaviours,interactions between enemies & tactical formations, because they are too predictable) & other tools to resist "press-4-to-win" playstyle.


- Lore 1.0.  Yup, we aren't done here yet...Vor's prize,story/quest mode... I don't know,just give us a little something.


- Stealth 1.0 and advanced infiltration mechanics(first steps : distracting objects/ shadow & light visibility,alternate paths,edges hanging & moving). One part of your community likes to play this way(at least 30%). You showed with rescue 2.0 that it is one of your objectives too.


- Movement/Parkour 2.0. Wallrunning still feels a little lackluster for instance.A ninja is supposed to move more fluidly imo...


- solo players balance & beginners experience.


- Finally, quick looks at the big upcoming content & events : the ships(done), the kubrows(done,a little), focus system,proxy wars,new frames & other concepts.


- Endgame content. Ok ok Vor is in the void now, and that put a step in the endgame direction. Having boss rushes, void assassination or even nightmare void or OD keys would calm down a lot of minds too.


I'll post every topics related to the points I suggested above next. I really like this game, and that's why I try to contribute with feedbacks (good & bad), but when some questions lasts for this long and aren't being addressed while tenno reinforcements/clan tech/mastery weapons keep being added, we begin to ask ourselves questions...

Edited by unknow99
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