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New Warframe: Equinox (U17 Megathread Topic)


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Been playing around with Equinox, and for feedback... a lot of what I had in mind has been stated, but I'll be collecting the ideas I particularly like here and adding some.


Metamorphosis: I'm aware that the cast time is necessary for engine processing, but can we at least get a bit more compensation for that? Stronger buffs would be nice, especially Night's; the decay on buffs should be removed entirely. Longer timer could be nice, considering only one ability pair scales with duration. Also, make it cost 10 energy like the activation on Pacify and Provoke.


Rest and Rage: For the love of the Lotus, buff its range. Heavily. At least three times the cast radius, and longer cast range wouldn't hurt. As it is it's effectively single target - it should have at least as much splash as an unmodded Tonkor, preferably a Firestorm one. Or else it could chain to nearby enemies like Shock. Cast on ground would be nice, but it isn't quite necessary.


Pacify and Provoke: The energy drain is just absurdly high for very little effect. Buff the base effect, give it a little more base range, and severely reduce the energy drain scaling rate. Alternatively, don't buff the base effect, but make it scale with the number of enemies. Also, possibly, make effect and/or energy drain less intense the farther out the aura reaches, so high Range builds don't get their energy sapped in seconds but can still affect enemies at range.


Mend and Maim: Maim is fantastic. Maybe a touch too slow to charge - and the stun proc should really reapply itself. Say, at a base of every 5 or 10 seconds... maybe inverse scaling with duration. The 66k rollover bug (I wonder if it's 65535?) should be fixed, or rolling over into higher "tiers" should have its own counter and maybe a bit of damage spike.


Mend, on the other hand... just doesn't do enough. Massive heals are kind of useless in huge spikes. I kind of like the idea of heal over time+healbomb based on amount healed instead of damage dealt (or energybomb, for that matter), but that alone isn't enough to make up for its lack of CC. Maybe make it life leech for the HoT, give it a slow debuff to fit with the sleep theme, and/or - this one I especially like - give it Overhealth capability, unique among all frames (although health restores could use overhealth, arguably). That would give the healbomb some purpose past the first thousand.


Some range on these would be nice too - actually, let's just say Equinox has a serious range problem across the board.


Passive: Buff it to at least a half ranked Equilibrium, possibly more. Since you only have one half of its effect up at a time, the two per orb is effectively useless. I doubt even a max rank split in half would be overpowered.


Not everything suggested has to be put into one ability - all the changes would probably be OP on some abilities - but there are a lot of options to take for these abilities. I love playing Equinox and the base kit has lots of potential, but the numbers are just... not what they should be.

Edited by FelisImpurrator
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Just some additional info that can be ignored before I get into my experience with Equinox, I use 43% duration, 170% effeciency, 235% range, and 105% strength.


Metamorphosis - This ability itself is amazing, as it provides massive steriods to each form's stats. My only gripe is the buff decay over time, which if you run anything less than the base duration it will degrade too quickly to use, and if you don't have the strength to use it it won't make any difference.


Rest/Rage - Two great abilities, and I loved combining the two by switching between Day and Night forms to stun targets and increase any damage against them while they can't make use of the increased speed.


Pacify/Provoke - Pacify is just useless to me with maxed range, as I just lose all of my energy on cast despite the increased effeciency due to the radius of my powers, so I can't make use of the enemy damage debuff at all. As for Provoke, it works amazingly well in a team setting IF there is communication between teammates, as most teammates will either never cast their abilities letting it go to waste, or everyone casts so many abilities that the same problem with Pacify appears and you lose too much energy.


Mend/Main - Mend...I'm sorry, but this is underwhelming to the point that I refuse to use it at all in any mission. A charge up heal for health alone just isn't worth maintaining the charge, as it does nothing else; while, Maim on the otherhand is a great team based damage ultimate that also stuns enemies on contact, and its charge scales with enemy health so it won't fall off in higher end missions.


I honestly enjoy the frame, and I would love to switch between the two forms frequently as Equinox is designed to be played; but, the fatal flaw that prevents me from playing in said style is how underwhelming the night form is. In a team, the Night form can only make use of one ability which is Rest, while the other two either cripple the user or the cost doesn't justify the reward. If it is ever fixed, I would probably then complain about the transformation mechanics. Natural Talent doesn't affect the timer, which prevents me from using ability combos frequently, especially when I'm encouraged to remain in the Day form due to how underwhelming half the Night form kit is. Then there is Mend/Maim, which Mend may be useful to some degree despite only healing player health if you can transfer the charge between forms; for example, build up a charge in Day form due to its stun, and if needed switch to Night form to heal with said charge. (If that is a augment mod, I would won't question it not being part of the base ability and install it immediately, as the charge loss on transformation was the first thing I noticed about Equinox and didn't like it.) Nevermind, the counter is just strange apparently.


Don't get me wrong, I REALLY want to like this frame, but the Night form doesn't provide proper incentive to make use of the warframe's theme ability: Metamorphisis. I just hope that her future augments will ease out the flaws of the Night form so I don't have to keep her in storage, because I honestly want to play her more than any of the other frames for the amount of abilities she can use; but, without the augment mods on release, I'm finding it incredibly hard to maintain motivation to use Equinox to her full potential, as she is in desperate need of quality of life changes and form balancing.

Edited by SagamiYusuke
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- The buff for switching forms should be a static/constant number, i know the decaying effect is there to force us to switch between forms but considering the values and the duration i dont see any reason to change it, we would have to change forms when the buff expires anyway.


- Rest should have the AoE range effect increase from 2.5 to 4 meters.


- Pacify needs a check on the energy cost when multiple enemies are inside the radius.


- Mend needs an extra effect when the ability is active.


I hope we receive few changes soon regarding this.

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What if mend turned her invisible for the duration of it? Or would that be too much? I don't know, I feel like night should have some sort of invisibility.


I find myself sticking to day pretty much exclusively when things get more serious. I have life strike on all my melee weapons, so mend ends up falling kind of flat, pacify is eh, and rest's radius is far too small and doesn't work on every enemy. It could at least slow down bosses and capture targets or something if making them fall asleep would be too much.


Day's maim (ironically) overshadows and makes all of night's abilities kind of not too useful with its slash proc alone. I don't know, I just feel like for a frame dedicated to balance, one side just isn't as good as the other. I'm a bit disappointed because I love night's design.


Also, I'm fairly certain mend isn't supposed to heal objectives. That would make it kinda broken, considering the dedicated healer frame can't do anything close to that.

Edited by SnowBunnii
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This is a very surprising Warframe.


A bit difficult to figure out and play smoothly at first, but very fun.


What follows is personal experience/feedback, more than suggestions of change.




It does what it's advertised it would do.  The buffs are good and switching between forms to keep one or the other works well on a duration build.


Rest and Rage


For Night, it's mostly situational but so far effective to keep that Big Bad Eximus or Why Won't You Die Heavy gunner out of the game for a bit, and then easier to kill with finishers.  I quite like it.


For Day, this becomes the Ranged Attack spell and the debuff it applies is very useful, especially in combination with Provoke.  This works even better in a coordinated team, say a Mesa's Ballistic Battery or Mag's Bullet Attractor.


Pacify and Provoke


Pacify is very costly to use, but for what it does, it's well worth it.  I find it works best with Stretch sans Overextended so to make its cost much more manageable.  It's very powerful and scales well with Power Strength, turning Night into a very decent tank and helps to mitigate a lot of damage on the team.  The cost is prohibitive, but as it is essentially an AoE Quick Thinking, I believe it to be fair.


Provoke is an excellent team buff, with the damage increase percentage scaling very well with Power Strength.  Its cost is mostly insignificant in relation to the AoE benefit it provides.  I find it works best with a max range build, combining Stretch and Overextended.  With Stretch alone, it's still good, especially when one makes an attempt to stay close to the team so as to provide a consistent buff.  I find using a Rush mod in the Exilus slot to provide an adequate boost to mobility as a means of sticking close to the group (so long as they're not entirely too vertically inclined).


Mend and Maim


Mend is surprisingly fun so far as heals go.  The greater the damage inflicted to the enemy, the greater the heal will be (it also seems to scale with Power Strength).  The team's damage is not additive to this value, so I find using a high burst weapon to be the best option to get some quick numbers (the ideal being 5k+ in a group context).  It's very costly to use as well, so it needs to be activated quickly, the enemies need to be damaged very quickly, and the effect applied quickly as well.  If one isn't fast enough to acquire and dispatch targets, the cost will likely end up being too prohibitive to be used consistently.  I am fine with this as it promotes skillful Shooter gameplay.


Maim is... Well, it's just so good!  The damage scales very well with Power Strength and strongly benefits from range (Min duration/max range being a good build).  The effect being slash damage is extremely beneficial.  It's as ultimate an Ultimate as I've seen in the game, allowing Day sustained damage from the Slash damage and On Demand Death to deal with clusters of problem units (barring those crowding in a Nullifier's bubble).


Well done, DE.  Equinox is likely to become one of my favorite Frames.


Edit: minor corrections

Edited by DelialFallen
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I really like Equinox, enough to post which as you can see I don't very often. I love the concept and the artwork is stunning as usual. From a mechanical perspective I pretty much agree with the general issues which are being repeated but two of the skills stand out as problematic and really need some tweaks asap.




I don't have a problem with the time required to activate this skill as some others do, but I do highly dislike the way it incentives you to regularly switch forms to maintain the buff. I think this buff should either be added to the form as a permanent passive (even if the numbers have to be reduced) or its duration needs to be drastically increased. I'm more in favor of the passive option as I don't like HAVING to switch form. I really enjoy the night form and would love to run as it the majority of the time switching by CHOICE when extra damage or speed is needed. After all this frame is all about choice. You should be able to go for a jack of all trades playstyle regularly switching forms or just sit in night form the whole time and play her as a support.




It needs to be stronger, it needs a heal over time component added or to be redesigned entirely and there is no reason it has to mirror the functionality of Maim if it comes to a redesign. It simply can't be used as a predictive heal the way it currently is because of the ramp up time required by which time everyone is already down. I actually think a lifesteal mechanic would be cool rather than heal over time function. By this I mean instead of just trickling out healing to everyone, whenever someone does damage and builds up your healing meter they are healed for a small percentage of the damage they (or anybody else?) deals whilst in the aura. I think this would provide good continuous healing and you still have the ability to detonate it in those moments when stuff goes south. It certainly captures the current concept of the skill and definitely sounds like it would be viable. At the very least it would give you a bigger window to pop your big heal.



Overall I love the frame and with a few tweaks to the night form I can see her very quickly becoming one of my most played.

Edited by Aeryes
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Been playing around with Equinox, and for feedback... a lot of what I had in mind has been stated, but I'll be collecting the ideas I particularly like here and adding some.


Metamorphosis: I'm aware that the cast time is necessary for engine processing, but can we at least get a bit more compensation for that? Stronger buffs would be nice, especially Night's; the decay on buffs should be removed entirely. Longer timer could be nice, considering only one ability pair scales with duration. Also, make it cost 10 energy like the activation on Pacify and Provoke.


Rest and Rage: For the love of the Lotus, buff its range. Heavily. At least three times the cast radius, and longer cast range wouldn't hurt. As it is it's effectively single target - it should have at least as much splash as an unmodded Tonkor, preferably a Firestorm one. Or else it could chain to nearby enemies like Shock. Cast on ground would be nice, but it isn't quite necessary.


Pacify and Provoke: The energy drain is just absurdly high for very little effect. Buff the base effect, give it a little more base range, and severely reduce the energy drain scaling rate. Alternatively, don't buff the base effect, but make it scale with the number of enemies. Also, possibly, make effect and/or energy drain less intense the farther out the aura reaches, so high Range builds don't get their energy sapped in seconds but can still affect enemies at range.


Mend and Maim: Maim is fantastic. Maybe a touch too slow to charge - and the stun proc should really reapply itself. Say, at a base of every 5 or 10 seconds... maybe inverse scaling with duration. The 66k rollover bug (I wonder if it's 65535?) should be fixed, or rolling over into higher "tiers" should have its own counter and maybe a bit of damage spike.


Mend, on the other hand... just doesn't do enough. Massive heals are kind of useless in huge spikes. I kind of like the idea of heal over time+healbomb based on amount healed instead of damage dealt (or energybomb, for that matter), but that alone isn't enough to make up for its lack of CC. Maybe make it life leech for the HoT, give it a slow debuff to fit with the sleep theme, and/or - this one I especially like - give it Overhealth capability, unique among all frames (although health restores could use overhealth, arguably). That would give the healbomb some purpose past the first thousand.


Some range on these would be nice too - actually, let's just say Equinox has a serious range problem across the board.


Passive: Buff it to at least a half ranked Equilibrium, possibly more. Since you only have one half of its effect up at a time, the two per orb is effectively useless. I doubt even a max rank split in half would be overpowered.


Not everything suggested has to be put into one ability - all the changes would probably be OP on some abilities - but there are a lot of options to take for these abilities. I love playing Equinox and the base kit has lots of potential, but the numbers are just... not what they should be.



I feel like this feedback could possibly be perfect. I kinda like the idea of HoT as long as it's damaging enemies and as long as the Overheal can be added. It'd basically be like Fire Chroma, if Elemental Ward healed him over time.

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Just found out Mend could heal objectives, that is a very powerful gamechanger... I wonder if it is intentional (seems to make good use of the thousands of stored health seemingly wasted on healing players)?

I don't doubt it is. If so, that is powerful. A friend mentioned possibly boosting loot drops, too, but I haven't tested that. Still a little too awkward to use with no CC ability, I would think.


I would, quite honestly, take more utility and survivability over the ability to heal objectives, as awesome as that is. It does strike me as the only reasonable use for such massive heal numbers, though - so I would like to have it left in to some degree.

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well. i got it to 30 and this warframe feels so underwhelming and slapped together.

its almost as if you guys were attempting to NOT make a press 4 to win frame again but was too worried about making the other abilities too strong and panicked.


as for the abilities?


i think that it was a very bad idea to make the form passive's timed. i certainly wouldn't mind if they were toned down a bit if the time was removed. because as it stands this abilities passives are outclassed by any other damage buff or defensive buff in the game, and having them timed doesn't help at all


Rest & Rage NEED more range. 2.5m is bad. and in sun form you're just a worse speed nova...

i would just make rage a different ability all together though and rename it but that's just me.


Pacify & Provoke i don't have many problems with.

my only gripe with it is that sun form gives more power strength, which doesn't make any sense to me but hey to each his own. at least it can be useful.


Mend & Maim

Mend feels... "unneeded" to say the least.

you have to recast to heal, which admittedly is a LOT but it would be better if it just healed allies for how much damage they did and like slowed enemies or something. that's just my two cents though.


dont hit me...

Edited by zzuit
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Equinox is cooking in the foundry, but that doesn't mean I can't give feedback anyway:



People complain about the decay, while some like its incentive so switch often. So here's an idea to please BOTH camps:

* The passive bonus of the form you are in will last for as long as you are in that stance, at full bonus - Incentive to stay in a form.

* Upon switching form, you get to also have the PREVIOUS form's bonus for 10-25 seconds (decaying or not, doesn't matter) - Incentive to keep switching.


For example:

You are in Day form, thus have the Day form's bonus for as long as you remain in this form. You then switch over to Night form. Now you have Night form's passive bonuses (lasting indefinitely), while ALSO having Day form's bonuses for 10-25 seconds.




Rest & Rage:

More range seems appropriate.


Pacify & Provoke:

Provoke does nothing for Equinox... which seems weird to me. Some aggressive selfbonus would be nice.


Mend & Maim:

Maim has an ongoing effect and a deactivation effect. Mend only has a deactivation effect. Doesn't seem fair. An ongoing effect for Mend would be nice. And maybe let the deactivation heal allow overhealing, with some cap (with decay after)?

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Yes, I would like to see an active buff for Mend's aura.


As for a suggestion: any damage taken to health will instantly recharge an equal amount (or percentage) of Shields for allies, companions, and objectives. This allows Mend users to make themselves and teammates somewhat tankier than usual.


E.g. 300 SP / 300 HP Excalibur takes 300 damage. Shields are completely gone. 0 SP / 300 HP Excalibur takes damage again -> 0 SP / 200 HP. Night Equinox has Mend active and Excalibur is in range, so his Shields are recharged by Mend (100 SP / 200 HP).

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Oooook first off this frame is amazing. Job well done. But right now the day aspect outshines the night aspect. Mainly because the day aspect which is offensive has more crowd control than its defensive counterpart.

Maim has the ability to stagger enemies and deal damage fast enough to make use of the power.

Mend on their hand has nothing. Yes, you can use maim to stagger enemies, switch to night, use mend, and then kill for a heal but it takes awhile to do. Which means you risk dying trying to pull this off. A few ways I think this can be fixed is by:

•giving mend some sort of cc like maim(like enemies are slowed within its radius and its affected by power strength.

•increase the casting speed of mend/maim and metamorphosis to make powers flow better.

•or...allow natural talent to be used in the utility slot....

Also, maim's percentage seems to reset when you reach 65k%...I haven't heard not read anything about their being a cap on it so I'm wondering if this is a bug.

Lastly pacify needs a range increase. Even with a stretch mod on enemies need to be hugging each other to chain the effect. I tried it with stretch and overextended and was able to chain 4 enemies together that were semi spread out. I wouldn't mind this much range(it'd also help with mend not needing to cast maim for a stagger to heal.

Love the frame and everything else.

PS before post: it only takes 6k-8k energy of mend to get a full heal...the rest goes to waste...somehow buff? Idk

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Have you tried it without Overextended?


Yes, I have. Resulting in enemies with guns shooting you from outside it's range. The range is bad enough as it is and badly needs a buff even with Overextended + Stretch it's not enough to be useful as a team support ability for anything but camping very closely to each other.


Without it it's only useful against Infested since those are mostly melee and have to come close. And even then Ancients with their hooks can attack you from outside it's range and it's not helping your teammates at all if they aren't almost hugging you. Which makes it even more pointless since even without Overextended the energy drain is so massive that it's not sustainable without a trinity.


- Maim is really good and scales well and is useful for different missions and playstyles.

- Provoke is decent, not great but not bad either


And that's about it, the rest of the abilities are rather weak and there is very little reason to use anything but the Day-form apart from maybe wanting to heal your Sentinel without using an HP restore pad.

Edited by ----Fenrir----
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Decided to run a melee build for Night form...got a big surprise..






Anyways, I still want to test this build further, but I think Night form can actually make a pretty decent melee frame. The range on Pacify should be pretty fine, considering you'll be in melee range. Mend is always there for if you suddenly start taking damage. And rest helps disable enemies, or allows you to dispose of tougher ones with finishers.

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Pacify does absolutely nothing period.  I turned it on and put a Blind Rage in her and I got hit by a bombard for the same amount of damage as I usually would.  Almost death.  In fact, a second one blew me off of the wall I clung to.  The enemies don't get a debuff in damage, this needs to be fixed.


Also?  Syandanas do not fit the sun version correctly.  They stick off his head and float behind the Warframe.  The physics of the tailskirt are off as well.


Edit:  It's just the Kyroptera Syandana.  And it seems that the Pacify's damage debuff on enemies only works sometimes, not all the time, still testing.


Edit 2:  I see now that the coding sometimes gets confused.  Sometimes, even when you're using Pacify, they think you're in the male version and it doesn't do anything for you and that's why you take full damage even when the enemies are in your face.  This needs to be looked at.

Edited by Silriah
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Mend needs something while the ability is draining your energy. Make it stun enemies within range (like maim), or make it slow down enemies within range. or something else. I don't know! but it really, really needs something to put it up to par with maim.


Other than that, the rest of equinox's kit is fantastic. Mend is an extremely underwhelming ability though. That is my only complaint.

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People complain about the decay, while some like its incentive so switch often. So here's an idea to please BOTH camps:

* The passive bonus of the form you are in will last for as long as you are in that stance, at full bonus - Incentive to stay in a form.

* Upon switching form, you get to also have the PREVIOUS form's bonus for 10-25 seconds (decaying or not, doesn't matter) - Incentive to keep switching.

I absolutely love this idea. Still maybe a tweak to Night's numbers, because they're a bit underwhelming whether they're always on or not, but that would make it a lot more convenient to use while still enabling the 'buff weaving' gameplay it's supposed to produce.

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