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Everything posted by Voltage

  1. This is just how Warframe is now. It's always been pushing the envelope with powercreep. Years ago the main enemy was a Nullifier. Now it's evolved into an entire sub-category of enemy ignoring many abilities, and now with Entrati Disruption, resisting armor strip. Overguard is just another layer of power tacked on to push forward the arms race.
  2. Void Armageddon. I didn't think you could make Defense worse than it already is.
  3. Allowing something to be purchased errodes its value as an earned item, especially in a looter shooter. It happened to Aura Forma. Sure, you can technically save some Platinum by crafting Aura Forma, but the prospect of farming 150 Platinum or farming Arbitrations and 4 Forma per craft is really easy to pick if you know what you're doing. It also makes a full roster of Aura Forma'd Warframes feel less cool (imo). It's like Arcane Adapters. [DE]Rebecca initially said that these were earned-only items. This made the prospect of an entire arsenal kitted out with adapters feel like a real achievement. Now they're just a 20 Platinum unlock button. Yes, you can still farm them, and they are cheap, but their intrinsic value is diminished if any farmed achievement can be bypassed by farming Platinum. Those who understand trading can do the math in their head on whether a farmed item is a valuable prospect. With how time-gated the weeklies are for Incarnon Adapters, Umbra Forma, and Archon Shards, buying them outright (for Incarnon Adapters, the entire roster) would defeat the entire point of playing the endgame content, especially when these scheduled rewards are not meant to have a finish line in the first place. I could answer your non-answer of "Then don't buy" with "Just play more actively" to be quite honest.
  4. My suggestion is like this: Say you message me asking for Primed Flow at Rank 10. We agree on a price (doesn't matter what that price is). In the trade window, you see Rank 10 Primed Flow with the 1 million Credits trade tax. On my end, I select Rank 0 Primed Flow, but it tells me the trade will cost me an additional 40,920 Endo and 1,976,436 Credits (as opposed to just the trade tax on your Platinum). Once we both click "accept trade", the trade initiates. At that point, the Credits and Endo are subtracted from my inventory and upgrades the mod as it is transferred to your inventory at max rank. The purpose of this feedback is to add a security to selling ranked items. It also fixes the annoyance of "I can't figure out which duplicate I am selling that might be equipped" (as this system would use rank 0 and/or prioritize unequipped versions before initiating a trade). This isn't about whether I can afford ranking items or the risks with trading as they are. I most definitely can, but this would still be a great QoL.
  5. Converting an Arcane Helmet into a Warframe specific Arcane doesn't mean it needs 21 duplicates, etc. It could just be a single item that takes up an Arcane slot for an existing set of bonuses that are already very weak in comparison to what we can slot nowadays.
  6. I've always wanted to explore detaching Arcane Helmet effects from their original cosmetics as an adapter for that Warframe. Adapters would be a pseudo-Riven Mod for any Warframe, taking up an Arcane slot for a very small stat bonus, allowing the player to roll 1 positive along with 1 negative (i.e +25% Strength, -25% Energy Max). Unlike Riven Mods, the pool of stats would be confined to a single positive and negative every single time, to match the effects of an Arcane Helmet. Existing Helmet conversions would just be called "Arcane Excalibur Adapter" with either Pendragon or Avalon stats. This gives players an avenue to using an Arcane Helmet on any Warframe. The adapter and rolling mechanic could be earned akin to old Trials Arcanes. I own every Arcane Helmet through trading (I started after they were retired), and honestly, every item the game has that can only be earned through legacy trades feels stupid and should either be removed from everyone's inventory or be reintroduced in some capacity. There really is no middle ground.
  7. I know trading QoL is often unexplored, but there are some changes and features that wouldn't disrupt the way trading currently works while still improving the experience for everyone using it. Over the years, I know first hand that trading leveled equipment (often Rank 10 Gold/Primed Mods) can sometimes feel risky as the other party might pull out of the trade after you spent resources to level the item, and you're left stuck with that cost that you need to find another buyer for so that it doesn't feel wasted. My suggestion is a way to toggle Mods/Arcanes/etc. to be ranked on transaction. This means that you place rank 0 Mods/Arcanes/etc. (prioritizing unequipped duplicates before asking if you want to sell an equipped copy.) into a trade window, then select at what rank the item will sell for when sold. This will calculate the trade tax, the Credits/Endo/Duplicates needed to level the items, and bring up the transaction acceptance UI. Once both parties accept the trade, the items are leveled, and the trade proceeds as normal. This would add security to trading leveled equipment, remove the feeling of risk to pre-leveling for a trade, and also create a feature that ensures that an unequipped duplicate is always traded away with priority if available. This addresses the other issue of players not being easily displayed their equipped items. A "leveled on transaction completion" feature would be a fantastic addition for traders. This is coming from someone who spends a considerable amount of Endo and Credits pre-leveling Mods, and I've learned myself never to max a mod until just before a trade request to avoid wasted resources when someone decides to swap buyers or drop the transaction altogether.
  8. Both yes. Also, they emit a sound and I know the reinforced container leaves behind something to scan when broken. I don't remember if the rare one does too.
  9. I would watch this video from JoshStrifeHayes in regards to what I was saying. It goes over many intricacies and overall themes with the term relative to the modern landscape of games now. Thinking "Pay to Win" is reserved solely for competitive advantages, you're sticking with a 20+ year old definition. Games have evolved, and the industry now realizes that selling a player an experience that feels better is not confined to a competitive player vs player setting. Throwing around the term "ignorance" while sticking to a very specific and outdated perspective of the term is ironic. I never said that Warframe's P2W is something I find wrong, I just expressed that we shouldn't have more of it for some endgame items that finally feel valuable to earn through new content.
  10. P2W is a graded spectrum, and where a game sits depends on many factors. Games where you cannot buy anything after owning the base game are a 0, while games like Diablo Immortal are a 10. Warframe would be ~6 for me. That doesn't mean the game pushes spending down your throat, but you can absolutely spend money to bypass many goals of the game, and cosmetics are also part of the factorization given that looking good in a game has positive feelings relative to your cosmetic choices. P2W isn't black and white.
  11. I just saw one yesterday.
  12. I currently have so many that I really don't see too much point in using, espeically with Precision Intensify becoming a mod. They feel really scarce at first, but there's only a handful of Warframes that benefit from Umbra Forma. I know this doesn't exactly solve your problem, but hopefully it lessens the annoyance for you if you know you don't need too many.
  13. While Warframe is already a P2W game by technicality, allowing purchasable shards and such just errodes the main point of playing endgame. We are finally seeing modes added that make use of years of powercreep, and it should feel good whether you paid or played for that power that there is a place to use it with proper rewards. If you like Warframe's powercreep nature but love buying your way through the game, there are other games out there where spending becomes a competition and almost PvP experience.
  14. Greetings! You're welcome guys :)
  15. Greetings. This scan is annoying as many of you know. There is no sound indication, no shiny overlay, and no Orokin Eye or Golden Instinct functionality. However, DE added a new tile within the Entrati Labs in the latest update: Original Reddit post for this room (Credits to @-Zr-Scroll for spawning a Thalmin container on that post). I suggest you read the Reddit post, but if you don't, I will explain how this tile puzzle works. There is a raised platform in the center of the tile. If you leave your Warframe on the platform and use the console next to it as Operator/Drifter, you will instantly kill your Warframe via a laser, and a random item will spawn where your Warframe was killed. You can do this puzzle three times in one mission. Here are a few key notes that I noticed: Just for kicks, I checked the EE.log, and I noticed this: The items I saw spawn from this tile as I was completing the puzzle and rolling for the Thalmin Entrati Coffer: Urumith Entrati Coffer (Common Entrati Labs Container) Klystor Entrati Coffer (Uncommon Entrati Labs Container) A chair/throne decoration Ghost Kuaka (yes, the animal from Plains of Eidolon) Muzureh Entrati Coffer (Rare Entrati Labs Container) Thalmin Entrati Coffer (Reinforced Entrati Labs Container) Knowing this is what I saw spawn while doing the puzzle, I assume the weighting for the Reinforced Container (maybe even Rare and/or Reinforced Container) is 0.5%. When the item is spawned, it has a weird invisible hitbox that prevents manual scanning and only permits Helios. However, standing up high in the level above the item spawned permits manual scanning. This is beneficial for trying for potential double scans from the Synthesis Scanner. The puzzle only checks when your Warframe is on the platform, not whether your Warframe is alive or downed. This means you can do the puzzle 2/3 times on one life by utilizing Last Gasp from Unairu Focus. This is a neat trick to save revives and speed things up a bit. I suggest you look for this tile on Cambire (Alchemy) or Nex (Exterminate). This allows you to ignore the objective and search for the room. If the container does spawn, you now have the ability to freely invite other players to complete the scan. Happy hunting! (It took me 20+ rolls (60+ puzzle completions) of this tile to get a Thalmin Entrati Coffer to spawn once).
  16. Mine is completed at 40/40. I only got spawns/scans in Deep Archimedea Alchemy and Disruption.
  17. The end-game of Warframe used to be when you create your own goals because the game can no longer provide you with any. Now I would say it's just keeping up with weeklies and dailies. :/
  18. We're already seeing large amounts of homogenization in the way most players mod their everyday equipment or what they use. I don't believe "opening the flood gates" would make the game more interesting, just more brain-dead. In many cases, these gates are already open, such as Helminth. We already have so many power ceiling increases that render most mobs as mere obstacles in a mission. I would appreciate more if DE did some grand dev workshop where they start addressing problematic Warframes, Weapons, and mods in a large audit, like Warframe Revised, but more-so in balancing than buffing.
  19. Every modern live service game is the latter through/using the former. Warframe is no exception. The rest of your post makes confusing suggestions that wouldn't really benefit the game. Think of it like this. If I remove all inventory costs and foundry timers, where am I going to make up the lost revenue? Well, maybe I dial up the problems of Rivens to 11, or I could make more Heirloom collections, or I could inflate the price of Prime Access/Platinum/Regal Aya/Cosmetics/etc. Suggesting a change to monetization won't magically make the experience less expensive for a player. You're just relocating the cost somewhere else and likely more predatory. Warframe already teeters on the edge sometimes with how the monetization feels, so I rather touch the base level stuff.
  20. I'm not so sure. To be perfectly fair, even I missed Pablo's post initially, so I was still under the assumption DE was only looking into Dante. Now that I have all the information (which broadens the scope past Dante and into the rest of the arsenal), I care much less about Dante and moreso about the overall changes. There's still a ways to go before it's in a good state, but they do seem to be working on it. Apparently DirectX11 and DirectX12 have different LoS performance, and so does FoV. I'm all for speaking up when I notice a blunder, but here, we can clearly see DE is working on a solution that also improves the rest of the game. I just think writing comments calling DE tone-deaf make you yourself look like you're reading the situation in bad faith.
  21. If I'm being honest, this post is in very poor taste. DE has made swift commitments to the issue, and even increased the scope outside of Dante to benefit other Warframes with similar mechanics/issues. That's more than what people asked for. Yes, I know it's really easy to see DE as tone-deaf when talking about Line of Sight, but in their shoes, they don't have a good replacement if they removed Line of Sight entirely. DE read "remove Line of Sight from Dante" as "Line of Sight checks are a problem for all Warframes with it". That's so far from tone-deaf. I'm totally in the boat of "remove Line of Sight", but that's only because I know historically, it has never worked. Removing Line of Sight temporarily while things are worked on to me is a better solution than continuously tweaking it with the hopeful resolution that it works well. My only reasoning for that is because there are many non-LoS options to choose from, so this becomes similar to Self Damage discussions from years ago. If you have tons of options that avoid the problematic mechanic, it doesn't matter how much you work to "fix" it. The changes Pablo wrote out still need to be ironed out for sure, but I do think if we wait a week or so, we will have a much better overall game instead of looking at Dante in isolation. I'm skeptical whether DE "fixes" Line of Sight, but you can't say they are tone-deaf when they are actively working on the problem and committed to making adjustments within days of the problem arising. There are several things in Warframe that take years to be addressed. Dante by comparison is being looked at in real time and opening up changes that affect the entire roster of Warframes to perform better. DE catering to these players asking to remove Line of Sight from Dante and ignoring other Warframes is worse for the game overall than what DE is working to achieve.
  22. Why is this a problem though? It properly rewards Mastery Rank and being a diverse player. Constantly stooping to "just let people play Revenant and Torid" for new content is what makes it boring to begin with. I love this new mode, and I wouldn't enjoy it nearly as much if I wasn't forced to think outside the box with the loadout I rolled. It also heavily encourages playing with a squad using a supporter/healer Warframe such as Trinity, Protea, Wisp, Oberon, Citrine, etc.
  23. You're changes look good on paper Pablo, but fundamentally, Line of Sight has always felt bad, because there are so many AoE options that simply don't have it. It's like the old discussion on self damage. You could aim well with it so you didn't die, or you could just use a weapon that didn't self damage. This is how Line of Sight has always felt in Warframe. I worry that there will be a differing performance of Line of Sight between platforms, or worse, some goofy meta like using a Synthesis Scanner before casting to "render" enemies to get better Line of Sight checks. I rather just see Line of Sight removed and properly addressing the AoE skills that have become a dominant, disruptive and corrosive playstyle with no consequence for several years. I know there is an entire generation of Tenno brought up on this gameplay, but so much Dante feedback is just "Well Saryn nukes, so why nerf Dante". That's a justified piece of feedback when there are no consequence nukers in the game. Nerfing the newest one just feels weird given how encouraged players are to already play this way. Melee received justified changes over the years with Follow Through, removing geometric punch through, limiting range by removing percentage-based increases., etc. I think it's time abilities and primary AoE receive the same nature of changes. AoE has always been favored in Warframe, but it's completely overshadowed anything that is not. Spreading damage across 10, 20, or 50 meters should never be magnitudes deadlier compared to high damage in a smaller range or to a single enemy.
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