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Everything posted by Voltage

  1. The problem is compounded through accumulation. Accolades are extremely rare in Warframe. The skins are extremely different from the style of skins we get lately (no offense Liger). The significance of the skins and the package is meant to support 10 years of good practice and success. The pricing is quite steep. There are many factors that differentiate this pack between older ones, and the compounding effect can make this sting more as an older player than a newer one. DE is better than this. People weren't expecting the "Pride and Accomplishment" angle. Why is it silly? When you quit something, there is a defining moment. In a live-service game, it's either one of 3 things: You are not enjoying the game anymore. You are banned. The developers make just one decision that pushes you over the edge to removing yourself from the game. It's really easy to write off someone else's frustration in a position such as yourself. Many Forum goers know that you sit at Mastery Rank 16 and consciously avoiding ownership of most equipment. Your profile screen clearly indicates that incompletion of content is no big deal to you. This extends to how you consider the significance and representation of exclusives with how you handled Ignis Wraith. You made it your mission to shatter what that clan research represented and took upon yourself the role of martyr for the instatement of research for all clans. There was absolutely a better way to add the research to all clans more fairly while still respecting the original addition of the content, just like Primed Chamber, and just like Login Rewards. Exclusives and FOMO are bad for any game. That much is pretty simple to observe. It alienates players between have and have-nots, and ruins the vibe behind games that specifically depend on their loot systems (like Warframe or Destiny 2). Every player here is negatively affected by what Heirloom packs stand for. You can disagree all you want or say the classic "but it's already been this way for a while", but you can't hide that it affects you too. It hollows out one of the core pillars behind Warframe from a progressional standpoint. It hollows out the nature of FashionFrame if such a percentage of good-looking gear is more exclusive than available. This has negatively affected how Vaulted Primes are earned. This has negatively affected the way we play new content (Archon Shards, The Circuit, scheduled content, etc.). It's now made it's way into hollowing out the achievement of your age as a player. The only significant badge at this point is the Founders one, and at some point that will be shattered as well when the game is on its last breath. They gave this much away when 2019 led into severely negative reception. They pumped Primed Chamber into Baro's offerings and Operation: Scarlet Spear raining with Arcane Energize to revitalize engagement with a game that just made several questionable updates in chained succession. This thread blows up because it marked a significant milestone, just not the one DE was thinking, but with the way players feel treated.
  2. I'm sure it will happen eventually. I drew relation to Primed Chamber earlier (mostly because I was the OP of that 38 page disaster that I had to have locked), and it's a prime example. People then acted as if I was entitled for questioning the nature of reintroducing the mod in a way that robbed the significance it represented prior. Now we see this Heirloom package that robs real 10 year supporters of their significance. It's one of those things you just want to rub your forehead about instead of laughing at the irony. This is exclusive "pride and accomplishment" more visible than Primed Chamber ever was, and I doubt it will really get any better. Trust is hard to gain and easy to lose. This will happen again in ~1-2 years with something else when loads of these angry players aren't around anymore and most people forget to draw the parallels. Comments like PublikDomain's that document old incidents just find their way to obscurity like mine, and we all just sit here looking like fools.
  3. I understand why you're frustrated, but the bright side here is that none of the offerings from Logins vastly change the game and aren't exclusive to a specific time-period and technically always around. Primed Fury, Primed Sure Footed, Zenith and arguably Primed Shred are the "important" login items, but all of these have alternatives to offer the same mechanics or similar bonuses. I can't say I like the idea of Mastery and Primed Mods being in this system, but it is what it is. Most live-service games now just do this anyway, whether it's a login reward system, a battle pass, or exclusive purchases. Games now are less concerned about making sure the game is always fun, and more concerned with keeping you busy so that you can invest as much of your time and money into that game as your "main" live service game. It'd be nice if Warframe didn't follow this trend, but it does, and there's not much we can do about it. The only nice thing about Warframe is that these issues (while boiling up as of late) don't kill the experience of the game like so many other games suffer from.
  4. Why? This just falsely represents the way the game plays. Warframe needs to be helpful and honest about the game from the start, not misrepresent itself until you have potentially invested money into the game or something of the sort.
  5. It's almost like those bundles were considerably less money, weren't to celebrate a major overall milestone, or offering a "Railjack Founder" profile Accolade. Context is important. Sure, these bundles are similar in nature, but it's pretty obvious why this one set off so many people.
  6. They aren't clueless, it's the fact Devstreams are all PR and marketing now. The only Devstream that gives off the genuine vibe they used to have is TennoLive. Rebecca (and the rest of the community team) has done this many times before. They know how to "resolve" these things and make them sweep under the rug.
  7. 3 hours of Circuit for 2 Rivens you could buy from trade chat for 20 Platinum isn't a spectacular change. If they let you pick a pack of Pathos Clamps or Arcanes, that would be a much larger improvement
  8. Idk, but it completely turns me off from live-service games unless the game looks really good, I know it will be populated, and I get in early. Warframe after 8 years is still that only game for me. I won't buy Payday 3, I only play Call of Duty for single-player campaign, I don't play Rainbow Six Siege anymore, Apex Legends, and I have no interest even trying a game like Path of Exile, Lost Ark, Diablo, Destiny 2, or whatever other multiplayer live-service you can think up. I really like Warframe's combat, and I'm also interested in some of the gameplay in other games I listed, but I just don't see the point in putting in large amounts of time and/or money into these games that treat you like an employee on a leash to stay updated with completionism, collection, loot, and achievements with the game. It's just not in me to play games extremely casually besides Forza Horizon or games that are comically casual by design. The initial gameplay looked extremely slow/boring, but so did Warframe's from 2013. This is the other issue I face where I could be interested a little in a game and then wonder if I need to be in early to enjoy the peak of the game which is years from now. I see that with New World information regarding how they've changed the game. The launch was a disaster and I stayed away, and now seeing the game has gotten some nice updates, I now just don't feel bothered because I already missed out on a bunch. Yeah, I'm that sucker that bought into Heirlooms because of exclusivity, even if I hate it. I rather stay updated with a game I like and know I like than try and enjoy a game I'm always behind in or that I need to pay for time-limited grind like battle passes.
  9. That's as hollow as Dagath's head. People are more receptive to mistakes when they are first-time offenses. A 10 year milestone being handled like a Founders Package won't return any sympathy.
  10. Only reason PSF was patched was because of those rare staggers. Growing Power and Amalgam Serration aren't patched and aren't standalone issues. Melee range from Riven Mods in the arsenal rounds to the hundredth when the mod only shows you to the tenth. Lich/Sister progenitor bonuses round to the tenth in one screen and to whole numbers in the other (which can lead to you buying a 60% that is only 59.5-59.9%). This is a major underlying issue with the way the game works, and it will sadly translate to this stat squeeze.
  11. You're describing a very specific niche where Hydroid isn't entirely useless by comparison to Khora. If Grove Specters functioned like other VIP enemies, he wouldn't work at all. Technicalities don't make my perspective less true. Hydroid used to be a staple Warframe before Pilfering Strangledome. That single augment has led to a decline in usage so far that we are getting this rework today. It would be nice if he was given a new augment to make the Warframe ability actually practical instead of preserving it for a one-off farm for cheap mods that would be an acceptable loss overall.
  12. Hiding things from players doesn't actually solve the problem, it just adds more educational hurdles to the game and opens the door to players missing things because the game doesn't tell you about it at all unless you already have it. Accessibility is a major selling point for this game. The more things left around that are treated this way, the more alienated players are from others based on start date. This is really no different than Cannonade, Ignis Wraith research, Primed Chamber, Solar Rail research, and other issues of the past. Cosmetics are one thing, but progressional completion should not have elements of exclusivity in them, even if the item is "not that powerful". Aviator used to be in a similar exclusivity situation, and it was part of a Trinity Link nuke setup that only some people could enjoy, and was nerfed as soon as the mod was widely available. It's just crumby to do that.
  13. I was there too, and it's still pretty dumb. Having a collection-based loot game with exclusives like this completely kills that vibe. It's why most people who get into the Codex end up completely dumping the venture of completion, because you simply can't. If they want to convert that Ammo Drum into a sigil cosmetic that looks like the mod or something, fine, but mod completion should be 100% available to all players starting any time. It's the fundamental upgrade system. It doesn't matter whether the mod is powerful or not. Part of what makes Warframe cool is when those old items become relevant (as Rebecca just said in relation to Dragon Keys on stream).
  14. The unfortunate side-effect of this is really unfortunate rounding errors like with Primed Sure Footed and Amalgam Serration.
  15. Khora completely killed the relevance of Hydroid with Pilfering Strangledome, so I am curious about this as well. It would be nice if there was a brand new augment, maybe something special like how Funnel Clouds works for Zephyr.
  16. Overall, the many workshops are chalk full of nice things, but this small point is lowkey annoying: Can we just either remove all Flawed Mods or make them all accessible? Needless exclusivity isn't necessary for a completed mod collection. I thought Primed Chamber taught us that already. We already have this issue from Steam Pinnacle Pack Rank 5 Equilibrium which is a retired DLC now. This is worse than that though as atleast those are tradeable.
  17. My first few hours were quite fun, but the scaling and weapon variety quickly became dull. The objectives were even less varied than Warframe's to be quite honest. Even with the Warframe-copied modding system, the abilities felt underpowered and not worth using much. I felt like the game was just a rip-off of Warframe and Destiny 2 chucked into Unreal Engine. I had no idea who Nexon was before the game, but after looking them up, I don't really plan on playing this game at all, especially when the first taste I got included exclusive beta items locked behind immense grind in a beta that was only around for a few days. No thanks.
  18. That's because this "feedback discussion" is a one way assertion, not a two way conversation. Really sad.
  19. It does in the form of primary Arcanes. As someone mentioned earlier, we've gotten more powercreep, just not in the form of standard Primed Mods.
  20. It's very easy to write off something else that someone is passionate about. People get upset when something they are passionate about goes in a direction they don't agree with. It doesn't matter whether it's a game, politics, or the release of a new GPU.
  21. Your second and third points are what feed into this situation though. You don't care for the future and then explain that this happens more than once. Well yeah, that's kind of the point. When I mention the feeling of shattered, it's not a glass falling to the floor, it's a hairline crack that slowly spiders and fractures into a large deformation before shattering. It doesn't matter how far it is in the past, it's still part of the roots of this game. Warframe solely exists today because of that early behavior, and forgetting that just makes Warframe every other greedy live service F2P game on the market. This is the straw that breaks the camel's back for some, and that analogy refers to the sum of smaller incidents, not one issue. And yeah, it is historical if you consider the similarity to Founders items. This is a new low that most older players didn't think DE could or would stoop to. Now that they have, anything's on the table. That's how I interpret this. If we're going to sell time limited badges and items to represent milestones, what makes you think that there is any honor or respect from anything else. It's the same point of discussion I brought up with Primed Chamber, and I got laughed at by many who were short-sighted and only cared about the item in isolation with the acceptable loss of the minority it represented, not the message it projects going forward. It's quite ironic that after Primed Chamber, DE has done the Heirloom package. One was praised, one is controversial, yet the message from Primed Chamber put the writing on the wall for this to take place. This is disingenuous and misrepresentative of how actual discussion is going on here. We both know that this isn't how many comments are worded, mine included. You're well aware as you've already pointed out that this wasn't a one-time issue, it's been a slow drag. Commenting this only taints the well for nobody's benefit.
  22. It's just expected these days with games. Warframe's honeymoon phase was a long time ago and now we see it being milked like this to the point of disregarding how this game has afforded to exist in the first place. Take a look at other old games like Rainbow Six Siege or Destiny 2. It's the same thing there too. The landscape of live service games is filthy, and playing games like The First Descendant, I'm pretty glad I still enjoy Warframe and far enough progressed where keeping up with content is relatively easy.
  23. Do you honestly trust that this company is going forward with their premium content in good faith and considerate towards consumers? I don't. That doesn't mean I hate DE or don't think they can improve Warframe. DE not being the worst doesn't excuse their behavior whatsoever. This theoretical bar of predatory behavior isn't set at EA. Plenty has been shattered depending on your angle with the game and how old you are. The era where DE was a small studio with rich communication always trying to do the right thing is long over. The only reason we have this post here is damage control. That's about it. These posts don't make me think feedback is considered, they make me think that they believe they can trick people into thinking they are considerate while doing the bare minimum. We know this is the bare minimum because of the similarities with the Regal Aya situation.
  24. You're lumping entirely different demographics of people together for your conclusion. The average person doesn't waste their time on Reddit or writing a YouTube comment and acting upon it. Most people just want to get home and play a game. The vocal nature of issues is a drop in the bucket, and it's at the discretion of the studio to care about their image in smaller gaming circles. DE has grown to the size to where they can start to act like their "older siblings" of the industry. DE used to necessitate their vocal playerbase's grace to continue the game in a successful direction. They've shown for a little while now that this demographic hardly matters and is an acceptable loss going forward. The Heirloom package shatters the remaining good will for many that are in this camp, and I'm one of them. The only reason I still go along with this is because of a pessimistic view where I know I make no difference to begin with, and the outcome will not change regardless of my decisions. So even though I'm one of the most vocal players on this platform, I like the game still and stuff my face with the things I want to buy because I'm making them for selfish values about what I want with the game. People can be urged to act on principle, but in the end, we're all just a statistic on an Excel sheet, and the Heirloom packages will probably be seen as a success just like Regal Aya, even though it's a bad deal for the faith and trust it diminishes with the game as a whole for those old enough to know that things were better and more fair prior.
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