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Everything posted by Voltage

  1. Since Update 34: Abyss of Dagath, my Gross Income stat seemed to have reset itself. I confirmed via support that this was only visual, and I'm writing this topic today as we got cross-platform clans and friends lists. This milestone of cross-play has enabled cross-platform profile screens to work correctly, and I'm guessing something on the backend may have triggered this issue. I seem to be only person in my circles with this issue, and wondering if anyone else has encountered this problem themselves. Support told me that "This kind of issue is usually fixed by itself as time passes by or when an update or hotfix is deployed." I am not really convinced this will fix itself randomly one day to be quite honest. Part of my endgame enjoyment in Warframe is profile stats and account achievements, and losing 8 years of a stat due to a bug is a bit unfortunate. I (quite a few other players I know) did inflate their profile Gross Income when Ignis Wraith was added to all dojos, but it seemed to have been reverted back to my previous Gross Income shortly after that incident. I have talked to the other players who had their stat rolled back previously, and none of them experienced a full reset like I did.
  2. This is because Archon Flow gives ~0.0113% more energy than Primed Flow.
  3. True. I'm honestly not shocked or anything, just helping to explain why people have come to dislike the response. Like I said, I think Pablo's just being honest, and some people don't want to hear the truth that this is how bugs are addressed. It's not about what bug is actually more detrimental to the game, it's what costs the most resources for the return. Arguably things like CO/GunCO bugs are extremely unhealthy and bad for the overall game, but fixing those clearly isn't worth the effort. That's just how it is. Warframe is long past being a passion project and is now any serious corporate entity. Bugs are just cells on a spreadsheet with a value of importance next to them based on cost and return.
  4. Yeah, except the way Pablo wrote his response makes him sound like something you'd hear from Blizzard on Diablo IV. If he cut off his statement with "This would require reworking every subsume", most people would just see the reasoning and come to an understanding. Throwing in the "can we afford to fix this" rubs so many people the wrong way, especially considering how much money Warframe takes in, as well as the sustainability of updates. I just see his comment as honesty of why the game's so broken. He's being blunt that you're more profitable churning out unfinished content instead of refining the gameplay. We see this with many games nowadays, and Pablo's just being honest.
  5. The entire point of the Feedback subforum is to share negative feedback. That's just how it is. You don't need to be extremely active or old to produce good discussion or bring up good points. If we treated all complaints voiced like this as ignorable cries, we'd probably still be playing with Stamina or you'd be getting Endo with your Regal Aya purchases instead of Platinum. Everyone has bias in their feedback, and it's important to extract the core discussion and the validity of points offered and separate that from the frustration that feedback is often written in.
  6. You bring up many good points here. With that said, the cause of this fixation is how much Warframe's gameplay focuses on mass-killing trash mobs. In order for enemies to be a relevant threat, they need to restrict or disable the player. First it was the Corpus Nullifier, then the Scrambus/Comba, then the CC-spam enemies found on Orb Vallis, all the way up to the addition of Thrax (that go invincible with Magnetic beams dealing heavy damage). Even if you addressed these concerned (which is unlikely, but let's just pretend), you'd not really enrich the experience, but just make it even more mindless. Most of Warframe's effort and reward happens through the arsenal with your gear. You're taught very early on to build for the mission and build around obstacles. Enemy CC/movement restriction is just one of many hurdles. On the front of bugs, I absolutely agree, but Warframe's development cycle has always been to leave things in a state of "good enough". That's why these features fall apart randomly after some updates that feel seemingly unrelated (like in this case with auto-melee and Void Blast, something that was supposed to have been removed). This is sadly how the entire game is treated. Compounding issues, especially over years at a time, leave some players (as yourself, as well as me with certain topics) to become very frustrated over a seemingly small change or discussion (like the Heirloom Collection, the recent thread regarding Helminth usage on Merulina with Yareli, or the multiplicative booster bug that plagues endurance Fissures right now).
  7. It's "in your face" for me. I know I am going woefully overboard by doing things like that. :p
  8. Yes, in the off chance they get new stances. I see where you're going with that question though...
  9. There's a difference between "extremely marginal bonus" and "wasted". A stance Forma and Aura Forma are comfort Forma types. The difference they make is marginal (Aura a bit more useful). I see wasting Forma as crafting Aura Forma or putting in more Forma than there are polarities.
  10. Personally, I put Aura and Stance Forma on everything with the exception of Zaws, only because it's possible and feels like completion towards my arsenal. I'm not into wasting Forma just for the sake of it though (like 100 Forma X).
  11. To be fair, Aura Forma was added to the market later. They originally felt more like a luxury Forma option, but now they are honestly kind of trivial to own. Like sure, 150p is not free, but trading for that much is hardly that difficult, and you really don't need too many of these. I do agree that the build cost is a little bit high though.
  12. Some stuff should be expensive though. 10 Vitus is trivial. I would like if Aura Forma was mission drops only and just a little cheaper to craft (2 forma instead of 4).
  13. I think a build cost reduction and removal from the market would be the healthiest for the game, but that's just a pipe dream. I just buy them at 150p for 3 at a time.
  14. If a Warframe releasing is not compatible with existing Warframe function, it shouldn't be bothered to be released. This half-bake feature development cycle is what leads to things falling apart over something as small as a Fissure booster. You mention "cannot cast subsume abilities on a vehicle", yet Titania does just that while in Razorwing. You can easily work hard in the wrong direction or still release something incomplete. I am not arguing whether the developers of Warframe put in their best effort, I am merely pointing out the attitude of "ah this is good enough", and it leads to a decade of backlog that is now way too long to address. Things as simple as changing Faction Damage to a multiplier instead of a percentage on a mod description took 10 years. And this is why games these days are often unfinished, because this is all that matters now, as we see with Heirloom collections. Actually making sure things are coherent apparently doesn't matter, because it's profitable to not bother. That was where my original comment was coming from. If Helminth can't function properly for all Warframes, then those Warframes should be fixed, or the entire mechanic shouldn't be a thing. This type of feature-creep that isn't even consistent across the board is just another layer of additional problems that the game doesn't need.
  15. I'm not sure this is really necessary with how many Hounds and Hound parts you end up with while farming Sisters for their weapons and Ephemeras. There's even a good chance you get the exact combo you want from the Hound you receive.
  16. If you're only going to do something halfway, don't bother doing it at all. Helminth is part of the game and needs to work on Merulina and Zipline. If they can't make that functionality work, they shouldn't bother making these special abilities that root the Warframe in a way where it restricts their behavior compared to the rest of the roster. DE doesn't face a problem with implementation difficulty, they face a decade of backlog. I'd argue such an issue as this is high priority. Why? I don't play Yareli, so why would I say that? Because Warframes are the staple title of the game itself and they better all have the same opportunity of mechanical usage. Helminth must work on all Warframes in the same way. This isn't about whether it's simple, it's about whether it's a profitable opportunity cost. Yareli is already old news. She may as well be Atlas. Im so tired of this excuse about whether something can or cannot be fixed to make it seem like there is actually difficulty in these areas when the issue has been clearly mismanagement for years. Why do you think this QoL update finally arose in 2023 and not years prior? They are awesome changes, but some of them are several years overdue, especially the ones as simple as changing Faction Damage mod descriptions to read as a multiplier and not a percentage. This may sound harsh, but in my line of work, if you're going to do a hack-job to finish something, you should find another career. If I had the work ethic as these modern video games that are often held together by glue and popsicle sticks, I'd be unemployed.
  17. The more frustrating part is how inconsistent DE is at handling this behavior over the years. We have this new bug with Fissure boosters, and DE is quick to shut down Steel Path Endless Fissures (they should also stop endurance normal fissures too by the way). However, we have years of abusive exploitation for Steel Essence and Kuva all over the community and advertised on Bilibili. The capped Teshin purchases didn't come from no where. This current exploit is just the ultimatum of the type of player that the game has endorsed as (now) normal farming behavior. This bug also affects Affinity and Credit boosters. You can already profile individuals with low hours and 1 billion Affinity on Amps and 500 million Credits gross income (a stat that only tracks on Credits pickups) from the leaderboards for Kuva Disruption.
  18. Yeah, this "Yareli problem" is actually an Ivara problem that Yareli inherited. Titania is proof that this shouldn't really be an issue.
  19. @Letter13 I know we just got a major update, so DE has bigger things to worry about, but I was wondering if you know anything about this (with your moderator permissions). If not, maybe there is a way to make whoever is in charge of the Forums aware. 👀 This just looks like a really cool feature for the site. Cheers.
  20. Actually, with this update, they can be very useful as Status primers (Synergized Prospectus + Manifold Bond, or even more with Momentus Bond).
  21. You're fine to disagree, but they are trivial in comparison to other grinds in the rest of the game. People just want things done too fast. If you grind to Legendary Rank 3, getting all the other equipment in the game, and you put the outliers like Sibear and Hema in the background, you'll come to find that you naturally completed or almost completed those costs. I would like to add though that it would be nice to detach Fieldron Samples, Detonite Ampules, and Mutagen Samples from planet resource drops and tie them to factions. That way, anytime you encounter Infested you would make Hema progress.
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