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Everything posted by Voltage

  1. I don't mind the restricted nature of Riven slots. I personally am at ~75 Riven Mods (haven't exactly counted), and I just can't use all my Rivens frequently. I understand the desire to 100% max everything, and I am totally in the same boat in terms of mentality. I personally don't think it matters though that you can't install a Riven Mod on every possible weapon though. Just get Rivens for what you enjoy using and cycle your inventory depending on your flavor of gameplay. Most Rivens just collect dust once you own enough. It's pretty hard to make sure no Riven is left behind.
  2. If anything, research is too cheap, and clans are fundamentally cheap in the grand scheme of things. It would be nice if clans were properly expanded to where contribution would lead to an impact that actually affected the Warframe universe/starmap/missions/gameplay in some way.
  3. To their credit, it is confusing because the Nikana weapon shares the same name as the weapon family. It would be the same confusion for Machete or Glaive.
  4. Thanks for the hotfix. Any way we could have auto-melee as a toggle? It can cause weird behavior on severl chained attacks as well as Exodia Contagion (which seemed to slip through when you disabled Wolf Sledge and Glaives).
  5. I get them from the warframe.com landing page. I simply log out of the website, change my glyph in-game, log back in to the website, download the image, rinse and repeat. :) Thanks! I added them all (plus one you missed on Twitter: NP161):
  6. Cryotic was less of a pain when you basically had to farm Excavation for packs of Rank 5 gold Fusion Cores for maxing mods. I have 350,000 Cryotic myself. I can understand why it's tedious now though as it's a dead mission type. Sibear's crafting cost isn't actually that bad. I would honestly like more crafting items that aren't just free. OG Ephemeras offered this feeling as well. It's nice when you get to craft something expensive that isn't super accessible because of the cost.
  7. It's pretty limited. The only thing that grabs this kind of information is AlecaFrame. I don't believe there is a public API. If there was, we'd have more tools at this point tbh.
  8. Exodia Contagion (among other issues players have posted here) has strange behavior with auto melee. It's not as clear cut as "don't use it".
  9. Thanks for all the wonderful QoL. It's been anticipated for years by many and highly appreciated. Mind extending the changes made to Faction Mods for Lasting Purity, Eclipse, Roar, Damage Blessings, and Primed/Charged Chamber?
  10. Incarnons are forced admittance that Disposition is flawed from the ground up. This is pseudo-making-everything-the-same-disposition. Would be nice to just rip the band-aid off so that DE doesn't need to spend time on this part of the game, and player inventories aren't affected. It would also make new variants of existing weapons not dead on arrival.
  11. I was curious if anyone here has set up (or tried) using mobile push notifications for Invision Community (the host DE uses for these forums). I came across an announcement from Invision not too long ago for this functionality (it's not really that new now), and wondering anyone's gotten it to work and how well it works (I have an iPhone, but Android also works). Instructions for Clients: https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/how-to-use-ips-community-suite/content-discovery/push-notifications-device-side-r369/ Instructions for Admins (I'm not sure which Digital Extremes staff are in charge of the Forums backend): https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/how-to-use-ips-community-suite/content-discovery/push-notifications-admin-side-r368/ The way it reads from the host, there is this "manifest" that the Forum would set up to use. For me right now, it says my mobile browser does not support push notifications, and my app icon is just a W. I'm assuming it's just not set up given the relatively new addition of this feature for iOS. I would really like to enjoy using this feature because I follow all the staff so that I don't miss any important posts and announcements. :)
  12. I mean they could, they just probably won't. I didn't write the suggestion with the inclination it might change, that's just the only thing that bothers me about them. That undermines Prime Access. No thanks. I (and many others) would be furious if years of purchases were undermined by something you could just farm. Normal Aya isn't hard to amass.
  13. It happens. The Simulacrum has issues all the time. Don't sweat it.
  14. They're meant to be a nice side bonus, not a forceful farming method. The only improvement I would like to see towards them is removing the P2W nature of bonus extractors for Prime Access and Founders purchases. All players should just have +5 Extractors distributed through Mastery Rank intervals. Likewise, Primed Extractors should be earnable in some way as they have mechanical advantages. I know it's small, but just out of principle, they should not be purchase only.
  15. https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Calculating_Bonuses#Multiplicative_Stacking It is a separate multiplier. So is Lasting Purity and Eclipse. This doesn't even get into headshots, how Faction Damage interacts with DoT, Damage Vulnerability, and all sorts of other mechanics and passives. I will still stick with my take that a Universal Faction Damage mod is just for lazy players. Faction Damage mods are enough already with what goes on in modding. You can already be lazy as-is and just leave Primed Grineer Damage slotted and only swap in edge-cases. In general content, it hardly matters.
  16. Primed Chamber is multiplicative to Serration. Faction Damage is multiplicative to Serration and is not the same multiplier as Primed Chamber. I suggest you look through the plethora of multipliers in Warframe as I only listed a couple that apply to modding a primary (sniper in the case of Primed/Charged Chamber): https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Damage DE hasn't fixed GunCO for years and they likely won't any time soon. It is definitely a consideration and point of truth if it's not being changed.
  17. I read the topic. Universal final damage multipliers are already in the game. A specific mod for universal faction damage is just another damage mod. It's already bad enough that faction damage is a separate mod with a separate multiplier in the first place. Hot take, but all +damage sources should apply the same relative bonus. Primed Chamber, Galvanized Aptitude, Faction Damage, Serration, etc. It's long overdue. Modding is just a game of multiplication to reduce diminishing returns and maximize multipliers. Universal Faction mods aren't interesting, they are just for extremely lazy players in builds.
  18. Added. Thanks! Changelog: I changed some formatting changes to (hopefully) improve readability. It expired under a different code prior:
  19. Given Mastery Rank itself is never at an even multiple of 1,000, I doubt it's considered an issue. I agree though, as it makes no sense.
  20. We already have that and it's a Damage Blessing or Roar.
  21. Yep, just use SAM to fix what you should have. I doubt it's an issue with Steam or DE and more so how achievements would be handled by a live service game.
  22. In Warframe, the counterplay is just killing the enemy faster than their ability to do something to you. Acolytes aren't the only places where you can be immobilized or under an annoying status effect in quick succession. The way you deal with all these is just killing faster. We would have a bit more "counterplay" if CC wasn't laser focused to make sure it's not that effective in new content. DE's been digging this hole for a very long time now given the way CC used to incapacitate every enemy besides the Corpus Nullifier. If an enemy can't immobilize you or go invincible (Thrax for example), they just don't have a chance. That's where these enemy behaviors stem from.
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