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  1. As a glyph? hmmm, not sure that's a good idea, mainly because glyphs are higher quality images and if you use your clan emblem as a glyph it would look terrible. There's also the odd situation where some users will in fact get their clan logo as a glyph by paying a large sum at some very niche opportunities, so they have the clan emblem, but also the higher quality glyph image. If DE came with a way for you to upload a clan glyph, it would increase the game size on your pc and then i suspect that the users that payed 1k $ for the glyph would instantly complain. I would love it for sure.
  2. It does matter, if someone picks up on what players are doing, they can report it. It's not the kills that matter, but the overall activity, if you get the most kills but afk to do so, you might get yourself warned, it's not worth it. There are a few stories in the past with ember in defenses with players simply exausting the energy and then becoming idle by using the 4th ability (world of fire worked differently back then) and those users did ocasionally complained about the warns, despite having the most kills. Never, ever do anything that goes against the rules of the game, doesn't matter if it's a meta tutorial posted somewhere (like aya hunting in the plains) or some youtube video. If the contents state that you can just afk and farm X or Y item, then don't do it.
  3. Nice, can't wait to get them. Maybe we will need to replay the quest for them?
  4. All tradable platinum is considered purchased platinum If you have plat that wasn't traded or purchased, said platinum cannot be used in trading (twitch giveaways, starter plat,......) and instead can only be used in market. You have 3 plat to be used with other players and you have 47 that can be used in ingame market. It's not obvious, that i agree
  5. Regading representation, fear not, while it's not certain, it's possible DE has requested "overpriced professional guidance" for their scripts. These are individuals that offer protection at huge inflated costs to protect companies from the big bad bullies online, these bullies are often designated as "gamming journalists", they often have these fluffy colored websites and have female leads who deal with the issues you're bringing up, they work with many gamming companies to extort as much as they can, often bringing features such as the uglyfication of virtual woman or making sure that the story breaks the immersion due to the overall sillyness (last of us part 2 is such a great example) If you're concerned for the future and how things will be represented, don't worry, expert female leads may be analyzing the game as we speak.
  6. Well, if we apply our world reality to the warframe reality, that is something a male warframe could not do. If you bring the subject up (pregancy), it will have to involve a female warframe.
  7. Well, i take things in a more light hearted way, i don't believe a story about a fictional universe has to be taken that seriously and it's always impossible to make everyone happy. I do believe they aproached the subject in a nice safe way and made it somehow interesting, it's not ground breaking, it's just enough to move the plot in this warframe universe. I've seen games (LofU 2 comes to mind) where pregnancy is mainly used as a shock factor or is unecessary, it appears out of nowhere a couple times and combined with other factors you realize that you're not enjoying the story, instead you're essentially reading the writers mind, this means that the story breaks the immersion. It's not just bugs that take you out from enjoyment of the game, the story can do that aswell. Did warframe with the latest addition break the immersion factor? No, to me atleast.
  8. It seems some decoration displays and glyphs have gone missing or have turned invisible From all the landscape displays that we have, only 1 is visible, all the others went missing What we have: What we should have: EDIT: resolved, displays and glyphs are now working again
  9. Kinda The efficiency in a scatered group is defined by the least effient player. If that player kills as much as the other 3, then when enemies spawn, they will spawn in an ammount that can sustain the mission and your killing, the game makes a decision on where to spawn the next enemy and will split the spawns accordingly, you won't feel the difference. If he starts to get overwelmed, then the enemies you have in front of you will decline, when this happens the players need to check each individual player to see who is strugling. This is not griefing, the higher the efficiency of the players, the higher the gap for less experience players, it's not their fault. AFK on the other hand is not only not allowed but also an act against the team in survivals, now that you can submit a ticket. The example you shown us can't be reported
  10. https://support.warframe.com/hc/pt-br/requests/new
  11. Changes are always nice to keep things fresh, but you must already realized that you just can't please everyone, sometimes not even the same individual. If we look back at previous topics with changes, the comments are often well received and praised, but months later players start complaining, contradicting what they liked/upvoted or said. Here's a few examples, let's say users complain that there aren't enough participations, later on they may complain that certain clans apply to much or they can decide later on not to participate, so their not doing their part anyway and complain when someone does their part. Some users advocate for new entries to win, but then the guy that spent 10 hours in a single room realizes the winners are users who spent 1 hour on the entire dojo by placing floating ayatan statues, they don't like it. They often show their unhappiness elsewhere btw. Some users (guest judges) like when dojos don't have these randomly empty rooms, but when other users ask them directly if it's ok, the reply they get is that it's fine either way. In the end, nothing matters (opinions, sugestions, tips,....), because all users have their own vision on who should win and who shouldn't in each single contest and when someone they don't like wins, they start complaining and want changes. Don't take what is said by A or B to seriously, because as i realized years ago, when you scrutinize the statements they can't be taken seriously, best option is to just do what you think it's best and users should simply participate for the sake of participating in a fun contest, regardless of the attrition or criticism they received at one point.
  12. Clan Name: - Black Paper - Clan Tier: Ghost Clan Clan Platform: PC Clan Role: Founding Warlord Notes: This clan size tier is ghost, we however have both the shadow and ghost tier trophy, despite never beeing shadow tier. The dojo is easily explorable. Warp portal isn't mandatory since we don't have too many rooms and/or a confusing layout. Fast travel isn't mandatory since we don't have too many warp locations. We made sure non decorated rooms (like reactors and other unused/non essential content) to be hidden from sight, when warping or fast traveling you will not enter them by mistake. While the dojo is heavily decorated, the goal is mainly to showcase clan members (and other players) what they played and achieved, each room is a trip down memory lane due to events and certain updates, as such we showcase the clan itself, a reflection of what we did. While unintended, rooms are less prone to visual glitches (like unusual shadows) We have a unique Tenet panel decoration. Unlike many featured dojos, you will not enter empty rooms that signify you are in the wrong area of the dojo. We did not purchase (via favors, plat, patreon benefits) any sort of decoration service, the rooms resources and looks are done via it's clan members. Likewise members of the clan are not responsible for decorating other featured dojos. Also, dojo not visited by Rebbeca&Megan in Primetime In previous contest due to assuming they had already visited it. @[DE]Ronnie Main spawn room: Remaining images
  13. Contacting support could help. If the investment has been low, you could always consider leaving the clan (if you're the last member, the clan gets deleted) and then making a new one from scratch. Atleast it seems like you're the only one in the clan and that the clan is new.
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