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Everything posted by Cerikus

  1. Let me preface this by reminding everyone that these augemnts exist: https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Controlled_Slide https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Ironclad_Flight Can we get one for Sevagoth that would disable his passive? I have been quite enjoying Sevagoth with his new augment, but the passive is bad. In case I get downed I would prefer to revive myself with Last Gasp, but it's disabled because of the passive. Please. The best solution would be an exilus augment that just says: "Disables Sevagoth's passive." EDIT: Just to confirm how awful this passive is, I just found out that the timer is entirely based on bleedout time. I made the mistake of wanting to play Sevagoth in Archon hunt and obviously that meant failure. DE, can you do something about the passive, it's actively ruining Sevagoth.
  2. Same as to Czech Republic xD but I would gladly pay for it, if I could get the book.
  3. I don't understand why print it before people order... Makes zero sense. You let people order and you then print based on demand. That's how a good business is conducted... This just made me extremely sad, because I really, really wanted to have that.
  4. I totally understand that collector items like statues are limited, but I don't understand why you decided to have a limited supply of the Art book. It's a BOOK. It can be reprinted ... The fact that it's sold out already and I wasn't fast enough to order it is heartbreaking. EDIT: THANK YOU for increasing the stock! I just ordered it <3 Can't wait!
  5. +1 Yup. This whole issue just shows how Vex Armor aged like milk. It should have been changed a long time ago into something less stupid.
  6. Cerikus

    Archon flow

    Well.. I don't wanna nitpick, but Primed Flow is 14. Yes, it's a very small difference, but it can make a big difference in a contsrained builds. Other big downside is that on SP it's rather tedious to kill with Cold abilities (Frost especially), so actually getting a use of that mod means you have to go out of your way to trigger it, but at that point you are wasting time, because you can just shoot Eximus and get the same result with 100% chance.
  7. Cerikus

    Archon flow

    I am pretty sure this is not true. Health orbs do drop from enemies, maybe not as often as energy orbs, but they do.
  8. Cerikus

    Archon flow

    So after a huge amount of vigorous testing of this mod I can safely say that: Either the chance has to be 100%. OR It must say "enemies AFFECTED by Cold Abilities". This thing has a 10s cooldown! And it doesn't drop a mountain of energy, but ONE SINGULAR Energy Orb worth 50 points. I don't get it. Especially since it was released next to Archon Stretch - a great mod. It's sad.
  9. Yeah, sure it is just another tool, but my problem is that if you fully include helminth (and stuff like Anomaly) the comparisons lose clarity. At some point you cannot tell, if it's the warframe, or the arcane, or the subsume. I know Garuda can do all that without Nourish, but what if she could not? Also, if you spawn 20 Eximus enemies, her 1 won't work at all. But anyways. it would be nice, if Saryn got a little buff, but let's save hydroid first.
  10. I would be very happy, if they did that. Well I said vast majority, not all. And none of those can even compare to subsuming roar, pillage, nourish or other such culprits. Just to play devil's advocate and nitpick for fun, I totally can do this: https://streamable.com/h8y8i5 It's not as fast as Garuda or Mirage, but compared to your test videos it seems Inaros is much better than Saryn.
  11. Yeah, I forgot about the cap, but again it still feels like comparing apples and oranges. After the rework in 2018 she was good in normal missions with high enemy density, but her claim to fame came from ESO. Outside of ESO I never considered Saryn a single button press nuke frame. I always considered her more of a status spreader/weapon platform hybrid with high stable mapwide DPS. So comparing her to frames that have high brust damage is simply not fair. Especially in simulacrum. That's where I cannot agree. Vast majority of mods, arcanes, etc. is only about increasing number, not changing the mechanics of the frame. By subsuming you can completely change how you play the warframe. It's as if you said Hydroid is not bad, because you can build high strength, subsume roar and use him as a weapon platform with pilfering swarm. Helminth is there and it is a factor, but if you want to compare warframes, you must make sure you make it as fair as possible. We came to accord with the fact that Helminth is there for replacing lackluster abilites or fixing synergies, but the frames should have been working on their own. One good example that will perfectly explain what I mean. I have subsumed aquablades on Inaros in combination with the augment and Hunter Adrenaline. It will easily outperform Saryn in the Simulacrum test. Is Inaros therefore better than Saryn?
  12. Damn. I truly am ashamed right now. :D Dunno how I missed it. All of this is true, but don't forget that changes nothing about the Sim test being stacked against Saryn. In a normal SP mission you would have hundreds of enemies and the ramp up would be faster. Miasma synergy helps with that, that's why you can't just "not use it in a test". Simulacrum tests in general have imo zero value because they don't resemble the real game in any shape or form. Yet all the enemies have viral stacks. Again. Don't care how the build is used. You are attempting to compare the warframes themselves. Using subsumes shouldn't be part of it. Just want to remind again, that I DO agree with you that Saryn has fallen behind, but the way you prove it is not good.
  13. Damn... Do you realize I am on your side. And still you've decided to indirectly insult me? You had this chance to prove everyone wrong and react to my constructive reply in which I admit I AGREE WITH YOU, but instead you do this...
  14. While I agree with you that many new and old reworked frames can outperform Saryn, I have trouble taking you 100% serious, because you seem to contradict yourself and you've decided to use proof that's inconsistent. In your Saryn video, you use only her Spores, you never cast Miasma and you only buff your weapon with Toxic Lash. In your Garuda video, you use Nourish. In your Mirage video, you use Pillage. The "test" is obviously rigged against Saryn to confirm your bias. All of that makes your "proof" null and void. I repeat AGAIN that I agree that Saryn used to be comparatively better, but the way you are trying to explain yourself does come across as a buffoonery. Newer frames tend to have better solo synergies, because the design has shifter from coop to solo. However most of the frames you would probably cite as those that outperform Saryn usually do it with subsumes, shards, arcanes and whatnot, which is something you are not taking into account with Saryn.
  15. Slow down partner! It seems you've used common sense and logic. Sorry to say, but
  16. I feel like this idea is a bandaid rather than the solution. I would prefer if DE reworked the whole bounty system to be better, so we actually want to play it and it's rewarding enough. What you suggest also sounds awfully like a lootbox and I am categorically against that.
  17. Ok.. so hear me out. Yareli + Kuva Chakkhurr + Soaker rifle skin
  18. Damn... what a disappointment. I was ready to throw a tantrum.
  19. I am 100% sure I know what I am talking about. My UI wasn't showing those, because it's bugged and it has been for years. The act recovering system needs fixing. Some acts are simply bugged to not recover acts.
  20. Not sure if it would even help though. Because the liberation specificly tends to just not work or screw you. https://streamable.com/bvuen5 As you can see here. I am standing in the zone and there is nobody around.
  21. PoE bounty stages located around the Ostwan Range camp are still immensely unbalanced. Reason is the complexity of the landscape and size of the areas. This is most noticable in Camp liberation bounty, where it's much more difficult to complete the stage compared to any other place. Unfortunatelly this leads to restrictivness of warframe choice in PoE, where I will rather take Mesa in case I get bounty in Ostwan Range instead of anything else. Btw.... I personally think liberation bounty is badly designed and I would like to see it removed, reworked or rebalanced, but that's just me.
  22. Okay, so either you are lying and think I will just let it go or you simply don't rememeber at all and you only think you do. To refresh your memory: - Each episode consisted of 5 clues. - Each episode ended with a "test" where you had to answer 5 question - pick correct image. Episode 1: As you can see, in this case it's a Dagger, Darvo, Havera, Tiltshifter and Pentagon. Unless the image itself is the clue, the answer is even highlighted in a different color. The images taken are from this video, where you can even see the "test": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PzZF4DatK2s Each player had randomized static pick of those 5 clues for each episode. In the episode 3 I had Kubrodon. Everytime I play Nihil bossfight, in the first set of crystals I have this floating around: It's always the correct option, which allows me to remove Nihil's invlunerability instantly in the first phase. Video proof I recoreded now (sorry for bad quality): https://streamable.com/8j6eni So yeah. Unfortunatelly my brain has this issue, where it remembers stuff even if I don't want to.
  23. 100% incorrect. Each player had their own set of clues based on their own personal crime investigation RNG seed. The items spread around the crime scene explicitly gave you your personal clues about the correct choice for both the puzzle of each episode AND the final boss fight. For example: In my case Gral had Kubrodon Incarnadine Floof. Whenever that phase comes up in Nihil fight, I know to look for that one.
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