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Everything posted by Kronxito

  1. Are you serious? Dante is one of the best frames. He is on a great spot. If you are struggling with him then it is a you problem. I see 50 Million damage numbers and above when i bring him into deep archimedea. I literally pee on all enemies no matter the mission or enemy level. You guys are being beyond ridiculous with this thing now. Let me guess: your favourite junk content creator keeps on saying Dante is trash? For god sake….
  2. I did and no issues. EDIT: the higher the level the easier to keep xata up giving 10 energy/sec no energy issues
  3. That is a very rare situation. And for that i have my Laetum. Few mobs die, energy orb spawns triggering arcane energize and back on again. It isnt a problem at all. On top of that zenurik gets energy too. Infested are easy. Never had energy problems against them. And i farmed mutagen samples for like 2 hours on steel path survival. They just dont stand a chance.
  4. Yes. Noctua + xata = 10 energy per second. In addition you have zenurik. in adition you have arcane energize. Thats the build i go with.
  5. Looks like your minion had something personal against the dargyn he rammed into.
  6. Clicking on a youtube video? No thanks. Streamers/Youtubers? No thanks. Explain the thing on the thread itself or go away. Find a different way to promote your stuff.
  7. You failed the gaming chair check 🙃
  8. Do you know what “compresa” means in spanish? I laughed so hard at her when i saw her signature weapon got named kompressa hahahaha
  9. I go with the same. 4 red tau (strength) and 1 yellow tau (cast speed). I like the results
  10. Slash book + jahu and xata. It adds slash procs on enemies and increases energy regen. Tragedy does the rest.
  11. With all respect, those are the stupidest cosmetics ever. I hope they implement something for us to hide that kind of cosmetics so you can decorate your frames with all you like and you will be happy looking like frankestein but i will just see the default skin. Is like watching a movie with horrible acting. Things like bunny ears or moustaches just dont fit in the thematic/atmosphere of the game. It just turns off, u know what i mean? I was okay with them being just for few days for specific events. Making them permanent wasnt a good move. But this is just my opinion and my liking.
  12. If DE wants people to move away of the S-tier frames and weapons, forcing loadouts isnt the way to go unless you want to annoy the players rather than them to have fun with the challenge. Instead, buff/rework crap frames and weapons for them to be better aligned with the powerful stuff so players will spread across all the viable options rather than just using revenant wisp or saryn.
  13. You continue missing the point but thats okay. Have a great day
  14. It is the same thing. You dont need to do optional stuff. Doesnt matter if real or not. It is optional. Why cant we suggest improvements or ideas for optional stuff? Example, getting a better job or adquiring a better house. Thats as optional as playing deep archimedea. The term “if you want” misses the point of the feedback i wanted to provide.
  15. Well i dont like my job but thats okay, it is an optional thing. I could just go homeless and to live somewhere under a bridge. for god sake….
  16. You can ignore only one to get everything but the vosfor.
  17. Selectable disadvantages are okay. My problem is being forced to use crap weapons and frames on top of that. That isnt fun nor difficulty. That is just annoying for no reason. When i use my gear it feels fun. My suggestion would be to remove forced gear on players and maybe increase current enemy level by 200 or 300 for elite mode.
  18. The problem i see on chroma is puncture and slash status. A big slash proc can 2 ticks him down. No time to react. And yes, the 1 and 4 are pretty much useless. I wouldnt mind if they got replaced with other stuff.
  19. In my case, all was crap gear without. Thank god i got Gauss available so i could contribute to the public squad.
  20. I wanted to check the mission with Dante without any of those mods (no operator, life drain, etc). I went in with Dante and my beloved incarnon weaponry. I spent an hour finishing everything. No deaths. The update dropped while i was in the third mission. First mission was the most annoying one because of the three inmune life drainers. The other two were okay. I sufrered with the little overguard and also triumph not regenerating it (maybe a bug?) Tragedy felt weak but now i have to check with the new patch. The birds are good to keep a good ammount of aggro away from you. I must say, i actually enjoyed the experience going with the loadout i want. Also happy to see Dante is able to complete it. And lastly i must also say i hate the fact you are forced to do the mission with crap gear to get rewards. Thats not fun nor challenging but just annoying.
  21. Streamers are also big reason for these last nerfs. Their titles like “this is broken… this is op…… please dont nerf this…. use this now….” I deeply dislike all of them (read that last sentence again but with less formal words in your mind). No exceptions. They dont do any good to any game as they project a complete distorted view of the actual situation/problems.
  22. I meaaan i did netracells and the new activity in elite mode and Dante is still very good. Everything dies. Just jump high before casting tragedy to ensure you see as many enemies as possible.
  23. I dont mind if they keep overguard only for Dante. Im happy that way. I dont want to share my Dante’s overguard.
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