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Everything posted by 0_The_F00l

  1. While I am for this , I think the positives need to be relatively tame. The modifiers should still overall put you at a disadvantage. We already got the devil's bargain which i think is interesting and subjective on usability.
  2. I was thinking exactly this , We need more variety in missions , it could be a seperate tileset too , with the justification that "the void has manifested this from one of our memories" it could be from any other tileset. We could still face the murmur. Not sure about the necramechs (both allied and enemy) being suitable for some of them.
  3. I believe this has been explained , Orokin arrogance tends to be the primary driver in most such situations. Venus was terraformed by the orokin to have properly temperate regions where life can be sustained , after the fall of the orokin empire the terraforming was not maintained and the corpus being greedy S#&$s that they are overdid it and now the regions are overcooled resulting in the thermia fractures. When narmer gained control they dialed the level down to more manageable levels.
  4. I would love to complete my swarmlord nidus with primary or secondary that launches infested bees/locusts that incubate into the bodies of enemies and on death burst out into your own personal infested. We technically have the zymos , and buzlok that partially do this. Also a gravity gun that takes whatever it can pick up and propels it forward.
  5. Hmm , this I think is more reasonable.
  6. Ah yes , let me just put wisps passive on Zephyr. Nothing wrong at all. Maybe mesa with limbos passive , yeah completely reasonable.
  7. I am certain it's intended , I can't recollect the exact devstream , but I do believe this has come up in one of them. Objects are affected by neither crit nor status for that matter. It would be interesting if some units have object health as some sort of gate , like the domas on the PoE that protect some weakpoints.
  8. I think all of those are reasonable mechanics to have with means to overcome them with a bit of active play. Having something that counters crit while being relatively uncommon is good.
  9. I personally feel we need fewer damage multipliers , not more. There is already too much damage magnification in the game. We will see how the status and resistance changes will impact the game tomorrow.
  10. While I am neutral to this , I am curious under what circumstances does this pose a problem ?
  11. I think the intent is pretty clear and the carrot and the stick are both rather obvious. Any businesses intent is to make and maintain profit. Individuals in that business may have differing pov and methods to achieve that. The carrot is the rewards , and the stick is the feeling that you described in your post which I will , for the sake of reference , call inadequacy.
  12. Oh yeah , i completely forgot those. Grineer really do not have much for anti tenno ordinance on regular levels. Then again , armor makes everything fair i guess -_-.
  13. I remember this , i was hoping there would be some mechanics that do similarly, But pay attention it doesnt nullify per se , it kind of suppresses , we have suppressing options via the orphix (the above mention also has a silhouette of a sentient) and that kuva bubble thing on the zariman .
  14. Again fun is subjective , and nobody has any right to tell you something is or is not fun for you , only you can make that choice. Anyone doing that on your behalf is delusional or cannot understand that people can have differing views on the same matter. I can totally accept that others do not find it fun , i do not find eidolons (especially those speed running it) fun either. And thats ok , i have things i like as well as dislike in the game.
  15. I miss the days when we had more reactions than just liking. We could have kept things much more brief back then. Having longer discussions while fun can get rather unnecessary.
  16. i remember this one time me and some clanmates got together and were bored , this was back when the profit taker was relatively new and vauban got his rework (i cant fully remember the timeline). We thought it would be fun to see if we can take down the profit taker with a squad of only vaubans (there were only three of us chatting at the time) Long story short we started got two of us downed , fourth random joined and the third vauban went down , The new player was like "WTF did i get into" it was fun. So really its kind of a personal thing to have or not have fun and there are more than enough instances of friends getting together and doing stupid S#&$ cause its fun for no other reason. Then you don't enjoy the game per se , you just enjoy getting rewarded with certainty , i suppose you arent really good at actual games of chance or competition.. I believe i asked this earlier , what do you actually plan to do with all the rewards from the EDA ? Do you use every single frame to the fullest and need tau shards for all of them? if you really have squeezed out the best from all frames do you really need more from shards? what will you actually do with them. I feel you suffer from acute FOMO , you dont really need or want anything from the game mode but just have crippling anxiety when you are faced with the possibility of not getting something while others can. If you have been around long enough you will realize that resources do tend to accumulate over time, Everything new is rare and that rarity becomes less prominent over time. Whether that be forma (including umbra) , catalysts , reactors. Take a calm look at things and realize its not that big of a deal if you get 3 less shards this week.
  17. We managed with a group of 3 with a single tower activation so towers are not even that essential. So its important to know the following things: 1) More players in squad = more enemies 2) Drop chance modifiers affect capsule drop rates, 3) Killing rogue nechramechs can shave off quite a bit of time but if you cant kill em then its a really annoying enemy to have (health leech nechramech is really tanky) 4) For enemies have OG , removing OG and having them group up by some means goes well,
  18. Ah I see , you were referencing self opposing views , while I was talking about having views opposing others. I misunderstood what you meant. Thanks for clarifying. I have views opposing yours in this instance , i already asked you why you think there is any contradictions or paradoxical statements being made by me as I feel my statements are pretty much aligned. Actually one can have opposing views even though my point was pretty different , Having a dilemma is a very simple example of having opposing views and most people go through it in their lives where they need to choose between short and long term goals , deciding between right things vs the profitable thing or simply picking the kind of outfit you wear. I am not sure what you are even trying to say at this point. I feel you no longer wish to stay on the topic at hand cause you don't actually have any reasonable arguments to make and would rather wiggle out by grasping at any means to end the conversation , whether that be by nonsensical remarks or outright ridicule to complete rubbish. I have been around long enough that such childish attempts do not really do much , especially from a random person whose opinions are inconsequential. Fortunately this is a public forum and other players can see for themselves what is being said. Please also do explain what you mean by having unsalvageable plotholes , do you mean in the game itself ? Then yes there are plenty , it's a cheese game in more ways than one. Maybe avoid the rhetoric this time and simply stick to the point at hand.
  19. I have already made clear what my opinions are.Do let me know if you are unable to understand it and I will explain again. But for making it simple , there can be units in the universe that can detect invisible frames by different means including but not limited to scent and sound - that is my stance. As to the rest of your statement , I am perfectly capable of having opposing views where I am in the minority or even alone, my reasoning is not so weak that i crumble at the first criticism i recieve , it is not new to me and i have no interest in jumping on a bandwagon if I see it as not making sense. I am also not sure of what you mean by contradicting and paradoxical statements just because views are opposing does not make them so. Please do explain how having units that can detect the presence of invisible frames is either of those.
  20. This really feels more like a first world problem if i am honest. I have used dante on low level ( star chart) and high level (SP as well as EDA) using the same loadout , i predominantly use the the Noctua for most of my damage (paired with the paragrims and basic priming of dark verse atleast) and it performs admirably. I really can't understand the OPs issues.
  21. The only problem I see is that there seems to be a misunderstanding , as if you think your opinions are any more relevant than mine and I need some sort of a justification from you , as if your validation is more important than anyone else's, mine included. The only reason I quoted you earlier is cause it's the one I read earlier which was interesting but also which i felt was not logically complete and gave reasons for the same and I like to respond to anyone quoting me. I have no expectations of you as such , or of anyone else for that matter to explain themselves on matters of opinion if you don't want to. Nor do I need to make any arbitrary choice based on certain assumptions but I would like to understand better of why you think certain arbitrary mechanics are acceptable but others are not. Your opinions are just as valid as mine as to why certain game mechanics can or cannot exist , it will depend on the merit of your ability to argue in a logical manner beyond "void magic so anything goes except when Dev's say so" as that can go both ways. At the current topic the point is if DE can add enemy units that can detect invisible frames , I say there can be such units with a reasoning that is sound to me. I am not sure if you think this is some sort of a competition where you need to win an argument. And the winner gets ... A prize of some sort? I am more interested in having a debate with those able to understand the context and actually have their own logical reasoning (within the context of the universe of course) to hold their ground and not hide behind incredulity.
  22. Interesting but , a tad bit too complicated I think. That would add a total of 8 possible options for the final verse , Maybe it should work the other way around , Casting final verse affects noctuas attacks in some way , Light and light makes noctua have OG steal , Light and dark adds multishot to noctua , Dark and light adds damage vulnerability to noctua attacks , Dark and dark makes all noctua attacks have guaranteed slash.
  23. I already mentioned that anything can be explained away with enough imagination and reference logic. I never claimed your answers were incorrect , only that they are equally probable as mine , as both are based on opinions and game mechanics /visuals which can change over time. We do not have Gore/blood splatter on weapons ,but it does exist in select frames if you equip the right sigil and you can see splatter on walls and environments by default (unless you turn it off) It's less about real world rules and more about what the Devs allow to happen. The potential is what we explore through such discussions. There is no reason weapons would need ammo either but that also is a real world rule that is applied , there is no reason for weapons to have bullet spread if they are so advanced all weapons could be made to have perfect accuracy. These rules and limitations are placed to make things interesting. I still haven't gotten a reasonable enough response as to why you think weapons with traditional ordinance style bullets, ionising lazers or biochemical weapons would not leave any traces to be picked up by specific units.
  24. You can explain most things with a decent imagination backed by some reference logic ,we are of course talking of possibilities. So there is no right answer only probable ones. Also did you miss the gunpowder / ionized air/infested fart smell and focus solely on the melee aspect? We also land from our landing craft coming form space usually that has its on ionization and burns. Its equally as plausible that no cleanup happens until the mission is completed thats why most missions are quick , and the few that keep going have enemies rising in levels not because they get stronger but cause our gear starts wearing out in comparison. Decontamination is a possibility but as you have yourself highlighted "you're an Eldritch Empowered Immortal Teenager who can shoot beams of Unknowable Energy from their Palms (and later their Amp) at crowds of Decaying Clones, Augmented Human-Robotic Hybrids and Self Aware AI Beings made from resources from a Star System we don't know the periodic table contents of while we inhabit Mutated Braindead Husks of Humans and Puppet them around to kill and be killed for us.", so decontamination is as optional as weapon self cleanup during missions. So no , you havent really covered it all.
  25. I think one of the pet mods could do that , territorial agression , comes to mind immediately. Pretty sure the moment you touch down you start acquiring the smell of where you landed , when you cut open an artery and let the blood cover your weapon that smell is going to stay for some time , when you shoot weapons the gunpowder/ ionized air/ infested farts needed to launch your projectile will have lingering scents. When you slide across a landscape you get stuff stuck into your nooks and cranies , some of them may be smellier than others. So yes , there are ways and means that frames can still have lingering effects that can alert enemies to their locations if they know what to look/smell/hear for. That's of course just to highlight it as a possibility , some frames may have their own counters to it , like oberons old passive that just made animals allies. Or silent thrown weapons that leave no trace on the frame itself. This is all during a mission , there may if course be various things happening between missions for maintanence and cleanup.
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