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Everything posted by trst

  1. People can say pacing and player health all they want but really those are the side effects of it. The actual reason is, just like every single other time-gated system we have, is padding. Simply put DE doesn't want players finishing things too fast so walls like these are put in to intentionally slow down players. Which is something not only relevant in game design in general (nearly ALL games have padding to some extent) it's something very relevant for WF with how quickly players can and already do finish the content we get.
  2. Personally I prefer the open world maps since they're more interesting than seeing the same handful of tiles for the umpteenth time. So I'd call it a win. Really DE needs to expand the tileset system to have some baked in variety. Instead of just having static rooms stitched together there should be variety within the rooms, even if it's as simple as having different arrangements of clutter.
  3. I see, but even then that's a far worse system than even rotation tiers if it stuck around for enough Prime releases with having every rotation being incredibly diluted. Plus players still get things "too" quickly with how many players get new Primes on day one now. The point is that if you personally don't want to engage with the system and/or there's nothing you can/are willing to run at that time there's always trade as an alternative. Which is also the response to lacking a fun option to run as anyone can surely find something they find fun to run that also rewards something with a plat value. And Capture spamming is a problem as the game already has an issue with players finishing an entire update too fast. Players running out of things to do then leaving until the next update equals less money for DE, fewer players for others to play with, and more players complaining about a lack of things to do. Plus it also causes issues of players who prefer other mission types encountering fewer pubs running it.
  4. You already can do whatever mission you want for Primes, it's called plat farming. Also the problem with letting players choose their own mission for Fissures is the obvious one that they'll only run Captures so they can pop Relics in 40 seconds a piece. DE doesn't want to remove Capture missions from the pool while they also don't want players always having access to that much efficiency all the time. Sorry but this is some massive rose tinted cope. The horribly diluted rotC pools killed the entire Void Key system. Plus the Key system was destined to die to that fate as DE continued to add Primes. Also it's ironic to think picking a mission type was better when the lack of diversity was the second major complaint with the Key system. Not saying Relics are perfect but they have the benefit of lacking all the flaws the Key system had on top of having better RNG.
  5. DE implied that there could be more in the future but no solid confirmation on the if, when, or which frames. I wouldn't hold your breath on that. Everything DE has sold that was explicitly stated as a timed exclusive hasn't returned. And if they went back on that there's not only be the question of legal issues but they'd also lose player trust in anything they say.
  6. The Shard doesn't add flat crit chance. Aside from that it could just be bugged as the Topaz shards have received multiple bug fixes already plus Balefire is rarely used so bugs with it could go unnoticed. Regardless though whatever is going on you should go make a bug report on the issue.
  7. Pretty sure they're just decoration as they're all over the Murmur sections.
  8. The whole "content isn't engaging" argument is beyond ridiculous in this context. If it's not engaging then the very unsurprising solution isn't to then seek out how to make it even less engaging but to make it more engaging. Also this is a video game we're talking about, and if you find that you need to resort to remove as much of the "game" as possible from it then one must question why you'd play it to begin with. And just because there's still other sources of disruptive AOE that doesn't justify making yet more disruptive AOE. Plus that feeds back into the issue of lacking engagement as pushing more disruptions in just means it's even easier/more likely to lack engagement. Really the AOE nerfs barely count as a slap on the wrist and the game would be better overall if DE committed with all their proposed solutions. But, again, do encourage players to aim for more brainless spam just so AOE can become an unavoidable problem for DE again.
  9. This is cute. Anyways I'm over here waiting for DE to pull the trigger on removing PSF's self CC immunity and/or putting self damage back in. Since, as far as I'm aware, DE never said they wouldn't revisit those ideas if AOE continued to be a problem. So please do teach the spammers that they can still brainlessly spam AOE.
  10. As pointed out, and repeatedly pointed out every time this topic comes up, it's too much animation/rigging work for far too little pay off. Just think about every single animation shared by every single frame. Hacking, picking up/carrying items, jumping, bullet jumping, double jump, all aiming animations, all reload animations, every stance combo, K-Driving, all gestures, every cutscene animation, all ability animations used through Helminth, all interaction animations like RJ seats or trading, etc. Every one of those would need to be remade to work on a new skeleton if such a frame was always in a different stance. Really the best bet at any frame close to something like that would be one like Sevagoth that transforms with one ability. But even then you'd also be more restricted as to what you can do and interact with while the ability was active. Plus it'd still be a lot more animation work than a typical frame. Ultimately it's not a case of limitations or laziness, just too much investment for too little payoff.
  11. The question is why are players allowed to sell/dissolve them if that is currently allowed? As for those who traded them away when that was an option I doubt DE cares enough to pity them. After all they intentionally cashed out on those mods when there was no other way to reobtain them outside of buying them back from someone else. And even then if you are currently allowed to turn them into Credits or Endo that's still a case of a player intentionally throwing away a mod with no way to get a new copy. And as for keeping multiple copies at varying ranks that's a very niche method of modding to begin with. If DE cared about the minority of players who engage with that they'd likely have added downgrading long ago anyways. So all in all I'd assume the reasons why they haven't put them in his shop it's because there's no reason to get rid of them in the first place and players who did intentionally did so with no way to get them back. Thus it's only logical to assume that they don't want the mods to begin with. Meanwhile the other things Simaris sells/Login rewards can permanently hinder an account if they were deleted before hitting rank 30, unlike mods which can just be replaced by other mods.
  12. Or let's just not? The requirement of sacking an entire weapon slot just to make an ability usable is bad and shouldn't be used more. That said there is a compromise DE could use that'd even make the current frames more interesting: give them a passive like Garuda's. Basically when they have no melee weapon equipped they get their own innate melee weapon then make only mods on that apply to their ability. Khora gets the Whip players wanted, Atlas gets to punch more things, etc.
  13. The point is that if someone struggled with those previous quests at all they should have had the idea that they're unprepared for that content. Even if they brute forced those they still intentionally went through that struggle, did nothing about it, then willingly accepted the New War lockout. If a player refuses to learn from experience then accepts something with consequences that'll inevitably involve those mechanics they shouldn't be surprised when they suffer from their own inaction. Umbra taught that your Amp/Operator has relevance, Chimera (and even some MR tests) taught that avoiding line of sight is something you should learn, and the Railjack requirement for the quest should have indicated that some RJ progression is necessary. While the Veso, Teshin, and Kahl segments are glorified puzzles that various parts of the game should have taught the skills necessary to figure them out yourself (as if matching colors and reading text prompts is even a "puzzle"). Again the lockout is probably a bad idea in the first place but it is there and the game already put players through the same/similar enough tasks previously. If they struggled during those then they should have thought twice before agreeing to be locked out of the game.
  14. Even if it's bad design those are still the terms players agreed to before starting. If it was at all a concern that a player might not be able to/want to finish the quest then they shouldn't have accepted it in the first place. Plus it's not like the content of New War should have been much of a surprise as there've had previous quests that hit players with gear checks (Sacrifice with the Amp check) and ""skill"" checks (Chimera's "stealth" check and the forced Operator fights in other quests). Someone who made it to the point to start the New War should have already gone through quests that'd have prepared them for the quest and that have taught them to improve their gear if it's lacking. And if they struggled with those previously they should have thought twice before accepting the terms of starting New War. Now again sure this might be bad design but it's only the player's fault if they got stuck and can't finish it.
  15. I literally already pointed out the (obvious) problems with prices bottoming out. Making things worth a tenth or less of their current values isn't good for anyone, player or DE. The only ones that does benefit is those who want to throw ten bucks at the game, get everything they want, and leave once they get bored. Which are the type of players that keep a mobile game running, not a over ten year old live service multi platform game.
  16. Frames that go for a 100 plat or so will drop to 10 at the most while mods that might fetch 20 or so plat would never go for more then 1. Meanwhile the plat cost of items in the market will remain the same. This is simply what happens when you provide access to sellers at all times and those sellers now need to constantly compete with eachother.
  17. Thing is the ship has already sailed. Not only has DE already said "no" players are already getting locked out of the game if they never finish New War. Currently those players can't access Veilbreaker, Archons or Archon Shards, the entirety of Zariman, everything in Whispers, the TennoKai system, and all this includes a plethora of Frames, Weapons, Mods, and then some. And this list is only going to continue to grow as the story continues past this point. edit: Also players are locked out of SP without New War due to being unable to complete the nodes in Zariman.
  18. Because the game lacks all of the systems necessary for a (game) economy to function. Automation is problematic when you lack sinks both for currency and items (no plat tax/expenses and no ongoing demand for items). The inconveniences we have is all that props up the value of goods as it restricts the number of available buyers and sellers at any given time. Eliminating those inconveniences with automating trade introduces competition which then leads to prices taking a nose dive due to rarity and scarcity also not existing in-game (literally the only things free from this would be a few legendary Arcanes and some Rivens). And nose diving prices are bad for both the game and players as making it (even easier) to get everything with plat means there's fewer incentives to actually play the game thus players both finish an update and stop playing sooner. And the only thing that'd prevent those issues would be player abuse. Players running bots to buy up bottomed out items that they want to profit on then relisting them for their desired prices. At which point players are just forced to buy at that value or farm it themselves, which would then be no improvement over the current system with some overpriced items anyways. Meanwhile everything else that isn't targeted just gets their bottomed out prices which then makes plat farming harder for F2P players. Making the system at best net neutral for some goods and a net negative for everything else. All in all it's all a very bad idea for a game like WF. And as I've already said previously odds are (and they aren't good odds) that the only improvement we'll ever see is a WF market type listing option in-game while all the other steps of needing to manually engage the trade remaining.
  19. Or just finish it. The quest only takes about two hours with dialogue/cutscenes included. And if you're struggling with parts of it then watch some walkthroughs or get a personal friend to do it for you. But waiting for DE to put in a skip/abandon option, which they've already said no to, isn't going to get you anywhere. So if you refuse to find a way through the quest your best bet is to move onto a different game.
  20. This feels like a question DE won't even consider answering until either there's a half-dozen sources of Shards or the system is years old.
  21. I like it just because he's the most "normal" person we've personally dealt with. He's not a Sentient, some ideology driven Syndicate head, a ridiculously short Ostron, a half-Infested Orokin, yet another Cephalon, nor is he a refrigerator chest. And that's saying something for the lover of the most influential Orokin ever who was put in stasis for who knows how long and now has to deal with the void-touched trauma child and a menagerie of traumatized talking animals.
  22. That said an AH system of any sort would be ripe for far more abuse. Players could just run bots to buy out any item below their desired market value the moment it's listed. Or players could automate back and forth selling at an inflated price to inflate the value of things.
  23. There's at least four problems here. We don't know how many Tenno currently exist in canon, we don't know if our wealth is supposed to be canon, we don't know the actual value of such things, and you're assuming we'd be allowed to purchase said things in the first place (sure we can buy Debt Bonds but we're not buying their freedom). But it's really just a case of you shouldn't be taking every gameplay interaction as a canonical part of the game's story.
  24. Then you immediately failed in that aspect as your posted this in general discussion instead of one of the Feedback subforums. DE rarely ever looks here as there's no reason for them to do so. But also this topic is so old that the horse has long since turned to dust. DE knows players want changes to the trading system and yet DE has continued to say "no" and not make any changes.
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