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Everything posted by trst

  1. So long as they don't make pack items platform exclusive yeah there's nothing stopping players from doing exactly that. That is unless there's some region swapping goin on which could possibly result in a ToS violation.
  2. Because the Codex predates chat linking and hasn't been updated aside from adding new items to it. And even then new things are probably automated unless there's a new tab added.
  3. Yeah it's very empty when you've dumped everything out of said vase. Maybe try looking back at all that content you've left on the floor. Now if nothing that was in it was to your taste that's fine but don't pretend that it wasn't there to begin with.
  4. You'll still have all your skins it's just that you won't be allowed to use them on some/other platforms. As for exactly why some are allowed on other platforms or not it's entirely thanks to the platform itself. So if PSN has more restrictions than other platforms it's thanks to Sony. As for Tennogen only purchases prior to Nov. 24th will transfer. While all purchases after that point will only be usable on the type of platform they were purchased on being either PC or console with all consoles being lumped together in this case. This one is thanks to DE wanting to keep things fair for Tennogen artists.
  5. Except that "problem" has nothing to do with their criteria for reworking/removing acts. And it's literally overcome by ensuring you either kill the enemies before they score, keep them CC'd so they can't score, and/or just joining/forming a group that's semi-competent. None of this is something the average player should be struggling with. And even if you are you can always just skip the act.
  6. Not sure how joining a random Index and watching your own goal is supposed to be time consuming or "unattainable by the average player" but ok. Also as far I can tell Day Trader was never mentioned in the patch notes plus it doesn't even match their criteria for being changed/removed. Since it's not grindy and you can do it however you want so long as the enemy never scores.
  7. I doubt they ever would since Umbra had lore to explain his state. There was a scrapped idea of a type of Umbral adaptor that temporarily added Umbra's passive to frames but afaik that's all and the last DE ever mentioned on more Umbrals. As for more mods I wouldn't hold your breath. But at the same time there's no reason they can't add more especially if they keep acting like Umbral Forma is some kind of considerable reward. Best bet here would be trying to ask DE directly.
  8. Personally I'd prefer if Loki and Trinity got reworks first. Trinity was killed by powercreep and Loki has one useful ability (that's done better by other frames). Where Inaros at least always has the function of trivializing survivability for the majority of the game. As for any chance of seeing Inaros changed good luck getting through his stans that don't want their HP bar of a frame touched for some reason.
  9. The schools are already far more balanced than they ever have been. Madurai for passive damage and speedrunning. Vazarin for easy immortality. Naramon for saving mod space/buffing melee. Unairu for CC immunity and armor stripping. And Zenurik for power strength and free energy. The only one that's sort of underwhelming is Naramon since it lost the 100% heavy efficiency (which is even more dead once TennoKai drops) but all the rest have viable and effective use cases. So aside from Naramon there's really nothing here that needs buffing.
  10. I think what he really needs is to be streamlined with having Rift Surge being merged into Banish or Stasis. Plus the whole no damage, aside from abilities, passing between the Rift probably needs a rework to being reduced damage just so the Limbo complaints stop. Basically giving him more of a Vauban type touchup. As for the whole Overguard thing there isn't any issue with enemies being CC immune but if they're going to be Rift immune then they also need to ignore all Rift interactions.
  11. Neat, though assuming we'll get one for each dual element I have a feeling they'll still be fairly niche. Since we already have Secondary Encumber as an answer to all status priming and there's neither a lot of need for mods like this nor a lot of room to fit them in. But they'll likely be useful for min-maxing specific elements or if their secondary stats are notable if they're not all +fire rate. Also PT just became even more of a joke boss.
  12. Any time anyone encounters players demanding you play a certain way just leave or ignore them. Nobody can instruct you on what do so so long as you're not obstructing the mission (specifically meaning doing things to try and fail it). As for the On Call system itself it honestly is a system that could be argued for a nerf. Though the problem with Specters and friendly AIs in general is that they either scale (too) well as is the On Call's case or they scale too poorly and just contribute utility as is with everything else. So there's no real middle ground here. But since the issue seems to be specifically bouncing off your squads cooldowns the easiest nerf would be limiting the uses per mission like each player only being able to use their on call 2-3 times per mission. Or even scaling it with squad size like 1 use in a full squad up to 4+ when solo. Might even be wise to restrict their usage to being unusable in the first 5-10 minutes of an endless that way players don't toss theirs out to automate a few waves then leave to reset their use counts.
  13. They care when it's actively detrimental. Incarnon's aren't since they're restricted by their ammo mechanics and Mesmer Skin isn't all that special when we have other ways to stay invulnerable plus being damage immune doesn't harm other players. Meanwhile AOE spam was the single solution to all content and was a zero effort/investment method for removing all gameplay from three other players. If more free range was thrown into the game then low level missions would be even more automated than they are now and nuke builds (really just Thermal Sunder ones) would be even more dominant. Also if DE committed to adding such things then they'd either end up nerfing them which results in huge backlash from players who rushed for them or it'd push them to nerf the problematic abilities which again results in backlash.
  14. Anyone turned off by the idea of not being able to catch up should avoid any and all MMO/live service type game then. No matter what there's going to be some amount of exclusives/advantages that they'll never get simply due to having not started playing sooner. But even then the whole issue is pretty absurd in the context of WF. Since there's zero content on offer that mandates the use of any of the time gated content. The only things anyone starting WF later is missing is exclusive cosmetics and the convenience of having more Archon Shards. Also DE going back on the idea of story skip is just silly when players can already skip most of it with a dozen smaller transactions. Only difference there is forcing players to go through the story missions or not. Which makes no difference for the types who'd pay to skip the story as they're not going to care about those missions anyways.
  15. But why? Nobody should ever come into a ten year old live service game and expect to ever catch up to the exact point that players who've been there longer.
  16. Most of WF's FOMO becomes irrelevant for being old too. It'd be exactly the same in any game when a new event pops around with some considerable reward. Or when one finishes content then no longer needs to engage with it again until given reason to. It's all the same here, Plague Star is irrelevant to anyone who already got the unique rewards from previous runnings/other content while the Forma is irrelevant to anyone who already farmed a stockpile. Archon Hunts become irrelevant once one acquires all the Shards they'd need. You're done with the Circuit once you get all the Incarnons or at least just the ones you'd ever plan on using. And even Eidolon hunting dies once you get the Arcanes/Eidolon Shards you need from it.
  17. If you truly do play a other live service MMO type games as you claim then none of this post makes sense. All of the issues you're pointing out exist in all those other games and to far larger degrees in most. I genuinely can't think of another similar game that doesn't have substantially more FOMO, a larger amount of time gated/weekly/daily content, mandatory progression content that's either gated or far more difficult, and/or far grindier and more basic resource grinds (often without an obvious out like here with Index even). Really seems like this is just some bog standard burnout and you're trying to blame the game for it by looking for faults in its systems. And even if some of those faults are there they should be nothing compared to the faults you'd find in other games once you burnout on them too.
  18. If you're struggling you're using the wrong gear or you're missing major upgrades. Go run Arbitrations for Galvanized mods, SP for gun Arcanes, Zariman/Circuit for Incarnons, whatever strong Arcanes you might be missing, and/or whatever other strong guns/frames you might be missing then come back. As if you're missing most of those then you're effectively trying to skip from mid-game straight to end-game which is never fun in any game that isn't explicitly designed to allow for that.
  19. If they ever did add more ways to get range I'd expect it to be through a Corrupted mod with some massive draw back or a mod/arcane with annoying conditionals on top of only applying to one cast. As otherwise more free range would just be incredibly overpowered. Personally the only mods/arcanes I'm interested in is more Corrupted mods or modifiers to stats that we've not had modding options for. Like mods that change the headshot multiplier, melee followthrough, or ammo efficiency.
  20. If a rework was planned then there'd be an announcement/workshop post about it like they do with all other reworks. No reason for them to make such a thing a secret. Also news of a Decoy augment is genuinely depressing. Loki absolutely needs to be on a list of planned update/reworks alongside Trinity. And if they're bothering to make another augment for it then odds are a rework isn't planned any time soon.
  21. Or players who're lacking Forma/need it right away can do what everyone else does and farm plat to buy it off the market. As for the suggestions being made here I'd say the option to queue up/bulk craft would be a better option than reducing the crafting time since there's many things in the Foundry that'd benefit from such a change. Like being able to queue up multiple mining resources, restores, or things like Dragon Keys. Adding prebuilts to endless missions in such a manner will simply never happen. DE doesn't want to encourage long missions plus it would exacerbate issues with connection drops/host migrations and players leaving missions "early". And I don't see the point in adding Forma to other bundles when the 3x bundle is already there for anyone who wants it.
  22. Even if DE wasn't adding new ways to get Shards I don't see any problem with the new ones. Since they're all far more niche and, afaik, Tauforged variants aren't even confirmed for them there's simply not going to be a huge need for a lot of them. Also I'm fully expecting them to receive the general complaint of "Why would I ever use these when I can use Crimson Shards!!?!1!" as most of the community can't comprehend the value of niche effects. So most players won't engage with them in the first place anyways and just continue to complain about their made up drought of Tauforged Crimsons.
  23. Aside from the obvious reasons they weren't going to show off more that's also not how DE works anymore. Ever since DE made the mistake of announcing Railjack far too soon they stopped discussing updates until they're near the end of development. So if they were to show off anything in addition to the next update it'd have to also be near completion which isn't going to happen since they literally just finished a major update. So do keep that in mind in the future, if we already know what the next update is then any announcements/teasers DE shows are going to be about that update and nothing more. And as for something like Cross Save the information is already out and we're just waiting for them to start the process so there is no news to be had on that front unless something unexpected happens. Plus it'd be a bad idea to openly announce that the process is starting since over 90% of players haven't/won't read the details page and thus won't realize it's in waves and complain that nothing is happening.
  24. There's nothing anyone can do to help you. You'll have to buy plat to get your balance back above the negatives. Also just as a note since it was mentioned earlier, if you do make a new account you might get banned again on that one for "ban evading" if DE finds out. Whatever you do if you make it back into the game somehow be wary of making large scale trades in the future. Even if the plat comes from someone you know make sure to find out where they got the plat from.
  25. I've never found the random gear to be problematic except for regular Duviri (melee builds really need to be made usable vs the Wyrm). Since every single builds begins to feel exactly the same once you get enough Decrees rolling. All guns become status spreading monsters where you're aiming for headshots and rolling to reload/increase crit damage. Where all melee builds just become status spreading blenders. The only real difference your loadout makes is how troublesome the first few rounds are. But the real RNG is hoping that you don't get Defense within the first two rounds, getting strong enough to risk the 3-4 Defense round, or the risk of wasting an immense amount of time in an Excavation on later rounds.
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