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Everything posted by stormy505

  1. Is this that big of a problem? Like, I see the occasional sex joke but it's very rare that I'll see anything that bad.
  2. SP nodes grant mastery. I think fully completed its something like 27-28k? I also know railjack intrinsics and and duviri intrinsics grant a fair amount as well.
  3. Download alecaframe. Turns out I missed a bunch of incredibly easy mr sections. I farmed every frame, and every prime frame, and every prime weapon besides 6 vaulted ones where I'm missing a single part from each. And I still haven't mastered the base version strun LMAO. I also basically didn't touch any of the arch stuff. There's a lot of Mr in the melees, guns and wings I own but can't be bothered to level. I hit mr 30 recently and don't really have an interest in going higher cause I was mostly doing it for the 100% steam achievement. I didn't buy anything mr relevant with plat I will say, all prime stuff/ weapon parts/frames were farmed manually. And I stuff I don't own yet are mostly in rail jack farms. Like bruh the ambassador BP I'm not ever doing.
  4. The survival life support changes have made it harder. I haven't failed it yet but I also haven't done a lvl cap run since the change. if you're going above the 1k level area I think it's probably harder than defense now.
  5. Solo is the strat. I've still had a couple REALLY bad bugs tho. Like I have been soft locked in the wyrm fight where I killed it and it wouldn't give me my rewards and I couldn't leave the area. I've had the hidden chest bug happen twice where you just can't open it. Not being able to leave the undercroft section after beating it. Those are just the run enders tho, there's a bunch of minor ones.
  6. I think kuva and tenet weapons kinda have issues when the pool of weapons gets too big. When you're looking for one specific one it can take a WHILE cause there's so many and the farm for that is very boring. That problem only gets worse as more weapons are introduced.
  7. Their response has to be a joke right? They're not even 5 minutes into a survival and are very close to dying. Imagine bringing him into SP circuit and fighting even just level 200-300 enemies...
  8. Well, it comes down to semantics, but it depends a lot on the game and also how you define P2W. In a game where the community places a lot of value over the world first of a raid, the ability to skip the grind on obtaining powerful gear, IE rushing it, is clearly P2W because it gives a distinct advantage to players who pay money over those who don't and why it's seen as an issue in games where people care more about the hardcore side of things. Warframe gets away with it because people really don't care that much about the speed running aspect of the game and we don't have raids, (yet). I think people would complain about it more if we had content that people cared enough about to race to complete, which we might in the future. But I still consider it P2W now because I do consider giving players earlier access to powerful gear if they spend money a distinct advantage over those who don't spend money. But like I said before, it doesn't feel egregious with the current state of the game. But that's not set in stone and could change if DE adds content that people care about being the first to complete.
  9. Warframe is def Pay to Win, but also because the content is frankly not that hard and we aren't competing with other players to complete stuff I think a lot of people don't feel super pressured to spend on power increases. Also helps that premium currency is farmable ingame so stuff still feels within reach for F2Ps.
  10. They talked a bit about buffing his overguard in the dev stream. So they are at least going to attempt to fix his survivability issue. Hopefully they make it so he can last a little longer without being reliant on carpal tunnel-inducing Vazarin ability spam.
  11. I don't even blame people for doing it. Like, the fear of being at the end of the chain of host migrations where it has to transfer 3 times before you get to leave is reason enough to leave before others get the chance to force a host migration in case you aren't the host. Like, if this was a game theory example, the dominant strategy regardless of whether you are host or not host is to leave as fast as possible because that leads to the highest pay-off in terms of time saved.
  12. Oh, that's usually because the first person to load in is the host, so they are usually the one doing the objective and are ahead of others. Take exterminate, for example, if you assume everyone is doing the objective and the host has a fairly solid rate of killing things they have a head start on their teammates and will finish/get the extraction portal before their teammates.
  13. I think a lot of the issue would be fixed if they still had the 1 minute extraction on the zariman. It would be a bandaid fix for sure, but right now I can't even leave with the host to avoid the issues. At least with circuit, if a host leaves at the end of a rotation you can choose to leave with them, which I always do to avoid migration issues. But in zariman, you really don't have this option besides out running the host to the extraction to evac first. Also doesn't help that you are heavily incentivized to evac asap after mission completion cause incase you aren't the host you don't want to get caught in the host migration train.
  14. Well, they do care about burnout, and although the main concern is likely that burnout hurts player retention, there are probably at least some people who care about the players health at DE within reason. When I've had awful luck in the past on a grind I would take a long break from the game, players saying &#$ it and disappearing for weeks or months at a time hurts warframe so the devs have implemented systems like pity to reduce burn out. It's one of those situations where there's an improvement in the end user experience and an improvement for the company.
  15. I don't remember this quest being that bad. I think it took me a couple hours in total, but frustration was caused more by it being boring rather than challenging. Drifter/kahl/corpus dude content is like playing a normal pokemon game after finishing a nuzzlock with access to hyper speed. The lack of movement options is noticable, going from one of the best free flow movement shooters to a traditional hallway shooter is jarring. And this also applies to the duviri. Lore was pretty good but it has the issue all Warframe lore has. The time in-between story quests you could complete entire JRPGs in so stuff gets lost to time. I enjoy the lore more through retrospective videos outside of the actual game than experiencing it first hand. Like, I sorta get the difficulty complaints? Not that the quest was particularly hard. But Warframe is very good at making people who are very bad at video games feel like they're competent at them. Not that there's something wrong with that, but you'll run into issues once they face any actually challenge that can't just be beaten by getting better gear.
  16. Most people don't have the time to do the same activity in Warframe for 4 hours straight. Nor do they want to. If players feel like they are getting heavily slighted for playing for shorter lengths they'll play a game that properly rewards them for their time.
  17. I mean, you don't really see bramma or zarr anymore cause they're way more limited in where and how they can be used. They're pretty niche now since they require specific setups and very high enemy density. And why would you use them over the more braindead option of incarnon aoe weapons.
  18. Nekros does health orb setups REALLY well. You can't go endless, but when you have max health conversion fueled by descrate, shield of shadows re-directing damage once you hit a STR break point, and adaptation survivability, and finally desecrate just healing you a LOT. You can go very far into SP on just health tanking. The only thing I'll say about the build is I highly recommend finding a spot for natural talent or slotting in two casting speed shards because his 4th is a very slow animation (although faster when you still have shields alive to heal), and the build requires them up for damage mitigation. I know Citrine builds also use something similar although I haven't done them yet I've heard great things. And I know people frown at WF creator builds, but Aznvasion made a pretty interesting heal/tank build for Oberon if you're looking for more builds that don't just abuse shield gating. I've used it and again, doesn't go to level cap, but it can take you pretty far into SP comfortably.
  19. It's a relic of balance for an older era of warframe where the intended use for channeled abilities was to only have them active for a short time. It did work but then, but now we have easy access to energize which kinda destroys energy economy even for channeled abilities.
  20. I do get where op is coming from. I only use the Zarr when I have a very strong grouping ability or run it on an energized munitions build. Usually on volt. The thing that kinda annoys me the most is that they said AOE was a big issue. Nerf it. Then add a bunch more even stronger, more ammo-efficient AOE weapons into the game. If they at least had consistency, I wouldn't have minded the change as much. Also... still hoping for a self-damage return of some kind instead of ammo nerf, that felt way better as something to play around with and still limited the power of Aoe.
  21. I really thought that we'd have cross-save within a year of announcing it. But here we are, nearly two years later, and still nothing.
  22. I honestly can't tell if this is satirical or not. Like, it's correct, but also with how enemies struggle to kill other enemies once armor starts scaling up. Is this even a desirable trait? Inaros isn't exactly amazing but he has his uses. He's especially good for new players because he can tackle arbies/Orbs/archons/early sp with a VERY cheap setup. Players with a ton of investment aren't likely to use him but being a newbie friendly frame gives him an actual use. Like, there's a couple activities where, dependant on player progression, inaros is actually the best option to complete the task and I can recommend him to that player. I can't think of a situation where nyx has a niche carved out for her.
  23. Because at levels where armor strip actually matters. It's very rare that you'll only be shooting six enemies at a time. Realistically it's minimum 10, closer to 25. And in content where spawns are low enough where you are killing enemies in groups of 5 or below where it would actually be a competitive option, armor strips are pointless cause everything dies incredibly fast anyways.
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