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Everything posted by stormy505

  1. It's weighted depending on how much time and money is invested into something. The games that don't usually don't require criminal amounts of time investment/prod at you to spend money. Wanna take a guess at which camp warframe falls into? Go back to the retirement home.
  2. A lot of games give compensation for nerfs when players invest time or money into the item nerfed. Most gacha games come to mind. And considering the time commitment for getting max element lich weapon... Yeah a lot of people will feel jaded having all their work be for nothing. I felt it when they nuked the archon one shot setups. I'm pretty likely to never touch the kuva hek again, or honestly farming new lich weapons in general feels really unappealing cause it feels like they're more targeted than others for some reason.
  3. "I waited 4 days for this?" It's a really, really high quit point. Like, maybe behind the misunderstanding of how to buy weapon/frame blueprints, slots, the first modding screen, overworld syndicate grind at low Mr, etc, but it's a pain point, and it's not even fully on DE at this point, players say to farm rhino first still for some reason cause they only see efficiency as vet players and don't see how someone has to get hooked into the game before they can even remotely care about efficiency. Anyways. to not get distracted from the original point, there's way, way too many pit falls and high quit points in the early game to not put up guard rails for new players. Frames are one of the biggest ones, considering it's realistically 1-2 weeks MINIMUM for even the easier frames in real time for working adults. That's a big, big time investment, so it'd better be worth the wait. And Rhino isn't from a fun perspective. It's not worth the lesson if it means 30% quit cause they went for Rhino first. I didn't really gloss over it so much as I think we disagree on this aspect and I don't see a way we could compromise on it. But I'll try again. Very often, Shards are not needed, napkin math probably 90-95% of frames its just the final touches and doesn't make the build. But, I think for a few frames, mostly older ones because they are more stat greedy or have extremely dated animations, it's like driving a car without an engine. Sure, you can push it down the hill and it "runs" but man is it miserable.
  4. Sure, tell that to shield gate builds while mirage takes 8 years to cast 4. If something is boring or unfun, people quit. The amount of people who quit cause they're told to farm rhino, farm rhino, find out he's VERY effective but VERY boring and not fun for newbies. Cause at that point they care about flash rather than bigger numbers. Warframe doesn't have remotely good enough early game for a hands off approach, like, god, the amount of people who quit cause no one told them not to touch the open world syndicate grinds early on.
  5. I don't think I'd touch Frost, Nuke Mirage, Nekros SoS, Trinity, Garuda cause of their base lengthy animations (cause they're all extremely greedy on mod space already for natural talent) And Frost's base stats means he's SOOOOO reliant on shards for max energy, cast speed, tiny bit of str depending on if you slot molt aug or not. Like, I usually tell new players not touch 4/5 of the above frames unless they really like them cause without a cast speed shard, or multiple, cause they're so clunky at base. And slotting natural talent usually means you can't fit in more important stats. It's not like Khora where you just really, really, really want red shards. I think the above are just so bad without shards.
  6. Ye, he's mostly used by like, mr 10-16 players cause he's real good in early SP n star chart. But once people start doing SP Void cascade or SP Circuit he's picked a lot less.
  7. He's fine. Still the second most played. Cause in normal star chart his survivability is more than enough and doesn't require input from the player to upkeep. His lazy tank capability goes pretty far into SP. He's also extremely fast and okay at killing stuff cause, despite the clone being lobotomized, it still does okay. Just can't carry afk missions as much. I'm not a huge fan because he's just too boring of a frame, but I get why people in the early-mid game like him cause he handles a lot of content fine.
  8. Both of these would break Inaro's nuke build cause he relies on using his ability constantly to live in endurance runs and can't afford to shoot enemies at lvl2k+ I'm alright with (if anyone kills it, it triggers) but needing to use a weapon to mark enemies is a FAT no from me.
  9. TBF there's normally levels to the audio queue, at max distance you'll barely hear it without tweaking audio settings where everything else is quiet. While the visual queue doesn't have any graduality, it's either fully visible or not at all.
  10. Yeah it's definitely gotten easier and less active. I could see just extending the range of where you would see the old icon, or having the red flashes demos do go much farther. Instead of having the icon available at the start. I still prefer this over the old one cause I disliked turning off the music/videos o watched while farming. But there's better ways to implement visual help. (Again, having it be a toggle option works.)
  11. It's designed as mid level content between normal weapons (mostly) on the low end and kuva, tenet, incarnon weapons on the high end. In an ideal world, you have the prime weapons for the mid level players, and an incarnon form/kuva/tenet form gets released for the players later in the game. But dev time is limited so I get why they can't add more but also don't want to break tradition.
  12. This was not what I was referring to. I was pointing out the irony of you, out of everyone in this thread, calling other people children. I honestly thought you were just trolling because no one is THAT hostile and THAT dense. But you've proved me wrong. You are just an incredibly unpleasant person.
  13. The irony. Anways, a toggle for this would be fine. I don't think they should spend that much dev time on it though since it's such a niche issue. As someone who plays often with music playing I like having visual queues available.
  14. Sorta* there's a few frames who clear basic SP only by using a good weapon and a basic survivability setup and just add very little or nothing at all in terms of value for clearing the mission. And like, at that point is it really the frame clearing base SP? Or is it kuva nukor...
  15. YUP. Like, Atlas issues are, he has some dead abilties, overreliance on ONE specific weapon (Ceramic dagger giving flat crit rate makes him work) as a stat stick to make him work as atlas in SP which obviously nerfs him a bit in Deep Archimedea and nerfs him ALOT in SP circuit. But, these are just roadblocks in specfic game modes, he still does work in SP just fine. Which can't be said about a lot of other frames (I think like, 8-13 depending on who you ask are in a worse position than atlas.)
  16. It can and is used sparingly and in specific instances it's really useful. Like, in the zariman and Albrecht's Laboratories where medallions are shared, it's often worth it to have 1-3 ppl doing the objective while the rest go looting since most of the objectives can be very easily solo'd and the important loot is shared. I usually play xaku in these missions with golden instinct farming medallions, I have the guns capable to solo it just fine but if the squad is doing fine I focus on loot. Especially in objectives where my involvement doesn't speed up the job. I think this should have been used in open worlds with fishing and mining. And if resource sharing is too much too fast, you can make it so it's 1/4 the loot shared from fishing and mining. Although to be frank, that grind has been talked about a couple times as needing a touch up to reduce the grind for newer players cause open worlds are a high quit point. People hate leeching cause they get nothing of value from them. But if they actually got a portion the rewards from ppl working split activities in open worlds they wouldn't mind and it's not really leeching anymore.
  17. I'd get the nerf if they stuck to their guns and nuked all AOE weapons and never added more room clear weapons. But then they added incarnon weapons. So yeah there really isn't a good argument for keeping the bramma in such a unfun state while also keeping so many incarnon weapons in their current state.
  18. If your plat goes into the negative, you get banned. You were pretty close to losing your account forever. I can't see what your plat balance cause you used your phone over just pressing Windows key + shift + S but it wasn't in 5 digits so eh. Kinda yeah, If they aren't a reputable seller, selling to them for large amounts of plat is risky. There's a lot of scammers in the riven market. DE has a zero tolerance (understandable otherwise bad plat would be more rampant) policy for plat laundering. They don't have the PC access to tell if an alt account of a black market plat just traded to their main or if they bought something off of an actual person. Cause anyone can claim they sold a god roll riven for 3k bad plat. So DE doesn't show mercy to anyone. It's why sellers need to be really, really careful when a deal seems too good to be true.
  19. Before getting another frame for build space was an ok bandaid solution since farming another frame+forma wasn't THAT bad. But with the addition of shards and umbral forma, stuff that is pretty hard to get in any large quantity. Getting two copies of a frame on fully optimized builds is significantly harder.
  20. The current system already struggles when a switch or old gen console hosts. It's going to get so much worse when Warframe goes to mobile. I'm not sure if dedicated servers are the answer. Although the default answer of "it's too much money" really falls apart when you look at how much money warframe brings in, above other games with dedicated servers... but something needs to absolutely change before the mobile launch.
  21. Um, actually I use this for riven challenges. Half joking as I don't even know if the wall latch ones are still in the game.
  22. There's no joke. I farm primes almost entirely cause I want the skin. The base stats are most of the time meaningless,
  23. 4. Skewers enemies around Hel in void spikes. Damage vulnerability applied to skewered enemies. Skewers stay after enemies die. 3. Tp into ground slam, invulnerable for a very short period of time while this ability is used. The slam shoots out void spikes from the point of impact. If those void spikes hit skewered enemies, or a skewer left behind by a killed enemy another instance of void spikes centered on that spike/enemy is created. 2. Shoot out an orb that has a high aggro value, increases in damage delt by absorbing enemy attacks and also damage delt by Hel's weapons. The orb tracks to the nearest enemy, if the nearest enemy is skewered the orbs speed and damage are increased drastically. 1. Self buff, dealing damage has a chance to skewer that enemy, chance increases with str. Team buff, damage delt by teammates weapons also have a chance to skewer enemies. If a skewered enemy dies, enemies nearby get skewered.
  24. These 3 from the eydolon pool I think are the most generally good ones. 1. Energize - Man this is still king, the fact you can go super negative efficiency on even caster frames as long as you have this + blue archon shards for energy max is wild. 2. Avenger - This plus combat discipline setup is strong. 3. Arcane Fury - Good for certain melee setups, I use it on Khora. Good for I wanna say most stat stick setups? These ones if you like the frames they work for get them, otherwise eh. N. Arcane Guardian - I like this on Oberon for a specific health tank setup.. N. Arcane Grace - Busted on Inaros for survival but over kill. N. Arcane Barrier - Busted on Hildryn but also over kill. N. Arcane Trickery - Specifically really nice for ash as his 4 procs it so you don't have to rely on smoke bombs short duration for invis. N. Arcane Deflection - Really nice on Health tanks like inaros and Chrona, if you have it you get to sub out of wyrm prime. N. Arcane Precision - Pretty good on Yareli. N. Arcane velocity - REALLY good for Mesa, pretty good for Yareli.
  25. It's not that weird, she's a pretty popular frame for speed clearing relics, and just going fast in general. Systems is usually like 45-55
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