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Everything posted by SneakyErvin

  1. Yes, this. And what we can see in the game there is no need for a tenno. Kullervo is an example of that, since prior to us he has had no operator connection. Also when looking at Kullervo and then considering Xaku and Revenant, it seems like the void is very much part of the frames. We can see it inside Kullervo and Revenant in their various wounds, we can see it naturally in Rev Prime and we can see it pumping like blood through veins in Xaku. And the actual void energy is likely also what binds the powers together for a frame, while the armaments on each specific frame is to help the void take shape into something specifc, from ice and fire to glass walls and skin covered in armor or just pure raw void. Which might also be why nullification and scrambing works to shut down powers, since it dissipates the void, so there is nothing that holds the construct together. Then the sentients have taken nullification one step further kinda, since it seperates the connection between Frame and Void. But it doesnt seem to do anything with the Void specifically, since the Tenno still functions. Which is how some other tech also works, some of which is tied to Wally, like the Void disruption cages of his Angels.
  2. That is very subjective and based on personal experience only. For me, it isnt true. Like I said earlier, I enjoy the farm. If there is nothing left to farm and I want to play similar content I pick that other similar content that still has something to farm. Also as pointed out earlier regarding arbis, just staying 20 min is a waste for me, since it is on a 1h CD with a random selection of modes. So if a good and enjoyable mode pops I'll make sure to stay until I feel I need a break, since the next reset may offer a mode I'm not that fond of, or versus an enemy I dont feel like fighting. Also not sure why you think this is about levelcap, or where you got the idea from that it is even hinted. There is a vast difference having a build that can handle 20 min and 1 or 2 hours. And 2h is not even close to level cap aside from a very few select modes. Claiming others being insane because they dont share your view of fun is silly. Sanity would be doing what the individual enjoys, insanity would be the individual putting itself through what it doesnt enjoy in the case of a hobby. Sigh all you want. It doesnt make your statement less false. You as in me you or you as in people in general? Eitherway you couldnt be more wrong. Since specialization, min-max etc. depends highly on the frame or weapon in question, there is no must to go with full formas. And no, half formad does not guarantee more variety, that is a baseless assumption since it fully depends on the item in question. We also lack a variety in modding based on different polarities. So you are most often able to swap in low max cap mods of a different polarity in a high formad build if you "build" for lower content. Looking at some of my own frames for instance, I can replace an Umbra or two and have 16-32 capacity freed up on whatever I like, while most low mods will cost 1-2 capacity more than the most expensive properly polarized that are currently part of the build, that is if those low mods only have the option to go into those unmatching polarities. We are in the end not looking at all mods suddenly going into unmatched polarities just because we swap to a different build. And why you treat Umbra with great caution I dont really see the point of. Are you that starved on simaris rep that you cant afford alternate versions, so instead of running Intensify in a low build you instead run UI at a far lower rank? Oh right, no you, the spokes person for building for content refuse to use the biggest options for build freedom, that of partially ranked mods. Since they are a "nightmare to work with" eh? 👀❔ No wonder you cant see that SP allows for wide build variety when you refuse to use large parts of a full system. You refusing to use partially ranked mods is as if you played an RPG and either maxed skills/talents or didnt use them at all. You've honestly never sat there in WF and thought "Hmm I could use that strength from Transient, but I also need the duration that I would then lose... Oh hey Blind Rage at partial ranks offers the same strength, for a lower cost and it reduced efficiency instead of duration, which I can actually spare in this build!"? Or for any other mod for that matter where you only need parts of the stats and there is no other option?
  3. Yeah I think whenever a complaint pops up regarding PuG behavior my eyebrow raises a bit and I go "huh?", since the person complaining already agreed on being fine with the random nature of randomly finding others to play with. The only real complaint regarding public I get is that regarding pure leechers, people that join and do nothing. Since it makes me think "why play a game when you apparently dont enjoy actually playing it?".
  4. I think anti-Void might just be a reference to something that is ment to counter the afflictions/alterations of void exposure, which happens to then also result in side effects. Maybe something to even be used to end Wally eventually. Plus the use of "anti" instead of "Anti" makes it seem more like some remidy/tool. As we dont say things like anti-Christ about Antichrist. The first simply means someone opposed to Christ, but not the Antichrist himself. So if they ment a place or type of exsistance Antivoid or Anti-Void would have been more correct.
  5. Not sure about meme builds but Divine Spears augment looks interesting, so does Ukko and Decoy. Spears together with melee incluence can be fun. And I wonder if there could be some fun interaction with Gas maybe. Though I doubt influence will transfer the damage dealt by the statuses, it will likely just spread the status effect among speared enemies. Ukko seems more fun than needed. What really is the deciding factor for me is how the +6 second duration works. If it is a +6 second increase to the base duration that scales with modding, if it is a flat +6 second duration outside of modding or if it adds +6 second to the current duration with each wrathful cast. If it is the last mentioned interaction it could turn Kullervo into a fun bleedporting daggerdin. Nourish instead of Curse since a melee influence weapon already AoE clears stuff fast if needed. Decoy augment will likely make me swap out switch tele on my Loki instead. It will probably also make me use Decoy on a few other frames that have room for the augment. Random statuses (multiple) when enemies hit it!? Yes please says xdition overload. And that it also moves around is nice. But it also depends how well you need to aim before being able to cast it. There is a reason I dont enjoy ensnare since it feels so very precise in the required aiming. Will need to test it on some frames, but so far Protea with a build for her turrets could really make use of this. And since it is a bunch of random statuses, Decoy has the potential to allow for great use of some Archon mods and shards. Archon Stretch and Continuity can work great with it.
  6. I'm not sure. What I can see are players jumping into this new tier when a new Prime is released to see if someone uses 1 out of 10 or so new relics as opposed to 1/3 per most tier as it is now. But as to people leeching on the axi of others? Doubtful since axi isnt positively worth more. I think people are more interested in leeching radiants if anything if they are planning on leeching at all. Which likely isnt a big issue, since the only thing I tend to see with relic leeches are around new Prime releases, otherwise people tend to just join and stay no matter what relics, radiated or not, people use. One could hope it reduced leavers around new releases since the chance someone in the group carries a new relic is higher since there are suddenly more potential relics due to cross tier opening. Or my math logic is completely off, which is highly probable and in most cases guaranteed.
  7. Nope. Arbis are still useful. But I also tend to run those aslong as I run SP endless, so no reason to mod seperately for it. Or did you forget or didnt know that arbis are only endless? Sorties I dont care about, so go play sorties all you like without a worry that I'll stumble in and ruin your fun by not changing my build for a 5 minute activity. Those things are not in relation to what went live. If you claim they are, please quote the source from release day. In reality from the original talk (that never went live) we were also supposed to have a T1 SP and a T2 SP with different starting levels. But that is no more a requirement to play than going to the same levels on the SC. So moot point. C rota (if the mode has it), that is the norm, that is what DE expects a player to be able to handle. That doesnt mean you need to do it in the most efficienct way, just that you should be able to do it. The same as not doing it since both approaches lock out certain build options. Seriously, how do you not see that? Not to mention you arent forced to only own 1 mod of each, so you can (like most people likely) use several different types of ranks of a mod if you want to build for something specific in your way. If you dont know that then you didnt set foot in SP early on and probably only started doing it after Acolytes were added. Old SP required you to have an absurd KPM to gain essence since it was all based around replacing as many mobs on the map as fast as possible with the chance for an Eximus spawn, the thing that had a chance to drop essence. With the addition of acolytes your KPM practically doesnt matter for essence since they spawn in intervals with a very slight impact from KPM (in survival atleast). This result in very very off meta builds gaining more essence per minute now unbuffed/unboosted compared to one out of the very few old SP meta picks with buffs and boosters active. In addition to that you are rewarded with essence from the first rotation and onward as opposed to seeing drops at a decent only after 45 minutes or so during old SP, with the exception of Odin. So no longer a need to stay for more than a rotation if that is all you can handle, while still maintaining a higher yield of essence unbuffed/unboosted compared to old SP with buffs and boosts. To put it in perspecive in numbers. An hour of survival in current SP should award you with 24 essence or 12 acolytes since 1 should spawn atleast each 5 minutes and they drop 2 essence each. In old SP you might see sporadic essence drops as you went on, but in order to gain something close to 24 essence you'd need smeeta luck and a booster active while playing for 70 minutes or so. Which used to avarage out to 30-32 essence or so, less if your smeeta was grumpy. You can do the rest of the math yourself for current SP by adding booster and potential smeeta if that if your cup of pet. And it wasnt due to not having access to those mods and arcanes, it was due to how the reward distribution was set up. And moving over to acolytes and removing the need to stay for long periods resulted in a vast expansion of useful methods to build. I for instance went from Khora to running around whacking enemies over the head with my Silva & Aegis Prime on Frost Prime and then Lavos when he released. And that was for around 6 months until they eventually also added galv mods and arcanes to the game.
  8. So using words for their purpose is pedantry now? I'll remember that next time I plan to buy a plane ticket and ask for a car pancake to go across the pond. Yet the simulated nerfs you show are all about stat changes, since you cant show new mechanics, neither for enemies or weapons. So if you arent talking about nerfs like that, why use those gifs in the first place? I dont know how you can quote a thing and miss the point so completely. What part of closer do you not grasp? You just mention cases where things have gotten overbuffed, you also mention whole systems, not individual parts. That is tied to unique mechanics, so you ended up with powerful melee that also had stats to surpass ranged, then they did the same with ranged. Bringing two whole systems closer would be fine, since they'd still rely on two seperate mechanics in approaching the whole game. I'm talking about weapons vs weapons within the same class, where bland will stay bland and if a whole class is bland it wont perform well compared to one with more unique mechanics. Galv mods etc. did not help the straight up bad guns even if they were brought closer to melee. Not that it matters since it is a buff to a whole system. And that your Gorgon might see better use out of the stats than the incarnon form could be because they've missed the mark with the Gorgon, same as a few other incarnons. That does not mean it is the rule or norm, just a #*!% up on DEs part. Just as there are incarnons that have seen no help big enough for me to use the, which isnt a rule or the norm either since others love them. It's more that they have bad mechanics, which I've pointed out earlier. Also, looking through the list it seems like you dont quite catch the concept of unique mechanics. You hit the spot on penta and simulor for instance but completely miss it with Sniptron, Supra and Karak Wraith. Neither of the last 3 have any unique mechanics. Sniptron as you mention is just a sniper among snipers, Supra is a lower variant of Supra Vandal and Karak Wraith is a higher and lower variant of other Karak variants. So obviously the higher versions or other weapons within the class are more popular in comparison, since they all share the same mechanics. It's the same reason why just buffing penta wouldnt help it, since it has a bad mechanic within the class. While also adding new mechanics. And you think going through and buffing and nerfing every weapon is faster? And no one has said that only the unique mechanics have made them successful, I'm saying just the stats would not have helped the majority. Furis, Braton, Boar, Strun, Burston, Torid, Dual Toxocyst, Lex, Latron, Lato etc. would not have seen much use without their new forms, since AoE weapons of the Tenet and Kuva kind still exsists along with non-AoE Tenet and Kuva weapons that come with innate elements. And I'm not against stat squishing in combination with something else, which was pretty clear the first time I said they should go with the incarnon treatment if they are to buff lower weapons. And the incarnon treatment is in the end a combination of both. Which I also pointed out by saying earlier that it would give something to those that want to use the base form with higher stats and those that seek something new alike. But you likely forgot that, or left that out of the context, or forgot that because you left it out of the context in an earlier quote. And again you missed the point and forgot the old context (since you never included it). This is about your stat squash so everything is nearly the same, at which point keeping weapon A, B and C that are all bland would be pointless if one of them have a more favorable spread, since they all do exactly the same otherwise. Bring Karak, Braton and Dera closer and say they end up with IPS at 15/30/55, 33/33/33 and 15/60/25 they'd all do the same thing but the Karak would have more favorable stats. You would practically lock a weapon slot or two to alternate skins at that point, alternate skins that require the same upgade investments for no actual gain compared to the item you keep and use. I dont know about others, but I wouldnt be really incentiviced to invest 3x the forma and catalysts on something just to unlock what would effectively be different skins only. So you havent actually listened to their reason as to why self damage should return then? It is in order so AoE QoL isnt locked behind a long long login day requirement. Self damage will replace knockdown and stagger. So it isnt to further limit AoE, it is to replace one penalty with another. Not according to the patch notes and what we've heard since there and have had added to the game in addition to that. Yes and? I really dont see your point at all in lining up those quotes. The fun part is that even DE sees that situations that they've created require (important is their word) efficiency, but that some might not find that fun. And that is all OK, that doesnt mean everyone should be brought down to that level of "fun" by having efficiency (which DE understands is required and points that out) nerfed. It's more that both parties should understand that they joined a PuG at that point, so you shouldnt yell at people for not bringing an efficient loadout, nor should people yell at people for not playing their "fun" way. And if AoE damage was the massively disruptive issue you and others claim, it would be near impossible to play melee in the game while in groups, but for some reason that isnt the case. It would also be troublesome to stack/cap things like Plunder etc. But somehow I have no problem gaining combo or reach max potential on my Plunder if I play Hydroid. The problem I tend to run into are people with pointless CC locking down enemies way off behind walls and so on, or forcing some buff on me that I absolutely do not want.
  9. Going on how previous changes to timed activities have worked the new mode wont go live until the sunday refresh after the patch. So if the patch arrives on wed 13 the new mode will go live on the weekly reset sun 17/mon 18 (depending where you live).
  10. I wouldnt mind a WF movie. I would however like to see it based on The Old War and things prior to that. Things we dont play through in the game. However I wouldnt want to see a WF movie or TV-show created now in this day and age. Too many things these days risk getting turned into political fuel, since creating things just in order to be enjoyed seems to be an alien concept right now. Scripts, direction, editing and acting gets sacrificed on the altar of pandering. I'm still worried about 40k even if Cavill is behind it and assurances have been made.
  11. Have you actually read the info they provided? Because saying that it is scummy is very disingenuous since it really comes down to simple reading and understanding of words. It is not next level english, it is a simple combination of words that results in meaning one thing instead of another, nothing more, nothing less. It can suck for some due to a language barrier, but shouldnt be an issue for any native or person with more extended english understanding. However many americans and brits still cant seperate "could of" and "could have" in written language.
  12. I wouldnt mind a tap/hold function. I would however mind a regular K-drive interaction since it shares other functions, which would be annoying if you try to use those interactions if the fish stick happens to slide close to you so you mount it instead. While accidental mounting might be fun elsewhere in life, I wouldnt want it in WF. I dont drink when playing WF, so I would realize it and get annoyed by it directly and not the day after as it tends to pan out in real life.
  13. It doesnt matter when you specifically single out two modes. That you then start to include other things as you get cornered and questioned is of no real interest when you were so very specific to begin with. You cant even back up what you mean with unbalanced. So cant really be written off as more than the misconception rooted in refusal to progress as I initially pointed out, which I pointed out before you even singled out SC and SP. And heh, what "list of caveats in the post they made alongside"? There were patch notes with basic info how it works along with the regular feedback megathread. So what list? The "list" you refer to is a post that came long before SP released. Which was about two very different iterations from what they actually released. What about the bolded part? Where does it talk anything about a singular most powerful build, where has that ever been said at all for that matter? That is really your assumption that some specific build is actually needed for SP. When in reality a multitude of builds are viable for SP, and even more if you are OK with not having the greatest of efficiency while you farm the mode. SP used to have very limited builds due to how essence was distributed. But with the change any build can practically work, it really depends on what you are actually seeking from SP. All that is needed in SP is being able to clear 1 rotation/1 acolyte, with 1 rotation being what you seem OK with elsewhere aswell. So what makes SP unbalanced then when you can achieve that goal and make use of SP with a wide variety of builds?
  14. Except that wasnt even targetted at you. I simply pointed out that your observation(s) was wrong, an observation that sounded like a certain type of people and asked you based on that. The you imply that wasnt your intent but yet feel as if the comment based on the comment I made was directed at you even if that wouldnt be the case since you didnt mean what it seemed you ment initially. But now that you think that the comment was about you through the previous comment I made, it seems like you ment what you actually said and implied. So like..uhm...? 👀❔
  15. That wasnt what you started out with. That you changed the song and dance later on doesnt matter. You initial statement is what matters since arbis and sorties are not the star chart, which is the thing you seperated so clearly from SP. I'd also like to point out that the difference between a 140 mission and a 140 SP mission is rather minimal, since SP just means you'll do it slightly slower. The threat overall is the same, the difference between SP and a SC 140 mission really only kicks in if you play solo endless, and that is due to the density, since that is the thing that boosts threat through more enemies attacking you at once in SC. Also it's hilarious that you include Archons (and Netracells since you claim to include the whole game) and then single SP out as imbalanced when the two are nearly identical, with Archons also imposing further penalties on things that makes SP easier in return. And what you claim is what designed to do and why it was introduced is not true. That went out the door long before it was ever added to the game. When it went live it was practically SC 2.0 with some unique rewards and a higher payout for a higher risk. So that is the intent of the design since that is what they released. Unless you imply they released something they didnt intend. And if it was what you claim it was designed for, it would actually be the place to go for build variety, since it was at first mention intended as both a shortcut to higher endless and a replacement for testing builds in Sim. But it turned into its own mode, where you can still use a multitude of builds, it all just depends how hard or easy you want it. If you want to start early on in your progress and then progress through SP, or wait until you can farm it without a sweat. Like most high level content in other games.
  16. Exactly why nerf and buff arent interchangable. Since only the target has actually changed i.e gotten buffed or nerfed. In comparison doesnt matter since 1 of the 2 has gone unchanged. So changing an enemy means that the enemy has either gotten buffed or nerfed, nothing else has since it stays the same. That something else will kill the enemy faster or slower in comparison to before doesnt matter, since it is only the enemy that recieved the actual change. Viral didnt change though, since it still works the exact same. So viral wasnt nerfed, an enemy type was buffed, or well created with a special mechanic, that is it. That is what changed, viral didnt. And rivens add power so those items perform better than others, same with augments. Yet you advocate everything to just be bland and the same, and arguing power gaps are bad, while power gaps through rivens etc. is what makes that bland weapon used. You are also now talking about the very thing I've said. Stats wont help if it means to just bring them closer, unique mechanics are needed. And wow, gee, what happens then? Oh my, the weapons are no longer bland! Like I said before, adding just the incarnon passive perks to most of those weapons wouldnt have helped them, the actual incarnon form did. Also not quite sure what the elements have to do with things when we are talking weapon stats. More than kinda proving my point that even if you bring stats up to equal, damage types will still decide which weapons dominate usage. So why were you so hellbent on the whole bring items closer through normalized stats before? I mean I've mentioned the unique mechanics quite a few time and yet you didnt realize it until now? It's practically what I'd want to see for more weapons through incarnon, since it would both buff all variants at once plus bring new mechanics to the whole family. Same reason why I want mobs with unique mechanics instead of just stat alterations, since unique mechanics can shift things up during regular gameplay, while allowing trash to be trashy trash. Yep, which I've mentioned several times over in this thread, that incarnons for more weapons would be a good idea. I've never been against buffs, I'm against the "bring things closer" through simply stat squashing. You would have likely seen this if you had actually quoted things in context, which would have made it harder for you to forget what the other person actually brought up. Hence why I quote your full paragraphs, so nothing is pulled out of context. You've been adamant about bringing things closer together through stats in this thread. Not until now have you actually started to talk about what I've already talked about for pages. I've already brought up incarnons early on in this convo and said that would be a good idea to bridge the gaps and naturally tighten families just as it currently does. What I refer to in the part you quoted here is if bland weapons stay bland through stat squashing, at which point keeping weapons would be pointless. But if you actually want the incarnon approach to more items I'm fully behind that. Since I dont mind the chance to maybe find a new cool mechanic for a currently bland weapon while someone else (you for instance) might enjoy blandness and get a basic stat boost. Also, you again bring up that you use DE quotes. But you avoid to mention that you ignore them when it doesnt suit you. Like how I pointed out that DE according to the quote you provided are of the opinion that AoE is "fixed" in the game we play now. Since what you quote is reasoning regarding changes now made to AoE. Yet you harp on about AoE being disruptive? But you just also said that DE quotes are proof of intent. But then, how can DE reason regarding changes that are now live as a fix to AoE they saw as issues while AoE is still disruptive at the same time? Did DE fix it or does the official quotes from DE really just mean nothing? Or do they only mean something when you need them to?
  17. At what point was that not the point of the person I quoted, which answered to a person that pointed out things regarding not P2W? I mean lol, there is zero reason for the person I quoted to point out "win" if he isnt implying WF being P2W. Especially when refering to an item.
  18. This^ And one thing to add to this aswell, which will likely upset some is... Not only has the game expanded to a wider player range, it is also now of an age that sees a new generation of players that arent used to what many of us others are. Subjective opinions and not even based on what win actually refers to in the subject of P2W. "Win" refers to achieving an advantage over another player by paying, a significant advantage. Getting these arcanes is not a win as by the meaning of the term P2W, since you are not gaining an advantage over another player through paying. Even if you could buy these arcanes straight up for plat it wouldnt be a win, since we all uhm lift together to achieve the same goal when we are among other players. Which as far as we know is also an available approach to this new mode incase you get only bad options for the week and the requirements for a full research run stays strict and you have a weak operator to boot. There is no actual win tied to the game, just a personal state of satisfaction. For me that comes from simply playing and farming for that item, having something to do, something to chase. Paying for me would in reality be a straight loss, since I'd have no reason to engage with the content, which would mean less reasons to spend time on my hobby. You just wont run into SuperGodBob wielding his Murder Axe of Genocidal Splendorous Annihilation +15 that he paid real cash for as you try to fend him of with your Kobold's Silver Butterknife +2, resulting in Bob curb stomping you and violating your corpse with a chip n' dip before skippety hopping off into the distance in search for more non paying victims. If you run into SuperGodBob here he'll just be that other fellow with the gun you currently do not possess as the two of you mow down an assorted amount of mobs as you approach the main objective together as one. edit: So if WF is P2W, then Bob just payed for you to win.
  19. The cave should have worked like a solo hub or the orbiter. No idea why it matchmakes and groups as we enter the cave from the orbiter or dormizone. It should matchmak when we run into the portal or interact with it much like how it matchmakes when we near the gates of the open worlds, Z and labs.
  20. Those will always be there aslong as online gaming with in-game trading exsists. The only way to remove them from a game would be to not allow trading of any kind and make everything SSF (Solo self found). And even if that would be restricted they'd likely still try to sell leveling services and stolen accounts. They are also the reason why PvP should exsist in all online games, so we can go out and hunt down their "gold" farming bots and ruin their daily income.
  21. For me he is at the exact same level or worse than those. DE should have never added the S#&$ty augment for Mesmer Skin since it attracts so many bad players that think they benefit their group members with ghost jizz on the shoulder. No I dont want your discharge on my shoulder because it will completely disable parts of my build.
  22. Since you were adamant about the specific difference between Star Chart and SP, claiming that SP does not allow you to build how you want and hat Star Chart allows you to build however you want while still maintaining "engaging" content. Which clearly isnt true given how little it takes to even clear nearly the highest levels nekkid. So that freedom with builds while maintaining "engagement" cannot be a reality. While SP might not allow you to go with an extreme minimal amount of mods, it allows you to face engaging content far better because you have a wider range of options to get to the point you seek because you can utilize everything the game has given you and mix and match it fully to reach that enganging sweet spot of yours. Since that seems to be your main interest, not overbuilding for things. Yet you still advocate that the weakest content allows best for that, even though it turns into a push over with minilar options and even has NPCs trivialize the enemies.
  23. No it's not, it's simply what things mean. In real life (well games are real aswell) you wouldnt say your secondary car got worse or the distance between A to B got shorter because you put a slightly better engine into your primary car. No that secondary car would still be the same, just as the distance between point A and B. The primary car would be faster and go from point A to B quicker, but still travel the same distance and the secondary car would go the distance in the same time as before. And shortening the distance would make neither of the cars faster, they just wouldnt need to travel as far as before. That is simply just the skill being weakened, not the enemies being buffed. A buffed enemy would have a new thing added to them or directly increased. That some enemies from Deimos are immune to viral does not mean viral got nerfed, it simply means that some enemies come with unique mechanics. But I'm not even saying A and B is screwing up C. And you are also incorrect. We are talking about A = weapon, B = Enemy and C = weapon. Changing C does nothing for A, it wasnt intended to either. It does what it should versus B, but it doesnt alter B passively. C really only affects itself, either by being reduced in power or increased depending on whatever intent there was with the change. Changing A and B could result in C+ getting impacted when they shouldnt. Since we have hundreds of weapons, nerfing A and buffing B to help C could negatively impact several other weapon options beyond that since buffing B is so wide reaching, since it applies to everything in the whole game and not just to help C out. Which would also lead to pointless adjustment for so many things after that, and a harder mess to clean up than if you need to adjust one thing that might have gotten overtuned up/down. If you aim to help C and you overdue it, well then you just need to re-adjust C further, either buffing it or nerfing it. If you did it to B then you wouldnt know what to adjust it to since it would be gamewide. So if your intent is to help C, modifying C is the approach since it only affects C. If your intent is to make B stronger (or weaker) across the board then you obvious modify B instead of modifying every individual weapon. Because clearly there is only 1 Dera and 1 Braton version right? Who says I didnt try the family even though I owned Soma P? It was also a unique situation at the time, since I didnt jump to Soma P in the game, I got it for free along with Scindo P and Frost P. So it doesnt really point to power progression being faulty in a vertical state even. It points to you not actually considering the options and reasons as to why those weapons were skipped. And in reality, I think you ignored that I had used MK-1 Braton, so already had a feel for the family. You also ignore the simple thing that is time, which ties into why some weapons are skipped unless someone is dead focused on MR. We again have too many weapons that are too similar. If someone isnt interested in standard assault rifles they just wont go through each and everyone unless they actually aim for MR. And since I dont aim to max MR, never have, there are plenty of weapons that will go 100% unused because I have no interest in the type or I've tried a variant already (or plan to). You ignore the fact that they are bland, or maybe you just like bland. There is little that can be done to get them to see use when they are carbon copies of something else aside from their skin. And generic is a bad thing when you have so many things that are practically identical. You might enjoy it and that is fine, but most do not. It would be fine if WF weapons were practically Battlefield weapons. At that point it wouldnt matter if all weapons were practically the same, since they'd all be unique to each and every individual player. But WF weapons do not work like Battlefield weapons, WF mods do not work like Battlefield attachments and so on. So bland and generic will just be bland and generic. Though with a BF approach it wouldnt bring wide use, since you often find a weapon that handles according to your taste and muscle memory and that is it. What it would bring is diversity between players, since some would run a gun with all attachments, others with some and the rest with none. I'm for instance an attachmentless ACE user while my M249 used everything, yet the M249 used different attachment than those of some other players. And the overall pool of weapons I switched between was minimal. More? No, I'm pretty fine with the multitude of weapons I already enjoy using. They all feel different from eachother. I'm already using 10 times as many weapons compared to what I do in other games. If things were homogenized I'd likely strip down my total inventory quite drastically and have something like 1 weapon of each class only, since they'd be so similar. So it'd come down to the weapon with most slash very likely and the most conveniant ammo, reload, fire rate and similar mechanics.
  24. I gotta say that seeing that screenshot, one thing struck me. Perfect, absolutely perfect name on your pet!
  25. That is a myth. You can get extremely good use out of Fractured Blast from Helminth without massive strength investments since it practically scales with both range and strength to improve the yield of orbs. And in the content where you likely need the extra energy source you'll have plenty of enemies to cover in order to allow great sync with the range stat.
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