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Everything posted by SneakyErvin

  1. Which is exactly what I said. And you still do not seem to understand the system. I dont know how more simple I can explain it. Grendel wont gain the full gate from his baseline shields since he has 95 shields out of 1150 (the cap for 2.5 sec gate), which is 1/12 out of the total or around 1/3 of the shields needed to hit 1.33 sec. So Grendel will at baseline sit only slightly above 0.33 at all times. Now if you mod him with the corrupted mod it will allow him to sit between 0.33 to 1.33 seconds with his new value of 19 total shields. However, even without the mod grendel can reach near the actual cap since all shield frames but Harrow have access to 1000 overshields, which puts Grendel at 1095/1150 shields if he can achieve constant overshields. Unless DE for some reason have ignored Overshields. You did though regarding if the system works like I say, it is in the bloody quote tied to the segment from me you quoted. Or who wrote that? But as I said, the system working like I say wont impact the value of building for more shields or not since the cap is at the same point for all no matter their baseline shields. It will come down to if the frame can sustain shields above 325 or not. If not, slotting the mod is simpler since it makes it easier to reach the 1.33 seconds that is the breakpoint at 325 shields. And you will likely only need to spend an Aura to sustain it after that.
  2. It does since the reaction options dont bring anything to a conversation, so are as worthless as a post saying nothing. However a post not being productive can get removed, while a reaction will just be there, since there is no way to see what it actually set out to do in regards to the discussion. And a post like that can be reported and removed for not being constructive. And forums are practically about to have worthwhile discussions with other peers. That is far from true since we can express our dislike to any post as much as we want by simply tapping keyboard buttons as I do right now as I write this. If people are too lazy to express their stance through a little bit of keyboard typing I question why they are on the forums in the first place. What would have been the point? That function is there as it is by having the possibility to type exactly what you want in regards to a post. Or is this a "oh but what about those that wanna stay anonymous!?"? Well to start with they could realize this is a community forum for a game, there is no dictator that will have you strung up for speaking out about his regime etc. So no reason to be anonymous or fear anything. Secondly if you are afraid of people knowing your opinion on a forum you must live a very fear filled life. That is such a silly statement. "They want to keep things obscure." as if a vague dislike, like, disagree or whatever button isnt the very essence of obscure in a discussion with others? Yes it is clearly very very obscure that you have to be less obscure and actually explain your stance/opinion regarding things. /s
  3. Except that people can take criticism in general. An upvote or a downvote, a dislike, a laugh emoji/reaction is not the same as criticism. Criticism is when someone actually formulates a statement for or against you that actually tells you what they disagree or agree with. The upvote or well like on this forum is borderline acceptable, since it is still too vague, especially if a post goes over more than an isolated topic/opinion. People do love to throw around that people cant take criticism, but it is more that people wont put up with vague "reactions" that tell them nothing in the end. It is already bad enough when people go "LOL" or worse "ROFL" when told something in person IRL. Clearly no, they arent laughing out loud nor rolling on the floor about it, they just look and sound like a flaming idiot that just implemented a #*!%ing reaction or emoji into a face to face real life conversation. edit: What is next, someone randomly pulling their #*!%ing pants down and taking a S#&$ on the floor infront of you? Maybe tossing two googley eyes on it for good messure afterwards?
  4. That is far different from changing something years down the line. MMOs are built on that server structure from the ground up, it is one of the corner stones that result in a game being called an MMO even. And WF doesnt have anything near the server structure of an MMO. They could potentially shift to a dedicated server system based on conclave, but that is still highly doubtful because conclave only handles a small amount of players on those servers and nothing else. No way to tell how that would work in PvE. Most of that applies here too though, only the point regarding maintenence downtime is different for WF and a major benefit of the current system. But the risk if the company gets hacked or the game shuts down is exactly the same. Since everything is stored at the company end, so if they get hacked info will leak just the same as it would if we played on dedicated servers all the time. And since everything is stored at the company end, if WF shuts down we wont be able to play without them reworking how things work before that, same as for every other always online game aswell as MMOs. You are also correct that the current system is good enough since the game is indeed co-op OPTIONAL and not forced. I've gotten fed up with host migs etc. and since there is no real reason to group in the first place (outside of rad share really) playing solo is perfectly viable and enjoyable for me. We also barely communicate in groups in this game. I honestly think I've said less in WF over the course of 6 years than I did over the course of a week or month in an MMO.
  5. I play him as a high range, high strength weapon platform that uses his #4 to wipe maps when needed. No real need to prep enemies with other statuses besides what my Panzer does currently. The high range on his 3 counters the lower efficiency in a high strength/high range build, so you can still cast his #4 every 15 seconds or so. Which is a free map wipe in Steel Path each 15 seconds. I've replaced his Vial Rush with Roar+Augment, which allows me to apply puncture on a large amount of mobs each 10 seconds (atleast), which improves crit on weapons, lowers mob damage by a significant amount and knocks them on their ass aswell thanks to the augment. You wont be using skills alot is missions like exterminate, but that goes for most frames and also applies to neutral or positive efficiency Lavos builds, since there is simply nothing around to reduce your CD on reliably. In endless missions on the otherhand you will wipe the floor constantly while being near immortal. 3x Umbra, Primed Vigor, Overextended, Blind Rage, Stretch, Roar Augment, Combat Discipline (to always trigger arcane avenger and grace) and Primed Sure Footed (can be replaced). 5x Red strength shards (tau if you have, I dont have enough yet). Gas active on his skills. Weapons of choice Torid and Furis incarnon and a Zaw hammer with contagion (since it is what I have a good riven for).
  6. I see red energy And I want it painted black No colors anymore I want them to turn black I see the grineer walk by Dressed in their summer clothes I have to turn my head Until my darkness goes
  7. They cant really do much with what they currently have set up since anyone can be the host and the minimum requirements along with all possible connection variables between players are just too vast. They would practically need to rework it, and not only rework what we currently have, but rework it in a way so it functions more like Destiny 2, which runs on a hybrid setup. And as far as I've read about Destiny 2, their setup works similar to WF but the main difference is that whenever a host migration occurs a dedicated server steps in during the transition until a new host is found. Which makes for a near seamless transition while also allowing people to still play while the matchmaker is at work finding a new host. In WF it just directly tries to find a new host out of the 3 players left, which can have terrible results. Since even if the connection was great between each of those 3 players to the host it doesnt mean the connection between those 3 players is great. Because even if you have your ping limit set to 50 another can have theirs set to 250, which means the ping between you and that other player can be far greater than your desired 50 since it was the limit set between you and the previous host. Then the hardware comes into the picture aswell, where the new host may have utterly shoddy hardware to host, but play just fine as client.
  8. Also dont forget the uniqueness that would come from having even more "frame" parts in the middle of your reticle as you try to shoot something. This time you'd get the unique head of a horse occupying that reticle, all for the small price of your sanity!
  9. And you honestly missed "for this game mode" in your quote? Nope. That was in reference to clamps, not the items added to the vendor. Which was kinda obvious you'd think considering rivens (the upcoming T rewards) were mentioned, and since the other items would be added to a vendor and not as tier choices that would leave clamps as the item referenced. Willfully ignoring the end of the quote that you yourself quoted. Again "for this game mode". A reason to revisit Circuit and not a reason to revisit any other Duviri part, since those are already self sustained through acrithis and dont really need the help (yet). That still doesnt solve the amateur hour design in that approach. Why is there such a varrying value in a single currency while also being tied to the same type of item? Because it ends up cleaner and more professional in presentation. Plus in this case it would help in the way DE wants the extra rewards to help, give people a reason to revisit the mode. Selling the same item for the same currency at vastly varying prices just looks horrible and unprofessional and amateurish overall. If you want an already exsisting item to be used on the vendor they could instead just add a new page that simply allows you to trade in an incarnon for another item. Or if it is a really exlusive item (umbra forma) 2 (or more) incarnons. That would clutter up the tier choice UI less aswell due to leaving it with the 5 incarnons and nothing else. Then the vendor can offer you a bundle or two of 75 clamps each week.
  10. It applies both with and without. What the mod does is simply hardcap the duration to 1.33 seconds while ignoring what your max shield value is or what the max gate is in the system otherwise. Like how Grendel will have a miniscule baseline gate due to having only 95 out of the potential 1150 scaling shield value, while the mod on the otherhand allows his to easily stay nearly infinitely at the 1.33 gate by only requiring him to replenish 19 shields to hit the cap. Without the mod the scaling is based on the natural cap i.e 2.5 seconds at 1150 shields. Then if the scaling is fluid or break point based we cant tell yet, but 1150 is 100% in that system while with the mod 100% is whatever shields you end up with as your max with the mod equipped. This is why the mod will be better than other options on frames that only hit 1.33 seconds or less baseline, since the mod lowers how much shields you need to replenish to reach a window longer than 0.33 seconds as opposed to not using the mod. And it will be better on frames with higher shields aswell incase they cannot replenish bigger chunks regularly, since you'll get longer windows for less energy. I also dont see how you think modding for more shields would be a downside if things work like that. More shields without the corrupted mod allows for a longer shield gate up to 2.5 seconds. So if you can sustain constantly getting to a point equal to or higher than the shields needed to hit 1.33 seconds it is obviously worth it. If not you are better off with the corrupted mod if your aim is to hit 1.33 as often as possible and benefit as much as you can from partially replenished shields. But this is again really just about the frames that only manage to hit 1.33 naturally or those that fall short of it, and have no kit-based way to replenish shields.
  11. Not sure why people get idea that horseman must mean mounted for everything. Even those that think Sleepy Hollow must have missed 99% of the appearances of the horseman when he makes the kills, which are practically all done on foot. And Dagath isnt even based on the Sleepy Hollow horseman, she is inspired by the same core myth that happened to also inspire Sleepy Hollow i.e the Dullahan. Ontop of that horseman =/= cavalry. While all cavalrymen are horsemen, not all horsemen are cavalrymen. The hessian from Sleepy Hollow was not a cavalryman, he was a swordsman getting around on his horse while fighting on foot when the time came. Complaining that Dagath doesnt have a horse is like complaining that Mesa doesnt have one even though she is bandido or cowboy themed.
  12. I really cant care less about "reactions" aslong as I'm able to write and formulate what I want to say. Less "reactions" means less moderation and interpretation in the moderation that does happen. This also means less need for payed mods etc. which means less costs that go into the social platform, which is a win since it means those resources can get allocated elsewhere. Plus there is no way to know if the shape of the forums has anything to do with DE or simply the company that actually handles these forums. I cant remember which forum it was that I stumbled onto a while back that looks exactly the same as the WF forum minus the WF Baruuk/Mesa background. And it is the same deal with the constant log outs, it isnt on DE, since it is tied to the forum provider itself, which isnt DE. Should we ask DE to find another forum provider? I guess we could but it is worth the fuzz all in order to maybe get some "reactions" enabled that really only cater to the generations that get upset that they must type... letters into words to express the same feeling?
  13. Megan the B2 Bomber stealthily dropping some massive bombs in this thread!
  14. So you bought all the crap, which was also what I asked iirc. See that explains it. It doesnt explain though why someone that is fine with buying crap suddenly wants more crap, or cares what crap is provided at the tier stages. That really doesnt solve the problem that DE seems to want to solve. It just makes it worse since an even more generic items gets added, with even less incentive than rivens. I still dont see the relation between it and clamps in this case aside from if clamps are added to circuit at which point both SE and clamps are worthless rewards across the tiers. SP and Duviri Experience are comparable regarding SE and clamps. But we arent here, nor are DE here, to give more reasons to farm clamps, they are trying to give more reasons to play Circuit. Which again doesnt solve what DE wants to solve by the looks of it. And you refuse to see why DE wants to add things to Circuit specifically. And those rates you mention are far off from the intent. They should in reality reward as much as a riven costs, since that is the intended reward to take the T5 and T10 spots. Plus you again manage to come up with what would look like amateur hour in development with a vendor having the same items range massively in cost while being offered for the same currency. Why are you so against a unique currency that would actually not result in the design of the vendor looking like a project from an intern with brain damage?
  15. Nope I'm not thinking about an all or nothing system. I'm thinking about the new system and the info at hand. Where if you want to make use of the new system to its fullest on frames with 325 or lower shields the corrupted mod will be the way, since it allows your shields to scale from 0.33 to 1.33 while also reducing how much shields you need to replenish per second of invulnerability. And above 325 it depends on if it is worth building larger shields incase you have access to a reliable replenish or not to reach the longer invulnerability that comes from <325 shields. It being all or nothing or not doesnt change any of that, since hitting longer gates with less energy spent will be better since well... it offers you longer invulnerability for far far far less energy spent. By simple math and the exact numbers which we do have access to that I also posted which comes straight from the shield gate dev shop. It is all % based. So to get to 1 seconds you need to replenish 75% of your full shields if you have 325 shields (the breakpoint where frames recieve the current 1.33 seconds). Which is 243.75, or rounded up 244. 175-ish would be closer to half shields, so 0.67 sec. They were even kind to post the example based on 100 shields with the key to make the "break points" easy to see in connected to percentages. Why would a 50 cost skill not be enough? The numbers they show are an example that will not be a thing for any frame that wants the corrupted key, since you will end up with 70 shields on most of those frames because it removes 80%. So you need 52.5 shields to get the full second. But since the system scales you wont notice if you get the flat 1 second or end up just shy of it incase you use something that grants 50 shields. But since you need atleast 1 mod that converts energy you will like already have brief respite since it is a low opportunity cost slot considering how shoddy auras are overall. Which means without efficiency mods in the picture, it will allow any 50 cost skill to grant 75 shields instead. Meaning that not only do you hit the 1 second, you hit the cap on all those frames with 350 base shields and the corrupted mod slotted. And if you start adding in efficiency in either case the corrupted mod will be even more forgiving compared to staying at base shields and grabbing an augur mod instead since your skills cost up to 75% less and you need 80% shields replenished to get extra duration on your gate. An extra augur mod only increases the conversion by another 40% as opposed to needing 80% less shields refilled. And I rather have something that works with efficiency since efficiency mean less impact from leech pools, disruptors and magnetic in general while also increasing the value of energy orbs. Which doesnt mean that you wont have those mods slotted with the key either and you most often do not need all 3 stats. Even if I'd use the corrupted mod chances are high I'd utilize atleast some of the augur mods, between 2-3 very likely with 1-2 on frame and another on the secondary. But unless you badly need all 3 stats, picking between another augur or the corrupted mod shouldnt really be a thing on frames that sit around 325-350 base shields. Not being capped to 1.33 isnt really a benefit, not on the frames I mention. Being able to get more than the base shields at times isnt as beneficial as getting 1-1.33 seconds of invulnerability constantly, since the longer gate they can grab on occasion wont be long enough in comparison. And of course it depends on the base shield, which I've already been over. Which is why I've specifically mentioned those frames that have 350 or lower shields. Beyond that it depends on how the frames can sustain shields on their own and how large and regularly they can replenish them. For the low shield frames with no kit based replenishment it really depends on which costs the least slots. For me, if I'll start bothering with actively using the shield gate (havent had a need to so far) the corrupted mod will end up on all frames without an innate method of large or constant shield replenishment, since I prefer to have cheap skills aswell. So for me it will be maxed efficiency, corrupted mod and brief respite in those cases. Unless I just keep going with the 0.33 window I do now.
  16. But there is alot to answer. What have you possibly spent several hundreds upon hundreds of clamps on? When I was done with arcanes I had around 900 and still have 500 or so to spare several week later. There is just nothing on the vendor to buy to drain you that hard on clamps if you've ground out all arcanes. You have the weekly semi-trash then you have the capturas that might roll, but those do not cost that much. Have you farmed multiples of each incarnon and installed them? I mean, we dont have a difference of a few clamps here, it's huge pile of them in difference. That depends what you see as generic. Like I've said I'd do Circuit from time to time for pre-built items etc. Not every single week but from time to time which I think is fair replay attendance. I dont see how SE has anything to do with this since SE is the loot intended for SP, so is comparable with the current Circuit rewards (dead to us but not to others). This is also more inline with the measly SE reward from Circuit, which doesnt attract anyone to run it since you can just get it from SP regularly or incursions and gives access to the exact same offerings. But it is completely dead. Adding it would be utterly pointless since it wouldnt be a lasting addition. It is already at an up hill the moment it is added since people already have large amounts of it and there are much quicker ways to obtain it. If they add a token instead, how many do you think would actually use that token to pick up clamps instead of something more infinite and/or more consuming/gated/rare to obtain? And a simple new token would do the same but better. Clamps would never bring me back to Circuit, not even if I run out of them since I can already get them quicker elsewhere. Expanding the vendor with items that cost clamps would only incentivice me to run Lone Story and nothing else. Adding tokens to T5 and 10 and tying new vendor offerings to them would incentivice me to run Circuit again. Neither clamps nor rivens are good additions to the system since they are just too damn common from elsewhere already. Both are just the new endo and credit crap we've seen for so long already getting shoved into everything.
  17. I'm a simple man, all I ask for is Eximus Steel Stronghold Path. Lower mob density than SP but everything is instead Eximus, including bosses that spawn with a random Eximus affix.
  18. I want a log, a burning log. Hmm maybe I can set the Codex ablaze... although not really the correct type of log... hmmm.
  19. Although in Lavos case ability duration also impacts all of his status duration (skill based and weapon based), both positively and negatively. It's just that going beyond 100% on him is kinda pointless since none of his skills really benefit from it, or are just hardcapped from the start. So staying at 100% just in order to not reduce status duration for him would be the optimal.
  20. I went over the pet list a few days ago to see if there were some I'd like to pick up before the changes. I only found one to grab in addition to my Kavat, Panzer, Moa and Sentinel collection and that was a Hound with clones, electric and disarm precepts. The rest like Kubrows, Preds and other Vulps currently look uttrly pointless. Now if I am going to use sentinels, moas or hounds fully depends on if they'll have access to hunter recovery or not, if not I'll just keeping using my Panzer or revisit my Adarza since free viral on practically everything or a near constant huge flat crit buff are just too good to pass up on, especially when the things that those perks come with also brings some decent healing. I might go crazy and mix things up with frames that dont need any health sustain. edit: Hopefully the upcoming ability rework next year will make more of them actually useful.
  21. Clamps wont allow Circuit to last or revitalize it though, which seems to be their intent by bluntly adding rivens to the tiers. And that is really what it comes down to at this point, Circuit having zero incentive to be played. Clamps just wont change that, it will end up like Void Storms that were used aslong as the 1-time drops were farmed, then people went back to regular fissures to farm traces and crack relics. Same will happen here, however the 1-time items have already been farmed so hitting up experience or lone story will be the path for clamps if people are interested in earning more to get whatever is added to acrithis to support Circuit and clamp introduction there. Also, why do you keep dodging my extremely simple question regarding your clamps? Not sure what that has to do with what I said when the person implied that he had farmed them all, some twice. If you refer to that he might have farmed them twice in order to sell them, sure... but that doesnt change what it was about, which was a lack of clamps. If he had farmed excess arcanes to sell, well then he would have had even more clamps stashed due to more duviri runs and more wyrm kills on the way to portals. No, not even with your reasoning of selling arcanes. Since if you are really interested in profit you wouldnt waste time in Circuit to get clamps to buy 1 RNG arcane per day, which in itself wouldnt be possible since there are two tiers only that would reward it and 7 days in a week that offers arcanes. People would grind portals and wyrms for maximum gain, since all arcanes can be sold really.
  22. I'll just answer this part, since the other section above adds absolutely nothing since you will never get the free part of the key, or you get it or just willingly ignore it. There will be no new magic number really. Since the same minimum time still exsists and any shields above that will increase that "partial" window. So the new mod will be the go to for practically any frame that ends up at or below the point where shields grant you 1.33 sec. Since you need less shields replenished to go from the stages between 0.33 to 1.33 with that mod compared to hitting those points with baseline shields around 325 (the cut point for 1.3 sec gate under the new system). In practice since the mod reduces shields by 80% you'll need 80% less shields per second of "partial" gate. Meaning you get far more out of the corrupted mod than you'd ever get from more augur mods. As their example with 100 shields with the mod. 100 Shields at Shield Break: 1.33s of Shield Gating 75 Shields at Shield Break: 1.0s of Shield Gating 50 Shields at Shield Break: 0.67s of Shield Gating 25 Shields at Shield Break: 0.34s of Shield Gating 10 Shields at Shield Break: 0.33s of Shield Gating A 325 shield frame needs 65 shields to hit 1.33 seconds with the corrupted mod equipped. In return if you stay at baseline and build for more shields/E you still need 325 replenished to hit 1.33 sec. And to hit the 75% mark (1 second flat) you need 50 shields replenished with the corrupted mod and 244 if you go with baseline shields for the same frame. Now beyond 325 baseline shields and given what skills a frame has access to, there might be a new magical number regarding when to use the corrupted mod or not. But at that point we'll likely see far more use of bigger shields, reduced recharge delay and higher shield recharge values instead of more augur modding since shield value scales how much shields per sec you get etc.
  23. That doesnt answer my question one bit. Nor does it justify adding them to circuit when they are so extremely easy and fast to obtain in experience if you really need them. I mean, 1½-2 hours for uhm what 20 at T5 or 30-ish minutes for each 15 in SP Exp? And then hours more to get another 20 or heck even 40 at T10 while you still get 15 for around 30 minutes in SP Exp. But hey if you really want clamps from Circuit why not just agree on adding a new currency to the mode so we can all get what we want. You can then grab your clamps as I grab something else.
  24. How can you possibly have that few if you've farmed that many arcanes? I've farmed them all, some twice over aswell and I have 500 something clamps left as of this week. The only thing in Duviri I havent used clamps on is two or maybe 3 incarnon weapons (gammacor aswell as one more from the latest batch and possibly nami-solo). And I've skipped a few utterly pointless items on Acrithis per week. So are you extremely lucky with arcane drops or did you get jittery and hurry to buy them the moment they appeared at Acrithis, or do you buy all the crap she offers each week?
  25. With that build he is my current favorite go to frame. Very durable, great damage output from skills when needed and reliable buffs to his weapons. And no problem!
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