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Everything posted by SneakyErvin

  1. Later levels is vague though. Since a couple of hours in SP endless is already easy enough with Kullervo and other tanky frames without having to swap over to rely on shield gate cheese. Even in two full rotations of Circuit it is fairly easy on those frames, which has you face levels far beyond what I mostly get in regular steel path. When you hit two full rotations in Circuit SP you are looking at level 1000+ enemies, and in normal SP after around 2 hours (exception for a few modes) you are looking at something between level 250-300 or something. Which is peanuts levels for the hp/armor tank frames already. You dont have any need for higher damage, since the main thing that improves his damage output is capped at +100% strength. Anything else beyond that is nearly meaningless increases to skills that already deal multitudes of damage more through his third skill which is the capped one. Even his "weak" #2 clears room of armored enemies together with his #3. If I could use a gate cheese build on Kullervo it wouldnt save me anything, since instead of getting 77% strength from 3x umbra I'd be pinned into Transient, Secrets and Message more or less, since that would get me to the same point I'm at now for Strength and Duration to hit the strength soft cap and neutral duration together with 175% range and 175% efficiency. I could potentially make up for 1 of those mods with shards, but that would pretty much leave me with a mod slot used for nothing I actually need, or I could squeeze something out of the shards that I dont really need. Still I'd sit with a wasted aura slot that would be there only for survivial, while the current one guarantees me constant +45% crit chance, which is also iffy to reliably use if you rely on shield gate, because you cannot take any real hits to health at that point even.
  2. No not sure at all, just a speculation regarding the old lore we have access to from the Ember Prime codex entry. Since it wouldnt be much different from lies we've seen in our own time. However I'm more on your line, that the Ember Prime entry has been retconned out and what we learn from the Zariman and Holdfast is the canon Zariman story. Though they could also co-exsist if the vessel was an actual military vessel. It could be something as simple as it being sanctioned by the 7 even though it is "against the law", with the public and the passengers not knowing, and the crew simply keeping their head down and following orders due to fear of the 7 and the Orokin laws. I mean, just look at the real world we live in, I dont think a cruise ship fitted with a nuclear reactor would be considered a cruise ship, but at that point a military ship and not allowed to take passengers. Could be the same deal in WF, I mean the Orokin isnt known for doing anything by the books or safe, unless it absolutely benefits them.
  3. That is why we have several different other game modes without the RNG already. Or should we start asking for a arbitration mode where dying like in regular modes is allowed? ESO without efficiency needs? And what should the penalty be for not having RNG?
  4. They arent competative, they are optional. And something like a third party implementation does not make any game p2w. Conclave for instance has no lasting impact on anything in the game. Leaderboards have zero rewards tied to them, so it doesnt matter if you are on them or not, they add nothing to your progress and so on. As mentioned by me earlier, others and me here, is that in order for something to be P2W it needs to give significant advantages over other players. Ontop of that there is as I said the non-linear power progression of the game, which means that free non-purchasable stuff is several times better than what you can spend plat on. If conclave was competative and if power progression was linear and if the best weapons could be bought for plat, then yes WF could be considered P2W. Neither of that applies. No, you are straight up wrong on that. None of the things you mention equals P2W, since the terms to describe the things you mention there came before the idea of P2W and have never been considered P2W in games like WF. Again, there needs to be a significant advantage over other players for it to be P2W. Situations where you just cannot keep up as a non-paying player, where it is also a drawback not being able to keep up. Like in Black Desert where you can buy upgrades for items, which makes you stronger versus other players, or cosmetics that improve XP gain since the game has no level cap and where the level gap between players reduces the chance for the lower player to hit the higher. Or even the maids and butlers that lets you dump items when farming so you dont have to physically run back to where you parked the wagon or in worst cases ride all the way back to your house. Which also translates to more XP gained per minute, which in turn increases your power over players without those items. Which in turn you can more easily push lower players away from good farm spots which again improves your XP gain and power versus them in a cascading way.
  5. Dragon Key cheese is really only needed after several hours in SP, which isnt a balance point for the game. And in the place where levels increase quickly you cant even use the Dragon Key, since no gear items are allowed. Which is the Circuit. While in endless SP Kullervo already has a very easy time surviving for long periods. You also arent wasting any mods on him or any other health tank frame for that matter. Claiming that you do implies you think that all frames need the stats from the augur mods and cant make use of far better auras than brief respite, like combat discipline or growing power. And regarding shards I mistyped, 2x azure is what I use, since that is what there is room for after capping his strength need and adding some cast speed. I could likely skip those 300 armor aswell if I needed anything else. And for arcanes, there is no other I need, since I already have Avenger slotted and nothing else is universal enough to slot, since I dont need more power strength, duration or energy pick up etc.
  6. Nope that is not true. P2Skip, P2Progress, P4Conveniance and so on came along first in games with options similar or identical to those in WF, we are even talking text based games here. Not until later down the line was P2W coined, when the previous acronyms were no longer able to cover the monetization of a game. And at first P2W was coined to describe PvP and competative games where you could pay for significant power and advantages over other players. Where P2Skip and P2Progress could turn into P2W due to the game having a clear competative aspect between players. WF doesnt have a competative aspect, it doesnt have a clear power progression path either, weapon A that is "hard" to get and also purchasable with plat isnt automatically better than weapon B that is practically free to get with no real work involved. Just look at some trivial things like Kuva weapons, Torid, Furis, OG incarnons and so on, accessible for free with no way to purchase them for plat, they are also some of the strongest weapons in the game overall. There is no way for anyone to pay to "win" over a person that owns those weapons, which everyone can for that matter, without doing anything really. Then when it comes to genesis adapters, they are guaranteed loot from doing a few runs of circuit each week, content you'll very likely do eitherways for other rewards at the same time. Then since there is no clear power progression path, there is no guarantee those weapons will be more powerful than anything you own out of the non-purchasable adapters. So you dont win anything, you skip something, potentially pay for conveniance since you dont really like circuit, or you just pay to rob yourself of content.
  7. It would simply trivialize the risk vs the reward. The RNG in our loadout is the RNG of the mode more or less, since everything else aside from arcanes (which are now obsolete to grind in circuit). So giving us even 10 free choices would trivialize things, because you'd have 10 guaranteed stages at that point to rake in the progress for the weekly path. As it is now with RNG, at times you get really bad picks that wont allow you to push, balancing out the lack of loot RNG for the mode itself. And I think the reward you speak of for established players is already there, since we already have a reliable choice most every time when it comes to frames, and likely atleast 1 out of the 3 weapon slots that will let us solve the missions at hand with the right decrees combined. You dont think up to 10 years is enough practice in the game? And all new players will have the normal circuit to train and learn in before having a chance to hit up SP. How? How would they balance it for someone like me and other that already own all frames and have enough of them pimped out to the teeth so we always end up with atleast one choice that works? And we currently have 5 different mission parameters and a 6th coming with Echos, how would they make anything fit all of them? 👍 To that!
  8. The "military vessel" thing is that it potentially was the lie itself. That they covered up all the deaths of civilians by saying it was military personel that perished instead, since no one asks more questions at that point. Which both covers the death of the parents/crew and the insane amount of homeless children all of a sudden, with no need to explain what actually happened to the children, how come they survived when no one else did and so on. Plus since not all of the Orokin Empire was rotten, coming out with the truth would also raise questions regarding why the children would not end up in foster care or similar, and then if the truth about them came out they'd kill any chance for future civilian colonization attempts and so on. Heck, just coming out with the truth that it was a colonization ship that perished would have likely put pins in the wheels for future attempts. It could also be that the vessel was classified as a military vessel due to having a reliquairy drive, which is otherwise a Railjack component that allows travels without relying on solar rails. Which might not at all be a legal thing to equip on a civial vessel. So when S#&$ hit the fan it was easier to keep up that lie that it was for military use and not filled with civilians.
  9. It could have been a generation ship, but that still doesnt explain it being sent during the war for instance. And the Ember story has gotten clarified by the Holdfast iirc, it wasnt a sabotage, just a catastrophic engine failure. As to where they were going? Tau as summed up on the wiki. And I cant recall it was on the Zariman or during the Duviri quest there is mention of a select few working with the orokin elite to build solar rails in Tau. The Sacrifice describes the order of things, how the frames were created because the war machines of the Orokin got turned against them due to the sentients being able to take over their advanced equipment. So the Zariman incident helps to pinpoint when other things occured throughout the history of the game that far back. We should also consider that the sentients arent mentioned during any of the Zariman related quests. Neither during the ship segments of TNW or by the Holdfast. And if there was a war going on when the Zariman got sent, wouldnt it be kind of an important part to inform the travels of it, and perhaps teach about it in preperation for the arrival in a hostile system? Aswell as if there was a war going on, wouldnt the Holdfast be curious regarding how it went and what happened since we are obviously survivors from the Orokin empire that at the time of departure was being invaded?
  10. With the access we have to powerful frames and weapons this method would be pointless. At such a point they might aswell just let us pick loadout and be done with it instead of adding pointless loading times and prepping in between stages (which I assume is what you want). Currently I have way too many pre-made loadouts that would completely trivialize the circuit if I could pick them at all times, even with limitations of only 1 stage per loadout. All I'd need to do is shift around some weapons, but there are enough of those to get atleast 20+ different working loadouts that would wreck the circuit. And at that point there would be no need to even look at decrees. The random system atleast gives me a reason to think a bit and I might get an option that isnt automatically faceroll.
  11. The frames were made to combat the invading sentients from Tau. And just like the sentients the Zariman was also sent to Tau to build rails. So if the war was already in progress in Sol when Zariman was sent to Tau it would have been a horribly risky undertaking, since the Zariman would be sent straight into the heart of the enemy in their home system. And since Zariman was sent to build rails, and failed getting there, we can assume that the sentients were sent later, since as far as we know from stories there were rails connecting Tau and Sol when the sentient attacked, since rails were used by the Orokin to get to Tau aswell to attack the sentient homeworld as described in an entry by some Dax, where he describes their blue homeworld, or if he refers to a blue star/sun there. So the Zariman incident must have happened prior to the old war. And even during the old war the frames werent built in an instant either, the Orokin struggled for a time with their high tech weaponry getting hijacked by the sentients and used against them. Which is why the frames were built, to go back to basic combat that was harder to adapt to for the sentients, along with the frames having no technical vulnerabilities that could be exploited. Even then the frames also "failed" and "turned on their masters" according to Ballas, then eventually after that a random scientist figured out the link between the tenno and frames by pure luck while frantically escaping from a rampaging frame and stumbling upon where the tenno were cryoed, which resulted in the frame calming down when getting close.
  12. And that I can fully understand. I dont see any sense when it comes to spending actual money on them. You are in your case still enjoying aspects of the game to get these things, just not the circuit. Which to me is a good, swapping one type of content for something else. Though I wouldnt get my hopes up that 30 minutes would get people enough platinum for the genesis adapters. I'm actually really curious what the price will actually be for them. I would expect something between a potato and a weapon or something.
  13. At that point I personally wouldnt spend, since I just wouldnt be able to justify it if I play that little in a game. Nor would I want to remove a piece of content for those moments I actually have time to play.
  14. Yep it is crazy. It's the "Buy 1 get 50 for free!" skill, or well "Murder 1 and get a genocide for free!" skill.
  15. Except for the part where nothing from real life has been used aside from the basic theories regarding some philosophical concepts. The rest is based on the info we have from the game, nothing more nothing less. The Tales of Duviri was a childrens story so they'd have "safe" things imagined in their mind and comfort to keep them calm and steared away from extreme emotions. Same as with the Tales of Duviri toys we can see, like the kaithe etc. aswell as the doll of Dominus Thrax. All things to keep the mind of the children occupied on other things if needed. Not that it matters though since it apparently didnt work because Duviri turned out to be hell. Which shows how unpredictable the void is when it comes to manifestations. The main thing however is that the whole "I'm gonna punish myself by punishing something else" doesnt fit how the void and emotional tie works, nor that it would be a punishment for the person that thinks it, since he wouldnt be punished, some meaningless object at that point would. So there would just be another "crime" added to the list of that person since he/it/whatever would bring punishment onto something that had done absolutely nothing to deserve it. Yes, but we still have to consider that eternalism might be real, at which point we do not actually rewrite anything, since everything has already happened from past to future. What we do at that point is simply change which outcome we get to observe, while all the other still happen just the same and are just as real. And the Palimpsest only means it is probable, since it isnt anything but a thesis. It also comes from the same person that was sure a childrens book would be enough to keep the void in check and look at how that theory turned out for people. And the inhabitants of Duviri should not be considered actual sources regarding such things, since they are made up entities that can really only tell us reliable about Duviri itself and not how it actually impacts reality, because they dont really know what reality is. Their encounters with reality and the otherside are limited to Teshin, Stranger, Maws and Kullervo really. They are also characters spawned from a fictional book. So that they know that the undercroft can change something, it doesnt mean it applies the same to reality, which isnt timeless like the void. What Eluari talks about regaring the void offering us the truer meaning of Eternalism is also just a theory from her, she doesnt provide any proof, facts or laws that makes it true itself. And it isnt really about rewriting she refers to, just that we can change which "block" we experience with the help of the void. Eternalism is still Eternalism, so everything is still equally real and happens just as much no matter which "block" we get to observe and experience out of all. It also isnt positive that we would notice if there is a change, because we the person that "changes" it doesnt actually experience the change. So if we are impacting an outcome in reality through the undercroft, no one will know that the outcome actually changes for them or that they are now in another "block", since they have never experienced the other "block". For all we know Cave Teshin may not be the Teshin that died in TNW, he might comes from a different outcome/point in time and the things we change in the undercroft helps create the history that we have experienced with the Tenno already. And all of this is because every single outcome happens no matter if we change it or not.
  16. It's all bacause they inherited the old "health" type benefits of the frame so nothing got nerfed. It's the kit that interact with OG in a specific way. All of those frames have their thing and Kullervo with have a gate. Some frame in the future might have some DR that applies to OG if they ever make another with such a defense. Giving it shield gate values would be ridiculously OP considering he can refill them at will to full. It would be like shield gate cheese without a key really. He is also very durable without the gate already and can do endless steel path without any real trouble. The game has never been balanced around extremely long endless, yet DE decides to throw a bone for Kullervo based on enemy levels that few will encounter regularly. It isnt like he's a low HP and low Armor frame underneath the gate, or that he doesnt constantly micro CC everything he touches more or less, while also having some of the most absurd killing power in the game due to the synergy in his kit and how curse interacts with weapons. Which isnt a problem. You face 250 enemies in the bonus undercrofts, and he has zero issues in there, even without adaptation. And for Circuit itself, running 2 full rotations hasnt been an issue either, it has felt kinda like when I play Lavos, but with higher killing power. I simply dont push longer due to the defense objective and excavators becoming risks or just taking too long to finish. For me my survival with Kullervo rests in 3x Umbra, 3x normal Azure armor shards and Arcane Blessing, which fill in no time in circuit and isnt really needed in bonus portals or normal SP content.
  17. Yep that is my view. Pay-to-rob-yourself-of-gameplay more or less. And it isnt like genesis adapters in the cash shop is different from any other weapon or frame in the cash shop, things that have been part of the game since release. I said this in the other thread about this. Anyone that pays for these adapters have no sense in their head since these items arent RNG based, they are guaranteed to get very easily and without spending much time per item. Plus there is likely something else you want from the circuit ranks anyways that you cannot buy, like rivens, free exilus adapters, arcanes or something else. So all the people do that pay is remove two reward tiers that wont get replaced with something else.
  18. But that is a specific Iron Skin trait, not because of overguard itself. Just as Iron Skin also has a brief invulnerability window that increases the health of the overguard based on damage taken during that period.
  19. What is the difference between selling a few incarnons compared to selling frames, weapons and other stuff? My personal take on the incarnons here is that anyone who will spend money on them has no sense in their head to begin with, since these arent even RNG items, they are guaranteed simple short grinds, taking just a few hours per week to unlock.
  20. In our real world yes. But we are afterall talking about a dimension that manifests extreme emotions as Lotus explains it. You can just see how massively the intended risk mitigation tool "Tales of Duviri" failed when it came to minimalizing and mitigating the risk of uncontrolled extreme emotions when exposed to the void. Or you might see it as a success that a megalomaniac mad king with temper tantrums sit on the throne, calling down meteors when angry and constantly trying to make the life of his creator a litteral living hell over and over and over?
  21. Nope, they cant have pre-dated the Zariman Accident, since the Zariman was going to Tau in order to build solar rails. And since Zariman didnt seem to have a military purpose or military crew we can safely assume it all happened before the Sentient attack on Sol. Zariman potentially happened before the creation of the Sentient even, because both missions were intended to fill the same purpose, go to Tau, build rails and colonize. And prior to the Sentient attack on Sol there was no idea of the whole going back to basic warfare that the frames were intended for to counter Sentient adaptation. I cant really imagine the Orokin sending a massive colony ship to Tau if Sol was under attack from Sentients at the time. I'm fairly sure that Zariman was first, then the Sentient were made since it was too dangerous to travel the void with the reliquary drive on such big ships with so many people. And it is possible that the Sentient also removed the risk for conceptual emobodyment incidents within the void due to lack of extreme emotions, which cannot really be said about a ship filled with children and parents worrying about those children.
  22. That would depend what emotions they are actually sprung from. Not all the the embodyments are spawned from negative emotions, which is what I pointed at. Just as the animals arent running around chasing the Drifter constantly. What you describe with Kullervo would be an embodyment made out of pure negative emotions in order to punish something, which in your case would be Ballas. So he'd be Ballas' personal Thrax in that case.
  23. There is no indication that there were any frame project prior to that ordered by Ballas to be carried out by Margulis and Silvana. They worked on transference using the surrogates, the transference project itself along with the tenno got shelved and the surrogate research ended up as the helminth to bond with living hosts. Which is why a frame such as Titania acts on her own to protect her creator, following her all the way back to Earth. If Helminth was already a thing due to another project by Ballas there would be no reason for Margulis to add an infested specialist to the transference project, since the tech for the surrogates would already be there. But that project led to helminth getting created, which then led to the first frames. And I'm not sure why you call anything Technocyte Warrior, nonthing in the game is refered to as that. Even Ballas calls the first ones his frames of war. Varzia is from a different reality, where do you get that idea from? She's very much from our reality, she's in the cutscene where Lotus shows up with Tenno of the corn to face Erra during the old war.
  24. They do quite alot, like uhm raining meteors or more lethal Dax patrolling, constantly reverting time etc. Meaning the life for the inhabitants (Drifter) gets easier or harder depending on which emotion. All rooted in the entity spawned from the emotions of the Drifter, namely Dominus Thrax (through good reasoning from other community members I do bend to that theory regarding Thrax). That is how a Kullervo manifested through Ballas' negative emotions would act, as some opposer or nemesis constantly haunting and hunting Ballas based on one of the 7 crimes. But that isnt the case, Kullervo sits in a hold of his own (probably his own) making, with a Warden spawned from his guilt. And that is because Kullervo is real and the one suffering from the negative emotions he has. Now if he actually feels guilty for his crimes out of a law perspective is a different question, but he atleast likely feels guilt, sorrow and regret for what 7 crimes eventually resulted in, his "mother" dying, him failing to kill Ballas and so on. If he does feel guilty in the sense of Orokin law, all I can say is he's a huge softy.
  25. Indeed Excal was the first. Clearly Ballas' first creation and his massive fetish since, hence why he reuses the Excalibur template when creating Umbra. Gods only know what plans he had for that poor frame if he ended up able to control it with the special transference bolt he installed. All I can say is I wouldnt want to be Umbra's ass at that point. And if he equips Vectis or something he'd be Kullervo Snipes! I'll see myself out now.
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