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Everything posted by SneakyErvin

  1. That gave me such a good laugh! Just brilliant! sidenote: I just listned to that song shortly before queuing up some Beast in Black. The cosmic gods are telling me something, but I wont go and get an iPhone no matter how much they try to pester me.
  2. I'm fairly sure the idea has been there. Afterall we have both Stalker and Shadow Stalker and we have Excalibur and Umbra Excalibur, which also refers to shadows. One could start wondering if Stalker is a sentient (as in having his own thoughts, not that he's a murderous robot, just murderous in a normal way) warframe and Hunhow knows this and calls him Shadow Stalker because of it. Umbra was afterall created during the time Ballas conspired with Hunhow regarding the origin of the frames etc. So maybe Hunhow has gotten some info about the "low guardians" as Stalker calls himself.
  3. Do you hate Apple or something now aswell? Less fortunate phones? Most often those phones are running the games the best, and I'm not a big Iphone fan at all, would never actually want one. And since you assume that generation floors are forgiving you should probably go and check some of the later releases and see how narrow the requirements are and what phones are actually supported. Just install Bluestacks and see which emulators allow you to find any of the later games in the app stores. Hint, it's not many. In my dreams? Nope, just from experience with mobile gaming and the benefit of Bluestacks or other emulators instead of having to buy new phones more often than clothes. No contradiction. Unless you have a hard time understanding the word "phasing". Which is what DE does constantly, they phase out older hardware and software. Likely NSW wont go anywhere until Nintendo releases a new console, since they can configure patches seperately for it. Currently DE are in the process to phase out machines that cannot handle the enhanced engine all in order to be able to focus on a single development method and not two. Not really hard to understand one would assume, yet you managed not to. Wish I could say it was a shocker. Because Elden Ring has the word Soul or Frame in it where exactly? I guess one could bend it and claim a frame can be a ring, since there are circular and oval picture and mirror frames. But is Elden a synonym for Soul now, I guess when someone is really really really old and keels over they end up being a soul if you believe that crap. So I guess if there was a picture of dead buy in a circular frame we surely have an Elden Ring meme in Soulframe. Am I doing the silly dance correctly? Does my tinfoil mastery reach high enough ranks? Ouchy, did you roll a natural 20 in order to crit language that hard with that sentence? While I do think the gods are great but I'm the greatest there is no need to refer to me as lord.
  4. There is really nothing that could stop it. I mean, we are litterally able to eat rounds to the face from highly advanced weaponry. Things that are still at a planning stage these days or stuck in massive cannons on ships, or mounted on airplanes/tanks. Not to mention, what would any army do when you stand there against an invisible foe that just made your weapons disappear, followed by friends around you suddenly getting turned into body parts of different sizes. Or who would stand their ground after having seen allies eaten and regurgitated back at them by a massive mass that just used the sabot shell you planted in his chest as a tooth pick for his bellymaw? And then for the nations that think they have air superiority, well Titania says hello.
  5. Ah so all new third person fantasy games are now making fun of Elden Ring, that is practically what you are saying. You know what I thought of the first time I saw Soulframe at tennocon? Warframe in a fantasy setting, with some parts of my mind drifting towards Path of Exile in third person. edit: I also thought of norse mythology, most notably Tyr and Fenris, though in a more friendly and less "bite your hand off" kinda way.
  6. Then why are they still on your list as you implied? "Floor hardware". No that isnt how it works when they develop for phones. It will be targetted towards later generations with hardware capable of running games to begin with. Practically anything they set the actual floor at will be several time better than NSW for instance, which would effectively be the floor for development, yet has had no actual impact on development since it was released. Instead they develop things seperately to meet the needs of the lacking capacity of NSW. And since phones are like computers, there is no cert process to slow things down on that end, so even less of an issue than consoles and most notably NSW. And you can already see that their intent is not to keep up support for lower end things, given how they've phased out older PCs overtime and just recently consolidated enhanced and classical to a point where they plan on fully removing classic soon. You dont really bother to background check or draw any logical connections before barfing letters at the screen.
  7. It just means they dont need the chamber to control the frames, that isnt the same as not needing the chamber and orbiter for other things, like a safe point if the frame they control dies. Where would the tenno go if they went into combat with the orbiter and it got blown up along with the frame getting killed aswell? The operator would be dead and gone at that point. We are bound to the frame if there is nothing else left. If the orbiter explodes and we are on it along with whatever frame we might control we die, since there is nothing left to get reverted to, since our physical body is destroyed, the chair is gone and all frames are destroyed. So if we were to take the orbiter into battle we'd risk everything and expose ourselves to mortality, because if the orbiter is destroyed in such a case we'd be at the mercy of our frames' life and if that dies we also die at that point. I mean, we can conclude from game mechanics tied to the schools that we cannot exsist outside of the frame for too long when it is critically damaged. The only real question is if our actual physical self is removed from the orbiter as we transfer onto the battlefield from the frame or if it is just a physical projection, the void solidified much like the glass walls of gara or the rumblers/walls of atlas. Something like a Star Trek hologram that can be solid if needed.
  8. If they come with virgins ready for the sacrifice sign me up!
  9. No I'm not missing any point and your analogy is very poor. No one in their right mind would for instance expect Game of Thrones from a book called Game of Crowns, no one would buy the book based on the name, so it being named Game of Crowns and not having any murders would make no difference since it would be its own book. Clearly many people that watched the old thriller comedy War of the Roses were very missled, baited and switched and all that since it wasnt at all about the historic events tied to the same name. But ok lets play around with your analogy. You claim with the name people would expect a souls-like right? Well wrong, anyone with a lick of horse sense would at that point expect a fighting game since the name has more similarities to the souledge/blade/calibur series due to the naming structure. That is if people are dense enough to buy something based on the name. And at the same time, did people that picked up Bloodborne expect uhm a game like Blood? Cos you know, using the same word in the name and all that. edit: Oh and clearly Dark Souls is a massive letdown cos it has nothing to do with Dark Man. And Demon Souls is even worse, cos it has nothing to do with the metal band as I expected it would! edit2: And dont get me started on Warframe, which has nothing to do with Warhammer, Warzone or Warcraft.
  10. It is just odd to explain stalker being on Duviri in the first place. No matter how they try to explain it, it just wouldnt really be possible. Drifter and Shadow Stalker havent met yet at the point in time the Duviri content takes place. Stalker is no longer Stalker either, he is at that point Shadow Stalker, which again we havent met yet as the Drifter. Since all of this takes place during TNW. And if this was Shadow Stalker, why does Drifter act surpised to meet him in TNW? Or was he not surprised? Was it just us players that were surprised and projected that onto the Drifter while he was really just "yo bro!" "wazzup with uncle Hunhow!?" and Stalker be like "yo bro!" "ya know, just chillin' in da pool aight!" and Drifter be like "aight! cool bro!" and they both just stare and go "cool bro!" in union. Ugh alot of stalkerception. Pa-pa-pa-paradox!
  11. Based on their overall benefit to the different modes along with how forgiving they make the random weapon choices by either enabling operator gameplay or through massive buffs. Frost Khora Wisp Protea (will be over the top when her grenades get fixed next patch) Loki Garuda Saryn Xaku Grendel Citrine Mesa Stalker
  12. Seriously lol, that is where you draw the line? You are aware that phones are quite a few magnitudes more powerful than NSW, and were so when NSW was released aswell. But you didnt consider quitting when the NSW port was released? Grade A Fel logic right there. But hey, one positive thing that has come from this thread is that we all know that all third person fantasy games are now souls-like according to you and a few others. Pretty cool I played souls-like games before the souls frenchise was even a thing! Feels like time traveling all over again!
  13. Are you sure you didnt get a primary you do not own instead?
  14. We just regained our powers, we are still stuck to the same needs as the tenno were during the old war, so our chair is our pod. If we are to get that and us destroyed a best case scenario would result in us being stuck in the current frame operated. But it is questionable if we would be able to actually manifest ourselves at that point since we would no longer have a physical form. And if the frame was to be destroyed in such a situation we would also die permanently. Right now if we "die" we get tossed back into the frame and if the frame dies we get tossed back to our chair more or less if we dont consider focus schools, at which point we get another chance to power up the frame. If we didnt have the chair we would be dead at either step two or if failing step three.
  15. Maybe you should gather some more info on it though before jumping to those assumptions or conclussions. Soul in the name isnt tied to Souls games, that has been clarified quite a while ago by Steve. It is tied to something within the game, much as like how Warframe is named after one of the main features within the game. In addition to the clarification of the soul part of the name, they also clarified that the game will not be a souls-like game. And with Duviri released it is quite safe to assume that Soulframe will be a new game spawned from the ideas they've had regarding Duviri during its creation. And if you've played Duviri and seen the Soulframe video, you'll know they are very very similar and not souls-like at all. No stamina, very forgiving combat and so on.
  16. I'd say no atleast to it being a potential for the orbiter since if it was destroyed we would effectively die because it houses our transference chair/chamber, which is why it was so dangerous when Stalker found it. Not only that but it also houses our only access to the Helminth as far as we know. But mainly because it is our transference safe point.
  17. Just hope it is actually a real nazi name and not just a misconception. I was once called out in BF4 for having a nazi emblem (those player profile things you could create on your own) just because it had a Valknut, knot of the chosen/dead, a symbol of Odin. He completely ignored to notice the inverted pentagram atop of it along with royal griffons in each corner and the inverted cross below the knut which was there as a play on the swedish flag since I'm swedish. Nevermind it was also yellow symbols on a blue background.
  18. I'm still amazed about Gears obsession. I mean the concept of Rev isnt hard to grasp. Vampire themed frame made by the Orokin. Orokin Vampire themed frame goes to earth. Frame fights Eidolons night after night. Frame sacrifices itself to lock Eidolons from the plains. Operator at some point dies. Eidolon tries to use the frame as a proxy. Frame gets "corrupted" much like Eidolons from the same source i.e the fallout of Gara's bomb and the death of the sentient. Frame is now effectively an Eidolon that also retains the basic arsenal of the frame as design by the Orokin, just as the eidolon have powers that are of sentient nature, not some specific eidolon arsenal. What seperates eidolons from other sentients is that they are sentient in the same way as a zombie would be considered sentient compared to a human, and that they wield massive ship sized weaponry and armaments, which isnt a shocker since they are only parts of a massive ship sized sentient, that for some reason have managed to come alive or well undead. And since the eidolon havent changed much compared to normal sentients, why should Rev have some specific eidolon ability kit? He has enough that shown the eidolon theme, by having eidolon inspired visuals on some skills.
  19. Overall it shouldnt be, but there are cases where something might interfear with some communication between you and the game. Just on Kuva Fortress, two people playing together may end up having different map layouts. I've had several run ins when playing with friends where to me they've ran straight through a wall of a bunker, but on their end the bunker spawned with a door in that location. Obviously it is an issue within the game, but it might trigger only on certain configurations and settings. Also a question regarding the defense you mentioned. Did you check the whole tile for the last enemy? Bacause today I thought I ran into your problem, but it turned out that I just had a broken enemy tracker for the last guy and he was hunkering down behind a rock quite a bit off from the defense target. I only found him because I checked the whole area. I was very close to abandoning the mission. And enemies love to get stuck on the undercroft defense tiles quite constantly, though the enemy tracker is nearly always there.
  20. I like that concept actually, full on feral in the base form with a werewolf form to enable at will. It really fits an Orokin design concept of something made for the purpose of war while still rocking a solid werewolf theme with shapeshifting. Reminds me of the clans in Werewolf the Apocalypse that never go human, they only exsist in different stages of the wolf form, ranging from stage 2 (stage 1 being normal human) to stage 5 (normal wolf). So this frame could either be at base stage 2 (wolfman) going stage 3 (huge biped werewolf) on transform, or base stage 3 going stage 4 (huge quadruped werewolf) on transform.
  21. Both Balefire and Aegis Storm could use reworks imo. When I'm to replace a skill on her Balefire is the one to go, since atleast Aegis Storm is a decent tool for those very odd and irregular occasions when you for some reason decide to or need to run a defection mission. Aegis Storm should have been the Guardian Eximus shield imo. Which would drain shields over time but also reduce damage done to shields by 90% if one of the circling shields are directly hit instead. Or a buff that allows Hildryn to benefit from armor to reduce the damage done to her shields as if it was health.
  22. Duviri Experience has worked for me ever since the initial release, it just doesnt show up in the end of mission summary screen when you leave. That said, the same type of checkpoints could be used elsewhere for some QoL to the game. QA just cant cover everything because they simply dont have access to every type of minor setup that players might have. The main issues for the majority of players were fixed in the first two patches. If people still have gamebreaking problems after 10 patches, chances are those issues are very specific to their configuration. And at that point the best approach is to make a report about it with as much detail as possible so they might be able to fix those outlier issues aswell.
  23. That just feels more like a "generic" monster frame and not very werewolf-ish overall. Werewolves tend to be one of two things, either someone cursed and at the mercy of the full moon or night in general, or it is a skinwalker/shapeshifter that can shift on demand. And in the first case you have either those that go full feral and cant turn back, or you have those that go feral during a full moon (most werewolf stories) or most every night, like Kveldulv in old norse tales whom turned "vrickad vrång" or well raging insane at night.
  24. Did some void storms today to test and see how they work in comparison to SP fissures. No issues at all in there, so this is definently tied directly to something specific for SP fissures. edit: Also a sidenote. No issues in Kahl missions or Railjack overall, so those issues are probably linked to something completely different. In fact, I have no issues anywhere but in SP fissures, and in there it is only when fissures occur.
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