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Everything posted by f0ba

  1. Bugged out last week. Worked for one night, then we are back at login fail...
  2. Then DE drops Focus 5: Electric Boogaloo Edition with Duviri and Tau Focus
  3. Yes it does, honestly one of the best additions from Duviri. DE’s attempt to phase out/upgrade Eidolon Arcanes is quite clear. I just hope those arcanes that aren’t meta can still be obtained without grinding the eidolon hunts or trading with plat. I was posting about a stalker update, maybe he and the acolyates can drop a currency that we collect and use to purchase them at a store? Thoughts?
  4. I mean I would still be happy if Tau isn’t just another star chart but something different. But I honestly hope they don’t go there that soon and corner themselves in terms of creative choices. DE has surprised us time and time again, and I’m expecting it again this tennocon.
  5. DE has done it for the Second Dream, and we have progress the story far enough he has become an “unlikely ally” of us in both New War and Duviri. Thoughts on a quest that will progress our relationship with the stalker? Maybe some new gear, and new marked for death mechanics? Or even some changes to acolyte spawns and drops to phase out Eidolon arcanes?
  6. OP legit got “white girl sitting on couch and 4 black dudes spawned behind her”.
  7. Because I’m not the one asking for whatever op is suggesting or Warframe to be some Game Award title. I’m a founder that started and has played the game over a longer time period than most of you in this discussion. I have taken breaks from the game routinely, but I always feel a breath of fresh air every time I come back. Do I crave more and better content? Absolutely. But making it sound as if DE isn’t trying or changing the game over the past decade is just a flat out lie. You guys are just out of your honeymoon phase with the game and complaining, whereas I’m like a old couple that understands the good and the flaws and accepts it as part of Warframe’s identity. Are there things I dont Agree with DE’s decisions? Sure. But I also acknowledge the effort and the good times. If you got tired and don’t like the game, just stop playing. It’s okay to criticize and provide feedback, but give credit where credit is due. You think all of the new content is bland, old, and lazy compared to other games, then play those other games. I just know those content are new additions not seen before in Warframe, and I’m joyed with the experience and DE’s attempt to deliver it with their own spin on things. ….Was what I was gonna say. But, truthfully I do hope Warframe does take a step forward for the next 10 years. You can see that I may not have the same high expectations as you and the others on discussion, because Warframe has already won a place in my heart. If DE truly pulls out something game changing or flips our understanding with the game and it’s lore all over again for the next story arc, I would of course be excited. And feel free to call me out and say “I told you so” during that time, cause I would be celebrating with you too. But even if they don’t, Warframe is still a great live service game and I see myself playing, taking breaks, and revisiting for years to come.
  8. Or I can get more ability str and get more Mesmer skin even though I already recast few and far in between. Fact is yes, you can go get utility and other bonuses you wish to add to your frame. But, red shards always outweigh blue and yellow from an endgame limited slot stat bonus point of view. It’s basically the same problem with base damage mods and limited mod slots and capacity.
  9. You do not know what "taking chances" mean then, cause you are describing a completely different issue.
  10. I'm trying to determine the effectiveness of certain abilities such as Radial Blind and Silence. While all enemies receive the ability visual effects, different categories of enemies react to the abilities differently. Finishers are definitely a no go, but I'd like to know if star chart bosses, liches, acolytes, and archons are affected by these abilities and enable stealth damage bonus multipliers?
  11. Literally give us 3 title updates back to back that are game modes completely different than Warframe base game, but "DE isn't taking chances again"? Where have you been for New War Cinematic Linear Questline, Veilbreaker weekly missions, and Duvirir Paradox Experience with Drifter gameplay. Just cause the creative team isn't doing something you are looking for doesn't mean they aren't evolving as a game studio. Are all the new additions good? No. But are all the new additions bad? Also no. "DE isn't taking chances"? Definitely NO. Your cracked up monkey brain is just too impatient for the next dopamine rush and instant gratification, that you aren't seeing the big picture.
  12. I will be the devil's advocate. You can disagree with me all you want because of balancing issues, but you know you also want it... . . . . . . . . . . . . Extra Mod Slot.
  13. You have no idea what you are talking about.
  14. The life support capsules provide a big boost to the life support meter even in SP, and I see no reason why you would have trouble keeping the mission going killing a bit slower cause of SP modifiers. The only place I could see squads running out life support is Kuva Survival and AFKing.
  15. Eternalism If you can accept the void bullS#&$, paradox or whatever inconclusive plot hole ridden story arc DE throws at us next, you can just always sum it up to Drifter gaining access to the Tenno arsenal in the undercroft, “corrupted” those weapons when they returned to the operator timeline.
  16. Convert and keep the left overs in CAD even after the trip. USD about to tank.
  17. Next, OP will suggest that everyone with 10k hours should get Excalibur Prime. That’s the level of absurdity this post is trying to present.
  18. Incarnon Ceramic Dagger. I love the idea of making starter weapons relevant again. Ceramic Dagger evolutions not only make it a much stronger weapon and adds dagger throw projectiles that are fun and effective to play with (one shotting SP enemies), Gun and Blade makes your entire loadout matter. It rewards a player for using other parts of their equipment to build an initial combo counter for your dagger, letting you swap seamlessly between your primaries and secondaries, while maintaining melee combos. Furthermore, because of Gun and Blade, Incarnon Ceramic Dagger is effectively the best Gladiator set stat stick for Excalibur and Baruuk, as both Exalted blade and Serene Storm benefit from Gladiator set bonus on melee weapons, but would have a hard time maintaining it even with Naramon focus. With Incarnon Ceamic Dagger, everyone and their mothers are able to build 166 initial combo with available dagger mods and evolutions, effectively gaining a permanent 8x combo counter (9-1x accounted for by bloodrush or gladiator) for Gladiator set bonus. [I have a riven that adds 24 initial combo for 190 (9x combo counter), and I have seen it roll as high as 28, so maybe 34 for 200 (10x combo counter) is possible.]
  19. While that is a solution, I like Umbra’s passive uniqueness and how it truly distinguished itself from other frames from being a Umbra frame, and not regular or prime. I believe a rework is better than sacrificing a mod slot for that.
  20. Exalted Blade spin attack blind is a cool mechanic, but it is really ineffective and a bit counterintuitive compared to the rest of melee stances and moves. The blind itself has a much shorter duration and range, and consumes an unproportionate amount of energy to trigger. Not only that, subsuming radial blind/roar for other abilities, disables the blind effect in Exalted Blade, yet it still consumes energy. I suggest having the spin move replaced by an actual move that players could use as a momentum boost/movement option (just as with regular melee weapons), and change Exalted Blade's rather pointless heavy attack to a "mega energy blade swing" that also does a radial blind, with an appropriate energy cost (or finally a reason to build the combo meter on exalted blade, since it currently doesn't affect the damage). And while we are on the topic of Excalibur, Umbra sentience requires a rework as well, actually with greater priority. We need a resolution for how the passive dispels active abilities or buffs when transference, and how Umbra AI actions and damage received is unfairly translating to the player when they hop back in the warframe. This is very counter productive and a detriment to high level content where operator mode is frequently used. This isn't really my concern, since Excalibur Prime doesn't have this problem, but I think other players shouldn't be penalized and kept away from using Umbra for endgame content because of this issue.
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