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Everything posted by (PSN)GEN-Son_17

  1. Strongly agree here. For all parts, items and anything that needs to be gathered in order to satisfy the conditions for both quest activation and completion, allow the collecting to be nearly guaranteed drops or rewarded blueprints. Second, I would either allow a time skip to speed up the cooking of all of the parts/frames/weapons needed, maybe to just an hour or two. This would buy some time to dive more into the star chart and collect the traditionally longer processing stuff, gather more resources and both learn the process and while progressing altogether. If this works as I imagine it, the new players will love how fast they can catch up while heavily engaging in the game's earlier content. Sure, the new stuff is great, but playing this game is outstanding from all parts of it, so new players will care a helluva lot less about rushing when they are too busy enjoying without the over grind. Finally, once the get to Whispers, the doors of the game really open up and the new players can now dive deeper into the larger core elements: Railjack, Duviri, operator focus stuff, etc. This may even revitalize clans, energizing the vets to take in new recruits with a big, but significantly less grindy, mission. Ultimately, DE and the 0layers would win, since Prime variants would not be their initial focus but, near the catch up point, those players would be absolutely thirsty to get their hands on prime frames, subsuming, trading, etc. I dunno, that's my vision of it at least.
  2. Sorry. To clarify: The New War trailer showed the female tenno facing of against Natah. The TennoCon Railjack demo was the big Nef fight.
  3. Take yourself out of your shoes and into those of the ones you are discussing for a moment. DE has a forum section for bugs and fixes that will forever be lit with notifications. At each update, they then list a very, very, very ,VERY long list of all of the fixes, changes, holds and explanations of those they were able to address. Some of those are old and some new. More importantly, DE even often describes why and how an issue was fixed or a change is made. Now, from that perspective, do you honestly think a bug is dismissed simply because you really want it to be fixed and the devs say it cannot? Or, do you think it's because the analyst of the bug resulted in a need that is currently too great, costly or detrimental to operations that it was decided to set it aside?
  4. Parvos was a true chad in Deadlock Protocol and it's clear that he's back and ready to make waves: he sees the Corpus for the corrupt bureaucracy it is and wants to reclaim his place at the top, but Nef Anyo is standing in his way, and Nef will do anythign to cling to power, which means the only possible outcome is a corpus civil war, pitting Parvos' factions against those still loyal to Nef. I don't know who'd actually win but I'm backing the old man, because while Parvos is still by no means a "good" guy, he at least has integrity. I'm mostly curious what Alad V would make of it all, and whether he'd team up with one, play both sides, or just ignore it and not get involved; I highly doubt that last one though. Remember the first TennoCon reveal of Railjack, where Ordis came down to pick us up and we headed to space to fight Nef? I still think that was an intentional move by DE to set up your scenario. Parvos vs Nef vs Solaris, in an all out war for Fortuna, Nef's fleet and the third Orb. I can never stop thinking about how DE's trailers never match where we begin and end our playthrough of the quests. While some may think this is DE being off, I actually think they are setting up some sort of "alternate perspective" quests that follow those trailers: Railjack, New War, Duviri and even the new new player experience that starts in Duviri.
  5. To me, it feels good in the mod slot. The build diversity is really good with shields right now and I think placing this in exilus would ruin that.
  6. This game has a huge rotation of chapters and I think DE would need to quadruple in size and create more side projects in order for us to get close to seeing everything unfold within the next 10 years. I freaking love that...but hate that at the same time. Love it because there's a decade plus more content to deliver but hate it because my kids will be adults by the time we see it.......and my wife won't stand for it. She still doesn't trust the Lotus and thinks Teshin works for Wally.😂
  7. Yes, and there's a certain level of understanding and expectation devs should have of the community when it comes to communication and comprehension. For example, some players pretending not to see the gigantic list of updates, changes and bug fixes that DE posts after every update...only to then claim DE ignores change, update and bug requests. I mean, literal transparency of work, shown to us every time, and some people choose to ignore it for the sake of getting their own agendas across. It's a stupid thing for people to have to go through but we do. I especially hate that the devs have to deal with this assumption and accusation crap while constantly having to watch their words, control their emotions and show extraordinary amounts of patience because....man, nevermind. Same ole, same ole.
  8. But that is more about people choosing not to understand what he's saying and, more weirdly, choosing not to know Pablo's typical way of communicating with the public. I mean, when the heck have you ever seen or heard about Pablo, of ALL people, sounding the way op and some of you guys are suggesting? Really dude? I am quite sure you know what he meant and are just trying to stir the pot. You, @Voltage have been around for a long time and now you suddenly don't know how Pablo works? It has nothing to do with profit and loss and you know it. Weird times bros. It's like a lot of people would rather choose to not even try to think about context anymore.
  9. Huge CONGRATULATIONS on your promotion Steve!! Much deserved!
  10. I think the issue with your post, and why people are hitting you back hard, is because of the title of the post, the fact that you are trying to speak for everyone and that not everyone agrees with you at all. For me, I enjoy these puzzles because they are a nice break and adds variety to the game. As this forum has proven, even one of the greatest hack n slash games of all time can get boring after a while. Next time, just say YOU don't like these puzzles and try not to include all of us.
  11. That's the beauty of this game: it will be here, waiting. And, the longer you delay your return, the more insane it gets. A buddy of mine got caught up in the forum and YouTuber rants about Empyrean and that malice got to her and she quit the game. She returned for Duviri and got the shock of her life to know that she had a truck ton of stuff to catch up on! This game is just nuts.
  12. This might slow his gameplay a bit though. Considering the vast majority of Frost's call for change is exclusively for endurance runs (his abilities are more than fine for SP Adaro), I think targeting would cause too many extra hits.
  13. I thought about that idea for a bit but I think a hold to explode would be better, removing the cost of the bubble burst. That little change could go a long way.
  14. Nothing about this is half done. HER abilities work fine on Merulina. Taking on another frame's ability via subsuming has no reason to just be allowed to be casted on Merulina, especially if some of those abilities have animation sequences that are too involving. And, yes, Helminth works exactly the same way on every frame: No frame can cast a subsumed ability on a vehicle. Yes, we want it, but who ever said it SHOULD be that way. There's is nothing wrong with any of this. We just want it to function that way but there's a restriction in place...on every frame. Now, you mentioned work ethic and finishing. You do realize you're talking about a highly regarded dev team, right? And who told you it wasn't "finished"? Just because you think something should be a certain way does not mean it's not made through hard work and care nor does it mean there was any intention of making your way work. Again, I would like to see it happen too, but you are pushing it with the dev accusations. Sidenote - You don't fire who's making you millions of dollars.
  15. Calling someone a simp is you expressing your own weakness dude. You can keep that to yourself and focus on the subject. With that out of the way, I, and others, tried to explain that it's an anchoring issue, not just an animation issue. Clearly DE is making advancements but they are not there yet. I also said I hope they do make it happen, not that it should not happen.
  16. So, you are rating his lower abilities against his ULTIMATE ability and declaring the lower abilities are weaker? Well OF COURSE! 😂 When the energy is not there for his 4, then you can use his 1 and 2 to cover, just like any other frame. Again, you seem to concentrate your whole view on the ult and it doesn't work that way. Frost is absolutely devastating as is and doesn't need more of that. It's fine if you don't utilize those abilities but that doesn't mean they are useless or weak.
  17. The comparisons are vastly different though...just about night and day. Merulina is the central anchor of operation, not Yareli. This means DE had to make new sets of animations for Yareli while on Merulina. You can even see there's the same extra sequence involved with boarding Merulina as it is with kdrives. Now, while I do think DE may be working on allowing subsumed abilities to be casted while on Merulina, I don't think it is important enough to be top or near top of list. And I would be extra careful declaring what should and shouldn't be an issue or an easy process. If it were simple, then I would've submitted the correct coding to DE by now.
  18. You're forgetting the animations involved with subsuming. Yareli has to imitate the subsumed frame's ability animations and that would be an absolute nightmare and very stupidly painful process for DE to partake in. This is why abilities have to be activated off of Merulina first (minus Yareli's own abilities). I know it's a bummer for your idea (a guns blazing rider is, in fact, AWESOME!!), but I think it would be way too much for DE to do there.
  19. The way you think about his abilities is why you think they are not good. His passive is his only weak point. Frost's 1 can lock down a corridor, freeze a tough enemy and the splash of it gives cold procs, which now bugs crit damage, and slows nearby enemies. Combined with his globe, the explosion causes a dispersion, pushing enemies away from a critical point. Lastly, that augment not only greatly increases weapon damage, it can create a viral weapon instantly, if modded correctly. His 2 adds critical damage via the new cold proc, slows enemies AND projectiles and doesn't care about obstacles. Slowing enemies in a wide and long range can effectively shut down an entire tile, buying time in mobile defense and make headshots easier for teammates. It's also cheaper to use while still increasing survivability because slow enemies shot less, miss more, react slowly and will get left behind. His 3 and 4 are legendary, so no further discussions there. 😂 To be honest, Frost is now the most powerful frame in the game, IMO. Armor stripping, slowing, freezing, team armor buffing, team defense supporting, team elemental damage buffing, team crit damage buffing, can super tank and direct aggro....and atop of all of that, now has some of the highest survivability stats for himself AND companions thanks to the new update. I think touching Frost now would be a waste of DE's time. Choose another frame.
  20. So, just so I understand this, you don't think the frame should've been made because she can't rider the horse during battle? Well, considering she can run, fight, shoot and traverse immensely faster on foot than on horseback (because she's a warframe that can use a space jet pack), I think her ability to send deadly Kaithes rushing towards foolish enemies is far better. DE made the right call.
  21. Well said! I'm only jumping in here because this is something I had to teach my friend and nephew about. They both got a little too drunk with warframe abilities that, when it was time for Steel Path and New War, they were having a nightmare of a time. Tactics go a long way when combined with abilities and, hopefully, your analysis and advice to the player will be taken in. IMO, Great job bud!
  22. I adds a nice, extra bit of engagement for the items that require them.
  23. I hear ya, but I still think the biggest challenge with this is the novelty feel. It's cool at first but will die out very quickly. It's like when the Street Fighter 3 series had the hidden feature to chain combo, even through supers. Fun...for a minute, but you realize it doesn't mean as much when you get back to the real game.
  24. I think this would quickly become a bashfest and cause a big state of staleness. This feels like a temporary "cool" feature but players would start challenging the rewards structure, which would then force DE to create different rates and, oh man does that sound like a gigantic, brewing and lingering headache.
  25. The fact you mentioned fodder and grind says a lot about the differences in we view MR. For me, I wanted to find the best playstyles and combinations for each frame. Then, it became each frame loadout. 😂 Warframes modding system eliminates the whole fodder BS. Fodder is the most unnecessary and the most subjective talking point about this game and, thankfully, I've ignored it all enough to actually enjoy my 8 year journey of weapon deep dives. Stug aside, someone could get a big discussion started on how gun A rocks with frame loadout A and melee B. That's the beauty of the system: everything works when in the right hands and/or the right scenario.
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