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Everything posted by Firaxion

  1. I am extremely split in opinion across the core changes proposals listed here. The general status effects buffing and armor/EHP changes sound great! I see nothing but positive ideas here and should anything not be balanced, then future number tweaking can easily fix difficulty without too much tearing of hair from anyone (dev or player). Having said that: I absolutely hate the current plans for aligning damage resistance (and weakness) based upon faction types. Making all units of a faction (or faction subtype) be strong and weak against the same damage types will completely vanilla-ize all combat vs the same faction. This is SO DULL and will lead to uninteresting gameplay. This will lead to differences in units becoming even less noticable, when already separate enemy types struggle to maintain identities (thanks to the old armour/shield/flesh EHP imbalance that defines the factions). So you will fix the armor OP problem, only to reintroduce faction weapon mono-meta dullness through a different route. This isnt even addressing the problem of how much faction mods will be beyond preferable over actually trying to come up with good mod builds. And I already think faction mods are awful enough by design if the idea is to encourage build diversity. I was extremely pleased to see armor on corpus units with shields, and on deimos infested. If it was up to me I would like to see even more mixing of health types across different fractions. It makes the game much more interesting. I thought this would lead to positive ideas in the future, not simply chucking out the entire concept of elemental bonus vs health types. It's simply dumbing down the game mechanics, way way to aggressively, to the point of where it will impact game interest and complexity. Sure, not everyone understands it fully but I'm sure most tenno at least "sense" the difference when they shoot different enemies with different elements (besides noticing procs). Finally: how has the horrible imbalance between the primary damage types of Impact puncture and slash gone completely unaddressed? In my opinion it is probably the biggest, loudest, screaming problem of them all that none of these changes listed help with. By all means tinker and rebalance the percentage elemental dmg bonus vs health types against their corresponding procs to whatever % that makes sense. But please for the love of it all and heck: dont rip the entire system out. It is simply dumbing down too far. We might as well just chuck out the concept of status effects and procs as well, because it's like a heart trying to live without a brain, and vice versa.
  2. Agree with this request completely, simply having the option would be a huge quality of life improvement and save a lot of carpel tunnel risk. What is there not to like? I guess it could be a bit of work to implement but well worth it.
  3. I would argue i prefer reworks, then i remember how much i dislike the new ember....... I'm surprised at how inventive DE still is with new frames. Sure there are issues of reusing old themes and overlapping certain concepts or abilities but, I would have expected things to have gone much more downhill a long time ago. I mean.... just look at the League of Legends roster..... or Apex Legends even......... New frames are still getting a general thumbs up for me so kudos to DE imo.
  4. I think you should think about this in a positive way actually: At least you know who not to watch and listen to anymore. Someone who gets so excited and can't control themselves about a lame duck joke like that probably has a lot worse problems rattling around in their skull, which your 9 year old definitely shouldn't be exposed to or want to emulate.
  5. This is the best advice to follow. Report and ignore. End of. I've noticed an increase in pretty big foul mouthed toxic people trying to derail other people's fun, purely out of spite. The question to ask yourself is: Why would someone so "superior" and "smart" risk playing in pub matches with potential "poor players" (in their eyes) like yourself? If they are so pro a 4 man elite squad with their amazing super countless friends should be easy to find for them. Obviously, this isn't the case so clearly it is just the classic delusional behavior of a wannabe sadist. Never be afraid of reporting nonsense behaviour otherwise the cycle will never end. and before anyone says "why should anyone care?" the response isn't too complicated: This is absolutely terrible for attracting and keeping newer players to the game. Warframe definitely has an issue with encouraging people to focus endlessly on rewards rather than the actual enjoyment of playing the game. I understand it is an important part of the monetization strategy and it helps when there are content droughts for sure. Having said that the further away we move away from the same addictive mechanics slot machines (and loot boxes) manipulate you with, the better. There is plenty of content for more than "just one more roll" longevity. At least some of the grind has been reduced in some parts of the game.
  6. A follow up just for clarification: Whilst I'm sure I come across as extremely salty on this topic, I actually do think there will be a solution in future, eventually. Most of the changes/reworks under the new Warframe dev leadership (post Soulframe announcement) have been extremely positive and clearly well thought through (shield dmg reduction, companion rework, shield gating changes etc). Pablo clearly understands the importance of optimization graphs and required numbers tuning needed to keep the game alive. Reb for sure has the fingers on the pulse of the general community mood and desired priorities better than 98% of other game devs out there. Whispers in the Walls was definitely one of the best orchestrated updates in Warfame for years: bugs were minor, core WF mechanics, great new enemies and style, a little something for old and new players alike, changes that tie up many loose ends and actually released on time (!!!!!!the shock!!!!!!) The business strategy of "always push forward with the new, as fast and best quality as possible" is fairly clear at this point and well, it is definitely working so far. Its just a real shame certain quite nitty gritty, small-but-quite-important items often get lost in the chaotic push for mountains of new content. I highly doubt that infested liches will get released without decent changes to weaponry: there is no point releasing a new hot lich item in a new shiny release that isn't meta worthy (and is stomped on by old content) after all. It just might take a while.... certainly don't hold your breath for multiple seasons over this xD
  7. There is this problem that has never been addressed: Incarnon charge rate was stealth-nerfed in a post-Duviri update and the problem was never fully acknowledged/fix is still in secret works (??highly unlikely imo at this point). The change to charge rate was like night and day, I was actually hugely surprised that more people did not notice at the time. It was the first thing i noticed. The problem (i suspect) was caused by an attempt to fix the Torid charging its incarnon form on dead enemies. Whilst that problem was solved, it also made all incarnons much MUCH worse compared to their previous power levels (despite still being pretty damn powerful). Don't believe me? Go take a incarnon torid in a lvl 10 mission, and check its charge rate. Body shots of any description will charge fine, easy easy charge. super fast. Then take any other incarnon weapon to the same lvl mission, and charge it exactly the same way. You will get PEANUTS charge for the far harder HEADSHOT requirement. BEFORE the stealth nerf change (in the forum i listed above), ALL incarnons charged at the same rate as the Torid CURRENTLY does (and the Torid was even more super fast because obviously any body shots and corpse shots counted). I thought this was stupid as heck because it was far, FAR better before, and quite frankly, who cares if the torid charges off corpses (it is already SUPER easy to charge anyhow). I dont even LIKE incarnon weapons AT ALL really, but this steath nerf SUPER pissed me off at the time. The lack of logic or consistency of weapon meta for more than a year + previously to incarnons did my head in. Apparently the answer from DE so far is simply: Ah the Torid is OP gun. To solve problem we nerf all other guns: so use Torid. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I also mentioned this problem to a specific tech warframe twitcher (one who is highly numbers focused and gives strongly opinionated "optimal strat" guides). He was extremely rude and asked me "what do YOU think the problem is?". I answered, and his response was "yeah i know, we just talked about it, of course DE knows as well, so do you think its worth being so very concerned about?" Well, not only is he a total #$&(%, but the man who likes being right all the time, was also totally wrong. No fix, no acknowledgement, not even stating this is "as intended" from DE (which i would reluctantly accept as "by design"). Nothing. Apparently everyone has forgotten the kuva weapons ammo re-balance. All these bleeding re-balance attempts up to this point have simply made meta problems WORSE. bleh its so frustrating... using whatever gun "is broken OP" because of poor number consistency during development is so dull...
  8. As Gara is included in the QoL discussion I thought I'd finally FINALLY risk requesting a change to something that has literally being bugging me for YEARS in this game at this point: 1/ Gara's splinter storm is one of the most annoyingly distracting and visually detrimental ability in the entire game. Screenshots don't fully capture the problem (as it is the swirling movement that is the biggest issue) but here is an example: Having constantly orbing giant globs of trash circling your ENTIRE screen at VERY FAST SPEED, even across the very centre of the screen, is unbelievably visually bad. I have put up with it between clenched teeth, because the ability is so key to Gara's kit, but i am extremely reluctant to cast this ability on pub squadmates due to the visual noise and the potential complaints. Even just a see through large-ish cone of clear vision at the centre of the screen a la Mirage's hall of mirrors would be an incredible quality of life improvement here. I cast it on a friend new to warframe who had never played Gara before and his first comment seconds later was "WHAT THE HELL is going on??, I cant SEE ANYTHING!!!!" 😐 Less deadly but I'm going to mention it anyway, 2/ Gara's X wall from her Mass Vitirify 4 ability; less irritating but, still fairly off-putting during frequent use: ^^^^^^ agree with this for sure. I hope someone notices this stuff, it would make a world of difference. Thank you very much for reading!
  9. Not sure how many times this has been mentioned here before on the forums (i found only one archived topic in the same area but perhaps I'm just a dodo). I think having syndicate alert missions on steel path mode could be fun: same amount of standing but bonus 1 steel essence and acolyte saying hi whilst searching for tokens in a random mission. Sounds like a decent enough "gathering pub players to blow random stuff up and get pretty alright rewards" experience Not sure how to balance standing and alert 24 hour reset, i guess a simple max three missions per syndicate limit would do the trick but I'm sure it wouldn't be too hard to re-balance another way. Just a small suggestion idea really, nothing fancy. But worth considering I reckon. Thanks for reading! =)
  10. Perhaps I was a bit too heavy handed and direct about trying to push my point across. I agree auto melee isnt a problem at all and I would 100% completely support the idea of auto fire for semis as well (as a option toggle of course). It wouldn't surprise me if DE is drip feeding "controversial" changes and waiting to see if there is a large pushback or not before trying anything similar. Based upon this and my mobile release theory, we could see auto mode for all guns fairly soon imo, and I hope this is the case as well. It would still be nice to have something more improved about melee from a skill requirement point of view, but I believe pablo said something about perfect heavy attacks being worked on during a stream or something to that effect, so clearly something is WIP... New WF leads at DE are doing a good job, definitely making changes, I guess I'm simply concerned about top down push for maximizing profit which ends up "accidentally" completely destroying the game because of ivory tower out of touch logic. *cough* wizards of the coast *cough* magic the gathering *COUGH*.... ahem.... (Whilst auto melee might not seem very controversial now, I definitely remember some people on the forums being quite strongly against it at some point) (( Also it's hard to tell what type of feedback actually makes it through I try to hit the main points with as much punch as possible xP))
  11. Repost of my opinion from another thread: I chatted in depth with my longest standing clanmate and whilst neither of us are *completely* against the idea of plat-for-latest, we kept returning to certain problematic issues that definitely orbit around the "pay to skip" idea. Fundamentally the biggest problem imo is that by allowing this plat to skip option, you are pitting TWO groups of tenno against each other in the future STORYWISE, the old "we know it all, give us more depth" tenno and the "meh i know kinda whats going on i guess, but can we keep it understandable and easy to follow please?" tenno. IF THE GENERAL PLAN/ACCESSIBILITY OF STORY HAS TO CHANGE TO ACCOMMODATE THOSE WHO ARE UNWILLING TO ACCEPT AN INCREASE IN COMPLEXITY AND DEPTH IN THE STORYTELLING, THEN THERE IS A HUGE, HUGE PROBLEM FOR THE FUTURE OF WARFAME. Please excuse the caplocks but i cannot emphasise how gamebreaking a decision like this has the potential to be, if implemented without proper thought (as a makeshift fix to a longstanding problem) and continued in bad faith (future story expansions with similar plat catchup skip, added without consideration to longterm impact). It will require the "pay to skip ahead" players to accept to be permanently left in the dark UNTIL they go and replay the old quests (to me, this is actually quite an assumption, especially as older content is clunkier and, i'm sorry to say, often still outdated compared to common current accessibility expectations from gamers) Should certain players complain about being "dropped in the deep end of the pool" and demanding change then i predict nothing but making a quite tricky problem EVEN WORSE. By all means DE, go for it, add the plat skipping option, it actually offends me FAR LESS than the plat incarnon adapters in the shop. (Those items clearly should have been tradable items on the market, similar to prime parts, post first week in game market, if you wished to keep consistency in your monetization strategy, and also "allowing access on first week of release to all players".) In my eyes the critical issue that needs addressing is too strict MR requirements for weapons/frames/riven mods/content. That was the point of MR wasnt it? To lock out those who hadnt progressed enough from jumping ahead too far? Ignoring the GLARING exception of KUVA/TENET weapons not locking MR requirements, yet being shockingly powerful, MR control has been too strict on progression for a very long time now. This problem absolutely needs to be dealt with properly AS WELL. The greater context contributes to a increasing sense of unease for myself. Take in account a similar problem (in the same orbit for sure): Whilst on one level I LIKE auto melee for sure, the timing of having it just before iphone release looks AWFULLY SUSPICIOUS to me. It heavily implies an intent for DUMBING DOWN of mechanics, when what is DESPERATELY NEEDED is actually an increase in complexity and finesse of gameplay. Why is it we never had auto melee been mentioned before as a quality of life ages before, if it is so obviously universally better? It is the convenient TIMING of all these discussed changes, that concerns me the most. The reasons seem plausible, for now. But it requires absolute good faith on DEs part to not snowball these questionable ideas into a complete dumpster fire future catastrophe for the game. Either way, it has been an amazing run up to this point. Definitely my favorite game of all time right now, irrespective of the unknown future.
  12. As this seems to be the largest pay to skip discussion I will post my opinion here. I chatted in depth with my longest standing clanmate and whilst neither of us are *completely* against the idea, we kept returning to certain problematic issues that circle the "pay to skip" idea. Fundamentally the biggest problem is that by allowing this plat to skip option, you are pitting TWO groups of tenno against each other in the future STORYWISE, the old "we know it all, give us more depth" tenno and the "meh i know kinda whats going on i guess, but can we keep it understandable and easy to follow please?" tenno. IF THE GENERAL PLAN/ACCESSIBILTY OF STORY HAS TO CHANGE TO ACCOMMODATE THOSE WHO ARE UNWILLING TO ACCEPT A DEEPENING STORYLINE, THEN THERE IS A HUGE, HUGE PROBLEM FOR THE FUTURE OF WARFAME. Please excuse the caplocks but i cannot emphasise how gamebreaking a decision like this has the potential to be, if implemented without proper thought (as a makeshift fix to a longstanding problem) and continued in bad faith (future story expansions with similar plat catchup skip, added without consideration to longterm impact). By all means DE, go for it, add the plat skipping option, it actually offends me FAR LESS than the plat incarnon adapters in the shop. (Those items clearly should have been tradable items on the market, similar to prime parts, post first week in game market, if you wished to keep consistency in your monetization strategy, and also "allowing access on first week of release to all players".) Should certain players complain about being "dropped in the deep end of the pool" and demanding change then i predict nothing but making a quite tricky problem EVEN WORSE. In my eyes the critical issue that needs addressing is too strict MR requirements for weapons/frames/riven mods/content. That was the point of MR wasnt it? To lock out those who hadnt progressed enough from jumping ahead too far? Ignoring the GLARING exception of KUVA/TENET weapons not locking MR requirements, yet being shockingly powerful, MR control has been too strict on progression for a very long time now. I strongly suggest dealing with THIS problem first. On a related topic, whilst on one level i like auto melee, the timing of having it just before iphone release looks AWFULLY SUSPICIOUS to me. It heavily implies a DUMBING DOWN of mechanics, when what is DESPERATELY NEEDED is actually an increase in complexity and finesse of gameplay. Why is it we never had auto melee been mentioned before as a quality of life ages before, if it is so obviously universally better? It is the convenient TIMING of all these discussed changes, that concerns me the most. The reasons seem plausible, for now. But it requires absolute good faith on DEs part to not snowball these questionable ideas into a complete dumpster fire future catastrophe for the game. Either way, it has been an amazing run up to this point. Definitely my favorite game of all time right now, irrespective of the unknown future.
  13. Hi DE, Please see bug report: "Multishot not granting incarnon charges if you oneshot enemies" if you haven't already. The new incarnon weapons have been given a massive stealth nerf by accident and I think it definitely needs a look at. Many thanks!
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