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Everything posted by Zakkhar

  1. Lower your DPI outside the game? 1600 is super high lol.
  2. It listed on the wiki that way, I dunno, I mean the actual projectile then. That is a bad idea. Whole identity of Shedu is the radial attack (which is over 50% of its damage even on single targets). The main attack is often not even aimed at the actual targets but at the floor or the gap between enemies. Having Tau damage there is pointless and will make no difference.
  3. Shedu doesnt attack with Beam, but with projectiles that explode on impact.
  4. I once had a squad, where we defended the coildrive for about 5 minutes before I realised nobody actually did the hacking.
  5. They have the incarnon, you just cant see the reticule if not host.
  6. Reputation only counts from first part (prism). You should not customise your main AMP based on that. It is going to be most likely you longest used setup so far. The difference between what you propose Pencha Scaffold X1X and Shraksun Scaffold X2X in terms of investment is: 500 rep more expensive BP (1000 vs 1500), 20 more Grrokdul, 1 more Wisp, Different Alloy and Different fish. Not sure what you mean by gifts. The reason nobody uses it, is because it is bad compared to easily obtainable alternnatives. Making it closer to those alternatives would defeat the purpose of gear progression motivation. In two weeks time she could have already had 223 easily, 10 times at least.
  7. Actually, I love to. Even better if it was completely new Archwing/RJ based spy mission. It doesnt need to rely on stealth, it can rely on puzzle solving. If you do not like the mission type, do not run it, taking away that option from others is selfish. Not really frustrating for me, but from lore/mechanics perspective it is kinda wierd it isnt there. It would be an option. I am all out for options.
  8. Try different image host. We cant see.
  9. Why did you include it? Do not include it next time. If a point doesnt correspond with the rest of your statement (or contradicts it) and you included it anyway. It is on you for confusing people. Not on them for responding to it.
  10. Those are weak numbers, you have to pump those numbers. Rng. Just try different source (Tridolon 22,22%) or do something else for a while.
  11. That is how life works. You do not need to give up, you can try to improve yourself so that doesnt happen in the future. We do not mind reading it, but a) you are repeating yoruself, b) what you are doing is against the forum guidelines and we are pointing that out. Bro, you are really bad at this "respect others" stuff. It is not about the person. It is about their behaviour. Seeing your behaviour here, there was a valid reason. Because it is public forums and we can? By making a thread in a public forum you are opening yourself for posts of other players and their opinions. Oh, how the tables have turned: "Did not think", or "have not thought". Nobody cares. The rules work 100% of the time, not just when you feel like it. You are supposed to behave in a civil way 100% of the time. If you can only do it when you feel like it, I suggest you do not interact with other people when you do not feel like it.
  12. Yes. Do you? No, no. Mod will void this thread as soon as they read the reports about it. Because it has no purpose. Not sure if troll or... irrelevant. I am not a native English speaker, but it would be great if you took 10 seconds to check whether your correction of someones spelling/grammar is actually warranted. https://simple.wiktionary.org/wiki/taught I do not know what you did. It may be fair punishment, you just do not realise it. Or you do not want to admit it. Or downplay it.
  13. Turn back time and do not do stupid stuff. Unlikely. Why do you think they are ignoring it? Maybe they just choosing not to engage? You think stalking someone will make them fall in love with you?
  14. Do you reckon people get 10 year long bans for small stuff or by mistake? Do you expect them to write you an essay, why they deny your Get-away-jail-free-card? Your interpretation of reasons is irrelevant. Discussion about bans/making threads about it/being entitled snowflake is an easy way to get another. Good, but I guess that has not taught you anything and you gonna keep arguing.
  15. Strream is just a bonus, a trade: they get the viewership - you get the forma. There is plenty of option in game, you just have to be patient. Current NW had an Umbra forma on 29th step. New NW is soon, it is gonna have another for sure. I am atm a filthy casual (work, other games, life) and often forget to check those options (Teshin shop), I still have 16 already crafted and 19 BP available, I am not gonna count any installed, but probably 1-2 on about a dozen frames. Thing is, those are not really that impactful. Arsenal presents itself really nice, with all that white, but that is about it.
  16. Feel free to give us examples of those builds and explain how they do not work without those Umbra mods. Nobody prevents you from accumulating them ahead just like forma. Having them readily available would opposite of being rare, would it?
  17. Wrong. I want to play a game, not watch people talking. Nobody is checking whether you actually watch. Tune in on your phone or have the stream active/silent (but not muted) in the background.
  18. You claim I am incorrect yet you write exactly the same thing. You just changed the word momentum to movement speed.
  19. That is why they are meant to be used in close quarters. That may be how they are used IRL, but not in games. In games you sneak on the enemy and shot them point blank in the face. I just straight disagree with your interpretation, since I have no idea where it comes from as both Soma and Gorgon have Accuracy on High and player maximising DPS will always aim for headshots with weapons that have the headshot multiplier. But it is. It is so accurate that equipping negative accuracy mod (Magnum Force) on it has close to zero impact. Any player maximising dps will aim for headshots if headshot multiplier is obtainable. With chaining weapons even more so because initial headshot also chains to headshots. That is where you are wrong. SImilar case as Atomos. Any player maximising dps will aim for headshots if headshot multiplier is obtainable.
  20. The bug has nothing to do with speed of kiilling. What we observe is a fix in action that was supposed to prevent players from getting a charge by headshotting dead enemies. What happens with classic shotguns is that if you kill a target in your first shot, none of the headshots register, regardless how many flechettes/pellets it took to kill the target. It acts as if you shot the dead enemy with every pellet in your attack. Very baffling indeed.
  21. But he is, or at least in quxier interpretation: Then I am strongly against it (and any sane person would be). See the cooking show comparison above. And still the equal amount of moves will not make the stances equal, because amount is one thing, but there is also speed, hitbox (eg. 360), number of hits per move, multiplliers and forced procs. Making all those equal will make everything equal for sure. But how boring and bland. Artificially forced restriction on one of the factors = equality. But it is fake.
  22. Ok. And I understand in your opinion and OP this is somehow bad? Neutral has 5 moves but its duration is only 4,2 seconds. Blocking has 1 move, but its duration is 1,4s and it ragdolls, while the ragdoll move is 4th in tthe Neutral combo. Blocking 1 if held for 5 moves has now 5 moves. But you can choose to change the combo any time, by pressing different combination of buttons. How do you propose to change it? Do you want to cut number of moves in Neutral combo? Is 5 too high? Or do you want to make more moves in the Block combo? You'd have to make them each more powerful than previous, else people would just animation cancel on first or just change to to or intertwine different combo to cancel the sequence and you would be essennetially nerfing this combo. Amount of moves does not make a combo better or worse. What those moves are, how fast they are and what they offer is much more important. They are situational. If you want to ragdoll, you do block, if you want to keep ragdollin,g you keep doing block, if there is nothing else to Ragdoll you go for the Neutral combo (it also has Ragdoll, but on 4th move). You are probably thinking: "Ragdoll? Why would I want to ragdoll anything?" You probably wouldnt and on many enemies it doesnt work at all, but it still triggers a little arcane called Melee Afflictions. That is overcompllicated for a game like Warframe. It works in fighting games (eg. Street Fighter), because there is only one enemy and the duel is in 2D. Nobody in WF will do (or even remember) intricate combinations of buttons in order to execute a move.
  23. If you want to tinker with that more easily you can try this: https://semlar.com/zawcalc
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