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Everything posted by Zakkhar

  1. No. What you feel and what it was, are two different things. Actually they are quite opposite.
  2. Have you managed to die due to this? All it does for me is make me drop my buffs (Gara/Chroma), so i have to remember to referesh just before it starts ticking.
  3. Like every WF player ever. Maybe, but then people wouldnt be tempted to use plat to speed up the process. DE doesnt change this even though this kind of thread gets created every week or so. Must be F2P thing. Certain items are offered in a bundle - eg. craft 100 of the same item at once - but that requires different Blueprint. Example: Squad Energy Restore | WARFRAME Wiki | Fandom
  4. It is likely the game subtle way of telling you you need to upgrade your gear and mod it.
  5. Nope, endo you get this way is very miniscule compared to just playing the game. You can get plenty of endo from content such as: Arbitration, Railjack (dissolving unwanted wreckage+mission prizes), Zariman Bounties. Endo here is mostly unwanted prize. You can also (if very bored and lots of credits) play sort of roulette with duplicate mods in order to transmute them into something else. PS: Technically there is a lot more filtration in FILTER menu (bottom right) and you could just rank the mods you want to keep to Rank 1 at least, and filter the unranked ones only, this way you could dillsove all).
  6. You wanted to add a weapon, you ran out of slots, you get a prompt if you want to buy the slots, you click ok without even looking at it. There was no accident there, just your own negligence. Slots for more weapons and warframes are absolutely the best things you can buy with plat when new. DE has it, contact support if you want to know. Making this available for players may not be a good idea.
  7. I do not. Hence your thesis is invalid. There is no difference between having 2 mods of the same type and 20 000. Pick all and substract one, but you could also stop doing that completely if you hate it.
  8. No, you do not need the stance mod to be able to use one. Again, no. I wouldnt recommend Stropha it is very short range (6-12 meters), compared to eg. Sarpa 36-40 (available from Market). You do not need those weapons at all. You just need to know your route/order and be quick.
  9. This is not real stealth. Like I said the enemies have: very narrow cone of view (basically cant see anything on the sides). They cannot see anything below or above them either, you can just jump in the air and slam the enemy from above. Slams and heavy slams have enough range that you do not need to land directly on the enemies. very short range of view (if you are crouched you are pretty much invisible, even if you are almost directly in front of them) extremly long reaction time (around a second). With the order I am showing you should be able to do it even with normal weapon and they will not see you if you are quick enough.
  10. Popularity. Plenty of people do not know TF2, skyhooks are pretty much everywhere. Shop doesnt fit any of those options. When you say "third person team based PVP moba shooter with cartoon graphics", people automatically think Overwatch, even though it dropped most of the Moba mechanics.
  11. I did not say it plays like Overwatch. It plays like Dota, it is just Third person.
  12. https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Melee_Mods Spoiled Strike Auger Strike Rending Strike Sundering Strike Fever Strike Voltaic Strike Maiming Strike Life Strike Enduring Strike Only fitting thing would be Maiming Strike. It is a long forgotten mod, It used to be flat +150% crit chance for slide attack (Atterax Meta), since it is multtiplicative now, it is no longer used. https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Combo_Killer
  13. Stuff that double dips with grouping: Gas, Electric, Blast. To a lesser extent other Damage over Time statuses: Toxin and Heat.
  14. Big river I have seen numerous times, fiery bush not so much.
  15. Also it is entirely possible your accountt got deleted in the meantime. That is gonna be mighty hard if she/he cant login. https://support.warframe.com/hc/en-us
  16. Abilities are not needed, parkour is sufficient. It is all about knowing your kill order/route.
  17. If you are very bad at stealth just use ranged melee weapon - gunblade or glaive. I guess you tried already. A few pointers: Open your map overlay and keep checking the enemy routes/facing. They are mostly the same every time. Find the best order/route and follow it. You do not have to execute a finisher, you can just melee swing them. They got very low hp. Finisher is a waste of time. You can use Skiajati, but then you need to use finishers forr the Passive to work and you need to be really quick for it to make sense. You do noot nneed top wait for the Execute prompt, just run in the general area behindd them and spam the button execute button (PC: X, no idea PSN) They enemies have very narrrow (and close) field of vision also their react time is very slow. Here is a showcase: 1st and 3rd done in the same order, only deviation on 2th really: (every movement speed mod you got + every attack speed mod for Skiajati). Do not just sprintt, use parkour, slide, bullet jump, roll. https://streamable.com/shuu0m Done twice in a row for goood measure.
  18. You can scan them up to 4 or 5 times afaik (if we are talking about Past Narmer Orb Valis).
  19. Both people are wrong, they just do not know it yet.
  20. Two things. 1st thing I already mentioned. You need to be able to feel the difference of experience between having it and not having it to appreciate its value. If you get it imidiately, you cant. At least until you get to Grendel missions. Being OP at the start also robs you of the possibility to learn the game, when you are at the disavantage. This way we get people in SP, who do not understand basic mechanics: like headhshots, shield gate, soft cover, ammo conservation etc as well as mission mechanic (enemy spawns). Satisfaction (dopamine mechanism). The harder is something to get the more satisfying is the moment when you finally get it. If you get it without any effort or time invested it just doesnt mean anything to you. If you want your game to become a chore, it is a good strategy.
  21. If it has zero value, why do you need it? It doesnt have zero value at all. For you supply is 0, for those others it is 100+. But demand (usefulness) is high for both. Sure they can give you one, but then you are robbing yoruself of feeling of progression. If you do not experience the gameplay without it, you will not be able to appreciate that value. That is why you should spend some time grinding for it (or just play the game normally, you will get one eventually). I am sorry but doing whole star chart is the basic progression mechanics. You can pick and choose which missions you want - modes and bonus frames. Again. In order to appreciate the value of the mods you get this way, you need to be able to experience the gameplay without them. Enough of that gameplay so the difference is visible outside arsenal stats. There are limited amount of missions, there WILL be rrepetition inevitably. If you do not like that Warframe is not a game for you. The sooner you realise that the better. How did you get that 20 plat? Real money (pay to skip gameplay) or prime farming (different 1-2 mission grinding) + trade? What is an alternate cost? Slots. Those cannot be farmed in game and MUST be bought for plat. Have I given others stuff for free? Yes. Would I do it again? No. No items, I can do a mission carry. Have I gotten something for free? Yes, Claw stance - yes, I asked for it. Do I remember who I got it from? No. Anyway it is getting highly offtopic.
  22. Mirror Defence maybe, but Alchemy is pretty quick, especially solo in SP. I do not run Tome or Tome mods at all, so there is no need for any. Do people use those? Wdym waiting? You do not wait, you do something else, log in later. Not required for any progression. They are cool and all, but for me those were Mastery Fodder. Pay to skip gameplay? No, thank you. It is not about reaching the goal, it is about the way to the goal. Majorty of those are not good compared to the amount of grinding they require. Optional, skip. Actually had a lot of fun doing that. Never used any boosters, but came prepared (never wrong place). Of basic frames for me most frustrating was Trinity Systems really. I already had Trin Prime, so it was just for mastery but man... 14 minutes boss fight regardless if you play solo or in squad and regardless how good and efficient you are. LR4 here. The question is, why does a new player want X? How does he know that he wants it? Does he really NEED it? You do not need to do one mission over and over, because you likely also NEED YZABCDEFG and H so there is plenty of other missions to run if you get bored/frustrated with this one. The newer you are the more stuff you still want/need and the more you can do. By getting stuff for free you are closing all those possibilities without ever experiencing them, Without experiecing the gameplay without the item and with it, you cannot really appreciate the difference they make.
  23. Please do not. Having them on separate loudouts works perfectly fine.
  24. Really? That defeats the whole purpose of the game. People beg for free stuff because there are players who give them free stuff. If the begging works to get them stuff, why work for it?
  25. It is pretty much DOTA2 but in Overwatch style. Main problem is see with it is that it takes too long to play 1 round. Main problem with any WF PvP is that Warframes are not created with PvP in mind (while Deadlock heroes are not created with PvE in mind).
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