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Everything posted by Zakkhar

  1. The bug only occurs on client (not host). If you are solo or the host you are fine.
  2. Both you and OP should check 3 more times and if all fails just contact support via ticket. This isnt a game bug and posting this here will do nothing to solve your problem.
  3. Anything with high cd and low cc. So eg, Kuva Nukor or Bubonico. You also get fire rate/reload speed, so weapon which are already ammo intensive will simply run out of ammo, unless Incarnon. Sporothrix is cool but WILL run out of ammmo fairy fast. Basmu/Shedu/Bubonico wont (Battery weapons). Soma Prime may be worth looking at (Incarnon), as well las Miter (Incarnon as well). But the other question should be, what weapon benefits his kit. And the answer is anything accurate that can hit reliable headshots. Kuva Nukor fits, but Shedu much less (has radial attack and kick) and Bubonico even less (the most damaging part is a lobbing grenade with high recoil, gl hittinng headshots with that). Basmu is very accurate. As for Secondaries, Nukor/Kuva Nukors are obvious choice, Dual Toxocyst is great, Catabolyst maybe worth looking into. On mine I run Bubonico and Kuva Nukor.
  4. Or you can craft them, just do not take them out of the oven. Duplicates cannot be crafted until they are out.
  5. Congratz bro, the patchnotes claim they fixed it: Fixed Lethal Levitation’s damage buff not applying to Melee weapons. The description of the Way states that it should grant “additional X% Weapon Damage per Lifted enemy attacked by Operator,” but it was only buffing Primary and Secondary weapons. Since Naramon is primarily Melee focused, it only made sense to apply the bonus to Melee as well.
  6. Depends what you man by "what". Pretty much everything beside Founders Pack is obtainable or will be obtainable in the future. Unless we talk Accesories/skins.
  7. This is trivial knowledge and thus a useless comment, when talking about netracell/EDA arcanes everyone immediately knows its only about duplicate and crescendo. If my comment is useless, yours is beyond useless.
  8. I dont. Ability to freely recast vs not can be used as a balancing tool (and is being currently used in this way).
  9. We are not relying on anything like that. We have no trouble with matchmaking. The problem is entirely on your side. I will ask again, do you have crossplay enabled? If you do not, it limits your playerbase to PC players + in your region + with crossplay disabled. Which I assume is gonna be about 5% of the available playerbase in your region. Maybe less. That is not how it works. You have to let the timer count. Sometimes you get players while the timer countrs down, sometimes after it ends, sometimes in loading screen, sometimes they join after the mission already started. If you do this half measure, your queue is frozen and you will never find anything. Just click the mission and wait - stop toying with it the pause button.
  10. You do not need each of the arcane on max rank. Plenty of them are unusable. Several are very niche. Some are perfectly fine on R0. You do not NEED to get them. That is your own self imposed challenge. The word you are looking for is WANT. At least? Endo is useless. So are all the arcanes from Arbitration.
  11. Nope. Nobody waits for previous group for next stage. We just leave, take a break, change a frame and requeue. If anything, people may have trouble with later stages, so they will look for group then, while they solo or carry previous ones.
  12. Check your region, use the region for your peak hours. I play on EU and have no trouble finding groups even at 4 am. Also check if you have crossplay enabled (people with crossplay disabled only match with other people with disabled one, regardless of platform) Between those hours employeed people are at work/kids are at school (soon). If you are in EU try US. Also, like that previous dude said, you have some real patience issues. Matchmaking doesnt work better the more time you reset the queue.
  13. How is that gonna be different than compact numbers (eg. 18k, 32M) + status icon?
  14. Some weapons have it very indirectly written in their describtions, eg. Epitaph: "...fires chilling slow moving slab, guaranteed to slow enemies for easier marksmanship." It applies forced Cold proc. But I agree that it should be visible in actual Arsenal, maybe in Unique Trait menu.
  15. We use Search engine and In Progress tab. Also pen and paper. You can always confirm what you already have crafted, in Inventory (Esc, Equ, Inv, search). Always craft the complete set: chasis, systems, neuro. If you do not own complete set, just do not craft anything untill you do. As soon as they finish, craft the actual frame. This way you never craft 2 chasis (unless you really want to for Helminth, but you will have to wait till first one completes). Hide them, hide them from where? Do you use Ready to build tab? You can change the Sort options (top right) to State/Type. I am unable to test anything because I got probably every item in game ready to craft, but I am guessing State is the ption you need. I do not use this Tab at all, not sure if I ever did.
  16. You can carry 2 batteries between sites: grab one with your frame, Transference, grab another with your Operator/Drifter, Void Dash to next site. Loot frames double the amount of cells available. Khora is probably ideal pick as her Dome also works as a Defensive measure for up to two points at the same time. Liife Support Towers are meant to be used. We just power crept the mission completely. Obviously loot frames help - they do not multiply amount of enemies, but the life support modules. Most people have problems with Survival because they do not understand how enemy spawns work and by moving chaotically constantly disable and move the active spawns. I can do solo Kuva Survival for 1-2 hours without any issues with Air levels. A lot of modules can also be obtained from breaking the containers. As mentioned. Bounties solo > Bounties in a team (even a coordinated one). It is just faster, less work, less obejtives, less enemies to kill etc. Certain Bonus objectives are unintuitive and illogical and need a very special setup in order to get them. My go to frame for them is Mesa. In general the problem is that if you increase the enemy density in normal missions, it will impact newer players, with lesser gear and game knowledge and cause their frustration.
  17. Procs show on the enemy HP bar. You can totally remove clutter without removing the combat text.
  18. Out of good Zephyr build on Overframe: https://overframe.gg/build/245043/zephyr-prime/hurricane-force-zephyr-general-use-steel-path-tornado-nuke-crowd-control-defense/ Sobek (Acid shells): https://overframe.gg/build/692374/ Torid (Corrosive blast): https://overframe.gg/build/472389/ Trumna (infinite alt-fire Gas): https://overframe.gg/build/292859/ Kuva Tonkor: https://overframe.gg/build/451007/ Kuva Zarr: https://overframe.gg/build/226265/ Kuva Bramma: https://overframe.gg/build/294279/ Tenet Envoy: https://overframe.gg/build/214840/ Tenet Tetra (alt-fire): same build as tonkor/zarr etc Stahlta: https://overframe.gg/build/690607/ Aoelak (alt-fire): same as stahlta Tenet Arca Plasmor: https://overframe.gg/build/268963/ Strun Incarnon: https://overframe.gg/build/465699/ Bubonico (alt-fire - make sure to swap Charged Shell for Chilling Reload): https://overframe.gg/build/210444/ AOE Secondary Weapons Tenet Plinx (Swap Galv Shot for Hornet Strike): https://overframe.gg/build/395842/ AOE Slam Melees Jat Kittag Vulcan Blitz x12 influence: https://overframe.gg/build/692369/ Magistar x2 slam spam: https://overframe.gg/build/668910/ STRONG SINGLE TARGET WEAPONS Soma Prime: https://overframe.gg/build/231619/ Fulmin Prime: https://overframe.gg/build/244686/ Nataruk: https://overframe.gg/build/539283/
  19. 1. You can. 2. There is no reason to as you will find the squad easily for stage 2 or 3. I actually always leave my squad after a mission. Only thing that has continuous group is EDA.
  20. Unless you are really into the Legendary ones, the other ones drop plenty in Assasination, also Book of Shadows.
  21. Eclipse costs less mana to cast and can be recast, unlike Roar. Eclipse can be cast as a defensive ability, while Roar cant. Eclipse can be active with squadwide Roar, while double Roar does nothing. As for the topic, it is same damage multiplier as Roar (neutral faction damage), just affects different things. If both are active, they will be additive. I still run Eclipse on my weapon based frames (eg. Wukong, Mesa), even though for Wukong to work the same way as Roar, I need Total Eclipse equipped.
  22. You can get up to 10 shards per week: 0-3 Netracells 1 Bird 1 Archon 0-5 EDA Actually those can be done in 1 day (just have to wait a week for reset). What do you guys do with all your shards? Do you eat them or something? Or do you put all Tauforged in every Warframe there is, regardless if active or needed.
  23. Play solo. Use Helminth Perspicacity | WARFRAME Wiki | Fandom if you dislike the hacking part. I am an avid Spy enjoyer. There are currently numerous Spy mechanics: Earth, Uranus, Lua, Kuva Fortress, Jupiter, standard Grineer, standard Corpus etc. Most can be completed in numerous ways using numerous Warframes to shortcut/cheese, but they are not required and simple Void Mode invisibility can be used. Sometimes even that is not required. There is small problem with Corpus ones as Corpus tilesets were enhanced a while ago, but the Sortie/Archon spies are still in old, not used tilesets. They are much easier/quicker though, so that shouldnt be the problem, from efficiency standpoint.
  24. You can reduce the visual effects overall (range 0-100) and allies (toggle). I do not have any problems with Gloom.
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