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Everything posted by Zakkhar

  1. You have to hold the aim glide button while melee, not do them in sequence. You can also do bullet jump instead of double jump. or Holding aimglide lets you levitate, you want to be leviating while you melee in the air. You also cannot aim direcly below your starting jump point (or direcly below you in general). As it will always execute a slam. You need at least small angle away from totally verticallity, 10-15 decrees will do it. Also the ease of use depends on your weapon type and attack speed (certain weapons have very long animation of projectile throwing- eg polearms), higher attack speed helps - either in forms of mods or better in forms of Grip (and other parts) used. You do not want to go full Shtung/Korb most of the time. Your animation speed will suffer.
  2. That statement exactly tells me you do not. We do not modifiy the physical damage on the weapons (impact, puncture, slash). It is undesired compared to elements (eg. cold), which multiplies all base damage by itself instead just a portion of it. Even with the recent reworks that actually give the statuses certain effects and with the vulerability faction changes those are still undesired. IRL maybe, but this is a game. We fight monsters and bossess here. Neither of which can be 1shotted by a headshot from any existing sniper rifles. Here, sniper rifles difference from eg. bolt action rfiles is range (damage fall off) and a sniper scope that besides zooming in, affects the weapon behaviour in other ways: gives a passive bonus (vulkar has headshot damage multiplier on top of normal headshot damage mulipler, rubico has crit chace) and offers a unique combo mechanics. Every shot hit gives a stack, which at certain tresholds provide an end multiplier to damage (overall dmg, not just actual target). With high fire rate you can ramp up that combo mechanics faster. https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Sniper_Rifle#Mechanics It is not a bug. You just do not understand the mechanics and therefore mod your weapos wrong. With wrong assumptions you get get all sorts of conclusions. Can you list the mods you currently use on Vulkar Wraith?
  3. Devs of Warframe? Disclaimer on Wiki site as well as on WF forums? It is managed by players who use the databases provided by the devs. Welcome to the WARFRAME Wiki, a completely player-supported encyclopedia about the game WARFRAME. Our purpose is to create the most complete database about the game on everything ranging from gameplay explanations, weapon statistics, combat mechanics, to the titular Warframes and the background lore of the WARFRAME universe. The wiki is maintained by countless active players and fans from around the world and we welcome anyone to join our community, share your knowledge, and make this wiki a better place. New editors are encouraged to take note of our Policies or contact an Administrator or Moderator for any questions regarding the wiki. A great place to start helping is to look into our current site-wide Projects for needed edits and contributions. Volunteer developers and researchers are always welcomed! As Digital Extremes does not actively engage with the activity on this wiki, users are encouraged to post feedback, bug reports, or suggestions to the official Warframe website and its support page.
  4. People that want to learn got this: Google and wiki. When I did that we did not have the first screen at all. You will still need wiki, because there is no in gamme information about Warfames Element corelation. I have a Wiki screenshot of elements saved as jpeg on my desktop. You will still need Wiki to figure out what kind of weapon you are getting and which Element is good (or I guess you can just ignore all that strategy stuff and do w/e).
  5. What do you mean unaware of? You stab the larvaling and you immidiately get aware of. Or do we play different games?
  6. Neiter. The screen he pasted clearly states that all the yoinked items will be given back. If someone have been doing sorties or archon shards they are more than capable of ending 1000 liches. And the prizes of sortie or archon do not actually make you instantly 3 times stronger, so puttinng them into the bank doesnt make you 3 times weaker.
  7. Well, in order to click that tutorial button you need a bit of curiousity, awareness or/and IQ above 70. Look how many people fail to verify their waframe.market accounts.
  8. It wouldnt do anything. Modern playerrs will just skip everything skippable, ignore every voice over and information provided as shown below:
  9. Not really. There is plenty of information already that 90% of players simply skip/ignore. It is just a matter of intent. eg. Dark Souls hardly tells you anything about the game story, boosses etc. You have to dig for the information. Do you think the game would be the same if the exposition was pouring at every second? What I always liked about WF is lack of hand-holding. Guess modern gamers dislilke that. But there are plety different games that provide that hand holding. We do not have to all play WF.
  10. Grind sequence in grind shooter? No way... You can safely igore the Lich until you are ready. If only google existed.
  11. If you or anyone in your squad is running slow on missions that are based on getting to enemies (or enemies getting to players) as fast as possible and killing them as fast as possible, you should stop, ask them to stop or leave. Slow (control) abilities are useful for time based mission modes: Interception, Mirror Defense, Mobile Defense, Excavation (but not Void Armageddon, because if you do not kill the enemies within the given time they will kill the dampener, once you move to different point). DO NOT use Slows in Defence/ESO/Survival etc use speeds (if you can handle it and it is not a fissure, where getting reactant may be an issue if you speed the mission too much). PS: It seems I am late to the party and likely someone already pointed that out.
  12. Press the button first, kill it after. I have been doing the impossible thing forever, it seems. Guess I did not know it was impossible.
  13. Anything can deal with Sentients and Murmur (not sure where you got Murmur from). Paracesis is not bad statwise for a Heavy Blade, but Heavy blade stances are pretty meh.
  14. If you play frequently and independetly at the same time - yes. If only one is logged, while the other one is logged out or if you only log in at the same time, it may be sus. You can play on vacation just fine.
  15. The feature is abused on Zariman (and similar feature in Open Worlds) and can be similarly abused in other missions. Basically giving all the aces to the host and all the repercussions (sudden host migration, loading screen and possible loss of progress) to everyone else ("so long, suckers...")
  16. and here I can buy all those 3 or 4 stuff that I regularly buy. Once per week: 1 loading screen, 1 landing ship, 50 meters run. If you hate seeing this, maybe you are just burned out? Do I care about experiencing the game while playing the game? I do. Would I rather it was series of commands or done automatically? Certainly not. But I guess The Option to do it, will not take away this experience.
  17. Or just click the link provided that does everything for you (you just have to paste the code and press send). Apparently it is too hard. If you have been attempting to message warmarketman, dont. Applicaltion is no longer supported and so is this method of verification. Use the browser version.
  18. Walking 50 meters? Really? Maroo, dojo, relays and open world hubs are distinctly larger.
  19. I strongly discourage you from spending platinium to buy weapons. Do not follow youtubers for advice. I assume we talking about Heavy attacking. Statwise what matters is aspeed, damage of heavy attack, crit chance, crit damage and follow through Nikana Prime does 990 base heavy attack damage, with 28% cc and 2,4x cd as well as 0,5s windup and 1,08 animation speed, FFT is 0,7 Reaper Prime does 1200 base HA damage, with 35% cc and 2,5 cd as well as 1s windup and 1,08 animation speed. FT is 0,6 Reaper Prime will do more damage single target by may be weaker when attacking clumps of 20+ enemies. On content you are doing it hardly matters. DO NOT GET NIKANA PRIME FOR PLATINIUM.
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