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Everything posted by Zakkhar

  1. Man, make up your mind. Is there, or is there not any incentive other than to test yourself? If in your opinion these are contradicting statements, I have no idea what to tell you. Bro, now you just rephrase what I wrote before: Later stages point will be different for everyone. Here is the ~lvl scaling of SP Circuit: Stage - Level - Point per progress 1 - 130 - 100 2 - 131 - 110 3 - 139 -125 4 - 165 - 145 5 - 220 - 170 6 - 316 - 170 7 - 468 - 170 8 - 687 - 170 9 - 991 - 170 10 - 1392 - 170 11 - 1908 - 170 12 - 2553 - 170 13 - 3346 - 170 14 - 4301 - 170 15 - 5437 - 170 16 - 6771 - 170 17 - 8322 - 170 18 - 9999 - 170 19+ as 18 Why would anyone, whose main motivation is progress ever go to later stages? Where is the incentive? By the time it gets even to 19th stage you could do 40 stages if restarted (eg 4x10). That is about twice as much progress per time spent.
  2. Wasted time (compared to restarting) is not a penalty? Remember to count the time of the failed mission as well.
  3. Working to keep the round 5 bonus is a incentive to continue, and to plan accordingly. There is no round 5 bonus. The bonus is daily and awarded for finishing round 4. It is permament and doesnt need any maintainace. In addition to the above rewards, completion of subsequent stages in a run grants Circuit Progress to claim tier rewards. Stage 1: 100 Circuit Progress Stage 2: 110 Circuit Progress Stage 3: 125 Circuit Progress Stage 4: 145 Circuit Progress Also awards an additional 50 Circuit Progress once per day. Stage 5 and onwards: 170 Circuit Progress https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/The_Circuit#Tiers_and_Weekly_Rewards The rounds go slower and the progress doesnt. You should measure your team performance and once it slows down or cant handle the enemies as smoothly as before you need to jet (especially if you get a round that is failable, you can see the mode before the decision whether to conttinue or not). Past round 4 you get additionall 50 Progress per round (170 compared to average 120 from first 4 rounds completed). Going past round 10 (depending on the team) is usually a bad idea.
  4. Skill issue. There is no incentive to stay to later stages other than to test yourself.
  5. I do not think you understand how damage works in this game. Damage per shot is just part of equation. What matters as well is rate of fire, crit chance/crit damage, nmagazine size/reload speed, Scope combo scaling (for snipers), scope bonuses, but no weapon will work properly if you do not mod it. Again. Unmodded weapon will not work. Komorex has 3 firing modes: hipfire, x2 scope and x3,5 scope. Hipfire is pretty similar statwise to x2 scope, except x2 scope gives you 2 meter punch through (penetration) and much better accuracy, fun begins with x3,5 scope which has a radial attack (explosion). that does full viral damage. With very high base status of 35% which can be easily modded to almost 100% it is a guaranteed aoe viral proc (and damage). Also it shoots much faster thhan most snipers. Due to the fact this weapon is high status it will not work on objects (ships) or bosses (Eidolons) which are immune to status procs. Tombinger and Gaze I guess. Both can do massive damage if you used proper parts to build them and modded them. Both can be modified with Pax Charge to not use ammo, but battery instead. Pretty much anything that is not a launcher or a shotgun or beam will hit fine in long range as long as it has pinpoinnt accuracy. eg. Fulmin alternative fire has 300 meter range with 0 fall off (it is a battery weapon with 2 firing modes, so may like it). https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Fulmin
  6. Your observations are wrong. Amount of damage types doesnt matter. What matter is the type of damage. If you happen to face the enemy that is weak to pucture, full puncture weapon (provided the same dmg stats) will do more damage than 50 pucture/50 slash. But then again if you see the enemy that is weak to slash the 50/50 weapon will do more. But physical damage doesnt matter. You scale your damage with elemental. For example Eidolons are weak to Radiation and Cold and have resistance against Corrosive. So for Eidolons, weapon with 100 puncture, 50 puncture/50 slash, 33/33/33 will do the same damage because they have neither vunlerability nor resistance vs that type. For scaling purposes and versatility in general weapons with more damage types are much better than weapons with 1 damage type.
  7. Out of curiousity. Why? Just get plat by trading with other players and buy slots. Selling all weapons you have accumulated is not a good strategy.
  8. Rubico/Rubico Prime Komorex, but it is a status weapon so doesnt really work for Eidolons. It also also pretty ammo intensive. Technically Knell/Knell Prime (it is a pistol with sniper reticule). It is only infinite ammmo on headshots though and Synovia do not count as headshots. Other option would be Plinx. Have in mind any long range normal weapon will do (so no shotguns/launchers), Sniper weapons do not have monopoly on Eidolons or long range.
  9. Intentional on any punch thourgh. In order for explosive weapon to explode it needs to collide with the enemy/obstacle. If it goes past, the collision doesnt happen. You can circument this by aiming at enemy's feet (into the ground). This way your hit will hit the enemy directly (feet) and the ground will trigger the explosion.
  10. 213 would be a waste. 1 alt fire is meh, it is much worse version of the 2 prism. 223 (2 alt fire) gives way more versatility (also better for Eidolons).
  11. Keep holding the fire button regardless if you aim at the point or not. Depends on the target, one dude is able to duplicate himself and if you scan the copy nothing happens (you have to scan the original). Other thing: which scanner do you use? Codex scanner (whitish) will not work, you have to use simaris scanner (yellowish) specifically. You speak about the points so I can assume you are finding the right target, but it is possible you do not. You cannot just scan any enemy, it must be a special enemy (Blueish), which must be found by following the golden swirls. Swirls only spawn when simiaris says there is a target nearby (at the start of the mission). If he doesnt you need different mission. Here are the enemies + missions where you can find them: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=666483447 I find it the best to not bother with any traps and just scan them out of stealth.
  12. Is reload time included in that DPS calculation??? I took the number of the chart i pasted link to. It includes reload speed. There are 3 damage columns: per shot, burst and sustained. Which includes what, you would have to ask the author. I can only assume it does because with 12 attacks per second 240 damage each and crit stats of 20%/x1.5 that would be quite low. The burst stat doesnt count reload. It is a held damage type, so if she is trying to tap the button instead of holding it, the damage will tank. For comparison 1XX (Raplak) offers 3912.40 sustained damage per second. with 111 it would be a bit more because 1 brace increases the max energy by 40,
  13. Mote amps damage is fine for this quest. It has sustained damage of 764.95 per second. Weapon Comparison/Amp | WARFRAME Wiki | Fandom Big part of AMP damage are the Arcanes and the Focus school. Also not having Dragon key -75% damage equipped, helps. Or just craft at least 111 AMP like normal players. Next should be 223. Rest of the amps should be XX3 or XX7 once she gets rep with Fortuna.
  14. Not sure if you get it into inbox. Just check the foundry.
  15. If they increase the cap now it will not be enough in 3 weeks. There is no way anyone needs as much space for unveiled rivens, unless he trades with them. Veiled rivens do not count for the cap. I would know, I got over 200. Just dissolve or transmute the rivens you do not plan to use. Nobody will buy them.
  16. It wasnt unheard of and it was always useful for priming. Nukor with magnetic, modded for viral will have 3 secondary elements.
  17. Sevagoth was released 3,5 year ago. Obviously he invested in order to use it over all that time as his main Warframe, You get a return. Fun from playing finished build all this time.
  18. DE mentioned something about Sevagoth Prime coming with a lot of additional starting Polarities. Not sure if that solves or partly solves your conundrum.
  19. Not only his. In this game passives are a small flavour, not a game changing OP abilities.
  20. This abiility has never been used so far because it locked you down in animation (self stun). They have recently "fixed" it. 4 was much better choice. Still both abilities (1 ad 4) were good candidates for subsume.
  21. Holy quality batman. Did you make a screenshot of a photo of your monitor?
  22. Neither. It is simply a meme. You do you.
  23. Considering credits are practically worthless in this game, this statement doess not have the power you expected. Not Marvel-Comic or Kill Bill.
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