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Everything posted by VENDOMINUS

  1. You can kill lv.9999 corupted jackal with just a 7X7 amp as long as you have persistent attrition. With more decrees like corrosive shots, cold on crit and such it become fast even. For the armor changes, I have a much simpler solution that is a lot easier to code, than doing what they say they're going to do. I suggest changing the armor and armor reduction from corrosive to change to a % based system. If a Grineer unit currently has 97% DR and you strip 80% of it with 10 corrosive stacks it would have 20% of it's armor and it's DR would go to 0.97 * 0.2 = 0.194 or 19.4% DR. Imo that's the simplest way of fixing the current armor system instead of inventing a new curve and wonder why things are still the same, while spending months on it. To compensate hp in general will have to go up to almost new infested levels. You won't need to fully strip things to kill everything, but if you don't have any armor strip whatsoever, you'll be out of luck. This approach keeps the current need to learn how to deal with armor, while not forcing you to have fullstrip setups. If we add the proposed change to puncture damage, then you'll always have a way to eventually kill enemies as long as your weapon can do at least puncture. This will save a lot of time and costs for DE, since they won't have to change the armor values of each enemy, or go for the flawed approach they are currently thinking of. On a side not, can you please do something about Xaku flying guns, tanking damage attinuation to it's max values in no time flat. I understand it not dealing major damage, but making it so that all attacks that should be doing hundreds of thousands of damage, do like 100 in less than 3 sec is a bit silly.
  2. You understand it incorrectly Slash proc damage (bleed damage) is not related to how much damage you dealt to the enemy. So your damage on impact will increase by about 3x but your bleed damage will stay the same, while enemies will have 3x-50x more hp. With the new changes Frost will we very OP until nerfs come along. Electric may replace slash as go to dot, because of the armor changes since it baseline deal more damage than slash procs, but gets destroyed by the current armor system. Heat will also be quite funny, though with the damage pillows, it kinda feels weak and may continue to be so. Still, stacking damage does take over quadratic scaling eventually. It would be good to do something about the impact status though. I liked a suggestion another person posted. Add the current puncture status effects to impact. After all if you get hammered in the head and are woozy, it's expected that you'll do less damage and be easier to crit. Changing puncture, to give armor pen also sounds like a good idea (just ignores armor, doesn't strip it) and a health damage increase in the same line as viral, maybe at half the effectiveness, so that the status is usefull against enemies that don't have armor. That'd help many of the weapons that currently have a hard time finding a use case and viral won't be as needed. Also it does make sense for puncture based sniper riffles to actually puncture, no?
  3. Not harder. Just slower. Flachette orbs can't hit things that are far away behind walls. And if you don't bring a way to deal with that, then you have to rely on others to clean up. My current mentality is that having a chance at 2x drops is not as good as killing 3x the enemies in the same amount of time.
  4. I would suggest to either Add arcane slots to the exhalted weapons or have the arcane on your quipped melee weapon affect them (Garuda would need an arcane slot since she can't have a melee with her talons up). With the introduction of melee arcanes, Exhalted weapons have become way too underpowered compared to normal weapons. While testing some Baruuk builds, I came to the conclusion that I'm better off just swaping his desert wind, despite that boing his defining ability, which most of his synergies revolve around. Also, for the love of god, make his desert wind share combo with his melee or at least gain combo from it's ranged hits, As it is, it's a pain to build up and play. Don't get me wrong, you can still slap most things but, when compared to normal weapons, with arcanes, exhalted weapons fall far behind.
  5. Soo, I randomly decided to spay some hydroid and for the heck of it put two tauforged emerald shards on it for corrosive stacks. I was a bit surprised to find out that his passive doesn't seem to work on Acolytes and Necramech at all. Acolytes also don't get armor stripped despite them having 10 stacks of corrosion on them. I noticed that the mark indicating Hydroids passive was missing from the targets. While I was a client in a lobby I also noticed that sometimes Necramech armor would stay at 100% despite them having 10 stacks of corrosion. That was not 100% consistent but it happed pretty often.
  6. IF you ever play max range vauban, you'll find out pretty quickly that his vortex tend to make things a lot harder as you have to check behind walls for enemies, and in general make rounds slower. Normally a grouping ability should make rounds go faster imo. I agree, if enemies could try to not get stuck in walls it would be better. If we imagine Vortex as something that sucks things in, then the air currents should form passages in the corridors causing stuff to fly through them, and not for them to be stuck in the walls for no reason. A LoS might help him imo. A general improvement to pull pathing would also work. I personally quickly decided to spop playing max range after seeing how much slower things went than normal. Ofc if you have a nuker in the party that doesn't care about walls, then it works either way.
  7. If all of the closest notes are filled on your manachord song, every crouch will be in tune and will progress you towards invisibility. You should probably fix your song. As far as eximus and the like go. At high enough levels the overguard get's instapoped by normal enemies who hit the mallet. At lower levels you should be oneshotting them casually with random damage. Melee influence works great for randomly draining overguard while hitting other stuff. With the invisibility damage bonus, even with weak weapons you shouldn't really struggle. You could also just pop normal defensive mods for normal missions if you want to not care about things entirely. Put Vitality/Redirection ,adaptation and fast deflection, together with some augur mods and Brief respite if you have it. And you'll be golden. Imo if taunt really worked on overguarded enemies, then all WF content would be trivial for Octavia (not that it isn't atm).
  8. I've opened quite a few relics and since we're talking about the current relics, other people have opened plenty of them as well. Considering how few of the rare drops I've gotten by not, I thought I'd suggest for DE to just take a quick look in some relics to make sure the drop chances of the rare drops are as they should be. 1. Meso M4 - Masseter Prime Blade. I've probably opened more than 70 radiant relics alone including probably more of the lower quality relics. I only ever got 1 blade. Even if we dismiss the general statistical improbability, this seems really unlikely. 2. Neo Z10 - Zylok Prime Blueprint. Atm I have 4 blueprints, but I've opened hundreds of radiant Z10 relics, since this is the radiant relic we got from profit taker and also many of the lower quality ones. This also seems very unlikely in general. 3. Meso A5 -Acceltra Prime Barrel. I've done significantly less relics from this type, but thay still probably over a hundred, not including what other people use. 4. Lith A6 - Akarius Prime Receiver. Similar to the Zylok bp. This one also seems to drop a low less than it should. I'm not saying the Relics these relics are definitely with incorrect drop rates. But considering how statistically unlikely the results are. It warrants a quick look into the code from the devs, in my opinion. I've gotten what I needed quite a long time ago, but as I was looking at my current relics I thought I'd share my thoughts. Does anyone else see lower drop rates with these relics or it is just RNG in your opinion.
  9. Soo, I finally got to making a build for my Banshee. I decided to make one that uses melee crescendo and narumon focus school to do finishers. Here's some feedback. When I was a client it was almost impossible to start a melee finished from the side or back on mechanical murmur, and the places where I could start finishers on the other murmur seemed very inconsistent with particular locations where I had to stand in their hitbox. I'm talking about normal finishers you start with "X' on opponents opened up to finishers by staggers, silence, and narumon Sling Stun. For all other factions it seemed fine. Also when I was host, it seemed a lot easier to start the finishers. Needless to say the murmur probably need more finisher animations, so that they can be initiated from the side or have them turn around when you try to do a finisher, until then. Also, will we ever get finisher animations for Thrax. I seems to me that they are long overdue. I mean, We even have finishers for necramechs (albeit they suck because of DR), why not for Thrax? Adding them would expand the strategies players can use to combat them. Currently, if you have to face them, then you better not be using a finisher build, or have a mojer sidegrade for them in your build. I also noticed that you start taking damage before your animation ends. It might be a good idea to extend the invulnerability duration by about 0.5 sec, So that people don't get popped if they decided to use this playstyle (it sucks, but it would be another option for players to add to their playstyles). Another thing that seems a bit inconsistent is enemy targeting when related to swapping from operator to warframe, while the warframe is invisible. Enemies sometimes just decided to track on continuously fire at your invisible warframe for several seconds even though it's invisible and a long way from where you swapped from operator. This can become an issue when doing higher level content, and you rely on your invisibility to keep you safe from basic enemy fire. While playing with Banshee I noticed that this is still the case even with silence up. Honestly this seems like a lot of work to fix, but it could be something worth looking into. Was using a the Magistar for the runs (since we know, finisher animations are dependent on weapon)
  10. This really seems like a troll thread to me. MR 1 is not something that a person shouldn't be, by the time they get to the node. If they aren't then it's probably a good thing to force them to take note of the MR mechanic at least once.
  11. thats not the issue tho lol You can do levelcap by just putting pillige on any frame an not using any other skills and using good weapons. To me that makes everything viable.
  12. if they remove LoS it's more likely that they'll reduce the range to 10-15m to bring it in line with other abilities.
  13. I personally prefer max range Xaku. Pop all tumors and containers as he goes though. After you grab everything, finding the catches is simple. Just look at the map as you move. (Having a khora in the party with 2 fetch mods also makes that even quicker, since she can pick up stuff from 25m away).
  14. I have no issue charging incarnons on SP. Charging them in normal on the other hand is a pain. Culverins at least give almost no charge, since their arm just fall off. Imo killing them while aiming at their torso (big head imo) should count for headshot kills, despite it not being a weak point. Just that should fix the major problem OP was worried about, since you're always likely to find some. Knell does work when firing at a necramech's weak point (at the back at least) not sure, why it wouldn't work on culverins.
  15. For me personally, After some farming during a 30-day res booster, I found that you can indeed get a lot more void traces with smeeta, but when compared to the attention I'd have to spend in order for the buff to line up with the 10th void trace, it's not as good. very often you won't get the buff in 3 waves while standing on the defense target. Nowadays I just use nautilus with verglas (with warframe punch through riven) when doing fissures. It helps take care of stronger targets while my minor aoe takes care of everything else. usually by just pressing 1 button every 18 sec I do my missions very fast with minimal effort. Using a smeeta means doing a lot less waves if you don't pay attention, which could also result in you overnuking, that can also cause you to miss opening relics, resulting in even less traces that if you just stood still and pressed one button. I personally find traditional kuva farming inefficient. Weeklies and arbitrations are good enough for me (Smeeta is a must in arbitration meta farming though). While the idea of getting extra steel essence is there, that's also not very reliable. On the other hand, it's always been that way, soo people find it worth it I guess, I'm a the point in the game where I don't need any single resource so that may have something to do with my opinion.
  16. With the pet's rework I also feel like the smeeta has gone out of favor. I only ever use it on profit taker or if I want more void traces from fissures (I on average don't run her on fissures). I currently classify pets by what they do Diriga (immortality,free energy, free casting, CC, priming), Nautilus (grouping, priming), Hellios (Armor strip), Oxylus (plant scanner), Wyrm, (buggy cleanse, sometimes nullifier protection), Djinn (potential immortality), Hounds (grouping, priming, CC, armor strip), Smeeta (more loot, crit buff from bond mod), Kobrows (I don't use, but they have their potential uses), Adarza kavat (crit buff and more crit buff with bond mod), Predasites (I can't really find a decent use for them. They probably need a buff). Moas (grouping, cc/damage, autohacking (not very reliable)), Panzer Vulpaphyla (mini priming) Smeeta doesn't have much going for it currently. If it gets a big nerf, if will probably follow the vasca kavat into obscurity. At this point, the expected nerf seems unwarranted.
  17. I'd personally rework Hildryns 4 to have the effect of chromas electrical elemental ward. The helmith feels like it makes Hildryns abilities complete. I've only ever played her with elemental ward and I don't want to change it, since it feels like it's what she should have by default. Another option is to combine the her current 4 and elemental ward. Keep her flying, but increase her speed to her sprint speed, to make it at least a bit viable and allow her to melee while flying . Keep the double belfire thingie (not sure if it does anything), remove the orbs spawn. The belfire in itself is very powerful especially when in doing fissures and you get 2x strength and range. You get a 20+ meter rocket launcher with no downside that hits for over 300k, w/o viral procs and no damage buffs (from abilities). (The 7-8 formas required is a bit much, but hey, what can you do).
  18. I fail to understand what you're trying to say. I mean, what is your point? Just stating the facts has me puzzled.
  19. You might not realize it, but freedom of speech is not a universal right in all countries. Private spaces like the game Warframe in this case, freedom of speech is not law, while it does say that it's against the rules to harass players. Harassment is in itself subjective. The harasser might not think what he's saying constitutes as such, while the receiver might think it is. After that it all can lead to a lot of wasted time for all parties involved, including those that have nothing to do with it (as what we're doing right now xD). Correcting inadequate knowledge, depends on the willingness of the participants. If one side doesn't want to hear it, then there's little to argue about. I personally always try to have a reasonable discussion with people who disagree with something or could know more on a given subject. However I'm not blind enough to assume that when I want to tell players how to play the game, they HAVE TO read what I tell them..
  20. At first I thought It'd be a notable drain, but in all honesty it's soo little, that I barely notice the cost. On the other hand I do use it a lot less, so it's not as clear cut as that. Imo it's fine, since both were supposed to have that cost to begin with. It's just a fix that happen to be negative for players, similar to infinite 12x heavy attack builds that got hit in the last 2 major patches.
  21. If you don't hear/see it, how will you know if they're telling you stuff? Ignoring them solves the problem for both parties. It allows the mean person to vent, regardless if he's right or not and doesn't cause negative emotion in the person who ignored him. Sounds like a win/win. If the mean person wants to harass with whispers, then he'll be prevented, which is better than being banned for harasment imo.
  22. It seems to me that Dante's 4 and Nezha's new augment are in the same boat. DE is currently trying both approaches. In Dantes's case it's LoS with massive range. In Nezhas is just less range with no LoS. We'll see which comes up on top in the future. I personally don't like major nerfs, just because someone feels butthurt.
  23. Last time I encountered such toxicity was when I was doing some random bounties on Cetus, while leveling Loki, which is actually not bad for the bounties there. An Ignorant Volt Prime noob joined me, insulted me for playing Loki while doing a much worse job than me, left and ignored me. I was amused when I tried to type a response to him and saw I couldn't. All in all just ignore people that suck at being a good person. There are far less of them than good sociable players here. And don't care what people saw in WF in general. It's a game where you can play whatever you like, wherever you like. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
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