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Everything posted by CrownOfShadows

  1. Alright, let's talk about Nyx once again. Her 2 is good. Armor strip. Awesome. Double the targets with her augment, sure.... ... . ..... Her 3 is good. The chaos is better than radiation and is a top-tier defensive mechanic with augment, although it needs a lot of range and duration. Her 4 SUCKS. Her 1 SUCKS. Wait, I'll elaborate, even though the people who will want to argue won't care about the details. So I went full strength on her, 400% strength, which combining with the augment for her 1 gives an ally with ~1500% dmg increase, or if you're in a relic with 2x str that's ~3000% dmg increase. Sounds good right? Wrong. It does damage, yes. Tickle damage. It draws some fire, yes. It still struggles to kill anything, even when you clear the overgaurd of a blast eximus and conscript them, amazingly... still not good. Give me a 3000% damage increase and I'll show you what good is son. Ok, her 4, absorb. Doesn't scale with range or duration, just str. So I went full str on this too. With a full primed energy pool, sitting in absorb for the full duration of my energy bar in high SP, just soaking up dmg, then BOOM.... oh nobody died? Oh actually nobody even took significant damage? Oh they still have 25%-75% of their shields? Yay. This ability is so bad that when deciding whether to helminth over her 1 or her 4 it's always her 4 for me. What? There's some secret build that makes this amazing? Oh by all means, tell me about it. If I sound irritated, it's because I am. She got dev attention a while back but that feels like it did nothing, and I have a bit of a soft spot for Nyx because I cleared the original starchart with her a lifetime and ago. To be clear, she is not even in the top 5 of my list of frames needing urgent work, but I was playing her again and got deeply irritated and so here I am, posting for posterity. One day, about 6 years from now, after I'm dead, she'll be fixed, but this post will be in the archives and will have contributed nothing. But I'm doing it anyway, ok? Fixing Nyx without changing her abilities: Allow me to suggest several new augments for her 1, because she has SOOOOO much room to mod that we can fit another augment no problem right? (this is sarcasm): Augment #1: Can be cast on up to 10-15 enemies. This should at least put her on par with Nekros and provide sufficient distraction to keep her alive. Suggest they last a bit longer or that they have a renewal mechanic so you don't have to spam your 1 just to stay at max. Maybe their attacks add time to their duration timers or something. Augment #2: Use Nekros' redirect damage - these allies take damage for Nyx. It's a cheap duplicate ability, but hey, at least it would be useful. You could tweak it to make it more interesting. Augment #3: Enemies turned ally give Nyx overgaurd or overshields per attack, or hp / armor. As long as they are hitting enemies, she is pretty safe. Details TBD, figure out if you want her as a shield user or a tank or a hybrid and go from there. Augment #4: Enemies turned ally gain the ability to receive a secondary weapon (like rescue subjects) (or even switch it up and give them a primary or melee or archgun???), thus enabling them to do actual damage (probably replace the current augment of +500% with this, as it's a direct upgrade and we wouldn't want both available at the same time now would we? Or make them mutually exclusive). Augment #5: Enemies that this new ally attack have a 5-10% (or something) chance to likewise become an ally, up to a cap. Thus they can infect others with their newfound allegiance. I will say that for this to work well we would need to address the issue we've known about for 26 centuries now: clearly indicating this is an ally to the whole team. IDKY this is so freakin hard (we literally have an ally marker we can slap on them as a ghetto solution) but it needs to happen, like cmon son, it's not 1994. Augment #6: These newfound allies benefit from Pack Leader (& hey and maybe other companion things too. Give us a reason to use Shepherd?) Alternatively, just make some of this standard rather than an augment, your choice. Speaking of, a few QoL tweaks to the innate ability: After a converted enemy recovers and is no longer an ally, either they die or they have no armor/ 25% shield. Ability can be held to cancel all Something juicy? Give them warframe abilities, ala Sisters & Lichs, I mean, we can basically call down a Sister or Lich and have them outperform and outlast these converted enemies, right? am i RIGHT??? Or even drop a specter that will be Wisp or Citrine or something. Right? RIGHT???? So maybe make them as good as or better than that. (This rather highlights the central issues with this ability, but if there are 10-15 of them... well that's a different story now ey, that's more specters than you can drop - therefore... it would be a decent ability) Something else juicy? Enemies will rush towards any console within 5-30m and hack it for you (based on range?). Maybe hold this ability to activate. I mean, they actually know the codes after all, right? RIGHT??? What's a telepathic slave for if not to hack into their own computers for you. And Absorb. No augment suggestions for this, just tweaks: No per/second cap. WTF (but check your framerate exploits beforehand) No max cap either, this is enemies we're talking about, not warframes, they aren't hitting 500 million damage or -2.1 billion, why cap it? It's not like somebody is going to mod their way around it, ever. Actually it's the most balanced damage spectrum you could possibly wish for, so make it actually hit plz... which brings me to... Instead of 0.05% how about 50%? Too strong? Ima ask for a receipt on that. Look, worst case scenario: you actually kill everyone around you. How bad would that be? Compare it to other abilities like Mirage 4 or Mesa 4 or Saryn 4 and then tell me again why I can't kill everyone around me, and they get to keep moving like normal and at bigger range. If anything sacrificing mobility and all weapons and all other ability casting and well... everything.... shouldn't that make me more powerful... or does Nyx just get to suck as a warframe forever? Guaranteed base damage, what do you want, 100k? Better to scale it with enemy level if you can, and a secondary scaling for time held, the longer it's held the better the base damage. This way you can't abuse it by spamming it and you are actually guaranteed a reward for holding it longer, go figure, why would anyone reward that? It's not like I could be doing insane damage other ways or anything. Applies knockdown, for those times when it still isn't going to kill anything and you're about to die anyway. Alternatively, applies chaos. Something juicy? Gain armor per amount absorbed, duration based on the time the ability is maintained x2-x5. So when you're done you have a crap-ton of armor based on how long you were in it. Make it overgaurd or overshields instead? Sure, whatever. Something else juicy? strips armor on everyone impacted. Scale it with time held if you want. (Still would suck compared to other options because it has to be held but hey, at least you can kill these fools afterward now) Something else juicy? heals Nyx to full hp 5-10 seconds after it ends (I'm opting for not immediate heal so there's still a little danger, i think that's probably healthy) Something else juicy? applies 5 random elements to everyone impacted, priming them for you. If you want to scale the # of elementals based on time held to avoid spam abuse, fine Something else juicy? converts all impacted enemies into allies, with damage and duration based on how long the ability was held. This seems very on-theme. Something else juicy? all impacted enemies have their armor stripped and applied to Nyx (kinda like we wish we were Hydroid) or their shields. Or their armor is stolen and converted into overgaurd. Or their shields are stolen and become overgaurd. Or both their armor and their shields. Or.... they suffer damage based on their own armor (the greater their own armor, the more hp % they lose). All kinds of possibilities. Something else juicy? Any enemy killed by this ability has all it's power transferred to either Nyx and/or any mind controlled enemies, buffing them (and in the case of mind-controlled enemies refreshing their timers). This would be pretty healthy when it comes to gameplay; Nyx has no self-buffing. Or some combination of the above. Thanks, see you 6 years from now. Or actually I won't. But hey, at least you might be playing Nyx and having a good time.
  2. You're making a great point and I support you. Acquiring the latest and greatest frame should not be an end-game activity. The build requirements for many of these by themselves cater exclusively to people who have been playing a long time and have big stockpiles, and they are also really painful to acquire the "old fashioned" way time-wise (actually farming them). I am glad that DE stepped away from RNG boss drops as a way to farm frames because that sucks, but forcing people to play half a dozen different areas all with deep built-in RNG materials is still almost as painful, and also some of these are locked behind many, many hours of syndicate rep. It really feels like there's no clear path to acquire or more accurately build many of these things. I wish they'd step away from RNG completely, it's a terrible time-gating-in-disguise mechanic that truly wrecks as many people as it benefits, and replace it with clear paths to clear rewards. For this reason the Circuit reward structure is so good. See a frame you want int his rotation? Great, your path is clear (of course building it is another matter, back to a failing system there). They really need to create missions (or ahem replayable quests) that award material groups as a way to help people trying to build things. I can guarantee that if there was a genuine replayable quest or raid that awarded a trove of orokin cells that would be one of the hottest items around (if it was good time-to-reward) just as a simple example.
  3. The only time in the history of WF bosses where invulnerability was done well is the orowyrm fight -> when the orowrym is invulnerable you don't even notice it because you have other things to do and there's sick animation to cover it. Every other time it has totally sucked. So can it have a real place? Yes, but it should never be a boss mechanic, it should just naturally be a part of transitioning between boss phases like it is with the orowrym, that's my two cents. They need to go back through and remove invulnerability phases from pretty much all the bosses, especially the starchart bosses, it absolutely sucks. As for attenuation, I still maintain that it's bad. I understand its necessity, but it's still bad. It punishes investment into weapons. By forcing equality in a deeply unequal pool they erase merit. They'd be better off catering to the top tier of weapons and forcing a meta, because then they could rebalance weapons (and frames) around that meta, if they truly cared about weapon balance that is. If they want to use attenuation as a stop-gap measure while they spend the next 5 years rebalancing everything via incarnons and just general power creep additions, that'd be a fair use that I could support, but we all know DE doesn't plan that far in advance. And it may be that WF as a game just can never hope to have a balanced weapon and frame ecosystem, so maybe attenuation is the only hope available. As it stands attenuation ends up feeling more like an artificial boss timer, which is why we end up wanting ways to get around it. If we have to have it, then I agree, creating more ways of engaging with it would be healthy, as long as they are actual designed engagements and not exploits.
  4. Yeah, just back again to say this again... people are literally running Titania through this like it's Phorid
  5. Well, this topic of supports gets complicated fast because it relates to a lot of other things like survivability, enemies, design philosophy, end game, cooperative play, etc. It also kinda depends on how you define a support, and it kinda depends too on whether it's more of a problem with the meta or with a frame's design Wisp & Citrine are top-of-the-line supports that are amazing for any team comp, but are they true supports or are they rather 'juicers' that just amp dmg? Oberon and Trinity and Harrow no longer shine and struggle to find any meaning, but are much closer to classic supports where their kits don't actually do damage, but they are all deeply outdated too - if they were all modernized they might end up looking more like Wisp. TONS of frames can actually help others. Anyone with pillage, anyone with nourish. Mirage can use her eclipse augment (or anyone who has it subsumed) to theoretically provide DR on par with Citrine (but not in actuality). Nezha can cast his halo on allies, Styanax is some kind of op overgaurd god that basically makes the team invulnerable. So you can have a frame that might not naturally be a 'support' coincidentally fulfilling that role, or they could even have a niche build that really is support focused. With helminth, any frame can fit into a support role really. While WF doesn't fit the archetype of dps-tank-healer I think there is still potential for supports to shine more. I see this when level capping the Circuit - the danger becomes enough that people finally need to huddle near their protectors - unless they are so strong that they don't. I think creating content that starts to test the limits of frames is the first step towards bringing supports into the limelight more.... but unfortunately because everyone just goes from surviving pretty well to insta-death we would also need bigger health pools so that there's more room for healing before death, but unfortunately because of our DR stacking more health creates problems with making us unkillable and then we're back to not needing supports, so that means we have to change how our DR stacking works, so that means we have to refactor enemy scaling.... Sigh, idk it's a very complicated problem.
  6. Ah that explains a lot actually, wasn't aware of that. Yeah if they just gave us a way to adjust or mod the incarnon mag sizeourselves that would solve like 75% of the problems
  7. So I'm finally a Frost fan, and it's all because of a lowly augment called Freeze Force. Anyways, there's one problem, somebody forgot to implement the timer on this ability augment. Please rectify, I have no idea when to recast it. EDIT: oh it's an icon up in the jumble. That's unfortunate
  8. So there are several incarnons that are really suffering because of just one or two problems, if we could please look at tweaking them: Primaries: Boars: fine Boltors: fine.... they do feel just a tad too weak sometimes but that's only compared to the top tier Bratons: needs a slight damage boost, it really struggles to chew through anything at high levels Dread: fine Felarx: fine..... ofc the incarnon form itself is useless compared to it's main fire. Wouldn't mind that being buffed in an alternate way than straight damage, perhaps a huge short range spread or something, so that it fills a different niche than single target annihilation Gorgons: main fire is too weak, just cannot be made to compete at a high SP level, Incarnon mode is decent, but a little on the weak side still too, would suggest a slight buff to that as well Latron: fine Miter: suggest this be made fully auto OR that it charge off body shots OR an adjustment be made to its charge rate. It's just a little too painful trying to charge this. My preference would be fully auto because that would make using the main fire more practical. Additionally a large increase in it's incarnon magazine would be greatly appreciated. It's currently at 20, it should be more like 50 imo. Lastly the charge up mode of this weapon sucks even with Evolution 4 Sawblade Storm - sacrificing 22 base crit chance to get this just is not worth it (unless there's hidden mechanics idk about). This should be a meaningful side-grade instead of something to ignore at all costs (unless there's a secret idk about) Soma: is close to being good after the changes, but still too weak to be considered a contender. IDK why almost all machine guns have to suck so much. There's a large variety of ways to get this weapon in particular into high tier performance. Strun: fine Paris: as far as damage goes it's fine, but it does feel like an exact duplicate of the Dread incarnon, just slightly weaker, so it's suffering from having no identity. Torid: fine... because of how hyped it is I probably wouldn't buff it, but personally I feel like it's incarnon mag is a bit too shallow. Secondaries: Atomos: fine Broncos: need a lot of help. With a magazine of 6 and a reload of 2 these things are painful to use. The final transformation option for ammo efficiency is ok, but it's pretty much mandatory unless you're running arcane pistoleer... and it doesn't affect the incarnon mode, which has a mag of 20. Evolution 3 Extended Volley adds +2 to the magazine, which is the right direction but still pitiful. I would suggest making this evolution a +10 mag size and making the incarnon mag 30 instead of 20. Another reason to do this is just how abysmally bad this thing is to charge. Seriously just go into the simulacrum and point it right at some heads and see how hard it is. They hardly ever count or the charge rate is way too low, and it was so painful that the only way I could do the final evolution challenge (get 10 kills in 8 sec 6x) was by using arcane pistoleer and a grouping ability. A larger mag would help but honestly their charge rate and mechanic need to be looked at. It makes this the absolute worst incarnon in the game to charge imo. The damage kinda suffers because of Evolution 4 being mandatory on Enough For Everyone (80% ammo efficiency when 6 enemies are with 6m), and even this evolution is fairly prohibitive, so much so that I'd rather use arcane pistoleer as it's more reliable. I'd suggest removing the condition or using a different condition - even a straight 80% efficiency without a string attached probably wouldn't even save this weapon. TLDR: fix the charging, expand the mag better, expand the incarnon mag. Despair: fine... I could wish for just a slight incarnon mag increase, they go pretty fast and it's all splash. It's at 20 again. 30-35 would be my suggestion. Dual Toxocyst: the incarnon mode is great but getting to it is too often a nightmare. It's so bad that it almost needs to charge of body shots or have it's rate reduced to just getting 1-2 headshots for a full charge instead of 4. The reason it sucks to charge so much is because it's bullets are extremely small and it's fire rate falls to nothing when you miss, and enemies are typically moving. So you end up aiming with these for long minutes and every time you miss there's a big delay before you can try again which is almost as painful as a reload. Running Anemic Agility AND Lethal Torrent is almost enough to get this into the zone of practicality, but the base fire rate of these things is.... 1, yes ONE. Getting an incarnon charge on any weapon with a fire rate of 1 just sucks. I'd actually suggest an evolution in this incarnon that increases the base fire rate to 3 or even 5 as another way to solve this - it's the greatest drawback of these weapons even though it's part of their gimmick and idk why there's no evolution for it - it could be independent of the headshot speed. Angstrums: fine Furis: fine Kunai: definitely needs a larger incarnon mag, it's at 20 again. I'd actually recommend 40. They're quick to charge which is nice, but you waste a lot of incarnon mag on these because the flight time of the daggers is so slow that your mag is pretty much empty before any enemies are actually hit, much less die. Laetum: fine Latos: fine Lexs: fine, incarnon mag is once again pretty light but the damage output balances it out ok and it's main fire is solid too Gammacors: fine Vastos: also need a slightly larger incarnon mag, for a weapon that turns fully auto a 20 mag just isn't great. I would suggest 35 only because it is pretty strong and something like 50 would probably be overkill. Zyloks: i personally detest these. Both the regular fire and the incarnon. The incarnon is just waaaaaay too slow for what it does. If something is gonna take 5 hours climbing to the top it better be a rollercoaster, you hold the trigger down forever - it should at least be worth it. I'd suggest overhauling the incarnon mode of this or creating an evolution that reduces the charge time to almost nothing. I actually expected it to have an incarnon mag of 1 and just set off a nuke after that charge, but I'd settle for a wannabe plasmor. IMO this is the worst incarnon mode. Melee: No comment. NOTE: I use controllers not K&M, that does make a difference when it comes to headshots as precision with controllers isn't always great. Some of these I have more experience with on than others so there may be people more qualified to speak on them. Also I am not fully invested into some of these still. And finally I should note that some of these do not have prime versions yet, so it may be that DE is waiting for the prime to get them into a better spot idk. Thanks
  9. Well, I'm going to disagree on principle. BUT, I sympathize. Anytime I queue with a Vauban - nope, I'm outta there. I just can't handle that frame sucking the fun out of everything. If a blacklist existed, that is legit the only frame I would have on it. I absolutely detest Vauban, I can't believe DE lets that **** happen. Speed runners and speed nukers are very real problems in non-SP missions, pretty sure everyone can agree with that. In SP I don't notice it as much and I wouldn't even classify it as a problem there, and I think this is because the TTK is high enough that speed nuking is less common (it can still happen but it's rare - alas probably not for much longer due to power creep). Limbo is a special beast. In the right setting he's an fantastic asset, but most of the time he's just annoying. So I think some of the issues here are with frame ability kits and making those better (Vauban/ Limbo) while other things are mission and difficulty problems (speed nukes & capture / rescue/exterminate). Two of the biggest flaws of warframe: out-dated kits and out-dated/poorly designed mission modes.
  10. and I wouldn't mind having this one either, it's also awesome.
  11. Any chance we can get this as a playable environment in RJ at some point? It's freakin awesome and it's shame it can only be played once.
  12. Any chance we can get these as options for our regular HUD?
  13. Icy Avalance (the avalanche augment) has a base 60 overgaurd per enemy hit. It does scale with ability power, but even at 300% strength it's only 175 overgaurd per enemy. I understand that this ability is pretty good, that at good strength it's a 100% armor strip and that it also freezes enemies, so that if you want to cripple your build enough you can also combine it with Biting Frost to great effect. But the overgaurd should be better even so. You might as well not even include it with so low a value. Avalanche is a very expensive and slow ability on top of that. Let's say you have 50 enemies in range (somehow). 50x60 = 3000. That's absolutely pitiful when you compare it Styanax, which by the way, is also an augment, is faster, has built in energy recharge in his kit, and benefits from airborne DR. Even with 50 enemies at 300% strength Frost's is 50x175 = 8750. And 50 enemies is a LOT to be within avalanche's range - that's a pretty unlikely scenario. At this pitiful rate, Frost can never even come close to reaching his overguard cap in any high level content, whereas Styanax completely lives non-stop at cap (you should really nerf Styanax's augment btw but w/e). I would recommend a more reasonable value of around 250 per enemy at base, scaling to 520 at 300% strength, so that with a reasonable number of enemies around you - let's say 25 - you get 6250 at base strength and 13,000 at 300% strength, meaning that casting it 3 or 4 times will allow you to reach cap, which honestly will probably still not happen unless people invest tons of casting shards into him because that animation is so slow.
  14. You are correct, the shadow has different controls on death vs 4. I 100% agree that the death form is borderline useless and should be the same as the 4 version, otherwise make a different passive altogether. It's confusing because it looks identical but plays differently, and the shadow form even by itself could use some substantial improvements as it's a little clumsy and maybe too melee focused without being original and diverse enough. I am unclear as to the mod state of the death form; it feels similar in power but just lacking all movement and ability options. Unfortunately, it takes DE about 5-10 years to update a frame after it's initial release state, so.....😶 (our words fall on deaf ears)
  15. If you're talking about the gameplay and not the framerate.... Step 1: Get Voruna Step 2: Spam 4
  16. I support you 100% Warframe deserves a complete stealth overhaul imo, with better mechanics, better enemies, better missions. Half of the problem is there are just so few ways to actually sneak around in the game, and half of it is the missions aren't designed for sneaking (maybe originally, but the game shoved them aside and just favors the bulldozer approach now). Stealth missions need their own enemy types and spawns - and should be completely distinct from regular gameplay, slower paced, dangerous, fewer but deadlier enemies with real guard mechanics, distinct AI if possible. When it comes to stealth frames, I am actually of the opinion that it should be impossible to do stealth missions without them, or extremely difficult, or twice as long or something like that. If you don't force them to be used, they never will be - people will always bring nukes. Like I think they should lean really hard into it, or otherwise get rid of stealth frames as an idea altogether and just give every frame a special new suite of stealth moves. Like if you're going to have dedicated stealth frames... then they should have a job only they can do really well, otherwise what's the point? And yes there are way too few of them, but that's a symptom of a wider problem - hyper focus on dynasty warriors slaughter and nothing else. The thing is, warframe is really honestly not that far from being able to produce great stealth mechanics. So many stealth systems are already in place! Cameras, alarms, alert levels, assassinations - they just need to make a Stealth 2.0 design pass, add a few systems and really build for it in a dedicated way instead of just ignoring it. The only problem is I think we're the minority, and that most of the warframe masses would prefer that stealth was just straight up removed altogether, which is a real shame, because warframe needs the gameplay variety :(
  17. I did complain about it before. You are mischaracterizing my argument, either because you didn't read or because you're trying to be a jerk. I said that the attenuation abuse was the prime mechanic of these boss fights, and now that it's gone they have no mechanic at all really, they are uninteresting and just die. I never said that the attenuation was 'good', in fact I said the exact opposite, you are once again putting words in my mouth, you have extremely bad reading comprehension skills... or you're just a a jerk. I lean toward the latter at this point. If you'd actually read my posts, you'd have seen that I already said multiple times that warframe bosses in general are extremely bad, and that I would re-do all of them given the opportunity, as I'm sure pretty much the entire playerbase would also, except maybe you I guess. If you had sufficient reading comprehension you'd have seen that I clearly stated that it is not my idea, that it was another user's, and I thought it was good. And yes, seriously, health gates. Games use them for a reason. They would be a good addition. Once more, if you're so critical of that idea, I challenge you to improve on it - show us your wisdom, go ahead now, have the creative adventure. I dare you. Once again, the attenuation abuse was the only mechanic these bosses enjoyed. Now that it is gone, there is nothing interesting about them. That's what this post is about - the removal of their one mechanic which has as a result further exposed how bad they are. Because you are likely not going to be able to process any of this very well, let me restate a few important things for you, in the hopes that shorter bold sentences are easier for you to assimilate: Moving away from the attenuation exploit is good. The attenuation itself remains a mistake. Being able to use more weapons against them is good. The fight being over in a matter of seconds is bad, especially for how elite these are meant to be. It was bad before as well. They need to be fixed to be better bosses. Almost all of warframe's bosses also need to be fixed. READ THE WORDS. THEY'RE RIGHT ABOVE THIS TEXT. UNDERSTAND THE WORDS. HAVE A NICE DAY.
  18. IDK there are definitely harder ones to actually farm imo, but it is definitely up there. Not being able to trade it is the clinching point for sure.
  19. This is false. I never said that. Never. You need to READ dude. What's your problem? Um yes they are. We walk in, we shoot, they die, we walk out. It's Phorid. IDK what MR you are or who you play with, but that's been my experience since the change. AGAIN, I AM GLAD that more weapons can be used, for like the 5th time now, that IS GOOD. READ DUDE< It is bad. It makes them a joke, just like Phorid and Sergeant and the Hyenas are jokes. If that's how you like your bosses, whatever man I'm happy for you. Enjoy. What? Multiple HP bars is not the same as invulnerability. They tend to have minor hp gates associated with them, that's true, but equating that to invincibility is extremely poor logic. If you happen to have suggestions of your own to improve the archons, by all means, help us out.
  20. By your definition of bullet sponge I agree. If that's the entire 'difficulty' of the boss, it's bad, yes. But it seems like we agree that bosses should have substantially better EHP than an average enemy. I disagree with death = failure being a negative however, I see this as a positive and it's one of the attractions of the hunt for me. It might limit experimentation, that's true, but it also means there's a standard, which is healthy imo, especially for bosses of this, ahem, intended caliber. You don't have to cheat to survive in archon hunts, I also disagree with this, you just need to build well. It's not anything like going to level cap or something, where cheating is the only way. I see a tremendous variety of warframes during hunts, and I feel pretty comfortable taking almost anything myself. As for being not hard to shoot, idk, I think the archons are mostly fine in that way, they seem to strike a good balance overall. You don't want to make bosses so difficult to shoot that it's beyond frustrating, several bosses are already like that and it sucks (Mars,Saturn). The thumpers are just on the edge of being too annoying to shoot. I don't mind weakpoints as a mechanic, it's generally a good mechanic, but I don't like it when that's the only way to take something down either, because obviously the boss can't keep it exposed the whole time and needs to protect it - hence invulnerability timers. Almost all the bosses in WF rely on invulnerability as a difficulty mechanic and that is awful. It's such a lazy, low-effort mechanic. The angels are pretty good I agree. Stuff like Phorid and Sergeant are just jokes. Profit Taker and Eidolons are probably the best WF bosses but even they dip into the invulnerability pool. The orowyrm fights are decent too, at least they ditched the archon attenuation for them - they don't feel dangerous really though, but they're decently fun to fight even though there are long periods where you can't damage them at all. Overall I agree with your sentiment that the archon fights use poor methods to achieve difficulty. There are much better ways to create engaging, difficult fights - DE doesn't seem to grasp how to do this, despite us trying to help them. If I had my way something like 80-90% of WF bosses would be completely overhauled, but I'd start with the archons.
  21. My entire point is that they are not hard, that they have never been, and now they are just less hard. That's my entire point. No. You didn't read.
  22. Well yes but change is... change is how things get changed. They can be bad forever or ... they can get changed. Changing something that is bad is a good thing, even if it has to be incremental for... for... for reasons™. Why in particular do you believe they are bad if I might ask? Is it because of the attenuation or something else? (I mean don't get me wrong, they ARE bad, but I want to know why you think they are bad so I can compare it to why I think they are bad) Bullet sponge isn't necessarily a bad thing imo - bosses DO have to have some beefiness to them after all, unless you want your bosses to be the same EHP as the mobs. If we're looking at all the WF bosses I don't think archons are even in the bottom half as far as quality goes, bosses seem to be a major weakness of WF, so many of them are so very bad, but for where they are in the progression they should definitely be better than they are.
  23. yeah but there's a line somewhere where you just melt things too fast too easily and it's not satisfying at all. power fantasy does not mean never having a challenge or a difficulty. by this logic they should just keep all enemies at level 1 and delete the SP... no thanks, i'll take some difficulty please & thank you. this balance is now somewhere above the average SP level. Enemies below level 100 are now no longer much fun to fight, we need more content in the 200-500 level range... and as power creep continues the level range we need will also continue to rise. We don't need level 9999 tho, that's just an ash/loki mode.
  24. Well I definitely recommend using it, even if sometimes people don't respond because they're afk or alt-tabbed out it's still 1000% better than using trade chat, I haven't used trade chat for a single thing in years. If warframe.market didn't exist warframe would suck to play, that's how integral it's been for the community over the years, we all owe a huge debt to whoever made that site happen.
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