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Everything posted by CrownOfShadows

  1. The reason this is in place is to prevent people from going to MR1 to MR15 (or more) in one day. Why do we want to prevent that? Because it would lead to people creating new accounts like crazy for one, which leads to problems with trade and clans and stuff. The way it currently is forces a progression of at least a couple of weeks. Whether or not that time frame is ideal is up for debate, but the idea behind it is solid. People are invested in their accounts in WF, and this is part of the reason why. Secondly, this is part of a long mostly abandoned progession system involving weapons. You'll notice all weapons have a mastery rank associated with them. The idea behind this was similar I believe: prevent people from getting the top end gear instantly. Unfortunately, this is now mostly a relic of the past, and tbh was never implemented very well originally. Thirdly, the main point of the tests in the first place are to ensure that the player has a solid grasp of a mechanic and is able to execute on it reliably well. If you could instantly retry the test and finish it through spam luck, that would erode the purpose. While some of them are genuinely difficult, the vast majority are not. I don't think it would out of place to request one instant retry, but then that rather erodes the point of the free practice runs, which are unlimited. Also there's a fair point to be made for the fail condition creating a certain gravitas: if it could instantly be retried it would lose much of its weight (whether that weight is real or not). Basically these are an extended tutorial meant to help players through things not covered in the initial intro (they could do a much better job of that, but that's what they do). Fourthly, the tests don't actually gate much anymore. You can progress through the entire story of WF without getting hardly any MR, so while it's nice to have, it's more cosmetic than anything. The most pressing reason to finish the test is honestly just to clear it off your menu. And finally I will say on a personal note that I've felt this exact frustration many times, but looking back on it now I'm glad the system was in place. I know that's not much comfort, but look back on the MR tests you've already completed and you can feel a certain pride of accomplishment.
  2. Surprise. Fissures are the core of the game. It's literally the central game mode of the entire game. Everything revolves around them. It's called streamlining. It reduces a 10 or 20 step process into a 2 step process. If your core argument against this is that you want "social interaction", well I hate to break it to you, but recruit chat is not that. If recruit chat is your idea of social interaction... lol... At least 1% of something sunk in. Yeah I can't believe you guys are out here trying to defend the void traces. It's a problem, it's been a problem forever, and the fact you are so hard in denial about that is concerning - makes me think you don't care at all about bad systems or bad design, and that you only care about injecting your ego on the forums. Do you really not understand why it's bad? Here we go about recruit chat again. Have you ever played other games? There are WAY better ways of structuring and organizing player activities. Oh, I listed a couple. Does recruit chat work. Sure. Does it serve it's purpose. Sure. Is it outdated ghetto tech unworthy of WF? yeah. So is trade chat, but w/e i'm sure you think that's the most awesome system ever too. What a joke. I'm sorry are you trying to compare relics to the Circuit or something? IDK what wild tangent this is, but it's ignoring the central issue (as usual): RNG sucks as a release mechanic. Do you need me to explain why RNG sucks? Probably you do, and after I'd explain it you'd try to deny it, because you don't care about how bad the systems are that you don't have to personally interact with. That's not a valid argument in the least. "Oh we can't improve the void trace problem because AFK!" Pathetic. And you should be ashamed of yourself equally for defending it. You don't like me pointing out problems and offering solutions? And as for AFK detection, not that it matters in the slightest for the point being made, but unless you have an article from DE saying that void trace collection is the primary method of AFK detection in fissures ima just laugh at you. I've rarely seen such a pathetic excuse for keeping a bad feature. This is completely and utterly false. It would barely even nudge the market at best. Maybe if you reach harder. Lol, somehow your ego got you in here defending Spy fissures as not being the worst fissure type. Ok what you got? Letsee your argument for spy not being the worst is that the map size is somewhat equivalent? Really dude. That's your argument? Get real. And what do ciphers have to do with any of this? Cmon, you're reaching at straws. Sigh, wish people would just own up when people point obvious things out but no we gotta try to defend them... Voidstorms are the same missions just with extra steps. If that's *new* for you. No, it doesn't boil down to that. You're trying to make it about something it's not, just like those two losers who tried to make it about how fast and easy getting prime gear is on release because they probably only read the title. I find it funny you tried to defend them too when they so obviously didn't read anything. It's not about social aspects either, not in the slightest, and you really hammered on that for some bizarre unknown reason, which tells me you probably have deep social insecurities yourself, or you were just looking for something to skewer me on because you had no valid points to make so you decided to try to attack me personally. In which case, shame on you dude. Maybe care about the game instead of yourself. I'm here bringing up real issues, and you don't have the balls to admit that they're real issues. And btw these are not new issues. These are well known issues that go back for YEARS that we all know about, and it would be great if we could finally do something about them. Don't like my suggestions? Fine, at least agree with the listed problems first and then suggest your own fixes instead of attacking the person who's pointing them out and denying and dodging the points. Don't think they're real issues? (even though they definitely are) Fine. Try listing WHY because the only reason I saw thrown down was this bs afk stuff, which somehow makes the void trace problem not a problem I guess, which is laughable. I suggest a group finder and a some simple fixes to the relic system and you guys lose your minds and talk about everything EXCEPT the real problems. Void traces? Oh let's talk about AFK detection and map size and ciphers. Cmon son, man up and face the issue. Recruit chat? Oh let's dream up a personal issue for you instead so we can talk about that. SMH. Your last comment here is particularly appalling. You think people who want smart and modern matchmaking are losers? No. They're average people. You're the loser for attacking them for a very legitimate desire. It's 2024 and we should not be posting text in an overstuffed scrollbox to find a group in one of the biggest and most successful games in history.
  3. If only his kit was updated too, then I'd maybe have a reason to play him, and thus have a desire for a skin.
  4. That must be pretty hard to do if you didn't read anything I said. Sounds like you're twice as full of it.
  5. So you're saying the current recruit chat system is great, has no issues and should be left as is, is that right? If your entire reason for not fixing the reactant problems is concerns over afk... nahh man you gotta do better than that, what a lame excuse. We can fix things, it's ok to fix them, don't be scared of change. Try to imagine possibilities instead of criticizing everything and saying how impossible everything is. Except that a "continuous mission streak" is not necessarily good drop rates, and also the proposed system STARTS with our current "good drop rates" and improves from there as incentive. Would you rather there's zero bonus for continuing in such a system? Yay, what a great design philosophy.
  6. Could we please add a disruption node to the Void?
  7. Sorry I didn't read anything you said after I saw you skipped everything I said.
  8. Please notice that i specified RELEASE relics pretty much everywhere. Vaulted relics or even active non-release relics would not have fissures and you would have to get groups the old fashioned way. This is specifically to address the issues with releases. If we want to fix group finding for all relics, then we need to overhaul the whole relic system. I doubt this. Maybe it used to be, but there are better afk detectors in place than this, and you could easily only award the people who make it to the finish. This is easy to say, but hard to believe in after you dump 10 radiant relics without getting anything. This is the kind of comment somebody who doesn't actually run anything makes, no offense if you do, but it's out of touch and it ignores the real gut punches that happen because of RNG. Well, this depends on who you ask doesn't it? If you ask an L4 then sure, it was easy, because they dumped all their standing and SE and got 50 relics. But I dare you to tell this to new players who have to manually go farm relics, because OH YES, it does take time, a lot of time. Maybe you aren't understanding this. It does not take any more steps or any more traces, it's just a better way of structuring relics and probability. Uh, is that so? In what way? Seems perfectly fine to me. Hence the text "we need new modes". Emphasis on the NEW part. No, it does not punish you. It rewards you. There's a real difference. FOMO isn't punishment. And "extremely long" in this context might be the equivalent of 4 or 5 missions, which is not what I would call "extremely long". Are you upset that the Circuit has a bonus up to round 5, "forcing" people to stay? Are you upset that the circuit has a tree you have to move up through, "forcing" you to keep playing it to get it?
  9. I swear people make so many straw men on these forums that it's like they live in a double decker barn. Square up to the the real subjects for once. I bring up that a system is miserable and everyone immediately starts saying how fast it is and how easy it is to get stuff and how DE needs money. It's not about any that geezus did you even read? It's about a bad system, it's about how miserable recruit chat can be even after all these years when there are so many better options, it's about how bad RNG is as a release mechanic, it's about the same old void trace problems we've had for year after year after year, it's about literally any of the things I actually mentioned as opposed to ignorant comments bringing up and conflating other subjects.
  10. Guys, it's not about how fast it is to get this stuff, it's about how miserable it is
  11. Reasons it's miserable: Getting a group Getting void traces RNG Let's analyze all the steps needed to get ONE item: Find out what relic it drops from Get relic packs, open them Search your relics to see if you have the relic If you do not have the relic, find out where you can farm the relic Go farm it And keep farming until you get it Refine the relic Find a group in the tedious and chaotic recruit chat If you are off season, you will likely not find a group, so you either wait hours in recruit chat, use clan resources (discord) or just crack it solo with 1/4 the chance. Make sure everyone in that group is using the right relic, make sure they all have it appropriately refined, make sure everyone stayed and loaded in Run the mission, collect the tedious void traces and make sure you do not finish the mission before everyone has their traces Select a reward, hopefully you got the item you were after Reminder, this entire process is for one item. You must now repeat this for all items needed. For something like the Akarius that has 6 parts you must repeat this entire process many, many times. And it's not just 6 times, because of RNG, but many many, many, more times than that. What do you figure, something like 20-40 times? In an ideal world: This entire system is replaced with something smooth, modern, fun and with clear reward paths. Besides invasions, the relic cracking system & fissures feels like the most dated part of WF. Fixing the bad system instead: Automatic group finder, just select the item you're after, if you have the relic and the void traces it automatically refines it to the best level and matches you with a group and launches the mission, completely streamlining the whole process. Maybe have a ready-up section before it launches just so everyone can see what mission it is, whether it's SP or not, and prove that they're not afk. If you don't have the resources to launch the mission, it shows you that before you even enter the queue. This way all you have to do is farm and then queue up, all of the major headaches with organizing and searching are removed. In the mission itself eliminate void trace collection altogether OR share void traces in the mission (idk how many times we've asked for this... like what's the holdup?) Implement some form of a pity program for the RNG hell. If item #1 were implemented, you would know what the person is after and can easily track how many times they've tried to get it. Punishing people at random is just such a bad idea, and that's exactly what RNG does. I detest RNG, but if we have to keep it a pity program would go a long way to easing the pain. If you are unable or unwilling to implement an automatic group finder (which btw could be useful for lots of other things in WF), provide dedicated fissures for each release relic that have an entry gate requirement of the appropriately refined relic, that way it acts like a group finder, filtering out all of the headaches with recruiting If you are unable or unwilling to implement a group finder and therefore unable to create a pity program, consider revising relics so that they have 6 tiers of refinement instead of 3, with each item thus having a tier of its own, and when that tier is refined the % goes up for that tier ONLY (no other tiers go up in possibility). This would act like a pity program to some extent, because it would mean you are actually more likely to get the item you are after (instead of being more likely to get one of 2-3 items that may or may not be what you want and also more likely to get a tier you don't care about). I strongly suggest this be considered even independent of other improvements as it would be a major QoL no matter what else you do to the relic system. Seems like a no-brainer improvement to me, idk. And also.... Consider more options for people who want to crack relics in the off-season. When there's no active release, the only fun way of cracking relics is disruption fissures, everything else is a mindless slog. Survival is boring and painful (because of aggro draw and team spread), back-to-back captures is head-bangingly monotonous and also a speed nuke fiesta, spy is terrible for relics, mobile defense is slow and boring, rescue is the same as capture just slightly slower, interception suffers from serious void trace drop problems except in SP but SP suffers from players not being equipped for it, excavation is slow and tedious like survival and has problems with excavator sturdiness and power cells. We need fun, modern, engaging missions that also happen to crack relics, all of these except for disruption are dated and have serious problems that make them grindy/irritating. We need new modes, end of story. Consider more options for people who are after specific items in the off-season. For example, using the group finder to create automatic fissures for the aya relics would be greatly appreciated by the players who are trying to get older items by farming, as recruiting for those is often very painful and slow. Consider longer missions that crack multiple relics for off-season cracking (to save us from going through the selection process so frequently). That is, select like 5 relics right at the start and then just play. Less selection and refinement headaches. In endless modes it's always irritating to go hunting for the next relic to crack among the huge piles of them, and after doing that a dozen times or so I'm burned out anyway and want a break. Streamline that whole thing this way. You could also do things to reward people for staying through the whole thing, like progressively reward more void traces or being more likely to get rare items. Basically it would be like setting up your own reward tree, which is a winning design strategy. If you made it so the longer players stayed the more likely you would be to get rare rewards, this would both encourage players to put their best/most wanted relics at the end and also it would reward solo play more. Consider offering more ways for new players to get void traces. It's a struggle due to low trace acquisition rates, low trace caps and the likely lack of boosters (which do not sustain constant relic cracking anyways).
  12. -_- No thanks. It's a space ninja game not a skater game. Don't kill the vibe. I don't mind that it has k-drives as a side thing, but it should NOT be part of the main thing, and for this reason I dislike Yareli and also rather dislike the Kaithe summon. Stay on theme plz, that's what we signed up for and what we're here for.
  13. I was playing PvP games a ton and got so fed up with the toxicity and competition that I started playing solo games - which I liked much better but still missed the interaction with people, so then I took up Destiny, and then after that I took up WF. Dropped Destiny eventually and never looked back. Warframe has my heart, it's got some deep flaws and things that really irritate me but it's still the best game I've ever played, and I've played a lot. If I was going to make my own dream game, it honestly wouldn't be too far off from what WF already is, just with different styles/themes/designs and priorities. I love games with deep customization and with a little bit of sandboxyness, love a good story, love SFF - WF nails all of that pretty well, and I like the devs and like the community, and it has the best player-friendly monetization of any game on the market besides being F2P in the first place. It's truly the best of everything and I hope it stays that way, I'll be with it for as long as it does.
  14. Let's rank some game modes, SHALL WE. Here's my rankings, based on what I enjoy playing the most (not what I play the most): Disruption Void Cascade Iso Vaults Railjack Skirmish Archon Hunt Assassination* Kuva Survival Profit Taker Infested Salvage Arbitration Alchemy Exterminate Capture Eidolon Hunt & Tridolon Void Flood Spy Rescue Mirror Defense (Sanctum) Archwing Missions* Interception Ghoul Purge Conjunction Survival Mirror Defense (Citrine) Exploiter Orb Iso Vault Arcana* Netracells Survival Mobile Defense Excavation Defection Arena (Sedna) Defense SO & ESO Railjack Volatile Void Armageddon Kahl Missions Thermia Fractures Railjack Orphix This was surprising tricky to order, I ended up asking myself "would I rather" a lot. Everything from 1-20 I will willingly play to varying degrees. Everything from 21-38 I avoid to varying degrees, roughly in line with their rankings, unless I need gear or items from them, or otherwise can't avoid them. Some notes about what's included and what's not: A few things I feel like mentioning: Survival has fallen out of favor with me rather dramatically over the last year or so, I now deeply dislike it, but note that Kuva Survival remains quite high. Infested Salvage is very underrated I feel like. I wish it was in more general rotation, I enjoy it whenever I play it, but that's not very often. It's definitely my least played-highest rank if that makes sense. Railjack Skirmish rates very highly with me, but it still suffers from some notable negatives. I love flying my railjack. Alchemy, while I'm not very enthusiastic about it overall, I still enjoy it more than many standard mission types. The last 5 mission types I will never play unless forced to (for gear) I'm curious what your rankings might be, or what your top 5 and bottom 3 are.
  15. Yeah I've had this happen many times, dead before it even lands. Like wow, glad I could do anything about that lol. Kinda funny the first time. Not so much after that.
  16. Ah so it can only be a default skin. The armor option does not appear otherwise
  17. Hello, just earned the Vermillion Kavat Armor from NW but it appears to be impossible to equip. There is no "armor" section for kavats. I only have fur pattern (which it is not under), attachments (which is only ephemeras, which it is not under) and sigils (which it is not under) I double checked that it is actually in my inventory after the NW notification: I'm on Steam PC Oh and I also tried logging out and logging back in, to no avail Also tried all my kavats and even kubrows jic, don't see it anywhere
  18. The defense mode of the Circuit really pisses me off. Excavation does too, but not as much because at least if those are insta-dying you don't lose everything and you can still eventually finish. Yeah, excavation sucks solo, always has, seems it always will. Anyways, this is about defense in particular: Sure, I get it, you don't want people just sitting in the Circuit forever, but you know what? Sometimes I'd like to actually keep playing even when my entire team quits. Defense makes this impossible unless I have the 1 or 2 frames that are suited to actually protect it enough to have a decent chance. Another thing, something like 3/4 of all pub teams leave before or at wave 5. I don't like that. I want to keep playing. Yet because of this one defense section I am completely prevented from doing so (well, depending on the loadout & decrees sometimes I can manage one or two defense sections, at great risk ofc, great risk). So... anyways, how about some suggestions, any of the following would be most welcome: When solo, remove defense and excavation Give the objective DR based on how many players are present. The fewer the players, the more DR/resistance Increase the native heal of it exponentially while not attacked. If I manage to kill everyone, at least let me sit around for a bit to get it back up to full instead of taking like two hours to recharge or whatever (a common occurrence. If I can clear the enemies, I should be able to take the next wave. As it is, if the objective takes >60% dmg even if I clear all the enemies in the wave, it's gg no matter what and I just have to exit instead of trying another wave, like whelp, guess I can't get through it after all. Live and learn I guess? Actually die and learn. Not great design) Allow warframe heals and more DR sharing to work on the defense objective. This would open up the possibility for more frames to continue so long as their healing is enough to sustain the objective. For example would include things like Wisp motes, Blood Altar, Hallowed Ground, Trinity 4... and DR like Citrine, Baruuk Desolate Hands and Eclipse augment, and also stuff like Arcane Pulse. Basically, treat the objective like an ally that can be healed and shielded and protected. Even give it overshields and overgaurd. Currently, only Gara can do this. You could also take all of this and apply it to excavation too btw, js. Create better versions of the defense game mode to replace all defense missions everywhere (we've needed this for many, many years now). And if you want to stop people from playing the circuit endlessly, ok, just stop them. Cap consecutive circuit play at tier 10 or 20 or 30 and then force a reset. Don't force an impossible and doomed mission on us. Don't force us to fail due to things out of our control. Bad. Please actually do something about it, thanks.
  19. Intense! Your first broad point there about allowing body shots on everything but just at lower charge rates sounds good - we should always be allowed to work harder instead of smarter if we need to. I pretty much agree with every single one of your initial bullet points. I read through a number of the specific weapon suggestions and they seem very well thought out as well. It's this kind of feedback DE needs to pay attention to. I have a fundamental disagreement with DE on their concept for incarnon melees. Rather than just providing some number boosts for pathetic weapons and a few side percs I think they should go into a true power mode similar to primaries and secondaries, allowing you to really do massive damage for a short time. The only melee incarnon that comes close to this is the Dual Ichor with its clouds - a nice real effect. Likely, they considered making melee incarnons actually do cool things and shied away from it because they were too scared of sending melee into the stratosphere again, but I find it sadly ironic that as a result they now have to buff melee with arcanes and tennokai. Not that arcanes and tennokai are bad additions, but it really shows the lost potential of the incarnons which could've filled that power in what would've been a more magnificent way.
  20. Yeah no Saryn > Hydroid on fashion 100%. I completely ignored everything else you said because you were so obviously wrong about this. That said, I would agree that Hydroid is near S tier territory right up there with Saryn now, which is crazy considering he was dumpster tier not long ago. His CC is better but Saryn's range is better. For survivability idk, umbral gloomy saryn can take an enormous amount of abuse, if you don't one shot her she'll live forever, but the huge armor buffs on hydroid make him more classically tanky. If I was worried about killing a lot of stuff I'd take Saryn, if I was worried about defending something I'd take Hydroid.
  21. Ok well sorry that's the impression you gave off, saying you how you really enjoy shooting at the archon for 5 min with your gorgon and how you 'try to find gear you find fun rather than good gear' just like the first commenter that you quoted. Yeah you're doing that thing everyone seems to do where you're mad that people optimize and also want difficulty. These two things go hand in hand I don't understand why everyone feels the need to split them. You can have a gear climb and still have difficulty geezus. And to be clear for what feels like the millionth time in this thread I DO NOT and NEVER approved of the attenuation exploit in the first place. I want my gear investment to mean something AND I want difficulty. Why is that so hard to understand, I don't get it.
  22. Yeah but you really should not be asking be people to take their crappiest weapons into the 'the most difficult' boss just to 'have fun' in the most inefficient way possible. That's like asking someone to dig a trench with a toothpick just so they can really get the best experience (perhaps an overly dramatic example but I'm too tired to think of a better one right now). The entire game is about gear optimization as it is, nobody uses their 'trashiest' gear, especially not when gearing up for 'the hardest boss in the game' (or what was meant to be before 60 eyes - are you taking your prisma gorgon into the 60 eyes boss?). The archons, in fact, should be as hard as the 60 eyes. That's what we all expected, that's what we all wanted. It's a sad state when the missions leading up to the archon fight are now harder. This is absolutely correct. Power creep demands constant maintenance of the entire inventory to keep them all in line... or they should have at least enforced their weapon ranking system (MR locks) in a meaningful way. The new team seems like maybe they're trying to address this via incarnons, which is very smart, but they still have a lot of weapons to catch up on. In a world where every weapon can meaningfully compete in the SP, where every weapon is either buffed or incarnon'd onto a new plateau that's roughly even (there will always be a meta of course) then the 'take any weapon you want' idea would hold some real weight when designing a boss fight.
  23. IDK I think it's really helpful for new players especially. I mean, being able to pick up Mesa via the Circuit is a god-send, because farming her is one of the worst things anyone can put themselves through. Likewise for many other frames, like Saryn, Baruuk, etc. Sure they might be out of rotation, but you still have a selection for the week which is cool. However if you're saying that all (vanilla) frames should instead be obtainable via a general pity shop - well, I could definitely get behind that and I think that would out-class the circuit system for sure, for exactly the reasons you mention - the circuit is a bit of a slog (and for people who aren't at end-game the randomization can definitely suck). I'm sure the main argument against this is that there already is a pity shop: platinum. And I would agree, except that they need to make relic farming more fun.
  24. I mean the thing is that the veterans are all most likely just buying the new frames outright, but it's the new players who have to farm them. So making the farm requirement or the build requirements or the rep requirements or the story progression requirements astronomical is only hurting one group of people.
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