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Everything posted by CrownOfShadows

  1. Y'know what I always thought would be cool channel idea, or a series for a channel - yknow soemthing to do on the side, would be to feature prebuilt same-frame squads of meme builds, I don't think anyone really does that do they? Like get 4 Oberons or 4 Mesas or 4 Qorvexs or 4 Limbos and just see how they work together and then push them to the limit on their interactions. It's really amazing how rarely there's 2 of the same frame even in random pub missions. Seems like there'd be a lot of lolz. Some, like 4 wisps, would be DOA boring, but there are still a lot I'm curious about - tons of interactions I've never even seen in all my years playing. 4 Inarosi using sandstorm to the max hahaha. 4 Equinoxes... like c'mon son! 4 Novas - like what even happens? ----------------------- Also there's been a few racing videos recently since Gauss, but like having official races with 4 Gauss or 4 Volts or mixed would be pretty fun, honestly I think this would make a cool game mode DE should make, but until then.... ----------------------- EDIT: one immediate practical thing I'd recommend is mic improvement, there's a lot of ambient static
  2. Having some environmental damage in pulses (solar storms) as is the case in the second one here could be interesting, though they'd need a lower frequency for sure. But having a firefight during a Carrington event, being forced to take refuge, and performing a boarding action on a storm schedule sounds like a lot of cool things that could be in RJ.
  3. (I assume melee is more practical to make than guns, but eyyyy there's a lot of iconic guns in WF i wouldn't mind either)
  4. Hey DE, y'know that full size Arca Plasmor you have - so it's pretty sweet. I don't suppose you know any people who make custom weapons that might be interested in making life-size replicas? I'd like a an Innodem or Edun or Tatsu to hang over my Klingon Bat Leth, or maybe you yourselves could arrange some such "merch" store? Argo and Vel is also incredibly beautifully designed, and the Gram Prime for being iconic, but with Day of the Dead skin. Redeemer Prime, Vastilok, Sigma & Octantis and Telos Boltace also catch my eye. We nerds up in here, fill our walls with only epic nerd things. 😎
  5. Haha! I can empathize with this. I was running so many disruptions at one point I was starting to dream about the beeping. Yeah, my stockpiles of relics are large. I've tried to burn through them sometimes, just to see if I could clear my inventory, but since you get more in the very process it never works. So the mountains grow. It definitely would be nice if there was something else useful to do with them - I mean ducats and Baro I guess - but I've got everything Baro offers now so that's no longer a valid sink. You're not alone in this. RNG is great at making everyone feel like losers, even when they're winning. Even when a magical rare 100 ducat item sparkles through you have a sinking feeling in your heart because you know it will be the last one you see for a long time (solo that is, but it's true even in groups to some extent too). This is unfortunately true, it does not update. I've never liked this, they might've done it on purpose, but it actually doesn't serve much of one since you can dip out and come back instantly recharged with what you earned.
  6. Yup, I had to quit playing with people. Solo is the way to do these 100% I detest RNG. It makes even good rewards feel bad.
  7. If you want playstyle variety slapping constraints isn't the way to accomplish it. If you mean BUILD variety, maybe. Playstyle variety would be accomplished by doing things like Stealth 2.0 - i.e things other than wiping the map of enemies. There are points and counterpoints I can think of when it comes to build variety. Nightmare missions tend to force a little 'build variety' in that people use Inaros for his advantages there. Whereas netracells despite similar debuffs encourage almost no new builds, but rather emphasize speed frames because of the map size. On the other hand, buffs like the Arbitration/Archon missions don't ever move the needle. However, helminth invigorations can sometimes encourage some creative building. The main lesson I draw from this is that the buffs/debuffs need to be strong enough and long enough to force something otherwise they're DOA, and also that debuffs work better than buffs at creating build variety. Debuffs feel bad though, so ideally you want both buffs and debuffs combined. If a player has to live with a changed situation for an extended period of time, that is incentive to invest in a new build. If the player only has to live with it for one mission, nah it's a pass. New build variety = forma investment & leveling. Another related factor that should be considered when it comes to build variety is build space. We simply do not have the mod space (or creative enough mods) to really experiment in deeply creative ways, especially not at high levels where survival and damage are paramount.
  8. Well, there's two versions right? The version with the rotating defense objectives with the tunnels and the more open one with a central objective (less common). The rotating defense one is definitely not one I like, but the stationary one is good imo. It's not because it rotates so much as it is because the environment is.... well... messy, dark, chaotic, high enemy verticality, obstructions, labyrinthine tunnels, equipment. This and the earth defense are both missions I can't wait to get out of, mostly because of the architecture, but a lot of the defense tilesets can be irritating for various reasons. The only ones that don't immediately grate on me are the Sedna/Saturn, Orokin defense and the Ceres defense. Jupiter's ok. Europa's ok. Kuva Fortress can get frustrating trying to find the enemies. Lua is totally miserable for finding the enemies. There's something I don't like about the Deimos defense architecture but I can't quite articulate it and also I rarely ever play that one - I think it's only in Arbitration rotations. Oh and the new Sanctum defense (mirror) locations feel pretty good. The mars mirror (old Xini) can be irritating after awhile but there are things to like about it. It's somewhat ironic that all of our defense missions have like the least defensible space imaginable. I think they should take extra care when designing defense tilesets to make them as dynamic as possible because we're just sitting in one spot endlessly - I think this might be why the Saturn/Sedna defense feels so nice.
  9. I had to start playing these solo too. Just way too painful in a group. Reward table is too diluted.
  10. I like this, and also some of the other suggestions like just making it neutral to other polarities or making the umbra dual polarity with whatever the underlying polarity is. When I sink umbra into a frame, especially more than one (rare but I have a few) it's typically a health tank build, and the only way to experiment after that currently is to get another copy of the frame and forma that one back up. The release of Primed Redirection is a case in point. A great boost to shields builds, but unusable by many of my umbra'd frames because they're dedicated the other direction, so I've had to get secondary copies of the frame to dedicate to a shield build.
  11. If you're not after an aya relic or a release relic you're SOL in recruit chat, that's the hard truth. You can scream in recruit chat for a 30/60/90 minute endless all you like but it will take an eternity to get a full squad, and the same is basically true for fissures with the mentioned exceptions. Recruit chat is basically for fast relic cracking and not much else, anything else you wanna do, trying to recruit for it in recruit chat is a joke. Need help clearing the SP starchart? Want to do iso vaults? Want to do RJ? Want to do 60 min conjunction survivals? Want to do 60 min kuva survival? Wanna just do random relics for 60 min? Recruit chat is not your friend.
  12. Problems of both mission design and hosting mean that this is not going to be fixed. I do agree it's frustrating. Unless it's Apollo during a release, I'm typically left completely alone after only a few rounds of Disruption. One person leaves for whatever reason, and then everyone else just kinda follows. And don't get me started on the Circuit abandonment rates. They could fix some of this with a group finder feature, where you could commit to a longer run - if you need to leave fine, but at least the base entry would be there and people would generally stay longer. They could also fix this by making the scaling rewards more attractive, enticing longer play. They could also fix this *somewhat* by dropping scaling rewards and instead making it so new people can join at any time. Drop in, drop out. Would be hell with migrations but you'd be left alone less often. But regardless people will always leave whenever they want to. Your best bet is finding a good Discord group. Don't bother with recruit chat or clan chat, you'll be begging for an hour or more usually, all the people who immediately respond with this in threads like these don't actually follow their own advice and don't know how unrealistic it is. I've "solved" this problem for myself by just playing every endless mission type solo now. It sucks, I'd rather play with people, but it is what it is. Less void trace headaches, that's for sure. No aggro-map problems. None of the irritating things people do. Plus I can pause. Lone Tenno. Warrior in the Dark.
  13. They would have to provide the skeleton and rigging for the models, which is pretty sensitive info and something I doubt they'd release. And I agree 100% people would generally make stupid / inappropriate / vulgar animations rather than cool on-theme ones.
  14. They need to fix a lot of things about the void trace system and relic cracking, and this is definitely one of them. I think it would be healthy to have both more ways of getting traces and more ways to spend them. I wouldn't mind a dedicated mission or game mode for it. We kinda need the same thing for rare materials like neurodes, orokin cells, tellurium. When you need these things, there's no one place to go for them, you just have to derp around in the right sector for X amount of time, which is frustrating. I think the main worry and the main reason they make traces so hard to get is that they're trying to prevent endless radiant relic cracking and preserve the rarity scale of the rewards. However, I think if the way that you collected void traces, like a dedicated mission that rewards more than usual - as long as that was not a fissure itself, it should be perfectly fine, since it would actually be less efficient than running continuous fissures (assuming the collection rate was only slightly boosted), but it sure would feel better.
  15. The MR tests are meant to teach you the game. They are meant as a tutorial which naturally progresses from basic to advanced. Are you saying that intended progression is bad? I mean, it sounds like you want the MR test to be scrapped past MR30, and just have the label applied automatically, just for sticking around. Not a fan of that personally. It's always better to earn something, even this late in the game, js. There's a world of difference between a marksmanship ribbon and a purple heart. It's better to own something that means something, token awards are just tokens, trophies are things of honor. Legendary tests should be trophies not tokens, that's the point.
  16. Interesting. This would be great. Obviously they wouldn't want to show this on the initial end-game screen for technical reasons, but once you hit the second end-game (where you're loaded back into your orbiter/hub) they could totally do this. Helpful, but it sounds complicated too. Depends on how it's implemented. I definitely hate checking my relic screen as much as I have to. Don't think this is necessary. There's ample time beforehand, there's always the option to back out and come back, and most missions are so short it doesn't even matter. The main place this would be useful I think is with pre-made teams, where it's a pain to back out and reassemble. Although I've now gone to the wiki so many times I have it all memorized, I would definitely have appreciated this before, and for some less common items would still like it I love this most of all, although I'd tweak it slightly. The great thing about the circuit is that you don't have to care about the missions, it's just in rotation. If there was a similar 'playlist' for regular play that'd be great, and if it could be customized so that we can avoid modes/places we hate that'd be great too. I think this would also help the problem of not having anything to do slightly - bored? just jump into the washing machine.
  17. And don't forget the joy of having an acolyte spawn during a red conduit. Three nearly identical red icons for you to try to figure out.
  18. I mostly agree. Something like 'solo the 60 eyes' would've been more on point. I think at this level the tests should be extremely difficult, or at least demand a display of some deeper knowledge of the game. It's important that the lower tests are relatively easy, but up at L4 these tests need to be re-thought / re-examined imo. If there's anywhere in the game more suited to difficulty, it is honestly these tests. If there was an L4-only mission, you'd expect that to be freakin hard, for example (sounds dope, actually, hm... what if instead of a test a special MR-only mission unlocked that could only be run once a week/month... maybe could be practiced without rewards like the archons... don't mind me just spit-balling). The only counterpoint I see is that the reward would need to be balanced accordingly, which is honestly probably the fairest reason for not making them hard. The MR30 test is a real landmark because of the blessings. Putting that behind a super difficult qualifier would feel fair, but if the L4 test was super hard and the reward was just the usual, there'd be complaints the other way. So ideally we dream up some useful, practical unique rewards for each legendary test and combine that with a really hard and unique test - which would be satisfying - OR... we just have a relatively lame test with a relatively lame reward. As with most things, I think it comes down to dev time.
  19. Amen, this needs to be addressed. Edit: oh and can we please add ability stats? Range, Strength, Efficiency, Duration. And armor? Blows my mind we can't see these things in game, especially when you look at all the information literally thrown at us with these icons.
  20. Ha! Never seen this! The passion and quality that has gone into WF over the years is awesome.
  21. Yeah DE is aware of how huge a blocker getting a necramech is and have taken *some* steps to make it easier recently, but they could do more. While getting the BPs is hard, in my experience players suffer mostly from trying to gather the materials to build the things. I believe they should either provide a loaner as you say or continue to make it much more streamlined, as it tends to stop story progression about as hard as hitting a brick wall. It took one casual player I was helping several months to get all the resources. Yeah Nataruk is the most out-of-the-box power around I think, for the least amount of investment (well, besides the necramech lol) Disruption is amazing. The more you play it the more you will probably love it. It's not perfect, but it's the best game mode DE has ever produced imo. We need more like it. (and I think the rewards are good, mostly they're just good relic farms - the only way they could be better is if there was a RJ disruption, but we're getting new disruption nodes in the next update) I'll venture a guess that the Stalker feeling like less of a problem is likely due less to any changes to him and more to just you becoming more powerful/experienced. Once players hit a certain threshold Stalker becomes even less a threat than some of the other faction spawns. Likewise, I feel the need to disagree with you on the orokin cells & neurodes, but I think for the same reason as the Stalker. I can confirm these are still massive problems for new players, but once players are around long enough they start to build up little stockpiles of them which are slowly recharged just by continuous play - very similar to credit problems, but until that point they are constantly running out and constantly must go make dedicated farming runs for them. The neurode problem tends to get solved much sooner simply because less items require them in less quantities, but orokin cells are a problem deep into the mid-game because practically every prime item requires them, usually in high numbers. The easiest way to get new players out of this suction pool is to encourage them to capitalize on resource boosters, and this might also be why the longer players are around the less of a problem this seems to be, but they should really provide a little more help with these.
  22. Yup, we all screamed for this suggested this when it was released, and have brought it up many times since. DE seem to have a different vision for it, or perhaps the technical problems related to duplicating the necessities are too formidable. One major problem is that even if it had all the functionality I don't know if people would like it better than the Orbiter - simply because the layout of the Orbiter is better imo. Also, this might just be me... but I don't exactly trust the Zariman lol. It's hard to replace the Orbiter, tbh, it's our home from the beginning. Even the Orbiter has some unused space still. I keep imagining the cool things that might rise out of the floor in the Operator's section. Dormizones feel very poorly conceived, as if someone woke up one morning and made them without any planning, but I think one smart thing they could still do is if we all end up hitching a ride on the Zariman back to Tau at some point, where we could get a whole new starchart; we would leave our orbiters behind in the Origin System and just operate out of the Zariman in that new world, which would make those quarters suddenly essential (assuming they can bring in the necessary functionality), while not really competing with the Orbiter.
  23. A selectable reward tree is definitely nice to have I will say - one of the superior parts about the Circuit imo. Could combine this with relics somehow? (oh and definitely no Hijack without an overhaul to that game mode, lmao, don't need that weak piece of machinery getting one-shot like excavators and defense)
  24. There's a lot I like about the Circuit tbh, and a few things I hate. But I keep thinking... man this would great if it actually earned me something (that is, basic resources and normal drops - at this point having all the incarnons). So how about we incorporate a lot of what makes the Circuit good, cut back on some of what makes it not-so-great, and make it an endless fissure type that rotates through every tile and game mode known to man (with perhaps some exceptions, like Defection)? One minute you're in a capture, next an excavation, next an assassination, next a disruption, next an alchemy, next a Cascade, etc - but with relics (and maybe any relic tier you wanted to bring). Sounds spectacular to me. Heck I'd take it just bare bones without Circuit-style buffs, but hey. Thoughts?
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