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Everything posted by CrownOfShadows

  1. yeah but there's a line somewhere where you just melt things too fast too easily and it's not satisfying at all. power fantasy does not mean never having a challenge or a difficulty. by this logic they should just keep all enemies at level 1 and delete the SP... no thanks, i'll take some difficulty please & thank you. this balance is now somewhere above the average SP level. Enemies below level 100 are now no longer much fun to fight, we need more content in the 200-500 level range... and as power creep continues the level range we need will also continue to rise. We don't need level 9999 tho, that's just an ash/loki mode.
  2. Well I definitely recommend using it, even if sometimes people don't respond because they're afk or alt-tabbed out it's still 1000% better than using trade chat, I haven't used trade chat for a single thing in years. If warframe.market didn't exist warframe would suck to play, that's how integral it's been for the community over the years, we all owe a huge debt to whoever made that site happen.
  3. In the most recent devstream there was apparently some movement to overhaul trade in connection with cross platform save, so this may already be in the works. You are right trade chat is a very lame thing, a holdover from another era, and if warframe.market didn't exist I would be up in arms about it for sure because I would not be able to endure that just to sell and buy things. (in fact, way back before I knew about warframe.market, i WAS up in arms about it) I see you are PSN, and tbh I don't know if you console guys are able to use warframe.market as well as PC users can. I sure hope you are, because until DE overhauls trade warframe.market is pretty much the only solution.
  4. Thanks man, I do try <3 Fair enough. I can channel my efforts elsewhere easily enough, but I do love warframe and would like to see it improve. Yeah I had a lot of fun reworking frames in the Fan Concepts section... unfortunately I think that gets trafficked even less than the feedback / general, and I felt like it was a waste of my time even more there so I gave it up, but there's a certain undeniable joy to being creative.
  5. Don't get me wrong, I think it was a good change. Moving away from the attenuation exploit is a good thing (and should've been instantly corrected imo but w/e, i guess they wanted to play it out) The issue is this inadvertently just made the fundamental problems with the archons worse. I don't like it, but the attenuation exploit was like THE mechanic for these bosses (which is kinda funny/sad when you think about it). Now that it's mostly gone, well what are they but a glorified Phorid? The team just shows up, shoots, walks away. It's lame.
  6. Yeah the volume / quality / repetition problems on the forum are real. IDK how that might be fixed or if it even should be, the game evolves and the feedback evolves. Yeah I agree if I was DE I'd have someone assigned to scrape the forums daily and give a comprehensive report every week, and based on that choose what is practical and good. They might even already have that. I have no idea. I just wish there was some kind of nod of the head in this direction to assure us we're not wasting our time on here.
  7. I'm not saying I have a solution necessarily I'm just saying it sucks that these elite bosses are an eye blink, and now with just about any weapon. Rather than fixing the problems with archons they just made them easier. I'm not mad that there's more room for more weapons, that's great. But I am disappointed and irritated that the current end-game boss is just Phorid for high MR. There have been many fantastic ideas in many posts about improving warframe bosses and I'm not really here to start another one, but we can if you want - I'm just here to say that archons deserve better. One of the best and simplest suggestions I saw was to use a health bar system - this simple technique as old as gaming history would be an improvement to them I think without question. Invincibility is a bad mechanic and should be deleted from all WF bosses (and from warframes themselves for that matter). Bosses need some beef to them there's no denying that, and I don't even hate DR on bosses but I do believe attenuation to be a deep mistake. I did contribute a sergeant rework thought experiment awhile back that used healthbars of different types combined with warframe counters - not sure if that's a good way to go about tbh it but it's an idea:
  8. Yeah that whole red text thing was a little ridiculous in how far it went. As far as perception - well it's extremely easy to connect the dots on something like Reddit where someone just asks Pablo something directly and he answers. It's much harder to quantify the value of forum feedback because there is no visible reaction to it. So I can look at something like the augment slot argument, which raged on the forums for a long time (and still rages sometimes), then one day someone just straight up asked Pablo and he said no. So it's super straightforward to say Pablo interacted directly there 1-1, question with an answer, interaction, result, but did he (or anyone) ever read a single forum post about it? Nobody knows. I agree content creators probably have the most sway, followed by social media, and somewhere in the badlands are the forums. I don't even think that's an improper hierarchy, I just don't know if the forums are in reality even on that list. If forum threads had like an eye icon on them or something that indicated a [DE] had at least seen it at some point would provide a way for people to at least be assured that their feedback is heard, that might be worthwhile (just spitballing, there might be downsides to that too idk didn't really think about it deeply). It just feels like we're yelling into the wind on here sometimes. I do understand why DE might mostly ignore the forums, the feedback on them tends to get muddled by argument, but still there are some great ideas and legitimate concerns that don't really have another outlet.
  9. Hmm, those are fair points, but they could easily just have a DE [bot] that they could use to provide anonymous feedback with. The reason I bring this is up is because Reddit and other social media get RESULTS, whereas the forums have many great suggestions that never seem to reach anyone. If anyone lurks and reports those reports never seem to reach anyone. It might be a volume thing too, that's fair to say. There's a high volume of feedback on the forums. But still, if nobody ever reads them, or if they never reach the people that matter - what good are they? It just feels like the forums are not the way to provide real feedback anymore, idk.
  10. I'm just saying the fight is over in 5 seconds. Yes, it could be over that quick before. Which was a shame even then, but it required knowledge and a specific loadout, so at least it had that going for it. Now they just instamelt with your average SP weapon (if your team is decent. Yes, jumping in with a bunch of MR14s will still take awhile). I'm looking around like "what boss?" I'm not exaggerating when I say it's the same as Phorid.
  11. No you're right, Neo fissures are definitely lacking compared to the others.
  12. This is a plea to either: Tell players how to acquire myxostomata IN DETAIL OR make myxostomata less rare Getting a necramech is one of the biggest progression blockers for players - I think we're all pretty well aware of this. There are 5 reasons why: The blueprints themselves Necrathene Xenorhast Arioli & Zarim mutagens (+ standing) Cranial Foremount (aka Myxostomata) Getting the blueprints is the biggest initial blocker for sure. Fortunately, these can be purchased, but even acquiring them the hard way isn't too bad as you are also accomplishing several other things at the same time. After that, it's time for farmageddon. Necrathene and xenorhast are hard to get, but with diligence and a LOT of patience, a player just zapping every rock under the kingdom will eventually acquire them. The mutagens are difficult mostly because they require a wide variety of standing increases and general engagement with the entrati family, as well as some dedicated fishing runs. ......BUT the myxostomata.... well, how does a player acquire these? Let's examine: There is NO instruction to the player on how to acquire these myxostomata, that this is even a fish, or even what planet it might be from (keep in mind building a necramech requires resources from several different planets - how are they to know this isn't a Fortuna resource?). IF the player scans Daughter's offerings intensely enough, or searches the wiki, or gets in-game help, they will discover it to be a Deimos fish. However this fish must be lured. While it is made clear to the player that processed vome residue is necessary to attract the fish, there is NO indication ANYWHERE that this must be done during a particular cycle of Deimos, or what exactly that cycle might be. Further, there is NO indication ANYWHERE that this fish only occurs in cave systems - ONE cave system. In fact, the information is so bad that I cannot even confirm that this definitively is true. But from my own experience and from everything I've read, it seems to be. Sidenote: I have seen people say that the Ebisu spear is mandatory to catch this fish. Again, due to the extreme lack of information, I cannot clarify whether this is true or not, but if it is, this is yet another layer of extremely critical information that should 100% be presented to the user. Lastly, even if all of the above circumstances are met, the fish itself is INCREDIBLY rare, compounding all of the above problems exponentially. To streamline necramech acquisition, this myxostomata problem MUST be addressed.
  13. It is prohibitive in it's current state. Ripping all the shards out of frame is extremely painful. Just switching the bonus on the same shard is also ridiculously painful. Either reduce the cost or increase the availability. I just can't bring myself to farm Kahl ever again so that cuts out 50% of my archon shard acquisition. I thought I heard they were increasing availability so that might be enough, depending.
  14. So this probably won't be a popular take because people love everything EZ, but after the change archons feel too much like paper to me. I DO think they are better for people with lower MR and equipment that isn't top tier, for sure. Those struggles were real, I witnessed and even participated in them. So in that way I think it was perhaps a success. But for an average archon run, it's over in the blink of an eye. Here's the thing: its almost exactly as fast as killing Phorid. And that's a pretty sad state for one of the (if not THE) most elite boss WF has ever tried to produce. There have been many good suggestions for how to improve the archon fights, some I've offered myself, but I'm pretty sure at this point that if it's not on reddit DE doesn't see it so.... anyways, that's where it's at.
  15. I'm quite convinced that nobody at DE past or present has ever played a PvP game.
  16. If we can add a shield recharge delay stat to the config screen (not the invul gate timer, which can see by hovering the shield stat, but the actual delay before the shield starts to recharge) This should not be invisible to the user Thx
  17. Exactly This is true too - new content is almost exclusively made for the widest possible audience, but I will give DE props for tailoring some of their recent SP versions of things like they have been doing recently - getting a special version of missions or enemies just for being in the SP is a better reward to me than the actual rewards (SE), it's like a little nod to veterans from DE, and I'd appreciate more of that even.
  18. To clarify, I mean instead of just blindly giving new suites of abilities and powers to warframes without even touching enemies is not satisfying. I'm not specifically asking to calculate the damage increase and give enemies corresponding EHP to balance it, or the reverse - although damage and EHP are big factors in how we interact with enemies and should definitely be considered. Create a new warframe? Nice. Why not create a new enemy type at the same time? Create a new system like archon shards? Nice. Why not create a few new shiny enemy abilities at the same time? It feels like warframes go through about 50 power evolutions while enemies remain completely static. How many years did it take to get the new eximus, for example. Now, there have been new enemies it's true. Some really good ones like the ones that came with the Zariman and may be coming with Whispers - unfortunately, these are content island enemies, and once we're done with the content island, well, when are we going to encounter them again? I'm not saying that we need to erode the identity of the content islands either by moving all their enemy types into main content, although there is some potential for that (infested for example, all those creepy crawlies from Deimos - not a single one of them shows up in infested missions). What I am saying is that when we get like 10 new warframes, 10 new helminths out of that, an archon shard system, overguard, and archon shard system 2.0, melee arcanes, other melee buffs, etc etc and you take all that and jump into regular content with the same old grineer and the same old corpus and the same old infested... it just doesn't feel great. It would be much nicer if our enemies evolved with us, because evolving enemies = evolving gameplay. Gameplay is very static. This is 50% due to a lack of game mode originality and 50% due to a lack of enemy development. So this suggestion is more about variety than it is necessarily about power. It's a suggestion to spend a little creative dev time on the enemies we actually play against in our daily content. Hey Greybones. Good to see you're still as cordial and intellectual as always. I'll put you in for the Forum Bully of the Year awards later - which i guess is your day job, which you should quit.
  19. Just a general design rule of thumb I think DE should seriously consider: Every time you buff warframes, buff enemies too.
  20. 1) Well the Circuit doesn't really count. Any SP-ready frame can reach level cap in the circuit if they get a good squad and good decrees, I recently took my Erosion Anchor Protea there and that's a very poor survival build. I dislike that the Circuit is blurring what it means to survive. Playing at level 2000 in regular game modes verses the Circuit is a world of difference. People have tried pretty hard to get to level cap (in regular mission types) without cheesing. To my knowledge no one has ever really done it. Cheesing is the only way because everything one-shots you. You can do it by camping a corridor with high cc frames, but that's also cheese in my book. You can't actually go out and fight. (But maybe I'm just not initiated into the elite clubs idk, just based on everything I know about WF currently) 2) Well it seems like DE agrees with you. Abuse shield gate mechanics / invisibility or don't play high end content, end of story. If they want to build a whole mission type around that, fine I guess. I doubt they'll be able to convince the entire community or even the majority of veterans to roll every 5 seconds though. I'd only play it to see how far my tanks can get lmao, the exact opposite of the supposed point. 3) I actually agree with your point at the end. Getting more players into higher content would be a great way to expose the flaws enough to get them fixed, or alternatively to cause DE to pivot into other survival mechanisms & difficulty options. ------------------- DE should delete rolling guard, full stop.
  21. Like here's the main issue: if there was a mission that you could just jump into and it starts at like level 1000 and then after like 15 minutes you're near level cap it would become just a loki/ash/shield-gate abuse only mission. No normal warframe would ever go there - for the same reason no normal warframe goes to level cap. You have to cheese to get there, 100%, there is no way to get there without cheesing (or if there is enlighten me). If you put a hard check on invisibility 97% of all level-cappers would evaporate (a made up statistic, but likely very near to the truth). While I agree we do need faster ramp-up (instead of spending 1-2 hours getting to level 1000, I should be be there at like 30 minutes I think - so just a slight buff), what we also really need is more reasons to go play high level content as regular warframes as well as a nerf to the cheeses that let people ignore all scaling. The current difficulty is actually pretty close to being good for regular warframes and people who don't cheese. We just need things to play around the level 500-1000 range. Much beyond that and nobody can survive relying on normal tools (although there's a difference between solo and squad - squads can generally go higher if they stick together). Another thing that would really help is asymmetrical difficulty - difficulty not tied to enemy levels. Things like more counters to warframes.
  22. Could we please show the names of our configs in the selections screen These all have descriptive names. Often I can't remember or am worried about overwriting the wrong one (especially if I'm browsing helminth possibilities for awhile or also working on shards) so I am forced to exit, return to the arsenal, open it, double check the config, exit, go back to the helminth.
  23. Wisp is of course one of the most powerful allies. Really struggling to survive in a mission? Throw down a wisp, suddenly everything's way better. I've been meaning to try out a Citrine specter for awhile because that seems like it could be good too but... well, honestly I just don't use specters in my regular gameplay. The new hydroid might make an interesting specter too, hmm. As far as the most common specter types I see being used: it's definitely ancient healers and on-call crew.
  24. Ah I probably should've kept track of the time spent, idk, I just finished today. Several long sessions, lots of shorter ones as my schedule allowed. I definitely didn't quite appreciate how much work is was really going to be. Almost gave up at a couple points but... well.. what else do I have to do? I think I averaged about 12 minutes per round, played pubs all the way. 494000 / 3900 = 127 rounds... so maybe like 25 hours or so?? Overall: would not recommend lol
  25. The experience might be much different in regular vs SP, so take all my thoughts here with a grain of salt. Having played it a lot on SP however, my only real complaint is with the defense section. That 2:35 or whatever it is feels like 10 minutes every time. I actually like the beginning, where one person goes into the cave. The drone can be annoying but at least you're moving, and with a Volt Wisp or Nova (or all 3) it's over pretty quick and it never really bothered me except when it was like over 1000 meters. Lephantis also goes by so quick that I barely have time to get irritated by having to do it multiple times. I also never was bothered by the dialogue. Your point about there being no notification when the defense is over is solid. There is a noise but if you're out of range you won't hear it. Quite a few times we were all sitting around still shooting and it was sitting there done for who knows how long. Special note on the Thumpers for me: I was quite irritated by them at first, but then later I looked forward to them a great deal once I remembered how to take them down efficiently on the SP. I actually prefer having them intrude. It makes it interesting and breaks up the monotony. Sure it messes up efficiency, but personally I'll trade a little efficiency for a little variety + unexpected rewards. Restarting out in the plains: yes please. I agree that this event would be rather miserable for anyone without PSF.
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