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  1. If you just need help from customer support the link is here : https://support.warframe.com/hc/en-us
  2. I'm afraid it's like MaxTunner said : no one knows. Maybe there's a very logical reason we couldn't think about, maybe the "full extract" option is here to act as a failsafe for some fringe case scenarios, or maybe it's just something outdated that should be replaced but hasn't been entirely replaced yet for some specific reasons... I can only make assumptions. Honestly I'd just run these solo so I can explore freely without being forced out by someone who wants to rush.
  3. That's simply because using chat with consoles is very tedious. As for not paying attention to chat, most of the time it's because the players you're trying to talk to are probably in flow state, too busy slaying stuff to pay attention to the chat. I'm guilty of this myself and I play on PC : everytime I play public I tend to not notice the chat because I'm too focused on what I'm doing, and I only realize that a discussion has been going on or a question has been asked by the end of the mission. Answering to someone through text mid-mission in harder kind of content can also lift your eyes off from important stuff (like ability timers or that one unit that will burst you down and put your ass on the floor), which is especially risky when the content you're doing does not allow revives. It's not a "caveman" problem. It's not a toxicity problem. It's not a console gamer problem. It's a tool problem. In game chat is not adapted for proper player communication in Warframe, especially in harder content where action can get very frantic. The current solution to this is always the same : do premades, use vocal or Discord.
  4. https://www.warframe.com/fr/anniversary#timeline Scroll up a bit, type it on the 1999 monitor.
  5. Yes. Teshin has a move that allows him to teleport to his Orvius. There is a tutorial mid-mission as well explaining this. Here's also a wiki link with a short and to the point explanation of Teshin's gameplay : should be enough to complete his mission. https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Teshin?so=search#Gameplay
  6. Been a thing since forever. Some people just utterly lack patience. This combined with some aggressive behavior can lead to some rather annoying interactions. I'd recommend making pre-mades with friends next time you want to crack some relics in these game modes. I myself am not a fan of having a lightning fast pace imposed by peer pressure so I usually just grab some friends who wants a more relaxed pace while playing like I do.
  7. I genuinely think Sonar and Silence should be merged. It gets kinda annoying to have to keep recasting Sonar to keep the weakspots up on new targets. These two powers could fit together really well. But on the flipside it means we may have to find a new 3rd power and a proper replacement to Silence as a Helminth ability. According to the wiki : this feature is undocumented. I'd wait for a DE response about whether or not this in an intended change, though it does feel somewhat deliberate.
  8. From https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Iron_Skin It's both.
  9. Refunding plats is not against the rules, but chances are the refund made you go negative in plat balance : if you or your brother spent some of the refunded plat into the game before requesting for a refund, you'll end up with negative platinum balance. This will trigger an automated ban. I'm not sure if re-buying what's missing will bring your account back actually because I have never experienced the negative plat balance thing in the first place, so I'd advise holding off your credit card until your get a proper response from the staff. Has the player support desk already responded to you ? If not, you definitely want to wait for them to respond before attempting to re-buy plat or some stuff like that. If your brother has bought stuff without your consent, they will probably need to remove the stuff recently bought from your inventory first. Also, don't be worried if they take a long time to respond : the player support desk is usually super busy so it's not unusual to wait for a whole week before getting an actual answer.
  10. That's pretty much what Duviri is about... Though more 50/50 in a way considering how missions are.
  11. I'd definitely welcome having Veso style gameplay going back, though I have no idea how we can adapt the robot based puzzles into randomised tilesets without making these repetitive if they occur on a tile specific basis.
  12. The more of a specific thing you keep feeding your helminth, the less he will "tolerate" it. Helminth enjoys a varied diet. However, his tolerance levels will slowly climb back to green levels if you wait long enough. You can still feed him something else in the meantime.
  13. You should probably report that website to the player support desk.
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