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Everything posted by Redrigoth

  1. That's a nice idea. Stunned at 10 stacks instead of knockdown. Still open to finisher. Still able to headshot. Plus a highlighted weakspot where the last impact proc happened. Rationale for weak spot is that the enemies armor/shield/flesh was beaten and battered by the impacts
  2. Magnetic changes: Magnetic should have an additional effect on top of delaying shield recharge that gives enemies 0.5m per stack magnetic field and enemies whose fields overlap are drawn to each other. It can serve as a grouping tool and a different way to kill corpus as opposed to the usual toxin shield bypass. It will also make it more interesting to build magnetic against other factions as well. It will also potentially introduce magnetic-gas builds as meta-competetive builds and it might make rivens for super low dispo weapons more useful if they have multiple elements so you can get the combo without spending so many mod slots (until we get single slot magnetic mods). Cold mod's polarity change: Change Primed Cryo Round from Vazarin to Naramon polarity so it matches other elements. This will also encourage people to experiment with and use cold, magnetic, and blast builds rather than dismissing them as "i want to make one config like this but it doesn't fit on my forma". Sure we have the 60/60 cold mod but sometimes you want raw damage or you want to adjust the status chance distribution. Make the mod universal polarity for 6 months and give everyone over mastery rank 10 5 formas. After the 6 month period is over, change the mod into Naramon(-) polarity. This will avoid breaking people's loadouts and give them time to fix any weapon using Primed Cryo Rounds(it probably isn't too many weapons). This is how we can smoothly transition this troublesome cold polarity to be in line with the rest of the elemental mods. Blast changes and making single target rifles more viable: Since blast takes away heat dots, maybe it can provide some kind of damage over time in an alternate form. On top of the accuracy reduction, maybe make it so it does 1% of enemy max hp+shield per stack (10% at 10 stack. This effect is not triggered by explosions) as tick damage per second(because the pressure build up and instability) and then if an enemy with blast procs dies, they explode in a 1m per stack radius and deal 1% of their max hp+shield per stack as radial damage with no falloff to enemies. This explosion gives each enemy hit 1 blast proc and it is not affected by crit or status chance mods. It is affected by puncture stacks on enemies it hits though so it can have a 25% chance to hit them for double. This blast change would make single target punch-through puncture blast weapons a viable alternative to aoe weapons or group-and-nuke strategies. Weapons like Gorgon, Gotva Prime, Tenet Flux rifle, Tenet Tetra, Kuva karak, Kuva Quartakk, Kuva Hind would become much more popular. Yes Bramma will also deal a little more damage due to the blast explosions but it barely has ammo anyway so the few shots it has might as well count. Plus it kills with slash and toxin procs already so little difference either way. It would refresh loadouts a lot. Primary and Secondary Merciless's third stat and ammo pickup: Bring back a third stat for Primary merciless. Maybe +80% more ammo recovery on pickup? This won't affect bramma since ammo rounds down. Ammo recovery instead of max ammo allows you to fine tune ammo gains for different weapons by adjusting their per-pickup value. Also maybe let Rifle scavenger affect bramma too so it gets 2 instead of 1 ammo per pickup since you are spending your aura slot? It will still not be spammable but it will be more reasonably usable. Also with the changes to magnetic and blast above along with other improvements to the system that exist now and in the future, such as the armor changes, people will feel other options are just as good and viable rather than feeling forced into using any one weapon. More uses for the Vazarin polarity slot: We only have like 1 or 2 mods worth slotting into this. We need alternatives so other weapon configs can have useful options. Plus these mods may encourage loadout diversity. -50% impact, +75% puncture, +50% status chance -50% impact, +75% slash, +50% status chance Same for puncture and slash All status effects on the weapon have an equal chance to be selected on status proc, +50% status duration Impact status adjustment: Currently impact only increases mercy threshold which is kind of a weak effect. Give it additional effects so tat upon reaching 10 stacks it knocks enemies down(edit due to LittleLeoniePrime comment) stuns enemies, open them up to finisher and create a weakspot across their entire body for 3 seconds that also counts for incarnon charging.
  3. Magnetic should have an additional effect that gives enemies 0.5m per stack magnetic field and enemies whose fields overlap are drawn to each other. It can serve as a grouping tool and a different way to kill corpus as opposed to the usual toxin shield bypass. It will also make it more interesting to build magnetic against other factions as well. It will also potentially introduce magnetic-gas builds as meta-competetive builds and it might make rivens for super low dispo weapons more useful if they have multiple elements so you can get the combo without spending so many mod slots (until we get single slot magnetic mods). Change Primed Cryo Round from Vazarin to Naramon polarity so it matches other elements. This will also encourage people to experiment with and use cold, magnetic, and blast builds rather than dismissing them as "i want to make one config like this but it doesn't fit on my forma". Sure we have the 60/60 cold mod but sometimes you want raw damage or you want to adjust the status chance distribution. Make the mod universal polarity for 6 months and give everyone over mastery rank 10 5 formas. After the 6 month period is over, change the mod into Naramon(-) polarity. This will avoid breaking people's loadouts and give them time to fix any weapon using Primed Cryo Rounds(it probably isn't too many weapons). This is how we can smoothly transition this troublesome cold polarity to be in line with the rest of the elemental mods. Since blast takes away heat dots, maybe it can provide some kind of damage over time in an alternate form. On top of the accuracy reduction, maybe make it so it does 0.5% of enemy max hp+shield per stack (5% at 10 stacks) as tick damage per second(because the pressure build up and instability) and then if an enemy with blast procs dies, they explode in a 1m per stack radius and deal 1% of their max hp+shield per stack as radial damage with no falloff to enemies. This explosion gives each enemy hit 1 blast proc and it is not affected by crit or status chance mods. It is affected by puncture stacks on enemies it hits though so it can have a 25% chance to hit them for double. This blast change would make single target punch-through puncture blast weapons a viable alternative to aoe weapons or group-and-nuke strategies. Weapons like Gorgon, Gotva Prime, Tenet Flux rifle, Kuva karak, Kuva Quartakk, Kuva Hind would become much more popular. Yes Bramma will also deal a little more damage due to the blast explosions but it barely has ammo anyway so the few shots might as well count. Bring back a third stat for Primary merciless. Maybe +80% more ammo recovery on pickup?
  4. Rework cold mods to use the same polarity as other elements. It's so obnoxious locking a weapon with the primed cold mod into a forma layout that prevents it from fitting other elements on other configs
  5. Here you go: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1381871-incarnon-acrid-argonak-stug-convectrix-ripkas-lecta-suggestion/#comment-12957427
  6. support this post: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1381871-incarnon-acrid-argonak-stug-convectrix-ripkas-lecta-suggestion/#comment-12957427
  7. riven gambling simulator is disgusting. Should let you ban a stat every 10 rolls (2 bans at 20, and so on). You roll a riven and just keep getting the same junk stats over and over and over like it is rigged or something. No I don't want projectile speed for the 15th time thanks
  8. Exalted melee's stances should give them 10 polarity. Having to lock in their mod config with 8 forma just to fit the exilus is bs Garuda talons needs an arcane slot. It is a normal melee weapon not exalted so where is the arcane slot?
  9. Orokin Reactor gotta go in somewhere
  10. I don't even know why they exist. They are inferior to any melee. No arcane like normal melee's, no strength scaling like exalted. No special behavior. They need to be given an arcane slot, innate 1% lifesteal for all attacks. +attack speed = to garuda's current passive damage% Edit: Maybe let garuda be able to switch between normal melee weapon and talons mid mission too so she can have 2 melee's. Hold weapon swap button while already in melee only mode to swap to the other melee and start using that one as the quick melee and single swap hold weapon. Hold twice again to swap back.
  11. Every single time there is an update where we get an end of round reward, I notice an unnatural bias towards specific items. This time, on the disruption game mode, I get Ruvox Blueprint and Ruvox Glove, every single time. No Onos Blueprint or Ruvox blade. I have 3 Ruvox blueprints and 4 Ruvox gloves and 0 of the rest. What's up with the rng? Is it programmed to skew one way based on the player? You get one person that always gets reward A but never B and another player that always gets B but never A.
  12. Hi I'm "those people" and I provided a solution right here last week. https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1392106-class-restriction-instead-of-rng-suggestion-on-how-to-fix-deep-archamedia-design-by-keeping-the-intention-and-removing-the-rng-reward-and-helminth-shard-suggestions-too/
  13. It lets you do that but if you click the buy button it will ignore the purchase
  14. Every time i try to kill an eximus or an acolyte or anything, my hound starts humping it with his reflex denial globe and none of my attacks land. It acts like a frost globe that moves to troll you. Can you change it so it just buffs the hound instead of making a globe? Or let player shots go through it.
  15. this is what happens when you build a system around rng. If rng is good "too easy". If rng is bad "too BS" Should just restrict weapon classes but otherwise let us use our well-built equipment and instead make the enemies actually strong and do other things to turn the mode into absolute chaos
  16. "game mode that doesn't let you play and complete it is not flawed" what a joke. You must own stock in Copium Inc. because you are pushing cope so hard Yes it is flawed. It's a dumb roulette that sometimes tells you "thou shall not play". It should be super difficult content that requires super optimized loadout or an efficient squad to clear, not "do you own all 600 weapons and have the majority of them with 5 forma and a catalyst so you can probably have atleast 1 weapon that you use once per year if it happens to show up in the roulette"
  17. More and more weapons keep being added. Can you increase the max riven cap from 180?
  18. Malurth was clearly responding to CrendKing saying swap the vosfor and diamond box positions and I agree with Malurth. Fk that idea. I have to deal with junk RNG loadout and I cant even leave the "no operator" penalty out or get atleast 1 viable weapon that can actually kill things? lol gtfo. That guy is on some crack
  19. Oi bruv, dark souls is actually challenging innit. This game mode is RNG that says screw your skills. Got numbers or don't got numbers? No skill involved at all unless you get stuff you can use. Only then does it become a question of "did you mod properly?" (not hard to do given all the guides online) Btw, check this post out and see if you like it. If you do then like and comment to bump visibility and let DE know you want that kind of solution:
  20. I think it means taking any damage while shield is 0 will trigger its effect. That way overguard can't cockblock inaros and nidus and kullervo. And I guess any other frame would also gain energy if they gain overguard then get hit in the moment between when they lose all shields and before shield regenerates
  21. I think game logic recognizes kitgun as pistol. One thing I tried to keep in mind is providing changes that their codebase already supports so they can implement quickly. We know they can recognize single vs dual pistol because Akimbo Slipshot arcane only appears for dual pistol for example. Tome and thrown is also recognized since both have mods exclusive to them True some categories can be strong. The category rng helps miss those sometimes (for example if it says use bow then you cant use torid. Use dagger means no glaive prime, etc). I also added all those extra hazards and frame debuffs to increase danger factor to compensate for the fact we would have better gear. They can probably tune things a bit, but I think that is a healthier direction for the game. Forced rng gameplay is just toxic in many different ways
  22. would you like this system better? If yes, like and comment so DE knows
  23. demand better systems. You are spending your limited time on this game. If everyone wants it then it can happen within reason
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