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Posts posted by Sziklamester


    They mentionned that the cure is simple. Go to the infected room when your cyst fully grown then sit to the chair. They also said no need to do the quest or have a nidus enough just an infected frame who have a fully grown cyst then they can pass to the room without any quest needed. This was badly explained and I think everyone would like to be sure not to get this aids again and they instead of this make a normal antidote which kills the cyst then immunize your frames to get again the infection.

    The current state of cure can ruin the quest for those whom want the mystery of that room and the newbies still not know what to do unless the read the wiki or in the devstream they state it.

    But I can agree this shouldn't be reality what they did but at least hopefully they will show some about the quest.

  1. I would not pay so much for a skin around 1-2 dollar or max 3 is still okay but I can eat about 3 dollar a full menu here. I know the creator create stuff for like and want to make some happy tenno and of course money with his / her works but the prices are too high for skins. I know there are prices and taxes on items but the asked prices make almost unused these skins because no one wish to buy an expensive stuff when that money is enough for a full other stuff even discounted game. If I make a tennogen skin I would like to create cheaper stuffs because more chance to be bought by players and the taxes aren't so high but I can live on the sales because the lot smaller in times generate reasonable money. Also I would like sometimes create free stuffs just for fun and because every tenno deserves freeby stuffs too. 

  2. 11 minutes ago, KubrowTamer said:

    They said that the cyst will bring a whole new system and there will be a way to re allow your frames to get cysts if you choose.

    This is fair enough because who not want at least can live their life normally in game those whom want to breed abominations (chargers) can infect theirself and make more pet. Simply and more humane solution than a dual ether.

  3. Simply just increase the amount of drops and drops more commonly then you can get without boosters 50-80-100 unit per mission depend on how much you stay. This seems reasonable and not ruin the game. If they decided already the trend to add highly expensive items to the research table then they should minimum compensate the players for the hard farming and let us get more.

  4. So then we can fully immunize ourselves via sitting in a chair and our account permanently immune against the disease?

    It is nice but all those whom not finished the quests or no have nidus should be able to go there and use the seat.

    Instead of this I owuld like to just create an ascaris negator like item which removes your cyst on of your one frame then permamently remove and immunize you. For 5 k credits and that is not so expensive.

  5. The question is only after this fix everyone can go to the room and remove the cyst or just whom finished the quests?

    I would like a cure which immunize all of the frames and no need to go 36 times into the seat to remove the cysts. 

    Those whom not finished the quests or no have nidus would be in trouble if the door not opening.

  6. If the slots would have not cost for plat then I could say nothing because everything can be farmed just some stuff Harder than others and you can consider your time is more important to you or you accept It is a free to play game which means second job.


    Personally I would like to pay if this games turn into a once buy then you can get all the stuff just the mastery and time needs to open new content instead of paywalls. The second one a fee for lagless playtime and keep up servers alive. This is the two terms if once happen then I would pay for those around 30 dollar. Still cheaper than any free to play and if the game feels fun then other players also not care if they need spend a one time money for a good game.

  7. Inaros can devout you which is basically eating and there is EV and WF for Trinity which almost eating but in a different form. Nidus also eats the enemies genes and stack it.

    Joke aside nope this is a game like many one where absolutely no need food. Also no need to drink, that's why haven't bars on dojo and relay and for this reason no toilet.

    (maybe the otherside door on orbiter)

  8. 1 hour ago, Sparklelord said:

    Oh you millenials and your great troubles.

    None of you whippersnappers remember the great Corrupted Blood Incident of '05. Now back then we had real plagues. We died on the way to the vendor. We died after selling all our grey trash. We died in the dungeons. We died in the raids. We died in the battlegrounds. Huge fields of bleached bones was all that remained of our great cities. And it snowed both ways and the wind was always in our faces.

    Now get off my lawn, or I will rub my infected Nekros Prime on you.

    (unhelpful sarcasm mode disengaged)

    I am remember quite well those times. My nercromancer in dio2 animated a bunch of corpses while watched how many peoples died in wow. 

  9. 2 hours ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

    am I the only one who's more bothered by the "Orikoin Derelict maps" than the cyst at this point? it's fine to have a cyst on your frame, but there's no excuse for such bad spelling. *Grammar Grineer mode off*

    of course they won't... it'll only require a few Mutagen Samples! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! :devil: 

    <,_,< of course not my fellow tenno...

  10. This is supposed to be a temporal feature but today in the stream the devs will tell more about how to cure this. Hopefully They have a viable way to immunize all of your frame so They won't get It.

    Those peoples whom have a lot of frames doesn't want an army of chargers and pay per frame to immunize all of them. I dont want get more virus and I dont want infect others so a vaccine needs which cure you and also immunize. They know their playerbase is upset now after the TWW and afterward quests and their recent changes.

    Hopefully they wont make It hard to get that cure. Also I am hoping in 2017 they will be more careful and communicate more because they lost a lot of trust and peoples.

  11. My opinion the spare catalyst and reactors is the next. The current system s okay and future stuff could coming so worth to keep them and use it when a new stuff coming. I don't want to see it beign as a building material how forma works right now. If you can farm enough then be happy with it and keep it for the future.


    Other solution : make it tradeable and for their normal marketplace price so each for 20.

  12. I just want a total cure and full immunity. My nidus is infected with this but my other frames still not luckily but I want them to keep safe range from the infection. I don't want to all of my 36 frames drain and make 36 helminth charger when I don't want any pet.

  13. 16 minutes ago, d4rkSector said:

    Seriously, major reason I play warframe is because of the visual aspect. You guys are kind of messing up for me with this giant growing cyst on my neck that then finishes with a freaking hair. I already built the thing I don't want to keep getting it on the brand new frame with the skin I just paid actual money for on tennogen. Maybe you guys are laughing but seriously from what I can tell this kind of upsetting people. Can you just create a fix a way to opt out. I will probably be taking a break and hope this is not an issue when I come back. Thanks for reading.

    Many peoples are in the same boat. We can just hope they will do something.

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