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Posts posted by Sziklamester

  1. 4 minutes ago, (PS4)Regiampiero said:

    Oh, I never thought of running vigor on Inaros. Just seemed like a waste of a mod space, but I guess that would work. 

    That can work just it is an 50% usage mod on inaros and on nidus. These frames have no benefit from shield boost but the health part is okay.

  2. 2 minutes ago, chaotea said:

    Realy? I always have at least one.

    These mods not necessary if you think about It because It makes your survivability better but there are peoples whom likes attack and pump out all slots with ability boost mods. Hardcore plays. I am using both of them (vital&redi) on of my frames and I can be reviver. More slots needs.

  3. Before rivens those weapons which needed so much buff to be viable still in needs for buffs to be viable. After rivens my statement is the next.

    You can make as developer a fine system with no flaws but there is no better solution than the buff older weapons and stuff. You can't avoid this and beign lazy and just say this will make you better when the power doesn't changed.

    Those weapons which was good without rivens are still good those which wasn't still not good and uncomparable with the meta. Noone asked ro be meta we just asked for qol changes and buffs to directly the older gear to be viable and fun.



  4. 27 minutes ago, Ailissa said:

    You do know Vigor also has health boost, right?



    True but for the shield part in my opinion is better to use vitality but if you guys/lads want to use it you can. 


    Alissa - if I wouldn't know this obvious fact then I didn't said to magician what I wrote. 

    KYLoooo - If it is worth for you then use it but on a frame which no have shield is a kinda useless because not use the potential.

    Magician_NG - it is fine those two gives a lot of hp for him but I still sad for the shield wasted on but its still make sense to use both. 


    Personally I would like to use a different mod which gives armor and hp both and mod on frames which do the same but with shields. Then those frames whom have benefit from them can use it well.


    Edit : This is the exact same like rending strike which gives 80% puncture and 60% slash and almost no weapon benefit from this mod.

  5. 1 hour ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

    I agree that player need to chill the F out about other people's frame choices, personally I don't care what you're using, all I care about is whether you can hold your own, or if I have to carry you. I might not necessary agree with some frame choices, but I'll just think "well, you better be prepared to fight with that".

    what I do take issue with is that Oberon is certainly NOT fine. the recent introduction of Nidus really highlights how underpowered frames like Oberon, Hydroid and Limbo truly are. here we have an infested monster who beats on level 150s for their lunch money while neglected frames barely scale to sortie levels. yes, Oberon has his uses, but he has so much more potential. DE could literally make him whatever they want: powerful healer, damage dealer, area denial specialist or all three. Oberon can do it all, but only just. he needs a full, proper rework like what Excalibur had. (and definitely a new passive, his current one sucks).

    if we can get reworks that help these frames scale into endgame levels, then we'll be all good.


    His passive can be an active ability for a beastmaster frame who can handle pet like enemies an can summon it's own pet. ike dota2 beastmaster. I am agree with tweaks but for rework only if they not make a specialist with it but boost his abilities.

  6. As Oberon main I could say he is not useless but some tweaks needs on him but not total reworks what others want because the all around not mean useless. Not sure why peoples want to be special in each part of game and want for each frame to be special. Oberon does his job well and can contribute a lot for his team. Some of his skills need a scaling to higher levels but hey there are other frames whom needs some tweaks. I would be angry if they rework him and limbo and hydrid because these frames have a good concept but have flaws too but possibly they can remove their base which makes them as they are. The players like the meta and everyone like to compare their stuff to others and cannot think what they have gotten. The halloweed grounds could be work as an aura and he can be mobile too but after seeing nidus ult is static then there are chances to keep in this way how it's are.

    Limbo only needs mostly some changes in the rift mechanics to let peoples loot but otherwise he is a fine survival frame and very hard to beat him. Hydroid needs some tweaks on his abilities and some armor buff but almost all low armored frame needs a little bit more armor.

    Zephyr first and second ability can be merged into one and she can given a new ability and tweak her armor rate up to 50 at least. That makes a bit more viable otherwise her shields and health is fine. There is no really garbage frames just some of them out to date a bit and need to revitalize them.

  7. 5 minutes ago, Insizer said:

    You mean that other sentinels still don't have enough health, shields, and armor as they should to be more practical.

    Agree with this. Those older sentinels needs their buffs and make the a bit more viable. And that would be good too if De finally add more weapons for the sentinels because their base weaponry not equally good. If we get variety on builds then why sentinels and other pets should stay the same without helping them?

  8. It seems this thread will be a megathread because clearly the community says we don't need this. Guys please fix this somehow at least end of this month till I won't play the game or just play solo because no other chance to avoid this. I don't know how much time you need to realize we don't want this at all.

  9. 1 minute ago, AzureFlash said:

    Call me a negative nancy but I expect this cyst thing to be the precursor to an event that majorly fucks over every frame that has it and becomes a huge pain the &#! to remove and depending on how the situation evolves it's highly likely that this is what I will quit Warframe over.

    Be patient friend I know it is annoying but let them response. They should not handle us like this.

  10. That is very furiating that they still not implemented any real cure for this virus. I don't want to be trash or something but I think they doesn't really want a real cyst on their neck as one of my friend had in real life (luckily removed). Not really a cool feeling and I suppose the majority sees this as an unwanted feature. Please at least give an option to remove it completely or slighty hint a yes or no word that cyst needs for a quest which gives us finally the cure?

    The fact you ignored this is not welcomable and at least you guys could put in a mention a " we are working on a cure or we have a surprise for you if you got infected or something"

    Physically annoys us this thing.

  11. 27 minutes ago, MaidGalaxy said:

    Happy new year to all you out there!


    Actually surprised that Nidus didn't get nerfed, let's hope it stays that way.

    There is no reason to nerf him because his abilities atleast synergies and well scaled on later game. The sad the other frames let in shadow because of DE balance options.

  12. 3 minutes ago, (PS4)ImmaTrueSpartan said:

    I remember this frame I actually talked to RedSkittlez about it. He really didn't care if he got in the game or not.

    There is a lot concept which in the same boat. The arist or don't care it or the frame not so popular or just not taste enough for DE to be in the game.

    My suggestion is the next, make a site or a program where we can upload finished models with basic animations and rigged then the players could decide which one fit enough into the game and always can you vote for that concept. Some visual concept is not enough to be implement into the game but a fully finished model with all wanted features can be used by DE easier if they say a criteria that model can be which file and how you rigg it.

  13. 2 minutes ago, Trichouette said:

    Do you even press 2 ?

    I know that ability is garbage but still...

    Atlas gaze ability could be useful in a different way and if that skill removed from him and given to a medusa themed frame. That would be more fit to that female frame and atlas can given another ability which introduce more brawling for his theme.

  14. ecaI don't care if we have a frame with similar themes. Peoples are butthurt because they have no fantasy and cannot imagine how the said frame could work. 

    Also if they want to add Greek and Roman themed frames then they can add - Legion, Hoplite, Gladiator, Myrmidon, Peltast, Some of ancient gods and so on. Also they can use norse mythology and make the norse gods we have already one as Loki but this not a reason to not have more. Odin, Thor, Fenrir, Udyr, Freya etc.

    Use your imagination and their skills. Noone said Zeus cannot be in the game because we have already a ligthning frame as Volt, because a power theme can be play a lot more way.

  15. Need to increase the amount of the samples and make It non derelict exclusive. Its time It was exclusive there because they could not otherwise convice the players to play It. This is just another force to go there which is a shortsight solution for this situation. I dont like certain of missions cuz It feels a second job to do them and I want just enjoy the game without grind all the time. I spent money on necessary things to help me enjoy the game more and not for the grinding.

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