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Everything posted by (XBOX)RaeOvSunshyn

  1. I guess that depends on perspective. I personally would rather create my own fun than wait around for someone else to come up with something that may or may not be what I want anyhow. And you have to admit DE tries to make things harder. I just don't think they're very good at it, since they also consider those who want/need easier. I really liked the original Eximus rework. But the Eximus re-re-rework we have now... it's a mess. So I can either, as you say, self-nerf, and make it self-fun or I can self-not-play. I love Warframe. There are some things I dislike about it, and a couple things I outright hate, but it's really up to me, not developers or other players, to make it awesome.
  2. You want things to be harder? Take ALL your mods out of your frames and weapons, REMOVE your companion, and DON'T use your Drifterator. If you're really feeling adventurous... do some Steel Path like that as well.
  3. Which it completely fails at. On Xbox, it displays inputs that are flat-out wrong and, in some cases, literally impossible with a controller: LB RS + A? Really!? How?! If you look at Reddit Warframe... anything -- from fashion frame fotos, videos of random boss fights, to screenshots of mission complete pages or "best riven" choices, etc cetera -- you'll notice just how many have that little Waverider Quest banner showing it hasn't been done.
  4. For me: Per instructions, I ran 1 round of normal/regular Circuit. It did not unlock Steel Path. I thought maybe I had to finish a second round in order for it to count the first as completed -- kinda the irritating way rewards and decrees work -- so I did 1 round plus 1 round and that... nope. Then I just said "screw it" and ran 10 rounds. That's 1. Plus 1+1. Plus 1+9 = Way more than 1. Followed by Lone Story, stages 1-6. Now I'm not sure if it matters the order in which you redo everything, because DE hasn't been clear about that part. For example, complete Lone Story, stages 1-6, then do 1 round of Circuit -- I did it in reverse because I only cared about Circuit being open. But I couldn't even ask if anyone, in the massive threads about it, who still had Steel Path closed or was stuck could test that theory since apparently Xbox players are not allowed to comment in the PC section, even when it's about a major platform-wide issue, in a cross-play game, and is the only place getting attention.
  5. Funny, I came to post that I couldn't swap to or use my secondaries. Same deal: Steel Path Circuit, showed equipped, ranked 0.
  6. I don't personally feel it's "gamebreaking meta" but if a player ain't able to wipe Steel Path with it, she's doing something wrong. My main complaint -- actually my ONLY complaint -- is, much like when Citrine first dropped, the repetitively obnoxious sound.
  7. The clap nuke build. I think it started around Mirror Defenses but now has kinda spilled over into everything. Yes, it turns Steel Path into cottage cheese and, yes, it's annoying. I figure, the more it shows up and the more people complain about it, DE will nerf the hell out of it eventually.
  8. Thank you for your answer. I'm going to think on it a bit because I feel like, analytical brain and all, both multiplayer and co-op apply to Warframe and what it really boils down to is how individual players define those. Basketball games and air shows: If you went to either expecting a team and only got one player or one pilot...
  9. Ha! When that happened to me -- before I found out there needs to be at least 2 people in Undercroft to start it -- I waited over 40 minutes and I wasn't even host. I only stayed because I didn't want to lose resources. It's actually worse than that. I have come across... hmm... countless... players who have/had never selected "Lone Story" because they thought it meant solo. So it's not just they "don't tell you," it's that they essentially tell you it's something entirely different than what it is. It's extremely misleading. For all you guys whose answer to such problems is "play solo" I have to ask if you do the same IRL. I mean, do you or would you tell people who play, say, basketball that they should "play solo" when they go to the park or wherever? Sure, technically ya can play basketball by yourself but really it's a multiplayer game.
  10. Hmm... Swear this was related to "because Specters." 🙄 Just ran Steel Path Circuit -- an area with no specters allowed -- as Stalker, had only 1 decree for heat on melee, then spent the next 5 rounds listening non-stop to my butt inhaling health orbs that I didn't need -- including as Drifter.
  11. I love Gyre! But jeez what a squishmobile! Desperate to make her viable in any way, I took suggestions and went the Adaptation and Rolling Guard route, which definitely helped, but, ya, no, not really. Then on a whim I tried Arcane Blessing. Ultimately got rid of the aforementioned mods, threw on her augment, added blue shards for a tiny bit of extra health, and turned her into the frame I knew she could be. I do admit I got kinda addicted to red orbs in missions so eventually I Helminthed Citrine's ability to ease the obsession -- though it certainly wasn't necessary. She's pretty much unkillable at this point. 😂
  12. You're pretty much forced to finish because Kahl missions don't change until you complete them. There's no skipping or ignoring the ones you have issues with or even simply don't like.
  13. My "just stop using" was more tongue-in-cheek than any solution. For well over a year I have insisted the cause of this bug is not Specters -- I barely use the things yet routinely experience the ammo stick -- and it's fallen mostly on deaf ears. So now that it's happening to players in an area where they absolutely cannot use Specters or even their gear wheel maybe DE and others will stop pushing it as a "because Specters" problem, consider other possibilities -- such as what you mentioned -- and hopefully finally fix it. In the meantime: click click-click click-clickety click-click-click...
  14. Specters. According to many, and even DE, Specters are the reason this happens. So just stop using Specters in Duviri and Undercroft. You know those places where you can't use Specters? Because Specters are the reason. 🙄
  15. Aura Forma aren't like Forma Forma. You just install Aura Forma and use any Aura Mod, regardless of polarity, in the slot. ☆☆☆I'm cheering you on!!☆☆☆
  16. They keep saying this bug is caused by specters, but... It was happening way before the players became responsible for supplying specters with ammo -- search reddit, you'll see. It happens with orb pick-ups too. Since when do specters need energy? I barely use specters and it definitely happens even with none present.
  17. YES SHE DOES. ♥️ Plus I have Fractured Blast on mine, courtesy of Helmuppet, so she is a total one-frame army! Baruuk is outstanding, as is Waltzing Peacemesa, Loki does very well, Banshee and Breach Surge Khora too. Volt, who I almost never use, was shockingly really really fantastic. Frames I am usually good with but was surprised did not hold up as great: Gara and Vauban. My least fun run was with a Firewalker-infused Rhino, Hespar, dev-modded Phantasma, and a... something? Obviously Rhino easily survived but it was just awful tedious and, naturally, that was the time I wound up with a good squad who wanted to stay in the Circuit forever. 😂
  18. NO. Please allow me to introduce you to invisible Ivara or, better yet, Bulletjumpintocloud Wukong or, even better better best, Waltzing Peacemesa -- talk about OP... she'll leave ya in the dust! Just because you don't see the value of a thing doesn't mean it needs to be "fixed."
  19. I feel like this should be an easy fix... just by making it behave as if all players ARE in range for the objective -- like Necramechs in free roam for affinity or squads in Railjack for reactant -- even if they're on the other side of Duviri entirely.
  20. So this didn't get fixed it but now it's shiny and more noticeable? Great!
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