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Everything posted by Karyst

  1. Yet the devs said that they like rogue like with release of duviri. This game is very much based on what it's devs like.
  2. You wrote: Gunsen Prime excels at: 90% base Slash weight. Slash procs deal True damage (ignoring damage resistance). Is it really true damage?
  3. Bring back self damage. I want to render my character void of life force.
  4. When you CC an enemy you render it powerless, almost the same as when you straight up kill it, except that with CC immunity it can still attack you
  5. No it won't because they will increase their health, rn their health is tiny and most of their EHP is armor, thus when you bypass it with slash you only need to do little damage. I like to just start blasting then with pure heat, since right now pure heat requires armor strip
  6. But it opens more options to deal damage instead of only armor strip or bypass with bleed viral
  7. Unified Purpose (Disruption): All enemies target Conduits. Does this mean that conduits can be destroyed? Like a defense target?
  8. Better keep your distance and perhaps wear a mask too
  9. I wonder, if I drop 5digit in plat on a riven, but mod it wrong and don't shoot in the weakpoints in DA that enemies have and fail DA, does that mean that DE is active tripping me of? And on the other hand If I use gear that I have correctly modded, even without riven, learn the enemies, their attacks and weaknesses and understand the objective, the handicaps that are present in the current weeks DA and complete DA, does that mean that DE made DA too easy and is basically acting as charity in giving me 'free' arcanes and shards? Will you people ever consider a balanced approach?
  10. You got me at Can't get Deep Archemedia open because I don't have dante built because of the LoS nerf, my Mesa is okay but not great. My dusty nezha that I mained two years ago can do this week's EDA yet your grinded gear can't? What gives?
  11. I want my abilities get such a low duration that my keyboard resists my button presses.
  12. This. And before shield gate , the level cap trips were even more limited . Perhaps endurance players forgot.
  13. My experience: got her on release, figured out the min maxed nuke build , after about two days playing the same rotation to nuke got bored. From my experience she has anxious gameplay due to lack of hard CC that forces monitoring cool down of her 3. Perhaps infusing a hard CC over her 3 would allow for more relaxed gameplay .
  14. We thank this gauss for his community service of providing these valuable mods for us! May no nerfs touch him!
  15. Conspiracy enthusiasts is my new favorite word, thank you Mo.
  16. Transference is required to transfer into the mech, this if it's disabled you can't transfer yourself into a necramech. It is implied.
  17. Agreed, I somewhat got into habit of ignoring mechs altogether except now in survival they are the only source of life support.
  18. How about the same answer without mentioning they are LR3? Although it's implied considering how much gear they have ?
  19. Straight up did EDA 7/7 every week, except for very first week, I did it in pubs, how unfair, I know. Sorties and EDA are the same thing but you at this stage are not equiped for EDA. You may not like me saying it, but having maxed out gear is not the only thing you need to complete DA. There are plenty of knowledge and skill based things required. This whole thread is simply between players that aren't equiped saying that they can't complete DA and between players that are equipped that complete DA every week. And yeah, you'll have invest into gear as well as into increase your understanding of the game on all levels, not just shallow spam shield gate that you've been getting away until now.
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