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Everything posted by Chroia

  1. First and foremost: I am positively thrilled that you're looking at Damage 2.0. It won't, alone, fix the game, but it's one of the fundamental issues lying at the core. At a glance, 2 things: 1) You don't seem to be addressing, or addressing the difference between, damage types and their status effects, specifically Viral and its outsized impact of being a universal damage amp debuff. Similarly, I hope you're keeping in mind the implicit anti-combinations, e.g. Magnetic disallows Viral or Cold. Relatedly, I hope you're keeping in mind upfront damage (i.e. huge base damage, poor supplemental stats, e.g. pre-buff vanilla Opticor) vs. crit-based damage vs. status-based weapons - unless the intention is for all non-filler future weapons to be hybrid weapons. 2) Respectfully, no. Exponential eHP increases due to uncapped enemy armor scaling encourages a meta that favors a select few Effects - Specifically, the ones that mitigate or bypass armor. See above, re: Slash procs (with or without Viral). This is not helped by element modifiers double dipping in the damage calc vs. armor. The friction of having to go into your arsenal to change mod configs (let alone specific mods, i.e. the Banes) just exacerbates matters. Combine that with the proliferation of armor across all factions to """fix""" the eHP disparity of the other factions' VIPs, and yeah, 'solve armor' is hugely more valuable than elemental advantage. Armored enemies getting capped armor (and subsequently DR) is excellent. But you have a new problem - with the introduction of +corr stack archon shards, assuming you don't overhaul a component, you're going to have to balance having 10 Corr stacks vs. 13 corr stack (1 Tau) vs 14 corr stacks (2 non-Tau). That said, Core issues 2 and 3 are entirely correct. Does Toxin damage still bypass shields? While shields don't have the same effect on eHP that armor does, nor do they require a proc to bypass them (which is a much lower bar). And the more impactful you make shields, the more you incentivize using Toxin to avoid interacting with it altogether. Which might be a design intention, I don't know. But given that it obviates the need for - and utility of - Magnetic (damage or status), I don't think it is.
  2. While mousing over in the left-hand item selection windows. All primaries and secondaries have the option to press tab to see their statblocks. No melee have this option.
  3. New week, new modifiers, new loadout, same teammate. He was Mirage last week, Wukong this week. Still ran duo, I was still host. Back to ~100 ping.
  4. Thanks. :) Also, ty for splitting the difference on Divine Retribution. Limited amount of insane (xray deletes smallfry), but worth using compared with Melee Influence now. ----- Not exactly. 280% range Normal: 53.2m Last patch: 26.6m Current: 39.2m
  5. There's a clanmate I usually run extraordinary stuff with - events, weeklies, etc. I host, he has ~100-105 ping. Today, he had ~300 ping for the EDA, in multiple attempts and across all 3 missions, from the moment he loaded in. Still ~100 in a normal mission, which we tested immediately after. EE.log attached to ticket # 3448398.
  6. In other words: Equip frame. Equip Praedos with the Drifting Grace Evo 2. Mouse over frame. See Sprint Speed. Mouse over Praedos. Mouse back over frame. Sprint Speed is now higher. Mouse over Praedos. Mouse back over frame. Sprint Speed is now higher. Repeat as desired. The increase is purely visual, and resets when you leave the Arsenal. Seems independent of frame or other gear. Bunch of screenshots will be attached to a support ticket #3447956, in case visual representation is needed.
  7. Disclaimer: Hitting the right balance of positive and negative to not be kissass but not be too aggressive, when you don't know your specific audience, and you're one of a deluge of voices is probably impossible. Realizing that I've probably failed, well... I've tried. I try to make a point of giving credit where credit is due. I don't do it enough. So. I haven't said this before but, despite the glaring exception of the most recent patch, the majority of... idk, Reb/Pab-era? updates have been, broadly, good to very good. There have been many QoL (and some plain UI) improvements and progression/quest debloating (yes, I'm aware that a lot of it is probably to get new Mobile players to stick), most of the (not sure how to term them. Organic? Natively generated? ... unprompted by outcry?) frame reworks, and many of the ability reworks (e.g. reduced effectiveness notwithstanding, its new versatile reliability had me actually Helminth Eclipse on a couple of frames, over Roar, for the first time ever), several of the new augments have mostly been varying shades of excellent. (I don't want to spout off, and I'm not sure going back over the update notes for details is warranted, it certainly won't make for a short post.) Furthermore, there have been multiple instances of unprompted communication over the last couple of years, 'you' sharing perspectives, your intentions and the discussions you've been having for and about changed or added things - which I have wholeheartedly appreciated. So, as a broad statement, with the specific exception of U35.5 - Yay team! On a more specific note, regarding 35.5 and on... As I said in the now-locked (and thus un-quote-able) feedback thread: "How Line of Sight works has been a problem literally as long as it has existed. Don't get me wrong - I like X-ray nukes, but I understand severely restricting it. And if 'LoS' just meant 'can't go through terrain' that'd be fine. I'm not saying 'revert the nerf', I saying 'however you do it, make LoS actually work'." So seeing Megan detailing it and Pablo saying that they will be ported to other frames? Final verdict will wait until I see how this actually works in practice, but as it stands I'm reasonably content with the outcome. (Not to say that I'm not still sore over my Formas, but them's the cost of playing anything online, sadly.) Similarly, the change to Rage/Hunter's Adrenaline and Chroma's Vex Armor that I've seen mentioned on Reddit? Very good. So, while - on seeing this outcome, a possible comprehensive fix to what is literally a 6-months-short-of-a-decade long problem - my kneejerk reaction is to wish you more fires, that would not be fair - hence the preamble. No one's perfect. Missteps happen. Yes, I realize that at least some of the communication and changes over the last 40ish hours are putting out fires. But ya'll've been doing a lot of good work. Keep it up. --- (To be clear - I'm absolutely still upset about the bait-and-switch of Tragedy no longer being X-Ray, but as I said in the feedback thread, I should've known better. I'm still peeved about the Forma investment, but improvements to Dante might make him worth using (imo), which would ameliorate that. At least I can yank the Archon Shards offa him, in the meanwhile. Nezha's Divine Retribution is still DoA now, as far as I'm concerned. As far as I can tell, the current impementation of Overguard-granted CC immunity is still neutering CC specifically on the only enemies you actually care about CCing, bringing us back to 'The Best CC is 'Dead''. And I could list a litany of frames (my girl Nyx, for one), mechanics (e.g. bandaid augments existing. Bandaid augments taking mod slots. Example: Loki's mechanically actually pretty darn good now, on paper - but that takes 3-4 augments, and that's bloody harsh) and so on needing reworks or polish, perennial bugs, etc. but if that's ever productive (It's not that these things don't get posted about, reported, etc.), I don't think it would be here. But there has been good. And that is good. And it needs to be recognized. It doesn't mean the bad stuff's not still there, or that I've forgotten about it, but it does need to be recognized - which I have.)
  8. 50% range pretty much requires 200%+ range, with the associated hit to strength that Overextended imposes, if you want to use it as anything more than 'another flavor of Melee Influence that spreads slash but mostly doesn't work on Eximus'. I'm on 280% range, and that's 26.6m. Xoris hits 12 (with Volatile Quick Return) and Influence hits 20, ...
  9. (The yellow/orange dagger-to-head indicator, in case that wasn't clear.) It's clear, it's informative, it's not a huge amount of visual noise. That's all.
  10. How Line of Sight works has been a problem literally as long as it has existed. Don't get me wrong - I like X-ray nukes, but I understand severely restricting it. And if 'LoS' just meant 'can't go through terrain' that'd be fine. I'm not saying 'revert the nerf', I saying 'however you do it, make LoS actually work'. On a more personal note (from me, not aimed at you, Momaw): I have 7 forma on Dante + Noctua. Sure, the Overguard generation was cool, but the investment was entirely on the strength of Tragedy not having had LoS. I really should have known better. But clearly, it's been too long and I needed the reminder. So thanks for that, I guess.
  11. At a glance, Dante, and only Dante, has a [Tab to cycle] option on his 4. Every single other multimodal only displays the 1st option, with no ability to change it. For example, Chroma's Elemental Ward - Doesn't even just show the selected element's, it just always shows Heat. His 1 (Spectral Scream) does show the correct element. Vauban's Minelayer - Only ever shows Tether Coil. Same for Vortex (though it now shares range and duration with Bastille, so eh?) Xaku's 3 (The Lost) only shows Accuse (the Mind Control one), which is all very nice, but I'm trying to put together a 100% def strip. Also, Wisp's Motes (only shows Health), and Titania's Tribute (only shows Thorns).
  12. As title. It's not a universal multiplier - it varies by weapon. It should be indicated, somewhere. In the mouseover for Falloff, maybe.
  13. Particularly and especially when trying to craft a kitgun. All of these stats - reload speed, ammo max, ammo per pickup - are all important and vary significantly between modular combinations.
  14. As title. Set Dante's color to something. Set attachment color to something else. Cast. Cast gfx is in the other color. St attachment color to default, cast gfx is now in Dante's energy color.
  15. Meh. Sure, it's a nerf, but it genuinely effectively changes nothing. I was expecting the energy mult to be straight up removed.
  16. All good things. Thank you! Maybe now I'll start doing those bounties again. All excellent. What, pray tell, is chain depth? Also, you are aware that, at least from the visual indicator, (Primed) Fulmination doesn't increase the alt-fire's AoE, and never has? Is this a bug, or intended function? Sad, but probably a good thing. LMAO! I hadn't realised this was a thing. Good to know, though. (Speaking of, can we please get a /die, or /killme? /Unstuck is usually good, but doesn't always work, and doesn't always fix everything.)
  17. A less tedious way to obtain Void Traces would certainly be nice. With that said: * Endless fissures, when available, give you boosters for each Relic cracked, up to +200% on the 18th Relic (after which you don't need to use any more relics). * You can trade 1 Aya for 5 Void Traces with Varzia. This doesn't even pretend to be worthwhile, but it's an option that exists. Hell, it's worse than I remembered, I thought you could trade any relic for Void Traces, which, while still bad, is slightly less bad an option. When I'm low on traces, I generally wait for a Kuva Surv or -preferably- a Lith Disruption fissure and run them for an hour or so. If only. Speaking of bad options that exist, you get iirc 6-12 Traces from inside a Cambion Drift vault. Honestly, load times is less an issue than getting the damned Reactants, imo.
  18. As title. I find the UI glitching rather visually unpleasant (on which note: thanks for making it glitch out only the UI and not the whole screen anymore). Rank 5 Arcane Nullifier grants "102% chance to resist Magnetic Status Effects entirely". Should that not include the vfx? Thanks in advance.
  19. Realistically, you're changing Simulacrum room a fraction as often as you're using the teleport - assuming you ever change back from the Ballroom to the default, once you have it. Just a small bit of streamlining/friction removal. And, since I'm here, thanks for the fast travel to Simaris, way back when :)
  20. As title. I don't think I've ever played Warframe under 160 ping, and it's very annoying to see the telegraph, dodge the telegraph, and get nuked anyway. On top of the fuzzy screen, loss of energy.
  21. Honestly, I'd say 'remake Eclipse'. It never made much thematic sense. But if that's off the table? Make it some variety of toggle: Tap/Hold for light/dark, Tap/Hold to cast/change mode, etc. Reduce the base multipliers in Helminth, if needed. I understand that this is just an example, but PLEASE don't do this. Oberon's Hallowed Ground is bad enough in that it requires you to stay on the ground. Don't make me also have to stay in a specific spot. It didn't wasn't good in Law of Retribution, it's not going to be any nicer now.
  22. This could be a 'sort by' or icon in the Arsenal. This could be adding a keyword for searching via Inventory (which I think is doable?) This could be something else I'm not considering atm. Whatever. But there are many weapons in the game, of which I own many, of which there are many I've considered putting adapters in, Arcane or Exilus. I'd rather not have to start and maintain a spreadsheet for this as well. Thank you in advance.
  23. By default, the # indicator (top-left of the mod-card stack) used to be white. It was recently changed to share the color of the mod's outline, being the mod's rarity (bronze, silver, gold, etc.). It now blends into the card and is harder to make out, whereas before it stood out. Please change it back. Thank you.
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