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  1. If you say so but if you like it or not, it's against the rules/guidelines I'm afraid, as you can see here: 2) QUALITY STANDARDS – Use our forums to talk to us and talk to each other in a constructive and respectful way that encourages interaction and thoughtful discussion. Stay on-topic, be constructive and use descriptive Topic titles. Don’t rage/rant post, name and shame, have misleading topic titles, post spam, advertisements, unreleased Design Council information, pornography or any other inappropriate, offensive or irrelevant content to the Forums in text, image, or video form. We will delete/edit it, and there will be consequences as per our warnings. it is annoying that this happened but all you can do is report em
  2. I guess so, but sadly everyone can argue about this all-day, but DE are just not gonna remove them, cuz a few handful of players asked
  3. You'll have to either remove the screenshot or hide the names, Nameing and Shameing on the forms is not permitted Other than that, report them and move on, hope you have better luck finding good teams OP o7
  4. DE has never actually stated that they were designed that way, cuz why would they, it makes no sense for them to put AFK players in the spotlight, since A: It'll only cause them to rage and flood/spam Warframe with God knows what, for being called out and B: The length an AFK player will go to skirt around the Anti-AFK function is their life depends on it. But the clear design of the Jade Eximus units seems to be intended to punish AFK players (Rev/Oct/Wukong) to name a few, since they are a single beam that tracks, deals high DoT and it ramps up if you don't leave the spot, sure you can go invis but that not stops them, since with what I seen anyway, they can "see" cloaked players. (or it could be a bug or players walking past an invs player and it lingers). But then again, AFK players will always find a way.
  5. It does? Strange, I've seen players use Mesmer skin and never be killed by it, choom of mine plays Rev daily and never seen him die once, even standing in it
  6. Contact Support: https://support.warframe.com/hc/en-us Only they can help you, I'm afraid
  7. I'm not much of a fan of Eximus units in general, since they are a feeble attempt at trying to "Nerf" how strong our builds are, but I appreciate how they can give you endless orbs. However, as for the Jade Eximus Units, they can be a pain in a real pain since dealing with one of them isn't a problem but when there are 2-3 beams at once since they have an insane amount of tracking and their damage ramps up insanely high. Slapping a LoF Nerf onto them may fix this problem, but it won't fix the fact they are designed to kill AFK Players. (That DE seem to struggle with) At first when Jade Light Eximus where introduced I had envisioned that they'd do some sort of windup and then one shot you, if you stood in the beam too long, rather than tracking and doing DoT that ramps up. I haven't noticed many players being killed by them, besides AFK Players, or low-level frames, other than that I have never seen someone die by them, Steel Path or above. But that could just be sheer luck. So eh, while I do feel for you OP, I can't see DE removing this any time soon, cuz of it's sole design of trying to rid of AFK players (that won't work, cuz frames like Rev exist) P.S: Btw Rhino Mains, let a Jade light hurt you as you turn on Iron Skin, you get a INSANE amount of Overgaurd lol
  8. Contact Support: https://support.warframe.com/hc/en-us
  9. I don't see it as a failed mechanic, more of a failsafe mechanic
  10. Best best is to contact support: https://support.warframe.com/hc/en-us We cannot help you here
  11. Why do you think I only play as the Drifter? Seeing my underaged teen in the latest quest was horrbile
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