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  1. I confirm that and also add that void angels in void phase don't get affected by zenurik 2, which is very ass since it was at least a weaker, but doable choice vs madurai. Zenurik 2 also stopped working on synthesis targets. It probably stopped working on more things, but thumpers and angels are very noticeable. Would be nice to get a confirm from de since everything in the game is a bug and not intended behavior as we all know, seeing things getting changed after 2 years when everybody assumed it's intended behavior.
  2. if you think what you said matters in any significant degree you have no idea how game design works cough cough surely everybody is breezing through archimedia because stug with specifically made setup, buffs and/or rivens and circumstances can kill level 9999 dented do level cap survival with every weapon lol
  3. The devouring attrition "fix" confirms that nothing works in this game as intended and everything is bug suspect to change/fix. Also imo new difficulty mods show lack of good will towards playerbase. Make it so you can't carry other people through deep archimedia, that'd be a good difficulty fix.
  4. I just wanna say that I do see and appreciate this and you're a gigachad for going "I" instead of "We"
  5. pretty weird for de to do a completely undocumented change and not allow negative combo too, min is 0,1s
  6. and here I thought this crap is intended
  7. Toxic lash basically doesn't do anything right, status application is very much worse, the additional damage seems to just not work, all the old interactions like sobek or blitz also doesn't work, seems like "the additional hit" that was always there is gone
  8. show me that kullervo with hundreds of thousands of overguard on one click, last I checked he gets 30k on 300% str, maybe you thought styanax but that's capped too (50k on 240 str) and og gets no help, it's an additional gate on sp mostly we are powercreept to 7 hells, but you're exeggerating way too much in general, though I'm afraid DE is thinking the same
  9. 0 information on whether this stays as is or may/will get changed on the devshort, kinda sad :c
  10. correction, 30% eclipse will not surpass roar in any circumstance 50% breaks about even 60% starts to be slightly better in "not roar things", like not dots and such
  11. this, I don't want to sound like "go back lul" but literally with 30% base is worse than the previous additive 300% base, this is how math works unfortunately, this is nerfing it even more
  12. Getting way over 100 cc for even not "the good" melees is easy to do even accidentally, and on the okay melees it's basically the norm to have much more than 100, duplicate is riding the train of ppl that don't know how crits work or can't read, it has very niche usecases at best They were teasing/hyping this devstream with netracells' info and what we got was basically 'so you'll be able to use your run attempt at a different thing for legendary arcanes and also there are some other things that may be done for legendary arcanes', it wasn't even a discussion, like 3 sentences and 0 info about shards which are the most prevalent complaint, not to mention netracells were marketed as additional shards source in the first place. I say this looks very bad on de's side
  13. why does the weekly, limited content has rewards that are easily obtainable from multiple other, farmable ad infinitum sources is beyond me I had most of weeks equal 0 shards and I don't mean 'give me guaranteed shards', I mean 'why the #*!% this S#&$ is giving me melee fortificate'
  14. I confirm the extractor and foundry notifications are still broken, which is sadge, I reinstalled the app with cleaning the data multiple times now. Event and news notifications do work fine.
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