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  1. are you incubating a new pet? if i remember correctly, that causes you to be unable to use normal pets until the incubation is finished.
  2. Umbral Redirection should be added atleast, so that way it covers all base stats.
  3. ya, no point in waiting, i should just do the next update now rather than waiting for cross save. (i stopped once i got the grimoire)
  4. oh really? awesome, though it was a pretty convincing error.
  5. funny how Precision intensify could massively help exalted weapons, but doesnt effect them at all. https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Precision_Intensify
  6. should work like this: Relative Increases Most increases to crit chance are relative to the base chance. Multiple of these stack additively with each other: Total Crit Chance=Base Crit Chance×(1+Relative Bonus) Where the Relative Bonus is the sum of all applicable bonuses. Relative Bonus=Bonus1+Bonus2+Bonus3+⋯ As an example, a Braton with Point Strike and Argon Scope has a crit chance of: 12% × (1 + 150% + 135%) = 46.2% so it should be: 20% X (1+200%)= 60% Passive Everflowing with the seas, whenever Yareli moves for at least 1.5 seconds, she gains the Critical Flow buff that increases Critical Chance on her secondary Weapon by 200%. Critical Flow lasts until Yareli stops moving for 1 second. Critical Flow additively stacks with other pistol critical chance mods such as Pistol Gambit to increase the secondary weapon's base critical chance stat. https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Yareli#Abilities
  7. it wont be available until later this month, probably after the next big update. "Whispers in The Walls" Edit: they are also doing it in waves, since they want a controlled launch of the feature.
  8. Thats what i thought, which wouldnt bother me, the story is good. I see, if thats the case, then awesome, i just dont want to be tied to Nintendo and end up being bottlenecked due to that. If i am no longer a nintendo account after merge, then that would be awesome! (The limitations i saw heavily worried me). If i am no longer tied to Nintendo after the merge, then ill 100% do that. Thank you all for the help! I 100% agree that they should of been a lot less vague and gave more clear answers in the Q&A.
  9. atm, i have 3 accounts, a newer PC account a very old Playstation account my main account, switch 1. could i merge all 3 together and if i make PC my main, would i have to redo the whole story? i feel like having Switch as a main account would hinder me a lot more than if i just made a PC account my main instead due to all those Switch limitations i saw. 2. on my PS4 account, i have Prime accessories that my Switch account already has, what will happen when i merge those platforms together?
  10. fantastic work, looks great!
  11. Just dont bring meta weapons/frames. I think its in a fine state atm. Edit: Before the archon change, a non meta build could literally take you like a hour+ to kill it. yay, i no longer need to abuse the Laetum or the Kuva Hek to kill it and i can use other weapons that i like.
  12. cold should at a certain amount of cold procs, freeze enemies. frozen enemies are effected by Frost's Biting Frost augment.
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