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Everything posted by (PSN)DrNicket

  1. Please allow us to skin weapons like we do our Warframes. Once we unlock a weapon, allow us to use that skin on other versions of it so we can run with the look of the one we love on the version that functions the way we prefer. For example, with the Mk-1 Strun/Strun, Strun Wraith, and Strun Prime, we may want to skin the Prime to look like the Wraith variant.
  2. I'm looking forward to this. Thank you in advance. Also, on PSN, since I bought the railjack, is there a way I can still earn the trophy for building it?
  3. I went searching in the app to see if I had extras of certain railjack mods and I couldn't see any at all. Whether by browsing or by name searches. Please add them with their own category as well please. If you could provide separate sections for regular Battle and Tactical mods that would be a bonus. Thank you.
  4. I've encountered this before, but this time I thought I should say something. Location: Cambion Drift (Though should not matter which open world I'm in as long as animal hunting is present) Starting state: Operator Interaction: summon tag bot on downed wildlife (predasite for example) Trigger: I switched back to Warframe as the bot was coming down to grab the animal. Result: the capture animation did not complete, and as such I did not get the tags reward or get the pop up screen. I was then unable to transfer into my bonewidow or switch to operator. It said "ability not ready/in use" or something to that effect. Further thoughts: this bug may also occur with any interaction with a popup or other reward animation that must complete.
  5. Tennokai mods can be equipped on Akaten and the other melee weapons. However, can a hound gain and trigger Tennokai Heavy attacks?
  6. Given how quickly the META can shift, it makes sense to hang on to weapons and associated rivens in case they become useful/better/popular one day.
  7. Daily login information would be great, but it would go against the purpose if they allowed people to gain daily login by using the app. The point is to keep logging into the game.
  8. This is first evident when selecting the final antigen and the model loads in. It appears on every tail variant (that I've noticed). Please have a look at this sometime. We love our floofers.
  9. I suggest that for events like this they simply add the Gargoyle-maguffin to an existing static room and allow dojo managers to move or create a new instance of it where they like. Perhaps every dojo is required to build (for free) a basic terminal/comms room that has contact points to current events and other basics. I for one think this would be a great place to include remote Market, Quest, Foundry, and Relic access for dojo visitors. Perhaps even a holographic pet station that shows status and allows you submit instructions and to summon newly generated pets to your side/arsenal. I can see Helminth being a more personal touch that would remain an orbiter exclusive. This would future proof new interactions, as well as provide more basic functionality to members and visitors, which would encourage players to spend more time there rather than just the orbiter. The next step to growing Warframe is to encourage more socialization of players. Build stronger team communities. Giving them their own hubs would go a long way to accomplishing this.
  10. Ugh. All I got was steel essence. 😭too easy to farm.
  11. I too wish to keep Flawed Mods in the game. I like how they allow an extra level of flexibility. I wish it were easier for me to collect them all. Unfortunately, other than tagging along with a new player and grinding with them, it's all but impossible. I'm also tired of other players just telling people like me to "get good". I am. I just like options.
  12. I missed the Locker drop because I gave up waiting before he started broadcasting. 😢
  13. It's been almost constant grab bags since this.
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