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  1. Throwing my two credits in on the riven system. There is a simple fix to the riven system, unfortunately simple does not mean easy, which is why I guess DE has avoided it (I say "avoid" and not "not realized" because there can be no way they haven't seen this solution). They need to curate rivens. What I mean by this is they need to decide a baseline damage output for weapons, this would be slightly higher then the DPS (let's say 10% for example) of the highest weapon of a class (sniper, launcher, automatic, etc.) out there. In this calculation they must determine the best mod/arcane loadout for the weapon in its best form (i.e. incarnon) to determine it's top output. Then they must do this for every weapon in the game. From these number then then calculate the disposition of every weapon in the game by comparing the weapons top output to the top output of the best in the weapons class. The stats of the riven would be predetermined by what the weapon needs most to bring it in line. Rivens would therefore become static and not needed to be rolled For example: Top weapon output of semi automatic class weapons is 1 million DPS. Mid-tier semi-automatic puts out 250,000 DPS in top form. Bottom tier semi auto puts out 50,000. Rivens for these weapons would increase the first by 5%, the second by 420%, and the third by 21000%; bringing them all in line for 1.05 million DPS They would only need to change the disposition if the weapon gets a new state (e.g. a new mod or arcane, an incarnon form) or if a game system changes (e.g. nerfs or buffs to all launchers) While what I just suggested would be balanced and easier to maintain, it has in it several inherent flaws that make it unviable: Too big of a change- This new system would disrupt the loadouts of every player who uses rivens in the current system a massively dramatic way Removes the main need for Kuva- Kuva's purpose would have to be reworked or it would just need to be abandoned as far as rivens go. The workload to do this would be massive- I suspect this is the main reason a systemic change like this has not been implemented, even after years of them never getting the system right. DE is more than willing to abandon systems with only lip service changes (e.g. Dojos, Railjack, conclave, The New War, Duviri, etc., etc, ad nauseum) than expend the effort to salvage said systems. So, instead, they profligate the system, making it so easy to get rivens no one care about them anymore. So to answer the original posters questions: Yes they are, no we don't, and that is why things will not change. P.S.: In economics I learned an interesting factoid: a high GNP is indicative of a strong economy, but governments then decided that a high GNP was the ONLY indicator of a strong economy, and so employed methods to artificially inflate their GNPs to show how strong their economies are, regardless of if it is true or not, This is similar to how riven dispositions are determined. A weapons power will make it popular, but the reverse is not true, a weapon will not grow in power no matter how popular it is, but yet it is the popularity of a weapon that DE uses to determine a rivens disposition rather than it's strength.
  2. could be my resolution, I play on an ultra-wide (2560x1080). it could be that instead of rendering the extra space on the sides the game engine decided to render less area on the top and bottom. But that being said: You mean the majority of the guns in the game? And it's only "slight" as a standstill, while moving and aiming. there are points in the animation where the entire reticule is obscured. I'm glad you don't have a problem, but you need to understand that just because you don't have an issue doesn't mean one doesn't exists. While you use mostly the weapons you listed, my main weapons are Latron Prime (standard aim), Soma Prime (standard aim), Strun Prime (standard aim), Burston Prime (standard aim). Even in your images, the focus area is obscured if not the reticule itself. The problem with this is the warframe creates a blindspot in an area where the point of aiming is supposed to enhance. and this is caused by a fundamental flaw in the engine. I will illustrate: ok, so red is the warframe, cyan is the FoV angle, yellow is our sightline. This illustrates a player at rest not aiming. When you aim , it tightens the FoV (in the example I'll go from ~90 to ~60 degrees), and it moved the camera forward along an axis (you can see this happen when you back into a solid wall). Now if this axis were the solid yellow line, there wouldn't be so much of an issue. Here the camera has moved forward, and the new FoV (represents by the magenta lines) tightens up, the warframe grows about 40% in size from the perspective shift and while it does enter our sightlines, it is minimal. This is how most 3rd person shooters I have played handle ADS. However Warframe's camera doesn't follow the yellow axis in the first image, it follows the green, which is the line between the camera and the center of the warframe. So here is the same perspective shift along this axis: Because of the lateral movement, the warframe obscures way more due to this shift as well as the perspective growth. This is what I mean when I say it is fundamentally flawed. Setting a slider to adjust warframe distance from the crosshair sightline (yellow) means attaching the camera movement to it and removing the camera/warframe axis (green) entirely. As I said in my original post, this may not be possible, as they could have hard coded that axis into the part of the engine that affects projectile trajectory, and removing it means completely reworking that major part of the engine, which is a lot of work for the sake of cosmetics. Hence why I also included the suggestion of having the frame itself become transparent while aiming. This could be handled (from what I have gathered in past corrections) with a hotfix, and I don't believe it needs a cert build to be done. And it would be an option for players, it wouldn't change your game at all, just allow me to see what I am shooting at in mine.
  3. This concerns the Gauss Prime Accessories, specifically the Doppline Prime armor... more specifically the shoulder armor, and how it blocks the aiming reticle ( actually took three images: one with FoV set at 52, one at 71, and one at 90; there was no difference) Now, this is while I am not moving, when in motion the shoulders obscure the reticule more. I wish this was an isolated incident, but you have repeatedly release cosmetics that have obscured the reticule, and the the players who have paid for them have to wait for you to fix it, usually by having it become transparent while aiming (such as with the Eros Wings Ephemera). This is less than ideal, first because it adds to your workload, and because it generates a negative reaction to what are, usually, good looking cosmetics (nobody bats 1000). May I suggest an alternative: Give us a slider in options that lets us set where the Warframe is in relation to the reticule. If this is not feasible (I understand that this is a scratch built engine developed a decade ago and many things that are common now, such as ultra wide and 4k, weren't around commonly then), then just give us the option to turn the entire warframe transparent when we aim. By preference, I would go with the first suggestion, because I do put effort in how my 'frames look, and want to see them in game, but I much prefer to be able to see what is in front of me while aiming (especially now with incarnons).
  4. Um... you misunderstood me, my issue isn't that it's stationary, my issue is that when you cast it, it flies out 10-15 meters in front of you, instead of at your feet (e.g. Wisp's Motes, Protea's Dispensary) or where you aim (e.g. Vaubaun's various grenades, Octavia's Mallet). I'm well aware of how to build her and what the game expects of me.
  5. While you do have some interesting ideas, I disagree with the statement that his is lagging behind in higher levels. From personal experience, his has always ended up being one of my "carry" frames in Steel Path Circuit (which I find to be one of the best ways to stress test builds since you can't rely on synergies with other gear, such as specific weapons or companions at all). His lack of fast armor strip is a downside, and I do agree that his Photon Strike does not scale well. As far as his armor stripping goes, ignoring Heminth options (Personally I replaced his Tesla Nervos with Tharos Strike and just use it on an active vortex), I think you are missing the point that it isn't his role to strip armor, we have plenty of frames that can do that, and none of them should be viewed in a vacuum. The game is co-op and if you don't want to play co-op, then that I feel is the main reason the Heminth system exists. His job is crowd control, and he does that excellently in the game and in a manner that suits the game as well (which was not the case before his rework). Photon strike does need some love, but what you would have done to it would turn every mission into an unrelenting case of Photon Strike spam. 15m radius is huge, as most tiles average about 20-30 meters across, and even if the tiles were bigger, you could just funnel the enemies into a hallway. And since you call to remove the knockback, the spamming would be even worse, since it to exists to prevent hitting enemies multiple times in sequence. It's main flaw is it's damage type, blast, which gets so attenuated when hitting any kind of armor. Now the concept for the original rework was you throw out a Bastille, wait for strip armor and then collapse, and then hit it with the Photon Strike, but that takes too long in the current gameplay design. With the mindset of keep the changes balanced, it would be better to shift his armor strip to Photon Strike, so it synergizes well with his vortex, and have Bastille, instead of stripping armor over time, give a growing damage debuff that grows over time and lingers after its collapse to any trapped by it and give a lingering damage bonus to players inside of it (the way it does for armor now)
  6. I'd like to see this power tweaked a little myself, and your idea is a sound one. I hate the fact in in a fast pace, constantly in motion game like this I have to calculate where to cast the ability to optimally place it. Why they felt the need for it to fly ahead of you rather than just staying where you cast it is a mystery to me.
  7. For different reason, but I agree. I think it's a poor idea to rework mission parameters in any game around the bad actions of certain players, rather than addressing those actions directly, especially when those changes are only to certain missions (like relics) rather then the game as a whole. They shouldn't punish the active players on order to curtail the actions of the bad ones, and by punishing, I mean I will have missions where I had to stay way longer than I should have just to get the 10 reactant if I get them at all (I avoid fissure defense now because of the number of times I ended the 5th wave with 9/10) And don't even get me started on the @#%*! "Change of plans, eliminate everything" BS.
  8. I understood that, and your build sacrifices damage for that flexibility, since you are using those 60/60 instead of the 90's (not to even mention the 165% from prime fever strike and any other primed elementals that are released in the future. you don't need 60/60's because of priming via secondary or sentinel, which gives you so much more damage output than your basic build. But since you refuse to engage on the topic of the post and instead feel it's better to argue someone's subjective choice, go ahead, continue with your just good enough builds and have your fun. Oh, and continue to hold to that belief while you tell me I don't understand modding, it's amusing coming from you. Primed Range chuckles
  9. Bird's right, the only "power up" Primes had in the beginning was that they had an extra polarity or two, maybe a cosmetic change to their power as well. It wasn't until Vauban prime or so that they improved the stats on Primes as well. As for the platinum on Prime Accessories, you would only get that on console purchases, it never has been a thing on PC. If they removed it on consoles, that is the price you paid to get cross save and play on PC where, instead of that, you get 20-75% discounts on platinum packs.
  10. Chances are they are swamped with account mergers and don't want to send them out until after they have got that settled. My guess is they will stop this and do what they did with Gauss and only give you the noggle if you get the Prime Accessories so enjoy your final free noggles without needing to by it (IIRC you got the noggle on buying any prime access tier).
  11. Sorry about my original reply to this, I got my posts confused. Because as you said they aren't necessary anymore. Let me put it another way, since you have been playing for the long haul as well. Do you remember when rivens and kuva were first released, how much it cost to reroll them and how hard they were to get in the first place? Do you also feel that making both rivens and kuva easier to get was a mistake? How about Oxium, remember when it only dropped in one's or two's off of a single mob? Did them broadening the ease in which you attain it make the game worse. Your argument about long term player retention could just as easily be applied to those limited (at the time) resources. Hell, yesterday DERebecca practically admitted that they were abandoning the umbra concept entirely on her and Steve's stream. So with that in mind, give me one objective argument that this change would be to the detriment of the game and the players that can't also be applied to every other resource they effectively sunsetting the rarity on that isn't just based on you disagreeing with another players subjective reasons for agreeing with me.
  12. Well if you had easier access to them you might be less likely to sit on them for the perfect time and use them without fear that you won't have any when that perfect moment does come, which is my point.
  13. Here is one flaw in your argument, Basic Build. What I believe DistantVocoder is basing their argument and what I know my argument is based on is Advanced high level builds for things like Steel Path Circuit and other high level challenging concepts. The build you refer to would be fine for regular missions on most weapons, and even fine for Steel Path for some. Take for example a tennokai of mine I would like to do. For the Bo Prime my mod capacity needs are 18+16+16+15+14+11+11+9+9-10. Now While in theory I can use regular forma for the build and still fit in one Umbral mod, it forces me to sacrifice using a cold mod (so no viral or magnetic) or 2 of the other elements (which means I give up radiation and corrosive. But by using just one umbral forma I get to keep that build flexibility. By using 2, I expand on that weapons flexibility allows for builds that focus either on fast attack without building the combo counter, or status builds that require a prime to maximize. That is just one of the 50+ rivens I have to work in Yes, because there are around 200 melee weapons in the game, and in the circuit, even of you get the choice of 3, that still only gives you around a 50.5% chance of getting one you worked up.
  14. First if you are going to quote me do so in full context please. The game does require you to repolarize frames to shift with the current gameplaysystems, my point in that statement was what you left out, that Duviri only used forma count to determine the best frame. I don't see the Steel Path Circuit as trivial (I should have stated I was referring to steel path since all content below that is trivial to me as far as challenge and enjoyment goes), considering how powerful the incarnons are and it validated my taking the time to work up every weapon released (2406 forma and counting) (Edit: and no, none of that 100 forma Lex meme crap... I'm looking at you Forma Addict, wherever you are) since I started playing a decade ago. I'm at 12,000 hours as per steam, in game my time (which only counts when you are actively in a mission) is 7500 hours, which makes sense since it would seem reasonable that I spend about a 3rd of my time on tinkering with builds, going to relays,etc. And no, I'm not saying this to brag. Spending that much time on a game is nothing to brag about, but I spent that time learning to master the game to the best of my ability, learning all the systems, ignoring the meta FOTM builds and learning to craft my own by applying those systems. When I plateaued by playing, I took a trick from martial arts and started teaching others the game, learning a lot more in the process. I bring this up not to establish authority, just to establish my credentials in making the suggestion. I don't post feedback without the careful consideration this time spent has allowed me to have. Of course I do and I welcome change, though not the tone of condescension in that question, but I prefer that gameplay changes are accompanied by QoL changes as well. I was ecstatic when they remove abilities as mods even though it dropped the number of slots a frame had to from 10 to 8 + aura, but when they did this they accompanied it by not lowering the frame's base mod capacity. I actually did a little dance of joy when they removed the spin to win method of traversal, but when they did this they added a completely new parkour system for traversal. When they removed Trials from the game I was sad, but they added arcanes to the Eidolon Hunts. I was irritated when they kept adding mods to an already bloated drop table that were at best situational, but happy that they then released the exilus system to compensate for for that situational usage. Backend changes, major or minor, are a must for almost every gameplay change, major or minor. My suggestion only lists my views on current examples, but I like to think it is foresighted enough to contend with a lot of changes in the future as well. To be honest, neither do I. Maybe I'm just spitting in the wind, but good game development depends on feedback, whether it is used or not. Maybe my suggestion gives them a better idea. Maybe they never even look at this post. But as you even admitted, the idea is not a bad one, so nothing is lost by putting it out there.
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