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Everything posted by Aerikx

  1. If you actually read my prior posts then you know I am against removing modes of play, I always advocate for having more options/alternative methods of play. I believe in accessibility. Not restriction. And you are correct. Many players will completely miss Deep Archimedia, if not be unable to play it outright. (Many can't even handle Archon Hunts or Netracells so Deep Archimedia is already off the table.) Eventually the game will hit a very bad spot when all these new modes and the loot behind them become increasingly less accessible. Removing avenues to make those new modes accessible is not good practice.
  2. Cetus, Fortuna, Deimos, Zariman, and just about every single Vendor store they added have shown a trend in how they price. I'm not imagining a sea of fire. I've come to predict DE with frightening accuracy. (My Duviri predictions bordered on clairvoyance.) And looking at the Cavia store, I'd say the shard will sit at around 50k and require Rank 5 hands down. It fits the pricing trend and item availability trend. Shards would (and should) be considered on the same tier as the arcanes. Believe it or not. I agree on Kahl needing more Warframe systems. In fact, during Veilbreaker feedback I often posted ideas for them to make Kahl more core. IE: Giving him ACTUAL (Star chart like) missions not 3 rinse and repeat missions. I also was entirely on board with modding him and his arsenal (within reason as the lack of power l, much like with Drifter is part of the mode. It's a reminder of just how powerful Tenno are. Very...eh...Grounding you could say), and etc. This is why I advocate for putting other items in the store. Making it a sort of weekly black market/pity system store. Earlier I mentioned removing the shard and adding rotating Forma, Exilus Adapter, and Arcane Adapter slots (1 slot each) This way, those who aren't quite up to snuff for current content have an avenue to gear up. Being able to run Kahl content then choose between scoring a Forma, Exilus Adapter, or saving up for say a Arcane Adapter would go along way. Hell, toss in Requiem Mods (cause the Fissures only takes place in Kuva Fortress so...Grineer theme) and Kahl becomes a nice RNG pity store for those who can't get Requiem Mods to drop. While I dislike removing the Archon Shard from the character who's life's mission is to make Narmer (and thus the Archons) miserable; I am fine with keeping his content relevant by making him a pity vendor, akin to Yonta, Otak, and Bird 3. But far too many just want to create a content isle and leave newer/advancing players high and dry. The mentality shouldn't be: "Too bad. Go run public MM and get carried until your strong enough." Or "Buy plat so you can trade and get strong." There should be legitimate means to grow organically. And to take one avenue (which Kahl was) away and not replace it is just flawed. A lot of people forget that the Zariman is not easy content for many. For many like us, Zariman and even Sanctum are just a new Star Chart nodes. But more players than I even realized often reveal that Zariman was a brick wall for them. (With many dreading the Void Angels.) And they aren't sure how to progress past it. So when I see systems that offer them a pittance of growth vanish. I'm going to try and fight to keep it relevant. I have to see if it's possible to keep it useful and not be another Archwing and Railjack. (We can argue Necramechs...but I actually use mine to Solo Netracells and/or carry public squads when I'm too tired to talk and too lazy to parkour. So Necramechs are actually rather relevant and useful.)
  3. This. Nail on the head. We are a dying breed. And it's frustrating. As I teach and try to mentor as much as I can spare the time. Always rewarding and heart warming when I see Tenno return, stand on their own, or send me messages of: "Everything you taught me came in handy.", "Thank you so much. I was able to: ____!", "I did ___. So much fun! I never would have got here without you! Thanks man!" But it feels like battling an unending tide because... There is no fighting that. And the struggle some face as they try to catch up gets harder and harder... Don't hold your breath. With Soulframe having that Dark Souls/Elden Ring/Duviri aesthetic/feel to it. It'll attract that type of community. 😮‍💨 If you've ever played those games...you know what I'm talking about... Odds are it'll be very toxic. Especially since it's a significantly slower paced game. I fear for what Soulframe may become.
  4. Hmm...I thought they said they are aiming for March 13th or 20th? The 20th feels right though... Fine with me. Gives me more time to help my friends learn he game, grind stuff for and with them, and play FF7: Rebirth.
  5. You're in denial. Look at how DE prices just about everything in the vendors. There is no way that shard will be below 30k and not require rank 5 to boot. So for some players they are temporarily losing their weekly shard, and what was 15 mins is now a multi day ordeal. That is a problem. And While you may use your personal equipment in The Circuit. The mode is detached from the game by being locked behind not just Duviri but steel path Duviri. You may not use you Loadout in Kahl gameplay but the rewards do contribute to the expanded game as your arguments for The Circuit explained. Mods, Weapons, and yes The Shard contribute to advancement. As someone who carries far too many people through Archon Hunts. Often hearing how relieved many are that they have Kahl to boost them (the shard) is nice. Many of them don't bother with MR so I fear for the effect this change has on them. I referred to them because. Right now, folks see: Kahl, Archons, and Netracells as the only sources of Shards. Once that shard is moved. Where do you think the bulk of players (who don't visit forums or read notes) will think the shard is?
  6. You literally want the content you don't enjoy but others do enjoy to be meaningless (removing the key/main reward). You're opposed to you having to run Kahl content for the shard. But you have no qualms if others who wish to keep running Kahl for the shard are forced to run content they don't want to for the shard. (IE: Farming Cavia) That's why I am implying. Admittedly we all have content we don't like. And admittedly, we don't know what the shard's price will be. It's not going to be 15k as some has suggested in this thread. So for many players this is a heavy inconvenience. Well you sure seem fine with wishing to flood Netracells and whisper content with folks who may or may not play in this manner. Once the shard is gone from Kahl and moved to the Cavia what do you think will happen to Netracells and related content? But naw... Take the shard away from others, put in my preferred content and screw em. I don't play with em. Not my problem.
  7. My friend asked me this thread's question a few days ago ... If I'm reading you right is the following true: Issue 1: - The account was made on Nintendo Switch but now is Cross Save Activated/Complete - Platinum already on the account before the activation can only be used while playing on the Switch. Issue 2: New Platinum Purchase - New Platinum purchased on the NSW can only be used on NSW But... - New Platinum purchased while playing on a PS5/XB/PC CAN be used on all other platforms except NSW. So basically... Don't buy platinum from the Nintendo eshop?
  8. I just made sure to be marked by Zanuka then I'd run into missions that can spawn in (use the wiki to verify as some nodes it won't ever spawn in) wait the time limit, have a drop booster active, then if it spawns, kill it, if it doesn't, quit and repeat. It's frustrating as hell. I'm currently farming pigments from the Thrax that only spawn in the lua survival missions... 😮‍💨 Tedious...
  9. Pretty much my entire main loadout. I have meta weapons but usually only use em if I actually need em or if given no other choice (Duviri: Here's a Paris, a Veldt, or a Cedo. *drifter turns around and gives Teshin the stink eye and a middle finger*) Primaries: Tenet Arca Plasmor (formerly Arca Plasmor. I will never forget when it launched and folks called it MR Fodder and to get a "real" shotgun...the Tigris. ) Corinth Tiberon Lanka Snipetron Vandal Probiosis Cernos Kuva Quartakk (Formerly my Quartakk) Kuva Chakkur Lenz Daikyu Baza Prime My Kitgun Primaries (Specifically my X-Buster) Bazmu Secondaries: Aklex Prime (Formerly Aklex) Akmagnus Magnus Prime (Formerly Magnus) Aegrit (The best and funnest thrown bomb in the entire game. I renamed them: Porta-Nuke) Tenet Diplos (Named: Axl Bullet) Tenet Cycron (Formerly my Cycron) Tenet Detron (Formerly my Mara Detron) Plinx (Working on getting a Tenet Plinx) I love Corpus/Sci-Fi Tech. If it shoots lasers. I own it. I don't play space/scifi games and media to shoot modern day/conventional weapons. Kuva Brakk (Formerly my Brakk) Pox Laetum (I never see anyone using this) My Kit Guns: Arca Cazziod, Arca Malevolence, and Arca Arminius Zymos Melee: Nikana Prime (Named Z-Saber) Syam (My new Z-Saber) Hate Rattleguts Plasma Sword (my first lightsaber in this game) My Nikana Zaw: Original Sin My Polearm Zaw: Pretty sure if I named it they'd patch out the name. My Stave Zaw: Sin of the Reaper Secura Lecta (Renamed: Dads Belt) Verdilac Neferi (Renamed: Blades of Chaos) Ceti Lacera
  10. I suspect... A dash of Equinox with a few lumps of Lavos. Not too crazy but wonky enough to where not too many will play him beyond testing, and MR farming. I foresee him getting reworked a few times like Yareli did. Edit: I think he's simple. Only really has 6 Spell Combos. He might also be one of the few Warframes to have an Exalted Weapons that's worth more than the lingering waft of a squirrel fart. As unlike other Exalted Weapons, he can actually equip interesting mods. Like Lavos, I think he's going to enter my main roster of Frames.
  11. If I recall the Cavia store, you unlock 1 weapon (that hammer), 1 frame, and then the arcanes and adapters. Where Kahl unlocks 3 Weapons, 1 Warframe, the useless Archon Mods (Seriously DE. These need a rework, yesterday.), some cosmetics, and of course an Archon Shard. Your comment goes into what I was suggesting when I brought up how the Expansion/Update has altered Kahl's role as many here often take posts too literal. Kahl's weekly puzzle challenge (cause DE failed to capture what everyone liked about Kahl in TNW and wanted from future Kahl content. *Twitches as he tries hard not to rant on that tangent*) was part of the former endgame loop (unless you count the Duviri expansion/side-pansion...Duviri really complicates things...) where as now what you say is partially true. Kahl is somewhat out of place because the narrative has shifted away from Narmer entirely. However, as a weekly challenge, much like how The Circuit's Incarnons weapons are, his content is still relevant and part of the late game gear acquisition loop. Reset hits, you knock out Kahl, hunt down an Archon, make your Circuit picks, and run your Netracells while simultaneously working on Nightwave. If Kahl is disrupting then so is The Circuit and I don't see anyone asking for Incarnons to be moved or shifted somewhere. They are both tied to content islands. (That said I do NOT want Kahl to be linked to Cavia or anything. Let him fight Narmer, leave it at that.) with Incarnons being even more disruptive as they not only require playing an entirely different game *ahem* I mean game mode, but they require diving into Steel Path. That said, his content's role (much like The Circuit) was/is to gear up/progress players so that they can move onto the current endgame activities. (Normal Circuit helping newer players acquire all manner of gear and Steel Path unlocking late game weapons) Removing the shard without replacing it with some relevant items will just end up with unprepared players being thrown into new content and create another Fortuna scale debacle. For example... The Fortuna Intro quest was a newbie slayer/Player retention nightmare. From the enemies in Orb Vallis being far too much for New Players (even some veterans hated the Fortuna enemies.) to handle, to the quest missions (the mobile defense & defense missions specifically) annihilating new players, to the Profit Taker obliterating them during it's introduction. If memory serves me right DE has toned this quest down multiple times, and either locked it off, or made it optional now because it was essentially a hard wall that made new players quit the game in high numbers. IE: The Gear Check/Difficulty jump was too much. I like to bring this up because this also happened with Zariman content and seems to be happening with Whispers as well. Which tells me, there is a progression step missing. That or...*facepalms* they need to tone down Whispers content. Unlike other tilesets, Whispers content is large, expensive, has endlessly spawning enemies (even in Exterminate), hidden collectibles that often require parkour skills (let's not talk about how long I watched a squad struggle to grab 1 Voca located on a pipe), As for his gameplay not counting towards Nightwave... Kahl would serve a Nightwave Cheese for some challenges. (honestly I think playing as him SHOULD count as the number of challenges he'd be functioning as a cheese for are slim but I get why they made the decision). I see Kahl as a good way to speed up that process as it's content everyone can do, and it's content everyone can do on their own time, no carrys or premades required, no need to farm and empower random vehicles/flavor of the quarter items (Railjack/Necramech/K-Drive/Heavy Weapons). You really think the Dev studio that made Duviri Paradox a new Starting Point for the game would set a normal Archon Shard (the power creep item they are notoriously and infamously protective of) at that low a price? I'd like this to be true but we all know it won't be that way. And why don't you play Netracells on public? You seem to desire that others play Warframe your way and not have any alternative method/gameplay style. You abhor Kahl content and have wanted to see it burn and disappear and thus force those who rely on it into playing the content that you won't even make an effort to play with them in. That is what I take issue with. I dislike Steel Path (Bullet Sponge Mode), Arbitrations (Let's just slow down the game), and Conclave (No explanation needed), but I don't wish to see the modes removed and any reason to play them removed. I don't mind having alternative routes to their rewards however. Should they stay the fastest method of acquisition? Absolutely. But alternatives (at a slower acquisition rate) are not a bad thing. Those who feel forced to play Kahl because of the shard. Well, they are the same as those crying over being "Forced" to adhere to Deep Archimedia's challenge requirements. To be blunt...that a mental issue. You feel forced because you want the loot but you aren't being forced at all. You can run Deep Archimedia without all challenges. You can skip Kahl as most only care for Tau Forged not Normal Shards. IE: The fact you can't resist the incentive is on you. But because you can't resist it, you advocate for its removal to force others into your idea of what their daily play should be. The hubris is staggering. Understood. Hmm...
  12. Nope. This just shows how out of touch you are. And actually I do understand game design. Much better than you going from your own comment. Kahl was a factor in Endgame Content up until the Whispers in the Walls Update dropped. (We can argue Duviri became endgame before Whispers, but only Steel Path Circuit really served as Endgame Content and as DE's official stance is that Steel Path is not mandatory progression, it's disqualified) Upon Whispers launch which would be considered an "Expansion" (you can go ahead and read up on what that is), Kahl shifted from the current Endgame Content loop to a Late Game content loop. As of the time of this posting he provides Archon Shards and Mods, so he indeed still part of the content loop. (This thread is addressing his removal from such a loop.) Kahl is effectively the entry barrier to what is now the current form of Endgame Content. These my dear @Hexerin were formerly Endgame Content. That is as Sunder put it. Now Late Game content. Like Eidolons, Orbs, and so on on were. However, DE did not remove the key reward from those activities and shift them to content that many cannot participate in. I'll try to clear this up. Before the Whispers Update/Expansion, Kahl was Endgame Content ie: Post The New War. However, Kahl by DE's own words was meant to be a entry level for New, Casual, and Advanced level players (who are often times those who struggled and still struggle with Archons Hunts). The selfsame players who players such as you & Hexerin typically despise and refuse to "Carry" through such content. (Yet your section of the community often advocate to remove accessible content that would empower the new, casual, and advancing players to a state where you wouldn't need to "Carry" them. Funny how that works huh?) Back to Necramechs and Railjacks... Yes they can be bought with plat. And DE has effectively altered the game to just hand players both of them now. However, powering up such vehicles is a heavy commitment in content that effectively got wholesale phased out of the game. Railjack in particular is a content island that very, very, very few dabble in. That's on DE though. Launching it locked behind clans was a mistake. Not having Command Mode at launch was another. Removing content that players enjoyed and used to advance in Railjack was the most cardinal of mistakes. Railjack was a huge failure, and DE kind of ensured it failed. Necramechs were better implemented and well done. However, until recently, acquisition was extremely difficult for the average player. As Necramechs in the Isolation Vaults were a harsh "Fist of God" to the face for many. And aren't the usual Warframe, shoot it till it dies enemy. Archons Hunts & Netracells are a Steel Path-Lite experience. That many can only complete in public squads (typically meaning a Veterans is carrying the team while they try not to die). If a carry is required then a proper progression path is needed. Moving the shard to the Cavia? It isn't progression so much as a way to herd players into the newer content. But due to the bad design of a daily standing cap being tied to MR... I brief tangent... If you need an idea of how bad the standing aspect of Warframe is just look at the Fortuna changes. Do you honestly think DE changed Fortuna because they just felt like it? Or was such a change made because an alarming portion of the community has not completed/advanced far enough in Fortuna's content loop? Think about that. Now think about how OLD Fortuna is. That should give you an idea of where the bulk of players are in terms of standing acquisition, gain, and progression. IE: The Fortuna grind was too great. So DE has to ease it up. I can only imagine that they are evaluating Deimos and The Zariman as we perpetually argue on these forums. Back to the main discussion... This creates a huge problem for the non-veteran playerbase. Disrupting their weekly content loop as now. And this is a fact for MANY players. Unless that shard is in the Cavia for like 5, 10, or 15k Standing, It will be an ordeal for many. Possibly not even acquirable as not everyone (myself included) logs in everyday and caps standing. Even if they farm Voca, the turn in doesn't supercede the standing cap. So there are no loopholes. And many players aren't going to level MR Fodder to rank up just so they can get a normal shard in 1 day, once a week. I also have a hunch if the shard was 5/10/15k folks here would have an issue with it being so cheap. I can see it in the tea leaves. You're not entirely wrong. It wouldn't and won't be the last time DE has created a content island devoid of life and screwed up the progression it designed. But as the new dev team has been a hot streak, I like to point out such things in the unlikely event they see these discussions. But Kahl not being Post Game content? That is a fact. Everything that requires New War completion is part of the post game content. Hence the, That's a fact. You may wish to deny it as much I wish to deny the existence of the Disney Star Wars sequels but they do exist. And Kahl is Post Game content. Now if DE removed Kahl like it did with Trials. Well... That'd be a different story.
  13. Well no offense Sunder but you have been against Kahl content since Day 1 and you openly refused even back then to ever accept it so your line in the sand is drawn. However, putting your own bias aside you need look at the structure of progression and accept facts as facts. Kahl was and still is post endgame progression. Therefore it needs to have rewards that shift players into the Endgame. End of Story. Absolutely forcing players to grind MR so they can have a higher standing cap so they can have access to an item they used to have access weekly, is very bad design. If you ask around in game, you'll find that the veterans lean more towards disliking Kahl while new, casual, and advanced players like Kahl. (Veterans can also do Archon Hunts, Netracells, and etc but New, Casual, and Advanced Players cannot do...it balances out to a degree.) Additionally, while the more vocal voices on these forums (Such as Yourself) hate Kahl. The vast majority don't mind Kahl and actually enjoy the "Breath of Fresh Air" Kahl provides. I myself like Kahl because he reminds me of just how powerful Warframes/Tenno are and is a nice change of pace. Until Duviri came out there was no breath of fresh air mode beyond Kahl. Now I play Kahl once a week and Duviri is my main: "I need a break from Warframe in my Warframe." Mode But like how Duviri offers good rewards in rotation. So too should Kahl. Kahl is post endgame, whether you like it or not. Therefore Kahl needs to be respected and treated as such. So once again. Remove the shard? Replace it with 3 item slots that change every week: 1 Forma slot that rotates between: Umbra Forma, Aura Forma, Stance Forms 1 Exilus Slot that rotates between Warframe and Weapon 1 Arcane Adapter that rotates between Primary, Secondary, and once unlocked: Melee This keeps Kahl functional as progression, helps lower geared players "Catch Up" and gear up. Much like Acrithis does. I want to see Galvanized Mods moved to Chipper too. Because right now only Arbitrations offer them and that mode is a chore for many who aren't veteran players. (And the drop rate on Vitus Essence sucks. I find myself farming galvanized mods for my friends as they find Arbitrations to be extremely boring and unfun in every way. And no, they don't die in it. They just do not like the mode and are glad Warframe didn't move in that direction.) And forcing players into Steel Path content (Which DE is keeping optional much like Rivens) isn't ever going to be on the table.
  14. Archon Mods are also super niche. Barely useable is many builds. Like. They straight up need to rework the mods IMPO but that's a topic for another day.
  15. A symptom of expansion. At that point in time, Kahl was an Endgame activity. He still relatively is. He is the point blank entry level endgame activity. And for many players he is their sole source of Archon Shards as Netracells are not an option for them. Far too many people on these forums forget that the bulk of the community doesn't play Steel Path nor have an MR in the 20s. This is why many updates DE releases come across as "easy" or entryway. So DE risks alienating a vast majority of the community by moving Kahl's shard. For those who dislike Kahl. That's just 1 shard behind him. Netracells (while not a guarantee) are rather generous with shards. That said.... Like I've said many times in many other threads. If the shard were to be replaced with items like: FULLY BUILT Warframe & Weapon Exilus Adapters, Arcane Adapters (Frame, Primary, Secondary), Galvanized mods, Requiem Mods (Yes. Buy them outright no more RNG cracking), and etc. I'd be ok with it as making those items easier to acquire will dramatically help players gear up for the endgame.
  16. You are overlooking that you are probably a High MR or Legendary Rank player the extreme majority of the playerbase is not. So a Shard costing say 50k isn't just 2 days of maxing daily standing for us. For other players it can be a Week long affair possibly bi-weekly depending on their MR rank. Kahl however, was a one and done 15-20 min mission. Once again assuming it's 50k or even 60k, I would have to farm for 2 days. As an L2 player, my daily cap in 32k. So if I were to have 0 standing I'd have to max standing for 2 days just for 1 normal (of all things) shard. Which...they are not worth that time investment. I'd rather be chilling in Duviri, farming some mods in Railjack, and more importantly, helping my friends progress and learn the game.
  17. I'd like better passives in general. Passives at this point are so bad I kind wish they just did away with them. Passives should be like rank 1 Arcanes IMPO. But the more niche ones.
  18. Meh I see it as an boon not a bane. As the explosions harm enemies too. If timed right you can use it to boost abilities too. (Ironskin) That said. I will admit that the wording is very bad and confusing.
  19. *The ring finger on The Monkey's Paw curls down leaving a lone and prominent middle finger left standing.* Legendary Arcanes have been moved and locked behind the Kahl-Divers weekly mission. Kahl's Loadout is randomly chosen and the mission is 1 map just night, day, and where you land is random.
  20. It's because this is a Fix ahem I mean, Augment to her kit. Making her playable and possibly enjoyable. Imo this should just be a feature not an Augment....
  21. To be fair though. One of Warframe's sore points back then was that Warframes didn't FEEL like the mythology they were supposed to be. I remember jokes and memes about this ancient all powerful warrior cast, but then Captain Vor and regular grunts would just be spanking them in their sleep. Yeah, the tables flipped but it's honestly much more lore accurate to a degree. You're not wrong. But Shields were an absolute joke before. Hell, folks used to ask for them to outright be removed and HP get buffed because they were so useless. Shield Gating IMPO is fine as it prevents the damage insta killing ppl through shields. Honestly I feel like the new mechanic they added to Gating was unnecessary. It was fine as a stop gap and IMPO needed to stay that way. But tbh... Warframe could use a stat pass and combat rework Which would nerf players and NPCs. Honestly... I think Duviri was them testing the water to see how the community would respond.
  22. Difficulty was never really a factor. With Warframe being a horde slayer RPG of sorts. Enemies can only be so 'tough'. They scale until they become gods to keep it short and sweet. Being one shot, and having to pump 100 Billion shots into 1 for isn't difficult. The difficulty topic ultimately leads to one conversation... Either they game gets fundamentally changed; Ala: Duviri or it gets accepted as is. Duviri being a prime example of what Warframe "Could" be if it focused more of difficulty. IE: Mechanically, melee was far more involved and until decrees start stacking and overpowering the player, the combat is generally what people claim they want. But notice how in Duviri NPCs are not in the dozens let alone hundreds. Additionally the player is typically very weak (with Warframes serving as a get out of jail/rage mode) I bring this up because, the kind of AI players claim they want, the kind of challenge they want, the kind of solo & group experience they want all essentially would involve shifting the game to a more Duviri-like experience. And something tells me, that's 1 wish the majority don't want the Monkey's Paw to hear.
  23. Given that nerfing players would cause outrage I can't think of any other way. And FYI, I wasn't complaining. I was just...shocked. for the longest time I had come to believe that I was one of very few exiles, banished to the depths of space for not hating Damage Attenuation. Had to touch on this... Helldivers is an extremely different game. Down to the core fundamentals. It is not fair to compare the two in that manner.
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