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  1. Oh... And on top of it you can add Primary Merciless
  2. First of all... Get Tenet Tetra with Radiation progenitor... Throw away Stormbringer and place instead Thermite Rounds replace Split Chamber to Galvanized Chamber add Galvanized Aptitude and with Tenet Tetra you can add Crit Chance+Crit Damage mods instead of Speed Trigger and Vigilante Armaments...
  3. А учитывая сколько может вокруг неё толпиться балбесов...
  4. If you think so.... Тогда попробуй подумать ещё раз, про болото финансовой системы, дружок пирожок. Я уже два года как не могу донатить в варфрейм и играю абсолютно бесплатно. I repeat more than once. Craft time is nothing more than a filter. And if it scares you away, then the game is not for you. Easy. Even if DE is given the opportunity to skip craft time of two/three warframes and 4/6 weapons, this will no give the player any advantage. if you don`t have the necessary mods and arcanes any warframe, with exeption of couple of two/three that are inaccessible to farming from the very beginning, will useles garbage and the player`s wet dreams will be crushed by harsh reality. Even no, a lot of high rank players come to Steel Path and simply cannot do anything other than die endlessly.
  5. No... It`s just childish: "I WANT THAT RIGHT NOW!" Players have 3 options. Shortest way. Short way. Long way. Shortest: player just buys whatever he wants and plays with it. Short: player farm needed parts and resources, start to craft and skip craft time via plats. Long: player farm needed parts and resources, start to craft and do something else. In warframe OR in any other game OR in real live. Working or pursuing a hobby or paying attention to family. All your examples are an exemple of weeding out an impatient/disinterested/not clear person in a hurry, who, if there is no timer for creating pieces of equipment, will no linger be interested in game after a couple of weeks. Warframe is F2P game and it needed something to motivate player to come back again and again. If you/your friends not interested in it then this game is not for you. Simple.
  6. You forgot something important... Warframe doesn`t restrict you with single warframe/waepon/sentient craft time... IF you have enough resources AND have all the neaded blueprints, you just start ALL of them at once... And then POOF you got bunch of ready to go warframes/weapons/and everything else to play with. And again. If you dont wanna wait, you allways can skip it via platinum. 50 plat is nothing and cast little. So don`t be a pus and don`t pretend to be a great genius... The game has way MORE serious problems than what you are complaining about.
  7. If you don`t want to wait... Just skip timer via plats. Thats all, man. I`m from those times where warframe parts dropped from bosses as resources and ammo, and resurrections were limited to 4 per day for each individual warframe. So... Either you weit, or skip the build timer with platinum. Or leave the game. That`s an option too.
  8. Чего ради таким тупизмом заниматься?
  9. Ааа... Фига себе... А что нужно делать на сбое 15 минут без активации ключей? Тип смысол? Ладно ещё в лаборатории, ок. Но и то, можно тупо одного на лутинг отрядить, а остальные пусть дальше не торопясь толкают волну... Чяднт?
  10. Щто? Какой таймер на Сбое? Папаня, ты о чём ваще? Сбой, на ряду с Раскопками типы миссий у которых таймеров вообще никаких нет. Включил ключ/сбросил экскаватор? Всё, защищай так или иначе. В выживании, древнейшем из всех бесконечных миссий итак всё понятно. Остаётся в районе ~40% прожми башенку. Прожимал без раздумий башенки просто так? Ну что ж... Помянем. Итак легчайшие для осознания режимы игры, человек просит упростить... Куда уж больше-то?
  11. Exclude equipment that is not in the player`s inventory? Nah... DE just mark that you don`t have that gun... That`s stupid!
  12. Latron/Telos Boltor, Dual Toxocyst/Lex Prime and nothing from melee... Even with curent state of stances, using melee at dayly basys is too ugly, Heavy Atack is literaly throwback what was thrown away years ago...
  13. Nope. You dont have to make tons of mods of the same name for every single frame/gun/sentient/cat/dog/whatever. One Serration mod is more than enough to instal it on every rifle in game. More of that, theres no need to unequip mods from one weapon to equip it on another.
  14. Old Closed Beta Rhino Fist Slam... I think, not gonna happen.
  15. Хз... Единственное что с последним обновлением резануло глаза, так это чёрные цвета, которые в некоторых отдельно взятых случаях превращают покрашенную поверхность в дешёвый китайский пластик(окно логина, интерфейс терминала синдикатов на орбитере, рыжая воздушная "блевота" в лагере кахла), а так в целом чуть покрутить ползунки и можно мне кажется настроить под себя что было норм.
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