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Elite Onslaught is Pointless Boredom Because of Saryn


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First, Sayrn is awesome and to those who use her in the onslaught, thank you. Her synergy with my Volt is perfect for it.  Now, if I could just get players to last more than the 12th round. It would be wondrous.

Not getting kills in onslaught means you literally suck at it. Don't quit out, stick it out. Sayrn doesn't instant kill. It takes a second for the damage to effect. Meanwhile, use an opticor modded for speed or any fast firing weapon. Or dare I say a frame with equal abilities. If you're in onslaught with frames like Wukong or Valkyr, you are wrong. The whole point is to keep your kill efficiency as high as you can. Without Sayrn or at least a crowd control frame, no one lasts more than five waves before the efficiency drops to 0 and the match is over. The onslaught is the home for those frames that clear everything. If you don't like it, to me that means you probably don't understand it and should go play a different mode.

I will repeat this point. The whole point of the onslaught is to keep your kill efficiency up. Using frames that help the team kill everything is more important than your precious ego. Without these crowd control frames doing the vast majority of the lifting, average players would be left picking each other up for a round and then failing the mission.

To prove my point, I ask Sayrn users, if you come across players who don't like your Sayrn. Play a few rounds, if you have the time to burn and don't use any of your powers. See how long it takes for them to complain about you not doing your part because they keep dyeing.

Edited by (XB1)Rust Plague
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20 minutes ago, -Temp0- said:

If you would have bothered to watch prime warframe trailers or trailers in general or read any Codex entry about them you'd actually notice that warframes are powerhouses as they should be and as they are. Now rewatch them all and tell me what you see.

If I've bothered to watch? Such hostile nonsense! Of course  I've seen the trailers, they're fun, but they aren't necessarily indicative of actual game play. You need some limits or you don't have a game. Also, I was in no way suggesting that a change to Saryn is necessary, she is crazy in ESO though...which I've already stated I appreciate.

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I play Saryn and I can tell you that she is viable for Survival, Defense, ESO, Sorties, and adding to that, she is also one tough nut to crack with her high armor and health. Also, damn? You land Saryn that much? You should stay in your mission because some of them are pretty incompetent at killing, probably because they heard it's good at killing but probably have no idea how to mod her or use her spore in synergy with her Misama.

Don't worry, Saryn would be nerfed inevitably but do you really want to level up your weapons at Hydron? 


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35 minutes ago, (XB1)PredakingXYT said:

I think the problem is that DE likes to nerf the few strong things rather than buff the many many weaker things. It takes less time/work so it makes sense but it is also what makes players cry out for nerfs.

I don't know. I am okay with the occasional nerfs. I am a longtime maiming strike user, but I perfectly understand why they want to nerf it and am onboard with that. I had no problem with the Saryn change. Or the Ember change, for that matter, though I never played Ember much so I had little opinion on it either way.

If they just buff everything else, then you end up with powercreep (which this game has suffered a lot from), and then people will just complain about that instead. So it's kind of a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation.

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45 minutes ago, (XB1)Rust Plague said:

To prove my point, I ask Saryn users, if you come across players who don't like your Sayrn. Play a few rounds, if you have the time to burn and don't use any of your powers. See how long it takes for them to complain about you not doing your part because they keep dyeing.

I do that all the time. Most people leave before 8 rounds because of how long it takes.

That doesn't mean I would not give advice on how to deal with a Saryn spammer though. Again, LoS LoS LoS, keep her from using spores by staying close to her , and Miasma takes long to cast, and long to tick, if you are slower than that, move along.

Edited by Souldend78
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7 hours ago, Tatersail said:

Post reads


I met an Aoe DPS frame, on a map that spams hoards of mobs

I did less damage than the AOE dps frame.

I have probably never done ESO.

I want to nerf the other people so I can get more Epeen numbers at the end of the screen.



Play solo, Play Premade or get on one of the 10 or so AOE dps frames and AOE yourself 😛  Get on a buffing frame and buff the AOE frame, Get on a nekros and give everyone loot (far more valuable).  If you really want a giggle, use duration frost 4 and freeze mobs making them immune to status so saryn can't dot, looses decay stacks and hard resets down to ~10 damage ticks

Ignore the Epeen numbers (cover your eyes at the end of the mission) and be happy with all the Free affinity while you farm kuva?



You may also be interested to know that in this specific situation, Ironically .... You, running round shooting mobs with spores are the one that is making saryn's spores wipe the map. since this spreads her spores, increases her decay and ramps up her damage.

I have to wonder if this post would exist if you got the damage contribution % for every spore you shot, instead of saryn.  Same with banshee or rhino. be funny if the rhino or banshee got to see the bonus damage they cause.



finally, if you nerfed Saryn like ember (to the point nobody plays her) tomorrow you would meet Equinox, After the QQ posts and Equinox nerf you would meet Volt, After the QQ posts and volt nerf you would meet a Melee totem Gara wiping the map at 70m+, After the QQ post and Gara nerf you would get a Mesa perched on a defense objective ....sonar+mirage, augment ips buffers, stomp chains...... on and on and on.  after about 25 frame nerfs till all AOE frames are out of the game half the playerbase would leave the game.

After all this you could move on to the control frames, eg. on interception to do the objective a SOLO vauban can complete any level of interception by placing a 5min vortex at all 4 spawn points, at which point all players do nothing and have no purpose... soo.. QQ on forums Vauban nerf??  Loki Radial blind nerf... next up Mobile defense a frost can simply push 3 every 8 seconds on the objective AT ANY LEVEL and every other player is totally pointless and not needed. ...  

also DE tried this nerf stuff to stop efficient use before. Mag got all but removed from the game because she was the premier AOE farm frame, the stats in the recent devstream show mag as one of the least used frames.  What did people do.... move on to the next AOE dps frame, it didn't make any change at all.

XD Wow....You do know the number your refering to are just for a week time period on PC only right? Anyway I agree with the cryin because other guy got more kills but Saryn isn't all that strong. She takes ramp up to kill as fast as he was crying about, and she basically gets reset every wave. Plus the faster you guys kill the slower her ramp up is because she depends on infected enemies living longer to give you more damage. Also did you miss the part where the OP hasn't even built a saryn or the primed version of her. and has over 4)+ hours on an octavia that also relies on enemies staying alive longer to ramp up her mallet damage.  Plus that having too strong a spore is actually detrimental to building up her damage because it burn it self out? Decay only takes 4 seconds or so to fully wipe you stacks. First tick kills 20% and 10% after each tick (.5 seconds). So yeah you wipe out a mob too fast you'll see all your stacks go bye bye before it can spread to more enemies. Your allies can help this along too by killing them all so fast you don't get much stack growth.

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I feel like the REAL issue here is the OP's willingness to just abandon squads with no concern or empathy for fellow Tenno who are now stuck struggling or have to deal with Host Migration, etc.

Maybe the Saryn player is just someone who is bored and wants to HELP CARRY the squad.  It gets difficult higher levels, and Saryn can pull through when other frames/weapons start to fall off.

I don't play Saryn often, but it doesn't bother me when I see one.    I ran Ember earlier on SO and had people leaving before Wave 4 constantly!  Cost us time, efficiency, and rewards in some cases....  All because I guess my WoF was killing too much in a mode where we're supposed to kill everything?   I honestly don't get the lack of regard for other people.

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4 minutes ago, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu said:

I feel like the REAL issue here is the OP's willingness to just abandon squads with no concern or empathy for fellow Tenno who are now stuck struggling or have to deal with Host Migration, etc.

Besides the potential host migrations, the others are a non issue imo. If someone leaves because a Saryn is killing things to the point where they can't have fun then the Saryn needs no help. 

However, I shall just reiterate what everyone else loves to reiterate, play solo or with friends if this bothers you. I hate that excuse honestly, but everyone loves to use it against those who dislike something in game, so it's only fair I do the same.

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1 hour ago, (XB1)Rust Plague said:

To prove my point, I ask Sayrn users, if you come across players who don't like your Sayrn. Play a few rounds, if you have the time to burn and don't use any of your powers. See how long it takes for them to complain about you not doing your part because they keep dyeing.

I mentioned being done with this thread but this really caught my eye.

When I choose Saryn to play for a little while, it's not as straightforward as just playing. In the majority of my games at least one person will comment about Saryn being there. Something in regards to the mission being boring exdee or that there's no point in them doing anything because I'm just a 'new' meta-chasing saryn player that will kill everything anyway. Choosing to play Saryn is me literally choosing to enjoy the frame's playstyle over potentially dealing with bs from my random teammates. Before I go in, I expect the worst so I am ready if anything does happen. I do have a clan and can play solo, but despite the potential downsides, I enjoy the excitement and pure randomness of public matchmaking.

I don't reply to rude comments but sometimes someone else will and it's not usually in Saryn's favor which ends in trying to play while 2 or 3 people bash you the whole time. This sucks because you can tell 100% that most of these players have never even built her. You can also tell that they can't connect a real person being behind the frame. There's some mob mentality versus caster frames regardless of what you do or how you have built them. Just loading into the mission and becoming visible is enough to trigger some people. GGEZ press 4 to win or your usual bait lol. Sometimes they get personal and attack specifically me as a person but I'd like to think that those players are struggling with irl issues or something and are hopefully not thinking clearly.

So, aside from all of that, I choose to play her anyway because she is very mobile and fun. Plus I think her prime variant is gorgeous. So I only use my 1 for some time unless the objective is swarmed and in danger. Then as waves progress (kuva survival/Mot btw) I will occasionally pop my 4. My Saryn isn't max range. I don't feel that max range is necessary on her because you want to sustain spore spread without killing everything with Miasma before the spores can spread further. I am not sure if this is just a theory but it seems like if you want to run max range, you need to run more enemy radar to expand the spawn radius further, which ultimately seems like a wasted mod composition given that I have 3 perfectly capable teammates at my side (most times). So 190% range is my sweet spot lately on range regardless of that theory. It's large enough to stop danger around Saryn but not enough to nuke the whole area and break my own spore chain before it can latch onto new spawn. 190% is also enough to spread spores reliably as well. (and no, the spawn doesn't instantly die.). The spores will continue ticking down on enemies further back but only the inner radius is truly suffering. Plus, this way my team seems to complain less and I also get to enjoy myself freely enough without stepping on toes.

This is getting long;; but in a kuva survival mission, I was holding back on my skills because I like to test the waters first. By this point I had only used my 4 twice. It's so odd having to play a frame that way when the playstyle is completely intended but widely scrutinized... but yeah. I hopped away for a moment to grab a stance mod and some life support across the way and the kuva pod was blown up by a napalm on wave 15. Two of my teammates standing by the pod and it still blows up. lol

Playing with randoms can be so rewarding sometimes, and I enjoy that. What I enjoy most is nothing being planned and figuring out a way to work with what I am dealt. But when I queue in and am met with toxic people who feel entitled enough to tell me what/how to play or think they know me because I chose to play a certain frame, it can suck the fun out of the entire mission. When those same people end up doing nothing the whole time just because a certain frame is present, it ruins the experience for everyone. People who think damage only frames are op or considered cheesing confuse me beyond belief. I chose to play dps and I wanted to see how dependent I was on Saryn's 4. Not much, turns out. But my team? They expected me to do it all. The moment I didn't, we lost an objective and several minutes of our time. Nobody was mad; I think they were more shocked that it happened than anything.

The last time I actually spoke to someone that told me what to do was yesterday when a Nekros demanded that the rest of the Nekros' stop using their 4 because the summons eat up enemy spawn slots. (hilariously enough there were 3 Nekros in this kuva survival team lmao). I mentioned that without using 4, we would struggle to survive. He said he could use his 4 on the pod and it would be fine. I started using my 4 again after realizing how squishy I was without it because wtf and the other teammates got really angry with me when we ran out of life support. They blamed specifically my summons until the very end instead of all the time they wasted typing when they should have been playing the mission objective. Not to mention all the time wasted when half the team is trying to avoid lethal damage instead of dealing lethal damage. We just barely extracted and I researched the claim. It was false and completely debunked by Reb on twitter back in January. Huh.


This is so friggen long I'm sorry.


TLDR; Public queue is unpredictable. Don't count on your teammates and just do your part to the best of your ability and please do not take someone elses' word as gospel without doing your own research. Max range Saryn isn't the only Saryn out there and DPS is an important role for the team, much like support. And maybe don't be a weenie about someone playing a specific frame in whatever way they choose to. Just do your own thing and eventually you will extract from a successful mission with no busted forehead vein. There is no need to get personal or confrontational as it does nobody any good in the end.

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3 hours ago, (XB1)The Neko Otaku said:

Next these people are probably going to call fo a frost nerf cause he's too good at defending. Or operators cause there too good at being a small child or just all guns cause another players got more kills than him. These people just understand how some things are more suited for some mission types over others so they whine and *@##$ about it being over powered.


Sure, Saryn has a great time in ESO, but people also oversimplify the actual work behind keeping her DoTs rolling without the falling off. You need to play active, you need to make sacrifices in certain part of your build and so on. Just like every frame she has pros and cons. And in lowbie content she is no different than any other map-wide AoE clear frame. Spores are just a wee little bonus while miasma does the big clearing work, much like the ultimate of the other frames.


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1 hour ago, (XB1)Rust Plague said:

To prove my point, I ask Sayrn users, if you come across players who don't like your Sayrn. Play a few rounds, if you have the time to burn and don't use any of your powers. See how long it takes for them to complain about you not doing your part because they keep dyeing.

This is what I do especially at Hydron. I use Miasma only when the objective is swamped but no Spores until the team starts squirming. If I run into another Saryn or DPS frame who wants to do the heavy lifting then more power to them. I gain more anyway. 

Threads like these seem to be more about bruised egos as far as I'm concerned. Instead of leaving, stick around cos that Saryn is gonna need your help in keeping up the kills and spreading her plague in the higher zones. And you'll gain a bucketload of focus and affinity. 

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1 hour ago, DeMonkey said:

Besides the potential host migrations, the others are a non issue imo. If someone leaves because a Saryn is killing things to the point where they can't have fun then the Saryn needs no help. 

However, I shall just reiterate what everyone else loves to reiterate, play solo or with friends if this bothers you. I hate that excuse honestly, but everyone loves to use it against those who dislike something in game, so it's only fair I do the same.

No, I had to hold myself back from typing the same thing, tbh.  People complain as if DE -hasn't- already offered solutions, such as Clans, Recruit Chat, etc.  It's not DE's responsibility to read our minds and program what, to my knowledge, would be the ONLY AI in the WORLD capable of just -knowing- to pair you ONLY with frames and weapons that are exactly to your specifications without you saying so or clicking options.

People can't necessarily play solo on ESO, but they also CAN put together a specific team if they so choose.   I mean, it's not like anyone seems to feel bad when I'm playing Nidus and they Amprex the hell outta my Larvae, or when I'm obviously melee'ing a group of enemies and someone comes flying over and just takes 'em out "for me".

So, I guess all I'm saying is Saryn is nothing new, and people can't pretend like they're saints and only Saryn players are somehow inconsiderate.

We're all just playing the game our way.  We pick a frame and kill stuff.  Saryn is good at that, and that's what SO is all about, so.....  Yeah, pick your own teams or play solo, but we all, collectively, need to stop trying to nerf how everyone else plays and just focus on ourselves a bit more.  It's a big Origin System, and there's plenty of enemies for everyone.

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3 часа назад, rune_me сказал:

Honestly, only DE decides what is and isn't broken.

The only thing that is broken here is your logic.

They literally created all of those warframes. And if you say "well you know, DE didn' know how powerful they are" it's you who admits their low overall intelligence and short-sightedness, not me.

They only nerf them to 1 make farming and getting items more difficult because it prolongs "gameplay" aka the grind aka it's the same and only thing in warframe 2 to promote buying or getting new warframes (even if thiose new ones are old that you didn't care to use previously) to replace the old ones when old one become obsolete due to nerfs - because no one would care about them otherwise, no one would spend 5+ formas on new items if old ones are just as good 3 to make money out of those formas and boosters and deluxe skins you dump into new frames.

Balance fro them is your inability to simply use one and the same warframe or weapon for extended period of time. It's all they care about. Nothing else.

Edited by -Temp0-
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4 minutes ago, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu said:

It's a big Origin System, and there's plenty of enemies for everyone.

That's just it though, there aren't. That's why people will either complain about Saryn, or quit the mission to find a lobby where there will be enemes.

I'm all for letting people play their way, having frames with particular roles and such, but lets be honest. Having a frame that kills every enemy before others can even see them is pretty much objectively OP, it makes all other roles basically obsolete.

I'm not calling for a nerf because I don't have a solution myself, to do so would be unconstructive, I just don't think it's even remotely fair to get uppity with anyone who leaves a mission because they're not having fun. If you aren't having fun in a video game, then quitting is entirely fair.

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I'm not calling for a nerf because I don't have a solution myself,

Simple one - stick to inviting people and playing your freaking dps solo.

I've no effing clue why Saryns even need teammates in ESO. You gain nothing anyway. You're only speeding up the next wave of nerfs with all the whinings of those who can't get over them not getting those sick killcount numbers at the end of the mission.

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2 minutes ago, -Temp0- said:

Simple one - stick to inviting people and playing your freaking dps solo.

I've no effing clue why Saryns even need teammates in ESO. You gain nothing anyway. You're only speeding up the next wave of nerfs with all the whinings of those who can't get over them not getting those sick killcount numbers at the end of the mission.

You're never going to be able to convince every DPS player to run solo, and DE aren't ever going to officially enforce it.

Would it be a solution? To some extent yes, but it's so unlikely and off base from what the game is supposed to be that it's not worth considering. 

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2 минуты назад, DeMonkey сказал:

You're never going to be able to convince every DPS player to run solo, and DE aren't ever going to officially enforce it.

Would it be a solution? To some extent yes, but it's so unlikely and off base from what the game is supposed to be that it's not worth considering. 

I mean I know that common sense is not that common but to me those who refuse to play solo while being perfectly able to are just effing nuts especially knowing that their favourite toy will get nerfed into the ground eventually as a result. This is literally the stupidest thing I can imagine.


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There's no issue with Saryn, some frames like Volt, Equinox, Banshee or Mag can clear the map in a sec as well.

Problem is about people selfish behaviour in coop games. Most people think only their own fun matters, they try to kill everything first at all cost and quite ironically can't stand much other players in a coop game.

Most people also have serious communication issues, if you don't like how one's playing Saryn perhaps you should try to ask him to not spam his 4. And if he's acting like a 12 years old spoiled child then you can still leave. Playing solo or with people you know is the best answer though, but communication can also be a good start, even if you're playing with an idiot.

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Heh..can you imagine .. ESO without dps frames...like no Saryn, Equinox, Volt, Octavia, ... just some survival frames like Limbo, Loki, Atlas, Inaros,...After zone 5 the efficiency would drop to 0 and everyone would be mad at DE for impossible game mode. Then there would be spin to win meta in ESO..what would lead to ppl arguing that other people spin too fast and not letting them spin slow. "Nerf spin" they say on forums....and with no spin to win DE will be forced to lower enemy lvl in ESO...etc ..etc..

Tbh i hated to be with Saryn with other Saryns since the spores cant spread on targets with 3 enemy spores. Then i started using support frames in ESO...and noticed that if there was no good Saryn in grp..we got much less affinity per zone.

Edited by Mover-NeRo
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31 minutes ago, -Temp0- said:

They literally created all of those warframes. And if you say "well you know, DE didn' know how powerful they are" it's you who admits their low overall intelligence and short-sightedness, not me.

Yeah because no developer ever changed, fixed, tweaked or altered something in their game after it was released. Except of course that it happens in every game ever released. 

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