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Elite Onslaught is Pointless Boredom Because of Saryn


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16 часов назад, miomima сказал:

Better delete AOE-frame as category, introduce line of sight to all abilities (because its kinda makes sense). 

Might as well just delete warframe.

Because no one who plays it does it to play such garbage.

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Saryn does not kill fun. Saryn allows it. You need focus. A lot. You need to farm it efficiently. Saryn is a necessity for farming focus in SO and ESO. Getting low numbers on Focus in SO or ESO is not fun. Having an underdeveloped Focus tree is not fun.

Saryn carries teams that are too weak to survive an Interception, or a Nightmare mode. Saryn gets you through when you are grouped with 3 Excaliburs who are on their third day of playing the game and they are trying some difficult mission for whatever (Nightmare Alert maybe).

Get Saryn. Farm focus.  Level up. Win difficult game modes. Carry weak players. Enjoy real fun. 



Edited by Xepthrichros
Edited to add a bit more of my thoughts and correct a typo
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8 minutes ago, Sahansral said:

Volt at least has to deal with armor and his damage doesn't scale, his kill speed isn't as high.

And he has less EHP. 

Yes i agree but i think my point still stands , after they nerf a AOE frame again people will adapt , i must confess i find this kinds of posts a  bit weird .I mean i dont find saryn ruining my warframe game in the least..


I mean is it a wonder a mode that rewards faster killing that promotes Aoe frames?I dont see that many saryns in Eidolons, or low level missions.

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So I go into Elite Onslaught to farm focus.

I see Saryn. I am elated. I give her my energy as Zenurik.

Sometimes I use Trinity, hoping to bump into a good Saryn.

Saryn is life. Saryn is love.

I can use Saryn myself. In moments like these, I hope I meet a nice Trinity. 

If you hate it so much, don't play pubs. Go recruit a group that does not want to farm Focus. 

Edited by Xepthrichros
Added one more nugget of my thoughts
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1 час назад, -Temp0- сказал:

Might as well just delete warframe.

Because no one who plays it does it to play such garbage.

Wow, you love this game so much %) better delete now.

And one more who thinks that he can speak for all community, and he sure know what everyone want 🙂

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7 часов назад, nathrizarri сказал:

She is a melee this is not an opinion, it's fact. Just until recently her 3 was melee only. The frames you mention are "outdated" melee frames. Saryn is a melee that can function well in the current stage and she is not the issue here, old frames with outdated kits should be reworked and buffed instead.


Sorry to inform you but she can have 2, not 3 status effects upfront in a reliable manner. Toxic lash no longer spreads with spore after rework and if you are not channel blocking with 3 active you cannot have it ranged, even so it drains so much with life strike to a point that it is unreliable. Or you can double tap 2 but it is range even with Max range is quite short and expensive.

Hell she was shipped with nikana prime and all of her promos were melee extravaganza. 

If she is killing your fun, play solo or pre-made. Volt kills my fun with ridiculously high attack speed, transforming my frame into a seizure case for doctors, but I don't go around and btch about volt nerf

Lets buff Excalibur radial javelin till it gona oneshot all enemies on map till level 1000. That what yoy want.
Oberon is a melee frame because in trailer he used Silva and Aegis :facepalm:

Edited by miomima
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Personally, the issue I take with Saryn isn't so much the damage she deals, but the way in which she can easily kill enemies she doesn't even know of. I agree that the idea of spreading a plague is great, but personally I think it'd be a lot more interesting if the spores weakened enemies, instead of auto-killing them outright. Overall, I think the idea of Saryn laying and spreading spores is fun and full of interesting gameplay, but having those spores spread and kill enemies automatically I think is what trivializes a lot of the challenge and removes interaction for everyone involved, including Saryn's allies. Here's what I'd suggest to change her:

  • Innate: Fine as is. Could probably use something with a little more gameplay (e.g. very short aura of continuous toxin damage around Saryn), but not necessary.
  • 1: Spore should probably not deal damage, but instead apply a scaling viral proc, starting at a low amount of health reduction, then scaling up the longer the infection grows, up to a high cap where enemies are bound to keel over from practically any damage source. Additionally, being unable to lay more spores, and only laying just one spore at a time, but having that do all the heavy lifting I think could help avoid a reliance on spam.
  • 2: Fine as is. Spores should continue to be castable on Molt, which should also act as a relay for spores spread through nearby enemies.
  • 3: Corrode and slow an enemy by a certain percentage for a duration. If the target is affected by spores, shooting their spores should spread this effect as well for its remaining duration, including to enemies already affected by spores, and perhaps also propagate a portion of the damage dealt.
  • 4: Should probably just deal a large amount of toxin damage to all enemies affected by spores, regardless of range, in addition to all enemies in a smaller radius, and consume all spores. This would force a tradeoff between persistent power through spores and instant damage, scaling with build-up, and with the above, would give Saryn an option to rinse and repeat if she wants to relocate her plague.

The idea here being that Saryn would have a full toolset to apply, maintain and spread spores, as well as clear rooms on occasion, but wouldn't be able to simply auto-kill everyone in the map by pressing one button and absent-mindedly waiting for the ability to do its work. She could make killing enemies much easier for her allies, as well as herself, but wouldn't be able to just take every kill for herself all of the time.

Edited by Teridax68
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Part of the problem is the game mode itself.  DE created the Saryn go to mass eliminator by putting the efficiency where mass elimination is required to go further.  I like using different frames, abilities, and weapons but ESO limited what you could use because of efficiency.  There are plenty of weapons and frames that can get kills and survive at this level but cant do it as fast as Saryn which means efficiency becomes a problem.  As for farming focus in ESO without a Saryn or Equinox, it will be hard to get noticeable amounts if not playing one of those.  ESO had potential but DE ruined with efficiency and only being able to progress with AOE abilities.  I got the lato and braton vandal finally and done with ESO for good.  Eidolon shards are a good way for focus points and you can get arcanes as well to use or sale.  

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Saryn is great for ESO. Hope you're not trying to instigate a nerf, because that's definitely what she needs. (Note the sarcasm)

If you don't like running into Saryn just make your own squad instead of pubbing it. Idk what to tell you if you can't figure that one out. 

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Pointless, if it is not Sarynn, it will be another thing to complain about....

Look at ember, mirasimulor, spin, ash, banshee, tonkor.... They get "reworked" and in the end something else took the place of "OP , press X to win, unfun".


Edited by Soketsu
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3 минуты назад, Soketsu сказал:

Pointless, if it is not Sarynn, it will be another thing to complain about....

Look at ember, mirasimulor, spin, ash, banshee, tonkor.... They get "reworked" and in the end something else took the place of "OP , press X to win, unfun".


Well right now i know only trinity+loki+rad proc+octavia abuse when you can kill enemies as fast as they spawn. That probbly only things that constantly kill lvl100+ enemies you dont even aware of besides Saryn and Equinox. Volt cant kill grineer from like lvl50-60, he just stuns them.

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vor 13 Minuten schrieb Soketsu:

Pointless, if it is not Sarynn, it will be another thing to complain about....

Look at ember, mirasimulor, spin, ash, banshee, tonkor.... They get "reworked" and in the end something else took the place of "OP , press X to win, unfun".


On the contrary, it's like trimming a hedge. Sure there may always be a branch that sticks out a bit. But in the end, It's better to make clean cuts regularly if needed than to let wild growth run rampant.

Sometimes overnerfs happen, but in the end the reworks put the game as a whole in a better place than before, no doubt.

Edited by Sahansral
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vor 14 Minuten schrieb Soketsu:

Look at ember, mirasimulor, spin, ash, banshee, tonkor

What i see is still more than viable (and in the case of Banshee arguably even more broken than before).

What's the alternative then?

Buff everything else instead til we get the following scenario?

vor 21 Stunden schrieb Kotsender_Quasimir:

This whole slippery slope argument about anyone always being no. 1 (which still doesn't mean that others wouldn't at least be able to compete (when played skillfully) if gaps weren't so extreme) could just as easily be turned around for the "buff everything instead" crowd: You buff one after another and one will still be the best so we have to buff the others some more then someone else might turn out to be the best etc. etc. until we're able to 1 shot every map with lvl 9999 mobs by press of a single button with every single frame there is, only the energy colors are different.

... Or just leave things the way they are forever because... well dunno... Saryn=bae?


vor 2 Minuten schrieb Sahansral:

On the contrary, it's like trimming a hedge. Sure there may always be a branch that sticks out a bit. But in the end, It's better to make clean cuts regularly if needed than to let wild growth run rampant.

Sometimes overnerfs happen, but in the end the reworks put the game as a whole in a better place than before, no doubt.

Thank you!

Edited by Kotsender_Quasimir
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Its not hard to make a video what frames overbuffs gona result at the end, just pick your friends, go on hydron as Saryn,Volt, Equinox and some rhino for damage buff and stomp, stay in the middle on capsule and bash 4 button onder zenurik buff and watch all exp numbers around from enemies you dont even see. That what gameplay people trying to defend.¯\_(ツ)_/¯ you can stay like that for a hour without even noticing an enemy.

But we are nazis who want to broke the game.
Game is already broken, we want to fix it, but some people against of fixing, because they have benefits from that.

Edited by miomima
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Il y a 1 heure, Sahansral a dit :

On the contrary, it's like trimming a hedge. Sure there may always be a branch that sticks out a bit. But in the end, It's better to make clean cuts regularly if needed than to let wild growth run rampant.

Sometimes overnerfs happen, but in the end the reworks put the game as a whole in a better place than before, no doubt.

Yeah and remember that time it never solve the issue ? How much time have been used, where this time could have been put on forgotten stuff like dark sectors ?

Anyway, I should have the same answer again & again since each time, nerf happen to not change a thing 😛


See you to next OP stuff to nerf XD


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11 hours ago, seprent said:

i jsut had a random thought what is the term for a group of saryns? 

A group of Saryns? Easy, same as a group of Mesas, Equinox or Volts or a mixture... a "Tryherd."

Saryn was overbuffed. No frame should have two of the best AOE powers... that -synergize- lulz... in the game while also being one of the top melee frames in the game and very tanky. That's absurd on its face and an 8 year old Hello Kitty Online player could see it, let alone a "competent professional" game designer. What a joke.

OP is right, and only scratches the surface. WF has become very hit or miss due to tryhard/crutch radial AOE spam. It's not only ESO, but EVERYWHERE. It's difficult to PUG in WF any more without some tryhard mapclearing, and usually incompetently on the wrong tiles. "Play solo, build team, clan team" all absurd retorts because this is a coop game that is judged as a game on the ability to hop in and play randomly just as much as any other way of playing. Spare it.

Hey Mr. Volt, Frost and Ms. Banshee, your max range 4 on infested tiles may be cool and all through wave five, but when the aura infested start showing up and you keep doing it? slowing down the rounds in the process? making what could have been an easy fun match an exercise in "look at muhkillz!... but never mind that the mission took far longer because of them." You are an incompetent slob padding killcount among thousands, and you aren't "gud" not in the least.

Hey Ms. Saryn and Xer Equinox, I need the stuff that mobs are dropping -way off- somewhere, and since I brought a cat to buff the team, I have to run around way off to the edges to get it. Why? So you can tryhard and map clear things that would have died 2 seconds later and closer to the team for "muhkillz?" Well OK then, I remember being an insecure teenager too.

Hey Mr. and Ms. Tryhard max range "muhkillz" teenager, when you do your crap in low level missions, lower level players don't have ANY fun. But retention is overrated, right? As long as "muhkillz." When you do it on any level of survival, you are just plain BAD.

Saryn is only top of the list, the other tryhard/crutch frames/powers need to be nerfed way down also. Use Harrow, a very well-balanced frame in need of tweaks, as a baseline.

As usual in these threads, the rationalizations and outright lies from the tryhards are amusing, so do continue them. "You hardly ever see Saryn?" Well then you hardly ever play WF. Who do you think you are kidding? You "need" radial mapclear to do ESO? No you don't. Exaggerate more.

Saryn, et al are far worse now than Radial Peacemaker (which STILL needs nerfing), perma long range WOF, old Miasma, old Bladestorm, non LOS blinds EVER were. Back in the day, those skills -were- truly needed pre weapon and other skill power creep, and yet they were still nerfed.

WF is now a mediocre game in many respects. Radial AOE powers en masse, with Saryn at the front of the line, desperately need addressing if it is to ever be a -good- game again.

Edited by Buttaface
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I love Saryn, I really do. I love playing her, I love all her abilities and how destructive she is.

However, I feel empathy towards other players. I can see why, when playing with a good Saryn, they can get bored when everything is being dissolved. This is a horde shooter game. Thus, 80% of the fun comes from killing enemies. Having a Saryn obliterate everything and leaving nothing for other players to kill might leave a stagnant taste in their mouths and, eventually, they'll come to resent the Warframe.

My proposal: Spores now drain energy per second por as long as, at least, one enemy is infected. The energy increases by X every time a Y threshold of damage is reached (1 energy per second everytime damage goes up by 1,000). If energy runs out while Spores is active or you hold down the ability, all spores explode and deal X amount of damage based off the current value (like how it was when Saryn 2.5 dropped)

With this change, you can't simply stack ridiculous amounts of damage and easily maintain it. A nerf? Maybe. Will it alleviate Saryn's eating away at everything? Probably so.

Edited by (PS4)LoisGordils
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Think of Elite Sanctuary Onslaught like Survival. When it was first implemented you couldn't go past 20min without someone playing a Nekros. But now you can feasibly go at least an hour without a nekros (though the kuva survival is questionable but probably fine). So now we have a new game mode where you you don't run all Corrosive Projection or a Saryn with a Volt and/or good Equinox you will not make it to zone 8, and there's no incentive to go past zone 8 even though you "unlocked" zone 9 doing so. And most people leave before Zone 8 even though they could get some easy plat or another radiant relic of a higher tier.

DE would have to fix how much "killing" you would have to do to progress because it seems like the more enemies in the room, the faster the efficiency drains.

i recommend DE change the system so the number of enemies effect the drain but only within a distance from "player", so technically speaking, if the map is HUGE and there are enemies on both sides but your on one side, only those enemies effect your efficiency the hardest but say they drain at 30% potential and killing enemies causes 50% potential increase per kill for example. So you lose like 1% efficiency per 2 seconds while there are enemies on the map, but you lose 3% efficiency per 2 seconds for enemies immediately within your affinity range, but you gain 4-9% efficiency per kill with having a "chain bonus" similar to getting stealth kills that lasts 6 seconds and the more enemies you effectively kill within 6 seconds the more efficiency you gain per kill. This change would make this mode fun and manageable and anyone who wants to go past say zone 16 would most likely need a Banshee to make the kills within 6 seconds and you won't see Saryn or Volt as much.

But what do i know! i'd be surprised if anyone even reads this, at least anyone who matters.

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7 minutes ago, (PS4)LoisGordils said:

The most cancerous aspect of the Warframe community.

But also the most effective (Affinity and thus Focus)...blame DE for implementing such a system not the smart people who use it


edit: and please learn how to quote. Don't just take the part you like and act like the rest doesn't exist.

10 minutes ago, GnarlsDarkley said:

I'm allowed to leech the best I can

which means the use of Buff-Rhino or EV and still doing my job

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